These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (2024)

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (1)

Whether you’re heading to a family event or a wedding, a prom or a big night on the town – there are so many reasons that we love to get dressed up to the max and show off our wardrobe. While most of us want to make a statement in our dress, the chances are that we don’t want them to leave our guests wondering what we were thinking. Still, if there’s one way to make sure that you go down in fashion history, it’s to choose a dress that is impossible to forget.

Comfort over style

Some of us would do anything to make sure that we keep on top of the latest fashions and trends. Sure, you might have to squeeze into an outfit that means you can barely breathe and walk in shoes that make you wonder how you will ever walk again, but where’s the fun in standard outfits? Just take Lady Gaga.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (2)

She’s a woman who knows how to rock some impressive shoes out unique outfits in the best ways possible. Sadly, it appears as though it was all about comfort for one expecting bride. She didn’t want her growing bump to be confined to the gown, or she might not have wanted to fork out on all those alterations before the big day.

Only shooting stars break the mold

We apologize that you will probably have that song stuck in your head all day thanks to us, but with an opportunity like that, how could we not? It certainly seems as though this couple loves the movie, and we just hope that they walked out of the ceremony to Smash Mouth’s classic. If not, that’s a missed opportunity if ever we saw one.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (3)

Things reach a new level of dedication when you are willing to paint yourselves entirely green and dress up as your favorite ogres for your wedding day. However, when you love a franchise that much, how could you not? At the very least, they have photos that stand out from the sea of white dresses that we’re used to seeing.

Ready for the party

Of course, there’s no better way to be the life of the party than to actually become the party itself, right? Most of us think of the same things when we think about a night with our friends. Pizza, music, and those red cups that seem to multiply by themselves the longer you leave them in the cupboard.

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It looks like this girl might enjoy a round of pong every now and then judging by the number of cups that she has to her name. We’re just trying to work out where she might be going. Is it a costume contest? How about a Christmas event? Could it be a red cup appreciation party? At this point, we have no idea.

Rebellious bride

Sometimes, you have to be true to your roots and stick to your lifestyle. We bet this pair were two of many that got told that it was “just a phase” and they’d “grow out of it.” That’s the thing about being a punk rocker: it never leaves you. You can’t escape the lifestyle, no matter how hard you try.

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Thankfully, this pair seem to love their looks so much that they decided to incorporate them as a part of their wedding day. Sure, a tutu wedding dress might not seem too out there, but team it with a white pair of Dr. Martens boots and some simple devil horns, and the accessories soon start to do all the talking.

All puffed and ready

What happens when you really love cacti, but you’re heading out to an important dinner date, and you want a dress to impress? Have no fear; it looks as though there could finally be an answer to all of your issues. This woman has found the perfect solution as she’s invested in a dress to outshine them all.

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However, we do have a few questions. How does she get her arms out of the dress? What happens when she needs to sit down? In fact, how is she even supposed to walk in this gown? Thankfully, nothing stands in the way of fashion. While it might not be a dress for all of us, she certainly looks more than happy with the final results.

Ready to hit the dancefloor

While the bride looks as though she’s having the best day of her life, the groom appears to be holding back a laugh. Perhaps some of those beads got a little too close and they’re starting to tickle? It’s certainly a more unusual choice of wedding gown, but there’s probably a reason this bride opted to break the mold.

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We guess that she might be some kind of dancer, or she really likes white pearls and wanted to incorporate them into her big day. If anything, we are more surprised by her choice of lilies in her bouquet. We just hope that the weather didn’t turn cold later on. We’re not sure how warm all of those beads would be then.

Going undercover

Now, this is a look that most of us see and think “same.” We don’t always want to talk to people when we’re out, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t make an effort, right? Many of us have the friend that’s over-prepared for any situation, and it looks like this woman wants to make sure that she won’t get cold on her night out.

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Plus, she has enough masks for all of her friends just in case they find themselves in the middle of a masked ball without notice. What? These things happen. At the very least, this is the perfect outfit if you need to spy on your ex and don’t want them to spot that you’re at the party.

A splash of color

Some of us look for the brightest things in life. Others? They prefer to keep things dark. However, it seems as though this pair couldn’t make up their minds. Rather than settle for one color scheme and feel as though they made the wrong decision, they decided to go for them both instead. Your wedding day is all about doing what makes you happy.

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If that’s designing a black outfit that’s covered in rainbow stripes, then you design a black outfit that’s covered in rainbow stripes. We just love the dedication to the look. From the outfits to the lady’s hair and even the bouquet. It seems that no aspect of this outfit has missed out on the personal touches.

