Welcoming and Greeting Guests in a Restaurant: A How to Guide (2024)

It’s often said that first impressions are the last impressions. That’s why it’s vital to make sure that your establishment offers excellent customer service. Indeed, the provision of a warm welcome and ongoing attentiveness can be one of the things that sets you apart from the competition, ultimately helping to drive loyalty with customers.

The statistics show that after just one negative experience at a restaurant, 51% of customers will never do business with that company again. Just imagine choosing to dine at a fine dining restaurant and no one greets you or walks to your table, how would you feel about that experience?

That’s why when guests choose to dine at your restaurant the welcome is important. The way they receive this welcome will set the tone for the rest of the dining experience. Your host needs to make guests feel welcome in their initial interaction, and it needs to continue throughout the whole experience. The reputation of your venue could depend on it.

We’ve put together some tips to make sure you, and your staff, are welcoming and greeting guests in your restaurant in the best way possible.

Show a genuine interest

The host charged with greeting guests should always do so with a warm and welcoming attitude. Since this is the initial rapport with your customers, it’s crucial that it is done so in a genuine and polite manner.

Establish a standard type of greeting that your restaurant hosts can use, and make sure that they are asking about your customers’ needs, while expressing real concern for any special requests.

Hosts need to make guests feel comfortable, and also offer extra assistance to any disabled or elderly guests, like seating them closer to the doorways. And always remember to smile.

Strategically seat guests

To reduce frustration and wait times, pre-plan the seating arrangements ahead of time. This preparation will ensure that your guest’s reservations are all honored correctly and allow for better management of walk-ins at your restaurant.

Common sense is usually the best tool to help determine where to seat guests. Tables will need to be allocated according to the party size or the number of guests and the host will need to be strategic in placement of the tables.

Couples may prefer a corner or niche area to enjoy a more romantic experience; and larger, noisier parties would be better suited to private dining spaces or in the back to avoid other guests feeling discomfort. Some guests may request certain seating areas, and if the situation permits, it is always best to try to accommodate such requests. In fact, 65% of diners say that having their seating preferences satisfied makes them more likely to return.

Provide accurate wait times

To avoid impacting the customer's dining experience, it is important that the host provides true and accurate wait times. Most guests will be more accepting of a wait at a restaurant if they are pre-advised with an accurate forecast.

Although honesty with wait times can lead to a higher chance of guest abandonment, customers will certainly appreciate the information.

Keep calm and positive

The hospitality industry can be tough, but it’s important to remember that no matter what happens, hosts need to keep calm and be positive. A positive attitude will help improve even the worst situation.

Providing the best experience possible for guests is the most important factor. So, if the guest has a complaint about food or some other issue, handling it with a calm and positive attitude can make all the difference to the customer service experience.

Provide menus

It’s also best practice to provide guests with the drinks and food menus when seating them. This gives the customers time to look at the menu while waiting for the server to arrive and complete orders.

As an additional bonus, have your hosts take initial drinks orders, or at least bring water to the table for those thirsty diners. This can make customers feel extremely welcome and comfortable.

Act with kindness even when busy

One of the hardest elements to manage is responding promptly during busy times. Hosts and servers will be juggling many different tasks during busy periods. However, these are the times when it is most important to greet and respond to guests promptly.

Even though it’s hard to provide the same level of service compared to quiet times, it’s important to still take the time to greet and serve customers to that same standard.

When restaurants are busy, it’s also possible that customers have been a little neglected by servers. So if they flag you down, always acknowledge and respond with kindness and understanding.

Examples of what to say when greeting guests

Even though this task will generally be the job of the hosts, it’s also important that every employee is trained to greet guests as well.

Developing a general phrase that can be used as a standard welcome is ideal.

For example:“Good Morning/Afternoon/evening, welcome to XYZ (Restaurant Name)"

Ask about reservations and any special requirements

  • Politely ask “Do you have any reservations?” to ensure you know whether to look for them or find a table
  • If they do have a booking, follow up with “Can I please have your name?”
  • After checking the reservation, repeat the details back to them “Absolutely (address by name if appropriate). You have a table booked for (Number of guests).
  • If they don’t have a reservation, ask the diner “How many will be dining this evening?” and if you do have space ask if they have any preferences.
  • With space established, ask about any special requirements. Is there a child in the group and will you be needing a high chair, are there strict dietary requirements?

