Does She Love Me? 13 Signs That She's Falling In Love (2024)

Let’s be honest guys—most of you aren’t great at picking up on subtle hints or clues when it comes to, well, a lotthings. If someone’s not being direct with you, chances are you’ll be left feeling confused.So when it comes to the woman you’re dating, how can you tell she’s falling in love with you without directly asking her? If you find yourself asking, Does she love me? we’ve got a few things you should pay attention to that may give you some clues.

Here are 13 subtle signs she doesn’t just like you, but she’s falling head over heels for you:

‘Does she love me?’ Here are the signs she does!

1. She talks about you as a couple
When your girlfriend starts referring to you and her as “we” or “us”, it means she thinks of you as a team. You’re not just some guy she’s dating anymore—she sees you as an integral part of her and her life.

Listen out for these cues when she speaks. If she’s still saying “you” and “me” most of the time, she might not be there just yet.

2. She’s always there for you.
It doesn’t matter what time you call her, or where she is—she answers and will talk to you and be there for you in your times of need.

She’s never too busy to make time for you, she’s patient with you, and she wants to help you work through any problems or worries you’re dealing with—because she sees them as her own problems.

3. She’s often smiling at you.
A genuine smile is an obvious sign of joy and happiness. So if your lady is smiling when she’s with you a lot, it’s because being around you makes her incredibly happy.

It’s no secret that women (and men) smile at the things they’re attracted to, so if you keep on catching her with a smile on her face, she is definitely smitten.

4. She starts making long term plans.
If your girlfriend starts to plan weekends away or vacations for the two of you that are more than 2 months in advance, it’s because she sees this as a long term thing. She sees you in her future—especially if said plans involve her close friends or family.

This kind of long term commitment is only usually demonstrated by people who are in love.

5. Her friends are now your friends.
If your girlfriend is in love with you, her friends probably know already. And if they do, they’ll make an extra special effort to add you on social network sites, meet up with you as a couple, and get to know you better. Because they know how much you mean to her, and that you’re probably gonna be around for the long haul.

6. She makes prolonged eye contact.
When you’re talking to your girlfriend, and you find her staring deeply into your eyes while you’re speaking, without faltering, she is totally besotted with you. This is one of the universal signs of attraction.

7. She supports your passions.
The difference between someone who likes you and someone who loves you, is she’ll be the biggest supporter of your interests and passions, even if they don’t interest her at all.

If she’s making time to support you and cheer you on, it’s because she wants you to be happy and she wants to see you succeed in what you love. Only someone who’s in love will behave so selflessly like this.

8. She opens up to you.
Most women tend to hold back when it comes to sharing intimate details of their life with men. If she’s opening up to you and volunteering personal stories or details, it’s because she sees you as someone special, and someone she can trust.

She’s also letting you know that she feels comfortable with you, and wants you both to get to know each other on a deeper level.

9. She teases you a lot.
If she behaves a little childishly when she’s around you, and can’t help but tease you like you’re back in 4th grade, that can be another sign she’s fallen for you. This might be something you both enjoy doing to one another!

10. She wants to get to know your friends.
Your girlfriend knows how much your close friends mean to you, and that they know you better than most people do. If she loves you, chances are she’ll want to get to know them just as well as you, so she can learn more about who you are.

11. She doesn’t try to change you.
When a woman loves you, she accepts every part of who you are. This includes all of the good things, as well as those annoying habits that you both have.

If she’s in love with you, she’ll never try and change fundamental parts of your personality or your values, because they make you who you are.

12. She does the little things for you.
It really is the little things in relationships that matter, because over time they stack up and become the big things. Like when she brings you coffee when you’re sleeping in on a Sunday morning, or she picks up your favourite candy bar and surprises you with it, or she leaves you a cute note on the windscreen of your car so you go to work in a good mood.

If she bothers to make an effort when it comes to the little things, it’s because she cares for you deeply.

13. She tells you!
Most people don’t say these words easily, out of fear of not having their feelings returned, and feeling rejected. So if she tells you she loves you, she probably means it.And when she does, acknowledge what it took for her to put her heart on the line like that, make sure she feels secure and loved back.

Does She Love Me? 13 Signs That She's Falling In Love (2024)


How does a woman act when she's falling in love? ›

She behaves spontaneously around you

What is this? If she starts behaving spontaneously in your presence, showing her most authentic self, revealing what she truly feels, then it means that you make her feel comfortable and loved. And this is one of the most important signs she's falling in love with you.

