10 Things You Can Do To Make Your Clients Feel Welcome (2024)

It costsfive timesmore to get a new client than it does to keep an existing one. Existing clients are often strong opportunities to provide referrals for your business. But, how do you continue to provide them with great customer experience?

Making your clients feel welcome is an important component of positive customer experience. Rest assured, modern technology combined with good manners will place you at the top of the list in today’s competitive market. The good news: Itcosts next to nothing and can be easily implemented with a little planning and coaching.

1. Smile in person.

The number one thing you can do to make clients feel welcome is smile. Even if you are stressed out, distracted or upset, put a smile on your face when clients come in. Putting the client’s needs ahead of your personal concerns is the hallmark of a true professional.

2. Smile on the phone.

It is often said that people can hear a smile on the phone. Positive energy is transmitted through your tone, inflection, and rate of speech. Studies show that your mood elevates and your willingness to be helpful increases when you smile on the phone.

3. Office appearance.

First impressions are lasting and therefore critical. An attractive and neat reception area not only lets clients know that their comfort is a top priority, but that you are operating an efficient organization that they can trust with their business.

A messy environment announces to others that you don’t care, which is not an attitude that will win anyone over. It says that you don’t take pride in or respect your business operation.

Avoid blaming an unkempt office on being swamped with work.

This reveals either a lack of time management skills or staffing resources, making it necessary for you to cut corners. To clients, that may translate into not having enough time to give their business your full attention.

Pay attention.

Are the publications in your reception area relevant and current, or is the coffee table strewn with dog-eared copies of last year’s Good Housekeeping? Carry this concept beyond the front desk.

Your clients’ experience begins before they ever set foot inside the door. Everything from the parking area to the restroom should be neat and clean. Making that extra effort, such as offering refreshments or relaxing music in the reception area, lets clients know that you appreciate them.

4. Greet your clients.

Acknowledge clients as soon as they walk in the door. If you can, address them by name. If you are on the phone or busy with another client, make eye contact and smile. As soon as you are able, greet them verbally with a high-energy handshake and a smile.

5. Take a genuine interest in your clients.

In his book“Swim with the Sharks”, Harvey MacKay discusses the value of knowing details about your customer that make him or her feel special. Find out the name of your client’s spouse and children. Ask about them by name.

What activities does your client enjoy? If your client tells you he’s about to run his first 5K, ask him about it the next time you see him. Better yet, read about the results in your local newspaper and congratulate him on his finishing time! Did his son just lead his high school basketball team to the state championship? Drop the newspaper clipping in the client’s file and give it to him the next time he comes in.

All of these small bits of information, when added together, create a unique bond with that individual.

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6. Eliminate distractions.

Distractions such as ringing phones or interruptions from other employees can be frustrating to a client. Find a quiet and private area for meetings and ask not to be disturbed.

If you are a small business owner faced with dual responsibilities of reception and client meetings, silence the ringer and allow your answering machine to do what it was designed to do. Focusing on the client assures her that she has your undivided attention.

7. Give your employees a break(room).

Designate a private area for employee breaks. Do not allow them to huddle near the entrance. Offering your staff the same courtesies that you extend to your clients helps create satisfied employees who are eager to go the extra mile for your clients.

8. Create an electronic welcome.

If you don’t have a brick-and-mortar store, but instead own a web-based business, you can still make customers feel welcome when they come to your website. When visitors sign up at your site by leaving their email addresses, send a welcome email. Thank them for coming to your website and explain what services or products you offer. Then invite them to come back to see you.

9. Keep communicating.

Once you’ve given your new client a proper welcome, be sure that you communicate with them regularly. Reply to each email in a timely manner and address each client by name.

You may want to send a monthly or quarterly newsletter, announcements about events in your community, or technical tips. Invite client feedback by placing a survey link at the end of an article or blog post. Allow clients to comment on blog posts, and when they do, acknowledge this feedback. In reply, always remember to thank the guests for their comments. Their time is valuable and showing your appreciation can make them want to come back.

Another place to keep the conversation going is on social media. Let your clients know that you are paying attention to their concerns and that their opinion counts.

10. Say “thank you”.

Thank each client at the end of a transaction or communication. Let them know you value their business and that you want to see them again. They will be more likely to return, assured that their business is appreciated.

In short, follow the golden rule, “treat your clients like you would like to be treated”. Be courteous and gracious and put the client first.

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10 Things You Can Do To Make Your Clients Feel Welcome (1)

Dustin Slightham

Dustin Slightham is the Senior Director of PrimePay.com. He has over 15 years of experience in writing and content development. Before joining the PrimePay team, he built a successful small business, helping other business owners create effective sales and marketing strategies. Dustin frequently shares his insights through articles, enriching the knowledge base with almost two decades of valuable experience.Starting his career at Xerox, Dustin displayed remarkable leadership skills as he oversaw a team of 200 employees. During this time, he achieved significant success by turning a struggling unit into a profitable business, demonstrating his strategic acumen.In 2011, Dustin ventured into entrepreneurship, leading a startup dedicated to helping small businesses boost their revenue. Following this entrepreneurial spirit, he went on to establish 434 Marketing, where he served as CEO for over a decade. During his tenure, the company grew to include 15 employees, and Dustin played a pivotal role in guiding B2B sales and marketing teams to success through buyer research, content marketing, and SEO strategies. His experience in leadership, culture development, and business strategy flourished during this period.Presently, Dustin holds the role of Senior Director at PrimePay.com, where he oversees digital marketing and content strategy. Drawing from his extensive experience as a small business owner, Dustin frequently shares his insights through articles, enriching the knowledge base with a decade's worth of valuable experience.