Pump it up

There are some things that we’ve left in our childhood. However, there’s no reason that we should leave things behind when they once made us so happy. Many of us remember getting a balloon animal or two as a child. How did someone ever figure out how to turn balloons into such incredible things? This woman appears to have updated her balloon look and given it a touch of class.

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No longer is she sporting a balloon hat, but that might have just been the icing on the cake. Hopefully, there were no sharp corners at the wedding venue. We’ve heard that you should go out with a bang, but maybe not one that involves your wedding dress getting destroyed.

All they need

Whether you’re a strong, independent woman or you’re a man who knows what he wants, there is an outfit for you that means you no longer have to rely on anyone else. This person has all they need to walk down the aisle with the person they love by their side. After all, this is a bigger way to make a statement about who you need in your life than carrying a mirror around with you.

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We bet the speeches were fun as they were trying to declare their love and devotion to themselves. Or their first dance. Anyone up for a one-person rendition of the macarena? We’re not sure there are many others that you could perform on your own.

Safe from bugs

Some brides long for nothing more than an outdoor wedding. It can be the perfect backdrop to a fairytale day that’s completely unspoiled by anything else. That is unless Mother Nature doesn’t get an invite to the ceremony and decides to step in and remind people whose boss. Have no fear; this bride has thought of everything.

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It might be easy to assume that she didn’t want any bug bites to get in the way of her perfect wedding album. There was nothing left to do other than invest in a bug net dress to make sure those critters got the point. We’re just glad to see that she found some in white. It’s probably not a request that dress stores get every often.

Having some fun

If there’s one thing that many of us loved about our childhoods, it’s the parties we got to enjoy along the way. Now, we get funny looks when we order jelly and Jell-O and ice cream for dessert, let alone when we try to have a turn on the bounce house. Thankfully, some of us aren’t ready to let go of our childhood passions just yet.

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In fact, they have even brought them to life in entirely new ways. This is one way to stand out on the red carpet. As if that wasn’t enough, it probably wasn’t long before people were looking at their own outfits and wondering why they hadn’t chosen something a little more out of the box.

Light ‘em up

Fall Out Boy were onto something with their catchy tune. We just bet they never thought that someone would take the line “I’m on fire” quite so literally. Still, this is a dress that is sure to light up the ceremony in one of the most unique ways. Not all brides want to wear the same white gown as everyone else.

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Some want to stand out in all the right ways. This gown seems to be the perfect compromise as it’s a business in the front and party in the back situation for this bride. We just hope that those flames don’t mean that she will be making a rubber-burning exit from the chapel before she makes it down the aisle.

Creating art

There are so many different kinds of art out there in the world. The best bit? Beauty is all in the eye of the beholder. That means that just because someone doesn’t like a wedding dress doesn’t mean that it won’t be the perfect gown for someone else. It’s not every day that we get to see a bride and groom so coordinated.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (15)

After all, brides usually prefer to keep their gowns away from anyone else until they can unveil it on the big day. Perhaps that still happened here? They might have been so in sync with one another and known each other’s style that they somehow went for the exact same style outfit without ever mentioning a thing. Stranger things have happened.

Where’s the bride?

Here comes the bride, all dressed in… Wait. Where is the bride? All we can see is a bouquet of flowers walking down the aisle toward us. Ok, we’ll stop messing around, but we have to wonder why this bride wanted to blend into the background so well on her wedding day. Many women want to stand out from the rest of the crowd.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (16)

However, it appears that this wedding party needed to stick to the theme and embrace some outdoor colors instead. We have to admit it, there has been a lot of attention to detail with this one. Even the veil is the perfect shade of green to match the dress. And don’t get us started on those matching flowers.

Queen of the underworld

Some people look as though they’re not here to mess around. This woman is no exception. That headpiece sure is something we wouldn’t want to mess with. It looks like she might have taken some inspiration from Maleficent or another evil queen before designing her look. However, we’re feeling a little conflicted.

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While the gown appears to be covered in butterflies or flowers and is making us feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside, the headpiece is telling us that we should steer clear. Either way, this sure would be one way to amaze your guests as you walked down the aisle. She could even double up as a coat rack at the reception. This dress keeps on giving.

