This Love Language Gets A Bad Reputation — But Here's What It's Really About (2024)



August 10, 2021

Contributing Sex & Relationships Editor

By Kelly Gonsalves

Contributing Sex & Relationships Editor

Kelly Gonsalves is a sex educator, relationship coach, and journalist. She received her journalism degree from Northwestern University, and her writings on sex, relationships, identity, and wellness have appeared at The Cut, Vice, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and elsewhere.

The meaning behind giftsSigns it's your love languageMisconceptions

Tips for relationships

August 10, 2021

Of the five love languages identified by marriage counselor Gary Chapman, Ph.D., perhaps the most misunderstood is the love language of giving gifts. There's an unspoken assumption that a person who prefers to receive displays of affection in the form of gifts must be materialistic or shallow—but in reality, that isn't always the case.


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What does it mean to have gift-giving as a love language?

A person who has gifts as their love language feels most loved when their partner gives them tangible items. According to Chapman's love language theory, a love language is simply a person's preferred way of receiving affection in a relationship. Gifts is one of the five love languages, alongside words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, and acts of service.

For people with gifts as a love language, the act of giving a gift serves as a gesture of affection and care because it shows the person was thinking about you while you weren't around and wanted to find a way to make you smile. The gift also becomes a physical token memorializing a moment, experience, or feeling. In other words, it's less about the specific thing that's being given and more about what that thing symbolizes.

"The present itself is nice, but it's really the thought behind it that counts," relationship coach Julie Nguyen writes at mbg. "The gift becomes an object that helps you remember they were thinking of you, which fills you with love."


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Signs your love language is gifts:

  1. Words are nice, but a physical representation of love you can hold in your hands feels so much more real and meaningful.
  2. The process of giving each other sweet, romantic presents is one of your favorite "little things" about being in a relationship.
  3. You treasure anything a partner gives you, whether it's the most expensive thing on your wish list or a single flower they plucked off the side of the road.
  4. It means a lot to you when someone puts in a lot of time or effort into a gift for you.
  5. You love surprises—they make you feel cherished.
  6. You feel really loved when someone brings you back a souvenir from a trip they went on without you.
  7. You're the type of person who really cares about birthdays, anniversaries, and other gift-giving holidays, and you'd honestly be a little hurt if your partner didn't go out of their way to get you something really special.
  8. For special occasions, thoughtful presents are really important to you: You want gifts that have a lot of meaning, personalization, and feeling behind them.
  9. You can tell the difference between a last-minute, generic gift and one that someone really put some thought into—and that difference matters a lot to you.
  10. You also love a "just because" gift, i.e., when someone brings you a small present for no real reason other than that they were thinking about you.
  11. When your partner remembers something you mentioned you wanted ages ago and gets it for you, you feel incredibly seen and loved.
  12. Little gestures of care and generosity—like when they grab coffee on their way to meet you and bring you one without even asking—feel so sweet and meaningful to you.
  13. When your date pays for you—whether it's the movie ticket, the dinner bill, or the car ride home—you take it as a sign that they must really like you.
  14. You don't expect your partner to pay for everything, but when they do it, it just makes you feel closer to them—like they're saying, you're my person, and I got you.
  15. In fact, when your partner doesn't pay for you, it sometimes makes you feel like you're unimportant to them.
  16. When your partner gives you one of their most-used pieces of clothing, you live in it—not only because it smells like them but because it was something of theirs that they clearly loved and chose to give it to you anyway.
  17. Kisses and cuddling are fun, but they aren't nearly as romantic to you as a meaningful present.
  18. You'd be more bothered by a partner not getting you anything for your birthday than by them not being available to hang out that often.
  19. You're the type of person who never throws away presents—they're too meaningful to you!


The gifts need to be expensive.