Lead Guests to their table

When seating the guests, it’s important for the host to maintain eye contact, and continue smiling in the same friendly manner. To avoid any confusion, have the host lead the way to the table and be careful not to walk too fast.

Additionally, when you reach the table, check with the guests that this area is right for them, giving them the opportunity to confirm their expectations.

After seating the guests

Once the guests are seated, implement the above tips. Provide the guests with the menus and offer to take a drinks order.

Before the host leaves, ask if there is anything else they need and wish the guests a pleasant evening. At this point, a service staff member will take over and complete the next steps.

In Conclusion

It is always beneficial to be polite and courteous when greeting a guest at your restaurant. Proper training of all staff members on correct greeting practices will ensure there are no gaps in service and better maintain the level of service.

Welcoming and Greeting Guests in a Restaurant: A How to Guide (2024)


How do you greet and welcome the guest in a restaurant? ›

Keep your posture and facial expressions open and welcoming. Stand up straight, look customers in the eye, and wear a friendly smile. Even if you are staffing a drive-through, it's important to smile; a positive facial expression reflects itself in the tone of your voice.

Why is it important to greet and welcome guest in the restaurant? ›

A warm and sincere welcome gives a sense of caring and makes people feel appreciated, as well as making them feel that they have made a good choice in using a business in preference to others. Nurturing these relationships is a crucial part of growing a successful business – this takes time, commitment and enthusiasm.

What is the most important factor to show in greeting guests? ›

Warmly greeting guests with a smile, asking appropriate questions, and getting them on their way are all very important factors in how a visitor is treated. If your receptionist is harried from being overworked, or having too many interruptions, this part of the visitor experience may be less than positive.

What is the first thing to do in welcoming the guest? ›

Friendly Communication. As soon as a guest enters, the host should greet them warmly with a smile. This is the initial rapport that is built with your customer. The host must be polite, asking about the diner's needs and showing genuine concern.

What are simple rules for welcoming guests? ›

  • Clean the important parts. This comes down to two key spaces: the bathrooms and the guest room (or wherever the guest will be sleeping). ...
  • Clean sheets and clean towels. ...
  • Buy nice toilet paper and soap. ...
  • Air out the house in advance. ...
  • Serve drinks immediately. ...
  • Plan meals in advance. ...
  • Give enough space. ...
  • Enjoy it.
4 Dec 2018

How do you talk to guests in a restaurant? ›

Speak Appropriately
  1. Greet your diners the minute they walk in the door.
  2. Use respectful titles – sir, ma'am and miss work well.
  3. Don't interrupt.
  4. Listen intently and pay attention to what they want.
  5. Be thoroughly versed on your menu. Ask questions and repeat their orders to make sure you get it right.

Why first impression are extremely important in welcoming and greeting the guest? ›

The Importance of a First Impression

It takes 10 seconds for somebody to decide whether they like you or they don't. That's it! A first impression is critical in the hospitality industry because your guest decides immediately whether they feel that you are for them or against them.

What is greeting and importance of greeting? ›

Greeting is an act of communication in which human beings intentionally make their presence known to each other, to show attention to, and to suggest a type of relationship (usually cordial) or social status (formal or informal) between individuals or groups of people coming in contact with each other.

Why is it important to greet customers properly? ›

Why is it important to greet customers? Greeting customers when they enter your store shows them you value their business and are willing to help. Greetings give you the chance to make a positive first impression and set the tone for the entire buying experience.

What are the five steps of greeting? ›

5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer
  • 1) Smile with your greeting. Sam Walton was probably onto something when he hired employees to specifically greet customers entering the store. ...
  • 2) Stop what you are doing. ...
  • 3) Show, don't tell. ...
  • 4) Ask questions. ...
  • 5) Dress professionally.
20 Oct 2022

What are the four important elements to successfully welcome the customers in a restaurant? ›

The dress, the behaviour, the attitude of the staff but also the cleanliness of the premises, are going to be important elements to successfully welcome a guest.

What is the rule you use while welcoming customers? ›

The 10 and 5 rule is famous in the hospitality industry as a simple reminder to consistently greet people that you encounter. When customers are 10 feet away from you, use a non-verbal greeting such as a smile or a wave. When customers are 5 feet away from you, greet them verbally.