Cutting some corners

There are many things that come with weddings. There’s the ceremony. Then there’s the reception where guests get together to welcome the newlyweds before enjoying a night of fun. As well as getting to watch the first dance and enjoy catching up with friends and family, we also get to hear a speech or two.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (18)

Usually, the servers go around and make sure that everyone has a drink to toast before they all take place. However, if there’s something that many couples have learned, it’s the fact that weddings can be expensive – and it can be tough to see all of your guests. This bride has thought of everything. Now, she can save money on staff and see everyone at the same time.

Ahoy, me Hearties

So many couples have different ideas about the kind of wedding they want to plan. Some of us want the perfect fairytale wedding that’s complete with mason jars on every surface of the room and enough fairy lights to light a small city. Others want a more rustic affair that incorporates plenty of outdoor elements into the big day.

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However, there is another group of people who love to plan a themed event. This is where magic can really come to life. It appears this couple really has a thing for pirates as they wanted to make them the central point of their big day. As long as there was less walking the plank and more partying on the ship deck.

Cinderella will go to the ball

This is one way to turn up to your big day. This is taking your typical princess dress, mixing it in with a host of cotton candy and fairy dust, and finishing it off with a dusting of clouds. Many little girls dream of the day they will grow up to find their Prince Charming and have the perfect fairytale day.

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Thankfully, this bride didn’t have to dream any longer as she got to live out her wildest fantasies. All it took was hundreds of pounds worth of material and a tiara that doubles up as a skyscraper. What we don’t realize is that the rest of her family are in the carriage too, they’re just buried underneath her dress.

Sweet like chocolate

If there’s one thing that many of us live more than our significant other, it’s chocolate. We’re starting to wonder if that’s her partner in the chef’s outfit or if this bride just really wanted to have a candy-themed gown for her big day. We’ll probably never know the truth. As if having a dress made of chocolate wasn’t enough already, they have even been able to make a pattern in the gown.

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Hopefully, the sun wasn’t shining for too long, or this sweet-smelling dress might have soon turned into a sticky mess by mistake. The best bit? If the chocolates managed to survive the entire day, then the couple would have plenty to eat by the time the party was over.

Everyone grab a piece

Not all of us want a big, fancy wedding. However, that doesn’t mean that some of us will settle for anything less than world record-breaking for our big day. Did you know there is a good reason that brides often have trains on their gowns? It’s all thanks to the fact that material used to be even more expensive than it is today.

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People would invest in as much material as they could afford to make their dress. It was there was of showing they had money on their wedding day without making it rain as they came down the aisle. It’s a fashion that has stuck for many – and one that has been taken to the extreme by others.

Frills for days

We’re not sure that we ever imagined looking like a giant face in a cloud, but your wedding day is supposed to reflect everything you want it to be. If that has always been this bride’s dream, then who are any of us to tell her what to do? Some of us will spend whatever it takes to get the wedding dress of our dreams.

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It appears as though there was no expense spared when it came to creating this masterpiece. It probably took hundreds of feet of material to create all those frills. That’s before someone has even crafted the bodice of the finishing layers of the gown. Just when we thought the look was complete, we spot the giant tiara.

We hope they’re clean

Did you know that Angelina Jolie let her children play a role in her wedding day by letting them draw all over her dress? Well, the veil, at least. The actress dated Brad Pitt for many years before they walked down the aisle in 2014. Angelina has always been open about how much her family means to her. That’s why she wanted them to help design her gown.

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She asked her children to draw designs that were later embroidered into the veil, so they could all walk down the aisle with their parents. It seems as though this woman has taken a little inspiration from the stars. Sadly, the bride might have gotten the wrong end of the stick with this one.

Born to be wild

There are many ways that we can add our passions to our big day. Some people choose to add in subtle additions to the decorations or the menu, while others want to make it as in your face as possible. We’re not sure what gave us the first clue, but we get the impression that this couple likes motorcycles.

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It could have been the leather jacket or the looks for the day. While the groom has opted for a simple bow tie, the bride has pushed things one step further. We never even knew you could find wedding outfits quite like this one, but it’s nice to be surprised every now and then. She even found a way to incorporate a veil.

Covering the bases

They say that on your wedding day, brides should have something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue. Have you ever wondered where the tradition originated from? Something old was to try and ward off the Evil Eye. This was meant to protect the couple’s future children.

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The something new addition was a symbol of optimism for the future. Something borrowed? That’s a good luck charm as the couple should borrow something from a married couple. The something blue was another way to ward off the Evil Eye as well as standing for fidelity, purity, and love. This woman must really want to keep that Evil Eye at bay. That or she just really likes sticking to the traditions.