The gifts love language isn't actually about money at all—it's about the sentimentality behind the process of gift-giving. "People whose love language is receiving gifts enjoy being gifted something that is both physical and meaningful. The key is to give meaningful things that matter to them," couples' psychotherapistFariha Mahmud-Syed, MFT, CFLE, recently told mbg.

The price tag doesn't matter as much as the level of thoughtfulness, care, and effort behind the present. People with this love language appreciate small tokens of affection—like when their partner picks them up a coffee on their way to meet up—as much as the more expensive gifts.

Some folks with this love language might also love getting spoiled and having a partner who's willing to splurge on them, but again it's more about the feeling of being doted on than the actual money.

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This Love Language Gets A Bad Reputation — But Here's What It's Really About (5)

Gifts people are materialistic.

Some people assume that someone who has gifts as a love language must be materialistic, shallow, or more concerned about things than love. But that's not necessarily true.

For gifts people, gifts represent love. "The gesture of receiving a gift demonstrates that you are seen, cared for, and prized. You really thrive on the thoughtfulness behind the gesture and treasure nostalgic items," Nguyen explains.

While some gifts people might be materialistic, it's not inherent to the love language—someone with physical touch or any other love language might also happen to be materialistic. On the other hand, it's possible for someone with the gift-giving love language to not really care for physical things very much at all, but gifts from their loved ones may just be the few physical things they actually do cherish.

Gifts people could never date someone who's "broke."

Again, the point isn't that a person with this love language necessarily wants a bunch of expensive gifts, so how wealthy someone is won't necessarily matter. Small gifts can be just as sweet to receive as bigger gifts, and the most meaningful gifts might not even come with a big price tag anyway—such as a $10 scrapbook that someone clearly spent weeks filling with memories and personalized love notes.

In fact, for a gifts person, the gesture of purchasing a pricey gift or paying for a nice dinner might actually be more meaningful when it's coming from someone without a lot of financial means—because the fact that they're willing to splurge on you is all the more symbolic of how much they care, as opposed to a wealthier person who regularly spends a lot of money on everything anyway.


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Dating someone whose love language is gifts.

If you're dating someone whose love language is gifts, remember: This is one of the primary things that shows your partner that you care about them. Things like kisses, spending a lot of time together, or sweet words don't quite hold as much significance to this person—to feel really loved, they'll want to know that you're thinking about them even when you're not together and to see tangible symbols of your relationship. And gifts are the perfect way to do that.

Nguyen recommends prioritizing both special occasions (put them on the calendar and set reminders a few weeks in advance so you can plan a great gift!) as well as more spontaneous presents every now and then. "It could be as simple as a hand-picked flower from the garden or getting them a cute keychain from a favorite travel destination," she says. "Those small gestures can celebrate the relationship in a big way."

Remember: The point is not the price tag. The point is to convey care, a sense of knowing them well, and the fact that you're thinking about them through what you give.

If gifts is your love language.

Talk to your partner about why you love gifts and what types of gifts are meaningful to you! Remember that nobody is a mindreader, and they may not realize how much you value this form of love until you share it with them. Likewise, don't expect them to just magically know what kind of things you like!

It may also be helpful to have a conversation about money and the role it does or does not play in what gestures you appreciate. Money is often a source of conflict in relationships and is widely known to be a contributor to divorce, so it's important to get on the same page with partners about the way you both think about money—especially if you have the gift-giving love language.


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The bottom line.

Despite the misconceptions, having the gift-giving love language isn't materialistic or shallow. In fact, people who see gifts as one of the main ways to convey affection may even tend to be more sentimental, attached to nostalgia, and attentive to how much their partner thinks about them. Generosity is important to a healthy relationship, and it has less to do with monetary value than with wanting to give someone you love care, thoughtfulness, and joy.

The 5LOVELANGUAGES®, THE FIVELOVELANGUAGES®andLOVELANGUAGE®are trademarks owned by The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Dr. Gary D. Chapman is the author of the New York Times bestselling bookThe 5LoveLanguages.