How do you communicate effectively with guests? ›

Here's what you can do to get it right…
  1. Keep communication with your guests regular.
  2. Maintain a consistent level of guest service.
  3. Body language towards your guests is equally important.
  4. Keep lines of communication with your guests open.
  5. Be accessible to all guests.

How can I be a better host at a restaurant? ›

Restaurant Host Training Tips
  1. Open the door for guests. Forget the podium… plant the host by the door and make sure they make eye contact, smile and make a personal greeting.
  2. Use names. ...
  3. Sell the wait. ...
  4. Teach everyone to greet guests.

What are appropriate things to say to guests? ›

Here are the five hospitality expressions that matter to our guests.
  • “It's My Pleasure…” / “I Am Happy To…” ...
  • “Thank You…” / “We Appreciate…” ...
  • “Welcome…” ...
  • “Is There Anything Else…” ...
  • “We're Looking Forward To Having You Again As Our Guest”

How do you make customers feel welcomed? ›

10 Things You Can Do To Make Your Clients Feel Welcome!
  1. Smile in person. ...
  2. Smile on the phone. ...
  3. Office appearance. ...
  4. Greet your clients. ...
  5. Take a genuine interest in your clients. ...
  6. Eliminate distractions. ...
  7. Give your employees a break(room). ...
  8. Create an electronic welcome.

How do you impress a customer at your first impression? ›

Speak clearly at the right volume, speed, and rhythm

You don't want to make the customer feel uneasy because they interpret a sense of urgency or are unable to understand you. You want to portray a sense of calm confidence – a cool ease and a sense of caring interest.

What is greeting short answer? ›

1. the act or words of a person who greets; salutation; welcome. 2. [often pl.] a message of regards from someone absent.

What is greeting in a simple way? ›

: a salutation at meeting. : an expression of good wishes : regards. usually used in plural.

What are the five importance of greeting? ›

Why do we greet each other? To make someone happy, to let our loved ones know that they are cared for, to let someone know that they are the best person we know, to make someone feel better and to wish lifelong prosperity from our hearts.

How do you greet guests? ›

Some suggested Some suggestions include; Hello, welcome; Welcome, good morning; Hello, good afternoon, welcome. Introduce yourself by name making sure your communication is professional, yet personal. “Great to meet you, I'm Nikko”. If occupied with another guest, it is important to acknowledge arriving guests.

What are 4 things we can do to make customers feel welcome? ›

10 Things You Can Do To Make Your Clients Feel Welcome!
  1. Smile in person. ...
  2. Smile on the phone. ...
  3. Office appearance. ...
  4. Greet your clients. ...
  5. Take a genuine interest in your clients. ...
  6. Eliminate distractions. ...
  7. Give your employees a break(room). ...
  8. Create an electronic welcome.

What is 1 way a restaurant can attract new customers? ›

One of the best ways to attract new customers to your restaurant is to hire a social media influencer. These are social media users or accounts with a large following of dedicated followers.

What is important when greeting a customer? ›

Be friendly

As customers enter the store, greet them with a friendly smile. This shows customers they're welcome and positively impacts their overall shopping experience. A friendly demeanor can increase the chances that customers will approach you if they need help.

What are the 7 Easy Steps to talk to customers? ›

Maintaining a consistent tone
  1. Think of tone on a spectrum. Take the examples above: “Anything else?” and “What else can I help you with?” ...
  2. Use positive language. ...
  3. Be brief but not brusque. ...
  4. Reply in a timely manner. ...
  5. Always use your customer's name. ...
  6. Talk their talk. ...
  7. Be careful with jokes. ...
  8. Create a support style guide.
2 Sept 2022

What are the 3 most important things in customer service? ›

Essentially, the 3 important qualities of customer service center around three “p”s: professionalism, patience, and a “people-first” attitude. Although customer service varies from customer to customer, as long as you're following these guidelines, you're on the right track.

What are the five 5 most important factors in choosing a restaurant? ›

5 factors to consider when choosing a restaurant
  • Of course, the food. It is evident that when we decide to go out to eat out, the first thing we want is to eat well. ...
  • Comfort and atmosphere. ...
  • The Service. ...
  • Prices. ...
  • Recommendations.
25 Dec 2020

What is the most important step in starting a restaurant? ›

The most important step in planning the opening of a restaurant is choosing a realistic concept. You should choose a concept that will stand the test of time, restaurants based on current trends will not stay popular for long.

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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

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Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.