It will have to do

We’re not quite sure where to even begin with this one. After all, there are so many questions. Where did they come up with the design? What is it even made out of? And what is that on her head? We think that we just have to accept that we will probably never have any answers to those questions, but we can’t help but wonder.

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It almost looks as though someone started to make a skirt over a wire mold before they ran out of time and had to roll with what they had. They grabbed the first bit of material they could find for the top and covered the lady’s head – probably to try and hide her identity from the world.

Feeling fabulous

If you’ve ever looked at an outfit and thought it makes someone look fabulous, then we might have another to add to the list. It certainly takes a brave person to be prepared to rock a look quite like this one. However, that didn’t stop this woman from giving it her all. It’s almost like the cape-gown that we never knew we needed it our lives.

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We’re just wondering how it stays on her head without falling down. Thankfully, that’s not something that we have to worry about. We just get the joy of sitting back and gazing in awe at the design. Hopefully, she didn’t want to dance around too much at the reception, or the hood might have felt like a poor choice.

The golden arches

Let’s face it; most of us love fast food. Some of us love it more than others, but we’re not sure that we’d ever be in love with chicken nuggets and Big Macs so much that we would wear their wrappers as a dress. However, we would certainly help them eat their way through everything they needed to bring the outfits to life.

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We just hope they gave them all a wash before they stitched them into these looks, or it could have caused quite the smell once things heated up. If you ever find yourself out on the town and wondering why you suddenly crave fast food, then you might want to look around to see what people are wearing.

Hopelessly devoted

There are many ways that people like to show their dedication to their country. Americans seem to be more in love with their home nation than most other people on the planet, but there’s no harm in that, right? Some of us could do with feeling a little more patriotic every now and then. One woman certainly wanted to show her devotion to the American flag.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (30)

That or she had loads of material left over and didn’t know what else to do with all of that red, white, and blue fabric. This is certainly one use for it all. Sadly, not everyone seems to be impressed with her wedding gown. That’s if the bridesmaid checking her nails in the background is anything to go by.

Hands off the cake

While some of us attend weddings to witness the bride and groom say their vows and start the rest of their lives together, others head there with one thing in mind: food. The couple has usually spent a lot of money on their wedding menu. It would be a shame to see that all go to waste. Have no fear; we’re here to help.

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There are two reasons that we could think this bride wanted to become the centerpiece of the tea party. Either she wanted to share the cake with everyone else in the room, or she wanted to make sure that no one took more than their fair share and left the newlyweds some to enjoy at the end.

The night of the living

Spooky isn’t something that we all aim for on our wedding day. However, what’s the fuel of some people’s nightmares is actually other’s dreams. This couple pushed the boat out further than we ever imagined, and it looks as though it’s all been made with things that were lying around the home. The majority of the gown appears to be made from paper cups and plates.

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The other details are made up of plastic spoons. Even the umbrella has been delicately finished with paper cups. It’s not until we look a little closer that we can start to appreciate the true amount of work that went into crafting this piece. Even the makeup is just as perfect as we could hope.

Good enough to eat

People have been able to do some incredible things with chocolate over the years. Chocolate week 2008 was no exception as chocolate masterpieces from across the globe gathered in London. Ian Stuart from Ian Stuart Brides was one of the many who showed off his incredible makes at the event. People had no idea what to say when they saw the masterpiece.

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After all, it’s not every day that we get to see a wedding dress made entirely from white chocolate, right? It all started with a bodice and some underskirts that were dipped into chocolate. Then, truffles and chocolate curls were added in layers until the final creation was complete. We just hope that the model didn’t get too hot.

Lighting up the dark

Some of us want to make sure that we stand out at all hours of the day. Just because the sun goes down doesn’t mean that we’re ready to head to bed and call it a night. The party is only just getting started! It would be a shame to see all of that thought you’ve put into your look go to waste all thanks to the fact the sun has set for another day.

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This dress could be the answer that we need to the issue. When your friends think you will fade into the background, your beetles come out to play. There’s nothing that quite says you’re ready for a party like a glowing dress covered entirely in beetles.

Wish you were nice and shiny

Ever wanted to resemble a baked potato? We thought not, but that seems to be the look this woman was going for when she took to the streets in her aluminum gown. The crinkling sound that can be so annoying to many might not be even more frustrating thanks to this look. That’s just the beginning.