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This Love Language Gets A Bad Reputation — But Here's What It's Really About (2024)


What not to say to someone whose love language is words of affirmation? ›

Here are some other things to avoid doing if your partner's primary love language is words of affirmation: Don't assume there is a perfect quote for every one of life's situations. Don't be mean or hurtful with your words; they take them to heart.

What is the least common love language? ›

The two least preferred love languages are acts of service (ranked first by 13% of people) and receiving gifts (7%). Younger men and women were more likely to prefer gifts than older men and women.

What are the 5 love language descriptions? ›

The “5 Love Languages” are Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch.

What is the most powerful word of affirmation? ›

Doing this will set the tone for your day and get you moving in a positive direction.
  • I am successful.
  • I am confident.
  • I am powerful.
  • I am strong.
  • I am getting better and better every day.
  • All I need is within me right now.
  • I wake up motivated.
  • I am an unstoppable force of nature.
Apr 30, 2020

Which love languages are most compatible? ›

Quality time and words of affirmation

Quality time and physical touch are two love languages that are extremely compatible in terms of showing affection and physical attraction. While one person craves the touch of their significant other, the other partner can have their quality time needs met.

What is the most love language of a girl? ›

Well, the most common love language by far is quality time for both men and women. In fact, it's chosen so frequently that it's more than twice as common as the second closest response, words of affirmation. When it comes to second place, it was a tie between physical touch and words of affirmation for most men.

What is a woman's love language? ›

Apparently there is one love language that is extremely common: quality time. In second place for women comes words of affirmation, as well as a tie between words of affirmation and physical touch for men. But quality time is SO common that it is twice as popular as the second place languages!

How many love languages does the average person have? ›

The five love languages are: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch. Each love language exists on a spectrum, and it is possible to learn to “speak” all five love languages.

Is there a sixth love language? ›

“I've seen some of those — you know, 'The sixth love language is tacos,' and one guy said, 'The sixth love language is chocolate,'” he said. “Well, if they bought it, it's a gift. If they made it, it's an act of service. I'm not dogmatic, but I think most of the ways of expressing love fit into one of these five.”

How does a woman show love to a man? ›

In plain language: Men often feel most loved by the women in their lives when their partners hug them, kiss them, smile at them, and explicitly offer gratitude, praise, and words of affection. Men also feel loved and connected through sexuality, often to a greater degree than women do.

What are the 10 languages of love? ›

10 Examples of the Love Languages
  • Words of Affirmation. When was the last time you told your partner how wonderful he is, how much he means to you, and why you love him? ...
  • Gifts (the most common love language on anniversaries and birthdays) ...
  • Acts of Service. ...
  • Quality Time. ...
  • Physical Touch.
Aug 2, 2022

Are there 7 or 5 love languages? ›

There are five love languages: Words of Affirmation, Acts of Service, Receiving Gifts, Quality Time, and Physical Touch. Each one is important and expresses love in its own way. Learning your partner's and your own primary love language will help create a stronger bond in your relationship.

Do long distance relationships last? ›

First of all, be comforted in knowing that long distance relationships can absolutely succeed. In fact, most couples find themselves geographically separated at some point during their dating or marriage relationship. Many couples even point to a season of long distance as the cornerstone of a stronger relationship.

Can you have multiple love languages? ›

Because you two are different people, it's okay to have different love languages. However, loving someone sometimes requires you tailor yourself to their needs.

Do affirmations backfire? ›

Yes, positive affirmations and positive thinking can be quite helpful for some, if not most people. But for others, repeating positive affirmations can backfire, especially for people who may need it the most!