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10 Things You Can Do To Make Your Clients Feel Welcome (2024)


How do you make clients feel welcome? ›

Making Your Customers Feel Welcome
  1. Smile.
  2. Make eye contact.
  3. Say hello.
  4. Look excited and interested.
  5. Refer to them by name (when possible)
  6. Take that extra second or two to hold the door open.

What strategies do you use to make a customer feel welcome and at ease when they enter the store? ›

  • 1 Greet customers warmly. The first impression you make on a customer can set the tone for the rest of their shopping experience. ...
  • 2 Listen actively and empathetically. ...
  • 3 Customize your approach. ...
  • 4 Provide value and convenience. ...
  • 5 Follow up and thank customers. ...
  • 6 Respect customers' boundaries. ...
  • 7 Here's what else to consider.
Nov 16, 2023

How do you make a client feel at ease? ›

Make sure you provide attentive and helpful customer service. Ensure your staff is friendly, courteous, knowledgeable, and efficient when assisting customers. Pay attention to the body language of your staff as well – a warm welcome can go a long way in making a customer feel more comfortable.

What are the 7 easy steps to talk to customers? ›

How to talk to your customers in 7 easy steps
  • Going on a first date is incredibly nerve-wracking. You spend a long time picking out the right clothes. ...
  • Mind your manners. ...
  • Don't use jargon. ...
  • Keep it positive. ...
  • Do some Googling. ...
  • Avoid conversation killers. ...
  • Know when to say sorry. ...
  • Don't ghost them.
Apr 17, 2020

Why is it important to make a customer feel welcome? ›

When we make our customers feel that way, we'll have a better interaction with them and more, they might go out and tell 4 to 5 people about just how excellent your service is.

What is a client welcome guide? ›

Welcome packets are used to show your client around, so that they know what to expect. They give your client a deep dive into your process, how the project will go, and more important details so that there will (hopefully) be no questions left unanswered.

How do you welcome in a unique way? ›

7 Creative Ways to Say Welcome
  1. Use Greeting Cards.
  2. Personalize the Welcome.
  3. Create an Immersive Experience.
  4. Reach Out via Social Media.
  5. Offer Refreshments and Swag Items.
  6. Build a Pre-Welcome Campaign.
Sep 21, 2023

What does welcome feel like? ›

Everyone likes to feel welcomed. A sense of belonging, a friendly “hello,” a sense that you have a place in your community–this means something. Whether you're brand new in a community or have lived there for many years, and honest welcome matters.

What is an example of making your client feel valued? ›

Expressing gratitude and acknowledging customer loyalty is a simple yet effective way to show appreciation. Whether it's through a personalized thank you note, a special offer, or just a friendly phone call, these gestures show your customers that their loyalty is appreciated and valued.

What are 4 steps which will help you engage with customers? ›

4 Steps to Re-Engage Your Customers and Boost Retention
  • Listen for and Predict Signs of Disengagement. Identifying when a user begins to disengage is a critical step to retention. ...
  • Act on Customer Insights. ...
  • Build The Right Customer Experience. ...
  • Measure Performance and Optimize.
Feb 1, 2023

How to make a customer feel like a VIP? ›

One of the most effective ways to create a VIP experience for your loyal customers is to surprise and delight them. This means going above and beyond their expectations, and delivering memorable and positive experiences.

How do you make customers feel more like guests? ›

Photos courtesy of the individual members.
  1. Genuinely Thank Your Customers. ...
  2. Tell Them You're Thinking Of Them. ...
  3. Be There For Them After The Sale Closed. ...
  4. Listen, Then Remember. ...
  5. Always Tell Them The Truth. ...
  6. Show You Are Acting On Their Feedback. ...
  7. Show Your Appreciation With A Handwritten Note. ...
  8. Give Them A Gift You Know They'll Like.
Feb 24, 2020

How do you make visitors feel welcome in a business? ›

5 Ways to Make Every Office Visitor Feel Welcome
  1. Make it Easy for Visitors to Find You by Sending Clear Instructions a Few Days Prior to their Visit.
  2. Train Your Receptionist to be Professional and Friendly.
  3. Make Your Reception Area an Oasis of Calm.
  4. Modernize Your Sign-In Process.
  5. Give Visitors Updates.

How do you welcome someone in a professional way? ›

Welcome messages from a manager
  1. Welcome aboard, [Name]! We're excited to have you here.
  2. Sending you a warm welcome from me and everyone at [Company Name]. ...
  3. Welcome to the team, [Name]. ...
  4. Welcome, [Name]! ...
  5. Delighted to have you with us, [Name]. ...
  6. Welcome, [Name]. ...
  7. Thank you for joining us, [Name]! ...
  8. Welcome aboard, [Name].

How will you make clients feel loved and appreciated? ›

Expressing gratitude and acknowledging customer loyalty is a simple yet effective way to show appreciation. Whether it's through a personalized thank you note, a special offer, or just a friendly phone call, these gestures show your customers that their loyalty is appreciated and valued.

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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.