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Wearing an outfit that’s made entirely of foil is a pretty easy way to make yourself shine in the sunlight. Hopefully, the sun wasn’t too hot this day, or things might have got pretty heated pretty quickly. As if the dress wasn’t shiny enough already, she has even added some jewels to the corset. You just have to look through the rest of the shine to see those additions.

Wedding day blues

It can be tough to keep smiling all day long on your wedding day without feeling a little blue. After all, change can be tough. Rather than feeling down on her big day, this bride found the perfect way to add some color to her mood. All she needed were some silver rhinestones to bring it to life.

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Now, her glistening gown feels more like a glowing night sky than a wedding dress. We’re a little surprised that she managed to find something so colorful when it looks like the rest of the store is filled with white dresses. However, she’s done it somehow. Opting for a colored wedding gown is always brave, but sometimes the rules are there to be broken.

Sticking to the theme

Honey Boo Boo took over the world when she first appeared on Toddlers and Tiara. It wasn’t long before the pageant queen and her family got a very own show of their own where we got to follow their roller coaster life. One of the greatest moments that we’ve seen? When Mama June walked down the aisle in her camo wedding dress.

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The entire gown as complete with orange details to add a splash of color to it all. Thankfully, Honey Boo Boo was also there is a bright pink and orange dress that would have looked at home on the stage. The best bit? Mama June and her new beau rode off on a ‘just married’ quad bike at the end.

Creating art

Some of us look at graffiti and see the art that people were trying to create. In fact, some cities have become famous for their street art. The likes of New York City, Berlin, Melbourne, and Barcelona have become tourist hot spots as the streets and walls are filled with thousands of pieces of art. It looks as though this bride has taken a lot of inspiration from the style.

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So much so that she has included graffiti as a part of her wedding dress. The body of the gown is actually plastered with her and her partner’s initials – in case you needed another reminder that they are tying the knot. Thankfully, she found the perfect backdrop for her wedding snaps.

Vampire v. werewolf

Life is filled with pretty tough decisions. So we take a new job or stick with the one that we love? Do we follow the person that we love or let them walk away? Do we try to tell someone the truth or keep the secret to ourselves? Growing older is all about learning how to make all those hard decisions and more.

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However, there is one that has left many of us divided since it first hit our screens: are we team Edward or team Jacob? In the end, there can only be one winner. We just have no idea who we want that to be. This girl found the perfect way to honor both teams at her prom.

No expense spared

It comes to something when your wedding dress is so impressive and over the top that it makes headlines all around the world. One bride was just 19 years old when she walked down the aisle in 2016. However, Evka already had some money to burn as she spent around $235,000 on her wedding gown alone – not including the rest of the ceremony.

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The couple spent four days celebrating their wedding, but that wasn’t where the gold came to an end. Evka was also showered in gold by her wedding guests as she danced the night away. To top it off, the guests even spent one day pinning hundreds of dollars to one of Evka’s outfits. We want a wedding like that.

The rainbow bride

There are some questions that we hate more than others. It’s almost as though our brains shut down whenever someone asks us what we like to do with our spare time. Most of us suddenly have no idea what we do when we’re not working or sleeping. How do we pass the time? The same goes for whenever anyone wants to know what we want for dinner.

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We don’t know, and we want someone else to make the decision for us. Is that so hard? If anyone has ever asked you about your favorite color, then you might have found yourself having a little mind blank. It appears this bride could have had the same moment and decided to check every box.

Queen of nature

We can’t help but love this look. Everything about it has been delicately crafted to give the perfect final result. Where do we start? Let’s begin at the dress. It looks as though it’s just an average white gown. That is until we notice the splashes of pastel colors that seem to cover the outfit. That is just the beginning.

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The woman’s sleeveless dress also helps to show off her brilliant tattoos. Moving up, her pink hair compliments the colors that appear to be covering the dress. Of course, the final piece of it all is the impressive headband. While most people opt for a few flowers or leaves for their headpiece, she has thought outside of the box and invested in antlers instead.

Lighting up the dancefloor

This is more than just a great dress; this is a group outfit that shows us what great friends are for. We think they might be heading to a winter-themed wedding, and these women are certainly dressed for the occasion. Winter weddings are a popular option for many. However, it can be tough not to recreate the same shindig over and over again.

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That’s where silver and white fur came in. They were the perfect option for some matching frocks. That’s not all. Those blue lights are actually a part of the bride’s dress. It certainly seems as though she will be lighting up the dancefloor once she’s said her vows. Hopefully, the bridesmaids have a fire extinguisher on hand.