What are some deep affirmations to say? ›

50 Positive Affirmations That Will Change Your Life
  • I'm allowed to take up space.
  • My past is not a reflection of my future.
  • I am strong enough to make my own decisions.
  • I'm in control of how I react to others.
  • I choose peace.
  • I'm courageous and stand up for myself.
  • I will succeed today. ...
  • I deserve to feel joy.
Apr 3, 2022

Are Positive affirmations toxic? ›

Even positive affirmations can become toxic. If we say something to ourselves that we do not truly believe, we can experience a disconnect between where we are in life and what expectations we place on ourselves, which can lead to guilt, shame, and a feeling that there is something intrinsically wrong with us.

What is the most complex Romance language? ›

Romanian is widely considered to be the trickiest of the Romance languages to learn, due to the challenge that mastering its grammar poses. French and Spanish are sometimes cited as being difficult, too.

What love language is compatible with physical touch? ›

Kissing, hugging, holding hands, and sex are all ways of showing love through the physical touch love language.

Can a marriage work with different love languages? ›

Can a Relationship Survive If the Couple Has Different Love Languages? Yes, Claney says. “It may mean that each individual has to be conscious about loving each other within their love language, but there's nothing that is necessarily incompatible about having these differences,” Claney says.

What's the most attractive language? ›

Here are (in no particular order) the 10 most beautiful languages in the world, according to Busuu's experts
  • Italian. When it comes to the most attractive languages, for many people the native language of Italy likely springs to mind. ...
  • Arabic. ...
  • English. ...
  • (Brazilian) Portuguese. ...
  • 5. Japanese. ...
  • Turkish. ...
  • French.
Jul 1, 2021

What's a perfect love language? ›

These are words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and receiving gifts. Knowing your partner's love language and letting them know yours is a way to help you both feel loved and appreciated.

What is the most romantic language to say my love? ›

Top 10 Most Romantic Languages to Say I Love You
  • Italian – Ti amo.
  • French – Je t'aime.
  • Portuguese – Eu te amo.
  • Spanish – Te amo or Te quiero.
  • Romanian – Te iubesc.
  • German – Ich liebe dich.
  • Polish – Kocham Cię.
  • Mandarin Chinese – Wǒ ài nǐ.
Feb 12, 2021

How do you know if you love someone or just used to them? ›

When you're in love with someone, you'll start to develop strong compassion for them. The powerful urge to be connected to this person brings new aspects to your relationship, such as emotional or physical intimacy, passion, and a desire to know everything about them, and be known by them in return.

Can your love language change? ›

It's important to note that love languages are not set in stone—rather, they are malleable, says Dr. Lev. Most people have more than one love language, and they can also change and shift over time.

Does God have a love language? ›

God's love language is OBEDIENCE. Jesus Christ couldn't be any clearer in John 14:15: If you love me, keep My commandments.” For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments.

Is every guys love language touch? ›

If you ask any man off the street what his love language is, chances are that he will tell you it's physical touch. That may be true and it may not be—as Dr. Gary Chapman explains in The Five Love Languages, many men interpret their desire for sex to be an indication of physical touch as their love language.

Are love languages inherited? ›

So, do I think love languages are genetic? Maybe not biologically … but they are definitely inherited, so to speak. I think it's interesting all the little things that our children pick up from us, including how we show affection toward one another and also how we receive it.

What Are The 5 Love Languages for adults? ›

Here's a look at the five languages and how they can be applied and optimized — even during a pandemic.
  • Love language #1: Words of affirmation. ...
  • Love language #2: Acts of service. ...
  • Love language #3: Gifts. ...
  • Love language #4: Quality time. ...
  • Love language #5: Physical touch.
Feb 8, 2021

Can alone time be a love language? ›

07:40 The gift of personal space and solitude is presumed by many as the 6th love language. This act of love and care is particularly helpful to introverts, highly-sensitive, and artistic people. 09:48 Practicing this love language helps empaths achieve clarity on things they've been contemplating about.

What love language is food? ›

Although food has NOT YET been officially recognised as one of the love languages, as you can see, food is by default, the sixth language. So, the long and short of it is, when it comes to showing someone how much you care for them over Valentine's Day, make sure that you include food!

