How to welcome guests | Hotel Hotel Manifesto (2024)

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How to welcome guests | Hotel Hotel Manifesto (1)

This 'How to' is designed to ensure all staff welcome guests into the hotel with the same warmness and enthusiasm as they would do a visitor to their own home.

all staff must ensure the required level of quality for this procedure is maintained at all times and that all staff, contractors and suppliers that this procedure affects are aware and trained.


  1. Regardless of your role, when a guest first walks in welcome them with a warm smile and eye contact.
  2. Guests must be greeted verbally when they come within 2 metres of the front desk. Think! Have you seen or met the guest before. If so, acknowledge this by saying “welcome back” or “it’s good to see you again”.If you aren’t sure treat the guest as a new guest.
  3. Our greetings are never scripted and should always be delivered with inclination and sincerity. We also prefer elegant, more formal language during our first interaction with guests. Some suggested Some suggestions include; Hello, welcome; Welcome, good morning;Hello, good afternoon, welcome.
  4. Introduce yourself by name making sure your communication is professional, yet personal. “Great to meet you, I’m Nikko”.
  5. If occupied with another guest, it is important to acknowledge arriving guests. This can be done with eye contact, a smile, a nod or saying ‘I will be with you in a moment’. If occupied with another task, put it on hold. the person in front of you comes first – always.
  6. Anticipate what you think the guest would like.Look for needs. Flush out information through simple questions:
    • How did you get here, how has your day been, how did you arrive, how to you plan on spending your time here
    • What – what do you plan to do, what have you heard about the hotel, what are your plans for dinner
    • Who – who are you traveling with
    • Ask what to get when – when do you plan on doing that, when is your rental care arriving
    • Where – where did you hear about us, where are you headed tonight
    • Why – are you in Canberra, why choose hotel
    • Are – are you aware of the carpark, are you aware of the hotel, are you aware of whats happening tonight.
  7. Always check if there is anything else you can do to assist. “Is there anything else I assist you with Mr Jones?”

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How to welcome guests | Hotel Hotel Manifesto (2024)


How to welcome guests | Hotel Hotel Manifesto? ›

Example #1: Welcome to <hotel name>, <name>! Our customer service team is here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to providing you with the best experience possible. Please let us know if we can do anything to make your stay even better!

What is the best welcome message for hotel guests? ›

Example #1: Welcome to <hotel name>, <name>! Our customer service team is here to help you with any questions or concerns you may have. We look forward to providing you with the best experience possible. Please let us know if we can do anything to make your stay even better!

How do you welcome a hotel paragraph? ›

Welcome to [Hotel Name]! We are delighted to have you as our guest and are committed to providing you with a comfortable and memorable stay. As a first-time guest, we want to ensure that you have a seamless and enjoyable experience with us.

How do you greet a guest in a hotel script? ›

Hotel Receptionist: Good [morning/afternoon/evening], welcome to [Hotel Name]. It's our pleasure to have you with us today. May I please have your name and reservation details? Hotel Receptionist: Thank you for choosing to stay with us.

What is a good welcome message? ›

Hi and a huge welcome from Team [Brand/Company Name]! We're thrilled to have you with us. Get ready for a memorable time and a great experience. We're just a message away if you need anything.

What is a short welcome message for guests? ›

Hi GUEST FIRST NAME! Welcome to the HOTEL NAME! We are so grateful that you have chosen to stay with us during your time in CITY and look forward to making this a memorable stay. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to ensure a wonderful experience!

What makes people feel welcome during hotel stays? ›

Friendly written confirmations of reservations prior to arrival create a feeling of belonging and expectancy. For travellers that book in late, a tray of snacks and homemade bread to last until breakfast the next morning, as well as a welcome note left in their room, goes a long way.

How do you welcome a guest in words? ›

10 Lines Welcome Speech for Chief Guest
  1. Good morning/afternoon, and welcome to our event.
  2. I am delighted to introduce our chief guest, (Name of Chief Guest), who has warmly accepted our invitation to join us today.
  3. (Name of Chief Guest) is an accomplished individual in the field of (their area of expertise).

How to write a hotel welcome letter? ›

6 ways to ensure your hotel welcome letter is great
  1. Let them know they can count on you for help. ...
  2. Offer a special treat in your hotel welcome letter. ...
  3. Include attractive offers from your property or location. ...
  4. Showcase images from your property and facilities. ...
  5. Invite guests to special events via your hotel welcome email.
Jan 18, 2023

How do you write a welcoming? ›

Choose a simple and straightforward greeting such as, "Good morning everyone!" Express your gratitude towards the guests for attending by using a phrase such as, "It's so wonderful to see you all here on this sunny day." For an event with close friends and family, more informal language might be appropriate.

What is an example of a hotel compliment? ›

Impeccable Cleanliness and Maintenance: "Rooms were spotless, and the facilities were well-maintained." "The hotel's cleanliness surpassed my expectations." Comfortable Accommodations: "Beds were exceptionally comfortable." "Rooms were.

What is the hospitality greeting rule? ›

The '10 and five' rule in hospitality says that staff coming within 10 feet of a guest should smile and make eye contact, while those coming within five feet should add a warm verbal greeting.

How to welcome a guest script sample? ›

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all to this special event. We are truly honored by your presence today and we are thrilled to have you share this momentous occasion with us. As an anchor, my task is to guide you all through this event, making sure it's a memorable one for everyone involved.

What is the most important factor to show in greeting guests? ›

Eye contact is one of the most important distance markers when it comes to welcoming a guest. Looking someone in the eyes and smiling can demonstrate that you're interested in engaging in conversation.

What should I say to my guests? ›

5 Hospitality Phrases Guests Remember Most
  • “It's My Pleasure…” / “I Am Happy To…”
  • “Thank You…” / “We Appreciate…”
  • “Welcome…”
  • “Is There Anything Else…”
  • “We're Looking Forward To Having You Again As Our Guest”

How do you welcome guest ideas? ›

7+ Best Welcoming Guest Ideas To Win Their Heart At First...
  1. Dress Up Professionally. Create a clear procedure and train staff to manage the water efficiently. ...
  2. Give Warm Smiles As Soon As They Arrive. ...
  3. Serve Local Treats. ...
  4. Destination Guides. ...
  5. Celebrate special occasion.
Jan 8, 2024

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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Name: Ray Christiansen

Birthday: 1998-05-04

Address: Apt. 814 34339 Sauer Islands, Hirtheville, GA 02446-8771

Phone: +337636892828

Job: Lead Hospitality Designer

Hobby: Urban exploration, Tai chi, Lockpicking, Fashion, Gunsmithing, Pottery, Geocaching

Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.