At what age do girls start falling in love? ›

And it turns out that for most people it happens when they're quite young, with 55 percent of people saying they first fell in love between the ages of 15 and 18! Twenty percent of us then fall in love between the ages of 19 an 21, so around the time you're at university or working your first real job.

When a woman is truly in love? ›

A woman who truly loves would not only be sweet and nice to her man whenever she needs something from him. If your girlfriend loves you, she would be consistent in treating you, even when you are not doing anything for her. Also, as much as possible, she would not ask anything from you.

How do you know if a girl is serious about you? ›

Here are the 20 signs she wants a serious relationship with you:
  • She finds you to be funny. ...
  • She is curious about you. ...
  • She is enthusiastic about meeting your family and friends. ...
  • You often find her stealing glances at you. ...
  • She remembers what you tell her. ...
  • She spoils you. ...
  • You become her go-to person. ...
  • She texts you regularly.
16 Sept 2021

What are 5 signs a girl likes you? ›

Signs a Girl Likes You
  • She reschedules a date she can't make. ...
  • She makes an effort to continue the conversation. ...
  • She compliments you and tries to make you feel good. ...
  • She's clearly nervous around you. ...
  • Her body language is inviting. ...
  • She remembers things you tell her. ...
  • You catch her staring at you on multiple occasions.
29 Sept 2020

What shows a girl loves you? ›

Look for eye contact. If a girl looks down when she first sees you, or if she lowers her head while smiling, it's a strong indicator that she's attracted to you. It can be hard to look someone in the eye when you have strong feelings that are not yet exposed.

What are symptoms of love? ›

Here's what these feelings might look like in action.
  • You feel charged and euphoric around them. ...
  • You can't wait to see them again — even when they've just left. ...
  • Everything feels exciting and new. ...
  • You always make time for them. ...
  • You don't mind making sacrifices for them. ...
  • You have fantastic sex. ...
  • You idealize them.
16 Dec 2019

What age is true love? ›

And, according to the findings, the average age you'll find your partner varies from gender to gender. That's right - the research found that the average woman finds their life partner at the age of 25, while for men, they're more likely to find their soulmate at 28.

How do you know if it's love or attraction? ›

Love is all about what you do your best to make that person happier. Whereas, the attraction is all about fulfilling your self-satisfaction and your own needs. Love is all about deep connection whereas attraction is all about physical affection. As the attraction is shallow but love is deep.

Which age is perfect for love? ›

And though for most people it happens young, it's certainly not true for everyone. They found 55 percent of people fall in love for the first time between the ages of 15 and 18.

How many times does a woman fall in love? ›

A study has shown that a person can fall in love at least three times in their lifetime. However, each one of these relationships can happen in a different light from the one before and each one serves as a different purpose.

How do you know if a girl loves you without telling you? ›

21 Sure Signs That She Loves You
  1. Does She Remember Small Details About You? ...
  2. Does She Flirt Exclusively With You? ...
  3. Does She Always Speak Highly Of You? ...
  4. Are You Her Best Friend? ...
  5. Does She Go Out Of Her Way To Make You Smile? ...
  6. Does She Worry About You? ...
  7. Does She Show Interest In Your Personal Life? ...
  8. Does She Prioritize You?

Does she have a crush on me? ›

Things You Should Know. Catching her staring at you is the biggest sign she has a crush. Look for other telltale cues like blushing, giggling, or making excuses to be together. Listen carefully to what she says—if she asks you about your crushes or talks about how she wants a boyfriend, she's dropping you some hints.

How do you tell if a girl likes you more than a friend? ›

Does She Like Me as More than a Friend? 19 Signs She Does
  1. 1 She touches you.
  2. 2 She holds eye contact.
  3. 3 She interacts with all your social media posts.
  4. 4 She gives you lots of compliments.
  5. 5 She asks you to hang out a lot.
  6. 6 She laughs at your jokes.
  7. 7 She tries to make you laugh.
  8. 8 She appears nervous around you.
25 Oct 2022

What makes a girl to love you more? ›

Nourish the Love between You

Don't wait for a special occasion (Birthday, Anniversary, Valentine's Day, etc.) to shower your love with attention. Bring her flowers just because. Take her on a surprise date. Tell her how much she means to you so you're continually “demonstrating” how special she is to you.

Who falls in love faster? ›

In fact, researchers found that men thought about confessing love six weeks earlier, on average, than women. The general consensus among studies on love is that men fall in love faster than women.