What are the 3 things a woman wants in a man? ›

Women desire a man who is honorable, fair, and ethical. In terms of relationships, having integrity can help strengthen the bond a man has with a woman, as his moral principles will guide his behavior and help him to be the best partner that he can be.

Who is more likely to break up in a relationship? ›

While it is established that about half of all marriages end in divorce, it is commonly assumed that the breakups are initiated by both genders equally. In fact, it is surprising to most people that women are actually more likely to end their marriages than men.

What makes men fall in love? ›

Physical attraction, sexual compatibility, empathy, and emotional connection are key to making a man fall in love with a woman.

What is the 7th love language? ›

This is where the 7th love language comes in. Again, this is just a theory: I believe that the 7th love language is quantity time. And I think that a lot of people (specifically, women I've dated) who identify quality time as their love language actually mean quantity time.

What is the biggest romance language? ›

1. Spanish. Spanish is the most spoken of the Romance languages, with around 75% of today's Spanish vocabulary coming from Latin. After Mandarin Chinese, Spanish is the second most spoken native language worldwide.

What are the 12 Romance languages? ›

The full list of Romance languages is pretty long: Aragonese, Aromanian, Asturian, Arpitan, Catalan, Corsican, Emilian, Extremaduran, Fala, French, Cajun French, Friulian, Galician, Istriot, Italian, Jèrriais, Judeo-Italian, Ladin, Ladino, Ligurian, Lombard, Minderico, Mirandese, Napoletano-Calabrese, Occitan, Picard, ...

How often do long-distance couples see each other? ›

According to Dr. Guldner at The Center for the Study of Long-distance Relationships, the average couple visits each other 1.5 times a month. In some cases, partners have to go months without seeing each other.

How often should long-distance couples see each other? ›

Meet in Person Regularly

“It's important to see each other as much as possible,” said Patel. “I know depending on the distance it can feel hard, but it's important.” She said the goal is to see one another in person at least quarterly. Even better is if you can make it work to see each other monthly.

How do you know when a long-distance relationship is over? ›

How To Tell It's Time To End Your Long-Distance Relationship
  • It's hard to communicate.
  • The relationship feels one-sided. ADVERTIsem*nT.
  • You can't trust your partner.
  • Your partner's friends don't know about you.
  • You hardly ever see each other.
  • You're not happy with your sex life.
  • You're not on the same page about the future.
Sep 9, 2019

Should you have the same love language as your partner? ›

“Having a 'ying to your yang' is always good,” explains Christiana Maxion, an international dating coach and matchmaker. “It's not essential to have the same love language at all, but it is important to be 'on the same page' so you can send and receive love in a way that suits you both.”

Do love languages have to be compatible? ›

Do your love languages need to be compatible? While you and your partner do not need to share the same love language, it does make it easier to express and receive love from each other. However, it is just as easy to express love toward your partner if you understand their love language and enjoy speaking it.

How do I get my partner to understand my love language? ›

Ask them to translate

You might not understand their Love Language® from the get-go, and that's okay. You can always ask your partner to translate it for you. If you can't wrap your head around their obsession to spend time together, ask them why it's that important to them and try to see the beauty of it.

What to do if someone's love language is words of affirmation? ›

5 Ways to Use Words of Affirmation
  1. Communicate frequently. People with the words of affirmation love language value communication, so sending text messages throughout the day to check in is an excellent way to show you care.
  2. Give a compliment. ...
  3. Pen thank you notes. ...
  4. Share heartfelt statements. ...
  5. Write love letters.
Jul 27, 2022

What to get someone whose love language is words of affirmation? ›

6 Gifts To Give A Partner Whose Love Language Is Words Of...
  • Write A Love Letter. YakobchukOlena/Fotolia. ...
  • Proclaim Your Love Publicly. Ashley Batz/Bustle. ...
  • Talk Dirty During Sex. Ashley Batz/Bustle. ...
  • Make Them A Mix CD. merla/Fotolia. ...
  • Get Creative With Post-It Notes. E/Fotolia. ...
  • A Book Of Love Quotes. Mediteraneo/Fotolia.
Aug 28, 2018

What does it mean if my partner's love language is words of affirmation? ›

If your primary love language is Words of Affirmation, then your partner's appreciation and love are best affirmed to you through words (makes sense, right?). You feel love when your partner tells you how attractive you look or when they say how proud of you they are after you accomplish something.

