5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (2024)

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Updated on by Andrew Jensen 20 Comments

5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (1)When entering a store, most customers want to see an employee make a genuine effort to acknowledge and assist them. As a customer in a hurry, I might be just looking for one specific item and may need the assistance of the employee. However, if I am ignored and my time is wasted waiting for help, I will move on to another store. With so many online and physical retail options available now, if that first store doesn’t satisfy my needs, there is always another one that will. That store may very well have sold the product or service I was looking for. However, poor customer service cost them the sale.

Greeting the customer can often be the most important aspect to closing a sale. Take these 5 tips to ensure your customers never walk out your door dissatisfied:

1) Smile with your greeting.

Sam Walton was probably onto something when he hired employees to specifically greet customers entering the store. Customers want to hear words of greeting and see a smile. If the employee at the door appears grumpy and doesn’t even offer a simple “Hello. Welcome to Wal-Mart” the customer will most likely start their shopping experience off in the wrong mood.

2) Stop what you are doing.

Yes, you may be stocking the shelves or taking inventory. While these jobs are important to the everyday functions of the company, your customer is the reason you are stocking those shelves. A customer should be greeted within 30 seconds of entering your store. Stand up from your task and offer a smile and words of greeting. After offering assistance, you can return to the shelves.

3) Show, don’t tell.

When the customer enters your store, they will most likely inquire about a specific product. Rather than sending them to aisle 19, somewhere near the middle, on the 5th-7th shelf down, walk with them to the aisle. Take the time to show them exactly where the product is. It will only take a few seconds and your customer will appreciate your time and effort.

4) Ask questions.

5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (2)Consider a hair salon that stocks dozens of different products that offer many different functions. If a customer comes in and wants hairspray, selling them just any hairspray won’t do. You may specifically ask them the type of hold, scent, and liquid, spritz, or mist they are looking for. Rather than deal with a customer complaint when the product doesn’t serve the desired function, take a moment to ask further, often imperative questions.

5) Dress professionally.

Because you will be the first face that a prospective customer sees, be sure to dress and act professionally. Avoid wearing provocative outfits that may offend customers. Rather, choose conservative, professional outfits that are appropriate for your work environment. If you present a neat, groomed appearance, your customers will feel more comfortable during a sales transaction.

The second a prospective customer walks through the door, they will be analyzing many aspects of your business. Be sure to offer them a warm, professional greeting, assistance, and quality customer service. Ignoring or downplaying their importance is dangerous for your company’s success. As Sam Walton once said, “There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”

5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (3)

About Andrew Jensen

Andrew Jensen, a business growth, efficiency & marketing consultant, provides business advisory services for clients in the Baltimore; Washington, D.C.; York, Hanover, Lancaster & Harrisburg, PA regions. Andrew advises regarding business growth, productivity, efficiency, business startups, customer service, and online/offline marketing.

Reader Interactions


  1. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (4)Maritza says

    I would like to know how to treat and greet at lost and found job.


    • 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (5)COCO says



  2. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (6)teresa says

    I would like to know ,in how many seconds or minutes employee hast to greet a customers, after, when they walke in to the store?


  3. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (8)Mike Armstrong says

    If I don’t greet my customer within 10 seconds, there is a group of sales people watching my every move that will. I like starting off with a good morning, welcome to rooms to go, have you been In before? I’m gathering Info and The the same time offering assistance or the choice to browse with the alternate of choice greeting. After welcoming a customer back or welcoming them in for the first time, I ask them if they would like to look around or if I can direct them to something. Really takes the pressure off if they want to browse, but let’s them know they are free to look if they choose. Now, , if I get the feeling they are trying to run away faster than I can greet I’ll hit them with a welcome to rooms to go, please feel free to browse all you like and that way they can begin to put they’re guard down. This is the time I’m watching gathering and information getting ready for the qualification when I read approach.


  4. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (9)Shana Mitchell says

    Our new chip readers cause much confusion to our customers, and our cashiers are finding difficulty in explaining how to use them showing impatience and frustration, sending a negative message to the customer. How can I make this a positive experience starting with the cashier and having the new positive information filter down to our customers.