What triggers falling in love? ›

The initial happy feelings of being in love is stimulated by 3 chemicals in the brain: noradrenaline that stimulates adrenaline production causing that racing heart and sweaty palms; dopamine, the feel-good chemical; and phenylethylamine that is released when we're near our crush, giving us butterflies in our tummies.

What are the 8 signs of love? ›

8 Signs of True Love
  • You understand each other. ...
  • You respect one another. ...
  • You look out for each other. ...
  • You're supportive of one another. ...
  • You're patient with each other. ...
  • You're both willing to compromise. ...
  • You're not interested in anyone else. ...
  • You change each other for the better.

What is average age for first kiss? ›

Though the average age for young people to experience a first kiss is fifteen, there is absolutely no reason to rush into it because “everyone else is doing it” or you want to feel “normal.” After all, what good is a kiss if it comes with a side of regret?

Can true love happen 13? ›

TL;DR: Teens can absolutely fall in love. Adults might tell you that your brain is still developing, and that's true; in fact, it'll continue to develop well into your twenties.

What happens when you meet your soulmate? ›

Thus, when you meet your soulmate, you have found someone who balances you, makes you happy, understands you, and wants you just as much as you want them. They also happen to, directly and indirectly, affect your relationship with others. You become social, approachable, and better at connecting to people.

How do you test someone for love? ›

How do you know when you're in love?
  1. Your thoughts return to them regularly. ...
  2. You feel safe with them. ...
  3. Life feels more exciting. ...
  4. You want to spend a lot of time together. ...
  5. You feel a little jealous of other people in their life. ...
  6. You feel compassion for them.

What are the signs of a soulmate? ›

If you are in a trusting, positive friendship with your SO, that's an amazing sign!
  • Being with them feels like home. ...
  • You balance each other out. ...
  • You respect each other's differences, but agree about the important things. ...
  • You challenge each other. ...
  • You can totally be yourself. ...
  • You fight for the relationship.
29 Aug 2022

What are the first signs of attraction? ›

Physical signs of attraction:
  • Pupils dilate when they look at you. ...
  • Blushing and flushed skin. ...
  • Tonal voice changes. ...
  • Open body language. ...
  • Leaning closer to you. ...
  • Mirroring your behavior. ...
  • Sneaky gestures to enhance their appearance. ...
  • Increase in body temperature.
19 Dec 2020

What age gap is too big? ›

Studies have found partners with more than a 10-year gap in age experience social disapproval. But when it comes to our own relationships, both men and women prefer someone their own age, but are open to someone 10-15 years their junior or senior.

How much of an age gap is OK? ›

"Half-your-age-plus-seven" rule

An often-asserted rule of thumb to determine whether an age difference is socially acceptable holds that a person should never date someone whose age is less than half their own plus seven years.

What age should girls marry? ›

The Narendra Modi government in March announced its decision to increase the age of marriage for women from 18 to 21 years under the Prohibition of Child Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 2021.

How do I test her feelings for me? ›

Smiling at you, touching you, or wanting to be around you are some signs showing her interest in you. Her open body language, nervous actions, and personal questions will help you know her feelings. She finds all possibilities to complement you.

What are the signs she doesn't love you? ›

Here are a few of them:
  • She starts making plans without you. ...
  • She starts avoiding you. ...
  • She only calls you when she needs you. ...
  • She doesn't compromise. ...
  • She isn't completely present around you. ...
  • Arguments happen all too often. ...
  • She lies about where she's been and who's with her.
12 Mar 2022

What keeps a girl interested? ›

Create a strong bond by maintaining physical contact, talking about your relationship, and making time for just the two of you. Put effort into the relationship and make sure to fulfill her needs. Keep things exciting by trying new activities, taking on challenges together, and being adventurous and spontaneous.

How to know if a girl is hiding her feelings and secretly wants you? ›

35 Signs She Is Hiding Her Feelings For You
  • She Makes Plans With You. ...
  • Her Friends Know About You. ...
  • She Wants To Know About Other Girls In Your Life. ...
  • She Is Available For You. ...
  • She Looks For You. ...
  • She Knows Every Detail About You. ...
  • She Shares Her Personal Information With You. ...
  • You Notice A Difference In Her Behavior.
1 Dec 2022

Why do girls hide their love? ›

She could be veiling her emotions and more so if she is shy or apprehensive about being rejected. Or perhaps it is too soon for her to understand her feelings. If she likes you but is not ready to confess, she might be dropping subtle hints for you to pick up and make the next move.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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