Is words of affirmation narcissistic? ›

When Narcissists are using words of affirmation to express love, their intention behind that is a self-serving motive whereas empaths use words of affirmation to express their genuine love and care.

How do you date someone with a love language acts of service? ›

What to Do If Your Partner's Love Language Is Acts of Service
  1. Show, don't tell. ...
  2. Give each effort 100%. ...
  3. Realize that no act is irrelevant. ...
  4. Keep an open mind. ...
  5. Don't drop the ball. ...
  6. Identify their favorite acts. ...
  7. Embrace spontaneity. ...
  8. Don't go overboard.
Nov 19, 2019

Can you marry someone with a different love language? ›

If you and your partner have different love languages, don't worry. Everyone has their own way of how they like to show and be shown love, and you and your partner don't have to speak the same love language in order to have a happy and healthy relationship.

How do you deal with conflicting love languages? ›

10 Things to do when couple have different Love Languages®
  1. Discover your love languages® ...
  2. Learn more about the Love Languages® ...
  3. Express your needs clearly. ...
  4. Accept your partner's Love Language® ...
  5. Ask them to translate. ...
  6. Speak their language, not yours. ...
  7. Compromise. ...
  8. Be willing to cope with change.
Jan 31, 2022

What are the 7 affirmations? ›

7 Affirmations For Your Wellbeing
  • I am enough.
  • I believe in my dreams, myself, and all that I am.
  • I love myself for who I am.
  • I create my own happiness.
  • My life is filled with abundance of goodness.
  • My challenges are actually opportunities.
  • I am beautiful just the way I am.
Feb 4, 2022

What to do when you tell someone you love them and they don t say it back? ›

  1. Give Yourself A Break. ...
  2. Keep Calm. ...
  3. Give Your Partner Time To Process What You Said. ...
  4. Keep Moving Forward. ...
  5. Leave The Issue Alone For A While. ...
  6. Don't Let This Discourage You. ...
  7. Try To Understand Where You Partner Is Coming From. ...
  8. Be Grateful For The Connection You Two Have.
Jan 9, 2019

What words of affirmation do men like to hear? ›

Words Of Affirmation For Men
  • I love the way you always take care of me.
  • I appreciate that you never push and always allow me to be myself.
  • I love our relationship because we can talk about anything together, no judgments!
  • You're such a great listener, the best companion anyone could ever ask for!

Why do I need so much affirmation from my partner? ›

You're not alone — many people may experience doubt in a relationship and may occasionally need reassurance. Your need for reassurance could stem from general self-esteem issues or a history of toxic relationships.

When you and your partner have opposite love languages? ›

“It's normal to have different languages, but the key is to be clear with your partner about what you are needing versus assuming that since they know, they 'should' be delivering on it.” A tip to keep couples on track to giving and receiving love is to ask one another throughout the day “Do you need anything?”

How narcissists affect empaths? ›

Narcissists manipulate empaths by stringing them along with intermittent hope. They will integrate compliments and kindness into their behaviour, making their victim believe that if they behave in the correct manner, they will get the loving person back who they once knew.

Are narcissist emotionally intelligent? ›

Some narcissists have supreme confidence in themselves, and also have the emotional intelligence — the ability to read people and to act accordingly — to nurture lasting allies. At the extreme of both, such a person could be a presidential candidate or a manipulative sociopath — or both.

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