    • 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (10)Madison Reynolds says

      Hi Shana,
      To become more familiar, I would start with any staff who is going to be in contact, review how to work the chip reader. And if the problem still persists, I would try putting a, on thin film that is sticking out, about a few millimeters below in the space where their card would go, that says a fitting resolution such as: “please enter card [here] chip end first“.
      Madison Reynolds


  5. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (11)raffy bolohabo says

    hi im raffy working as a room attendant in hilton hotel in abu dabhi i wouldlike toknow how to greet the guest in a proper way,


  6. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (12)KENNEDY GUMPO says

    what are the most basic ways to treat a customer when he/she starts a fight in the club or restaurant?


  7. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (13)mamudou jallow says

    i think the first impression of the customer is very vital to the establishment thus in getting the attention of customers first politely greet with a smile, overcome any shyness, be confident of whatever you are saying to them and ask short and precise questions to confirm from themlike have u made any reservations? etc. then ask them to follow where you will them to then it continues…..these can be done within approximately 30 second


  8. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (14)selina says

    how to handle an angry and upset customer ?


    • 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (15)Richard Scope says

      Totally meaningful,thanks bro


      • 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (16)Brown says

        I would recommend telling them to leave the store and bring their attitude with them. [edited] dont deserve any respect.


  9. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (17)Sharon Felton says

    Thank for sharing this post. In one of the blogs on notCY was mentioned that a courteous greeting is a great way to make a positive first impression on a customer, and there is the risk that a customer will not make a purchase in the absence of a proper greeting.


  10. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (18)Muhammadu Buhari says

    Selina, we have written several articles and resources on dealing with upset and angry customers. We know your pain! Please check these out for tips on dealing with rude customers professionally: 9jastudent.com


  11. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (19)Nic albert says

    Question: Wich of the standard operating procedure of greeting the guest is the best in dealing with the customer?

    a.be calm in dealing with the problem.

    b.first impression is lasting in an industry.

    c.never neglect the first contact with the client.

    d.welcoming is the first impression that the customer will remember to comeback.

    Plsss. Help


  12. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (20)Roger Biggs says

    Is this an American thing? I live in the UK and if an employee came up to me when I’ve just walked in the door I’d think they were being way too pushy for a sale, even if they were just saying “Hi”.

    It would definitely make me uncomfortable and make me want to leave the shop at the earliest opportunity.

    But I’ve seen reviews online from Amerca where people have specifically called not being greeted as a reason for giving a bad review, So I completely believe this is a big deal over there.


  13. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (21)Meghan Mc Laughlin says

    how to greet a customer in a restaurant?


  14. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (22)Melody says

    How do I look at the customer when greeting them in a Restaurant? Faceing down, or looking at their face or looking straight to their eyes?


  15. 5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (23)Peter Robertson says

    I disagree with point 2 (Stop what you are doing). If someone does that to me, I will tell the person I have obviously interrupted an existing harmony, and kindly request he/she return to what he/she were doing before I entered the scene. Firstly, it will not be a bother to my waiting a little bit longer. Also to me these harmonies are so important, it establishes a proper timing of things. FYI I am not a fan of the sort of greetings I hear so often, eg. why ask someone “How can I help you today”? What’s wrong with the more direct “Can I help you”? Actually most of the time I am just curious and just observe what a store has on offer, and do not want to be disturbed.


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5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer (2024)


5 Ways to Properly Greet a Customer? ›

As customers enter the store, greet them with a friendly smile. This shows customers they're welcome and positively impacts their overall shopping experience. A friendly demeanor can increase the chances that customers will approach you if they need help.

What are the 5 steps of greeting? ›

  • Smile. A smile goes a long way, it. makes the customer feel. welcomed and that you are. ...
  • Open body language. Take your hands out of your. pockets, stand tall and don't fold. ...
  • Make eye contact. Tip, if this is hard, look at their eyebrows instead.
  • Give a nice.
  • Listen. It is so important you listen. well when the customers start.

How to properly greet a customer? ›

As customers enter the store, greet them with a friendly smile. This shows customers they're welcome and positively impacts their overall shopping experience. A friendly demeanor can increase the chances that customers will approach you if they need help.

What is the rule for greeting customers? ›

1 Be friendly and welcoming

The most basic rule of greeting customers is to be friendly and welcoming. Smile, make eye contact, and use a warm and polite tone of voice. Avoid using generic or scripted phrases that sound insincere or robotic.

How do you say greet customers? ›

We're sure you'll notice the improvement in your customer interactions when you use these positive phrases for customer service:
  1. “Hello, My name is… ...
  2. “Thank you for bringing this to our attention”
  3. “Is there anything else I can do for you today?”
  4. “Happy to help!”
  5. “Thank you for being our customer”

What is the 10 and 5 technique to greet customers? ›

The idea behind the 10:5 rule is that anytime you find yourself within 10 feet (3 meters) of someone, you should smile and make eye contact. When you are within 5 feet (1.5 meters) of someone, you should greet them with a friendly hello or other greeting.

What is 10 and 5 customer service? ›

At 10 feet: Look up from what you are doing, and acknowledge the customer with direct eye contact and a nod. At 5 feet: Smile, with your lips and eyes. At 3 feet: Verbally greet the customer and offer a time-of-day greeting (“Good Morning”).

What is the first greeting to a customer? ›

Nice to meet you!

First impressions can go a long way in customer service interactions too. When you're speaking to a customer for the first time, offering a polite greeting like “nice to meet you” helps set a positive and conversational tone.

What is an example of a customer service greeting? ›

You've reached [Company Name] customer support. I'm [Your Name], and I'm here to make your first experience with us as seamless as possible. How can I help you today? Welcome back to [Company Name], [Customer Name]!

How to greet someone professionally? ›

Formal greetings: “How do you do?”
  1. “Hello!”
  2. “Good morning.”
  3. “Good afternoon.”
  4. “Good evening.”
  5. “It's nice to meet you.”
  6. “It's a pleasure to meet you.” (These last two only work when you are meeting someone for the first time.)
Jun 29, 2021

What are the three greeting rules? ›

The Three-Step Process
  • Facial Expression: Start non-verbal's that show openness and sincerity. Maintain eye contact. ...
  • Shake Hands: Your handshake gives an impression. ...
  • Greet the Person: Talk to the person whose hand you are shaking.

How to greet people in sales? ›

Here are some tips to ensure that you and your employees greet customers in a way that makes them want to buy and keep coming back.
  1. Show that you recognize them. ...
  2. Ask if they've been in before. ...
  3. Ask about the weather. ...
  4. Compliment appropriately. ...
  5. Use a conversation piece.

How to greet customers script? ›

Welcoming Customers
  1. Good morning/afternoon, thank you for calling [COMPANY NAME], you're speaking to [AGENT'S FIRST NAME]. How may I assist you?
  2. Thank you for calling [COMPANY NAME] today, my name is [AGENT'S FIRST NAME]. ...
  3. Hello, thank you for calling [COMPANY NAME]. ...
  4. Good day. ...
  5. Thank you for calling [COMPANY NAME].
Jan 21, 2019

How can I greet my customer without just saying hello? ›

Give a genuine compliment.

After initially greeting her with Good Morning, Good Afternoon, or Good Evening, you could greet a shopper by saying: "I love your floral dress. It's so bright and cheerful." The idea is to initiate a two-way conversation and avoid small-talk greetings easily answered with a "yes" or "no."

What is a polite expression of greeting? ›

In these types of situations, you might opt for one of the following formal greetings in English: “Hello!” “Good morning”, “Good afternoon,” “Good evening” “It's nice to meet you.”

What 4 key points should we include in the greeting? ›

Try these top tips for greeting someone new at work.
  • Stand Up. When you're greeting new people, do so face-to-face. ...
  • Look 'Em in the Eye. ...
  • Smile (and the World Smiles With You) ...
  • Take the Initiative With a Handshake. ...
  • Say Who You Are. ...
  • Observe the Hierarchy. ...
  • Get the Name Game Right.
Feb 19, 2018

What are the 3 greetings? ›

The general greetings of “good morning”, “good afternoon”, vs “good evening” vary per the time on day. For example, “good morning” is used from 5:00 am to 12:00 pm, while “good afternoon” is used from 12:00 pm up until 6:00 pm, and “good evening” time is used after the sun goes down.

What are the four forms of greeting? ›

"Good morning", "good afternoon", "good evening" — More formal verbal greetings used at the appropriate time of day. The similar "good night" and "good day" are more commonly used as phrases of parting rather than greeting, although in Australian English "G'day" is a very common greeting.

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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.