Feeling the effects

If you’re posing for photos on your wedding day, then you might want to think about all the joyous things that are about to come your way now that you’ve walked down the aisle. It looks more like this couple are thinking about how they can’t wait for it to be over instead. That or they’ve been posing for snaps for too long.

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It might have been thanks to the fact that the photographer had a tough time spotting this bride. That could have been why they added some orange flowers onto her train. After all, camouflage can be tough to spot amongst the greenery. At least orange has a better chance of standing out. We think we get their expressions now.

Baked to perfection

We get that wedding dresses can often be pretty big and heavy. That usually makes them pretty tough to walk around in, but that doesn’t mean that we have to be stuck to the spot – or does it? Well, you have to be if you want to wear this gown as it’s actually made entirely from cake.

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It turns out that you can have your cake and eat it too if you take a leaf out of this bride’s book. We’re not sure who she would call for alterations. Would it be a seamstress or a baker? The number of different layers and colors inside of the cake shows just how much work has gone into creating the piece.

A splash of color

Brides often look for all kinds of things when it comes to their wedding gowns. While some want the biggest dress they can possibly find, others want something a little more simple for their big day instead. It looked as though this bride opted for a traditional style. That was until she needed something to brighten it up.

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Just because it wasn’t big and puffy didn’t mean that she had to blend into the rest of the room. It appears that she loves bright colors. It seems the colors on her dress are actually falling leaves. The pattern combined with her tattoos, and Dr. Martens adds the perfect amount of personality to her look for her big day. It’s win-win.

A hair-raising dress

Many of us love to experiment with our hair – even if we later look back and try to figure out what we were ever thinking. This can be anything from cutting it into all different styles to dying it a whole variety of colors. They say that blondes have more fun, but what about redheads? Brunettes? People with rainbow hair?

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (47)

There’s no way to find out other than giving them all a try. Another option is to invest in a few wigs until you find your perfect look. Unfortunately, this person seems to have pushed their wig collection to an entirely new level. They had nowhere to store them other than all over her dress. It seemed like such a good idea.

Hailing the heroes

Being a hero isn’t as easy as it seems. You’re on the clock at all hours of the day, and plenty of people rely on you to keep their city safe. Plus, there’s the constant danger that fills your life as you take on villain after villain. While this hero might have spent most of her time-fighting crime, it seems as though she’s also found time to fall in love, too.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (48)

However, just because she was walking down the aisle doesn’t mean that she’s free from her day job. The city never sleeps, and crime doesn’t stop. Hopefully, her dress can make it out the other side and remain pristine, so this superwoman can finish her wedding in peace.

Plenty of art

Sometimes, less really can be more. This woman’s look is on both ends of the scale. Her dress is a simple white look that doesn’t need much accessorizing to come to life. On the other hand, her body art is a tapestry in its own right. It looks as though she must have spent hours at the tattoo parlor to get the finishing look. The best bit?

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (49)

There is still so much room for more tattoos! Opting for a simpler outfit means this woman has the perfect canvas to show off her artwork instead. Fun fact: a poll in the US showed that more women have tattoos than men, and the majority of those women say it marks a memorable moment in their life.

The final touches

The majority of this dress looks like a pretty standard bridal gown. White material? Check. Veil? Check. Roses? Check. In fact, even though the dress has a pretty simple design, it creates a look that looks so elegantly done. It takes a special set of skills to make something look so impressive without going over the top.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (50)

So what happened when it came to her makeup? Did this bride accidentally book the wrong makeup artist? Maybe her friends are trying to make sure that she doesn’t look in the mirror? We get the feeling that she might be heading to an event for the day, but no one seems to be concerned by the corpse bride standing in the road.

King and queen of rock

There are times in our life where we need to be the King of Rock and Roll by day and a bride by night. What are we supposed to do? Contact Sondra Celli, of course. The designer has been working on blinged-out outfits for many years and has learned how to make the most unusual of dreams come to life.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (51)

Sondra says that she has worked on all kinds of designs over the years, including boots that are complete with 43,000 sparkling crystals and gowns complete with crystal roses. If you dream about it, then the chances are that Sondra can bring it to life. We’re just not really sure where the bike helmet comes into play. Are we missing something?

Saving the planet

If you’ve ever wondered what Burning Man chic looks like, then here we have it. We can only imagine this is why these two women are in the middle of the desert, wearing outfits that look pretty out there. It’s not until you look a little closer that you might spot the strange addition to the woman’s white dress.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (52)

There’s no frilly material in sight here as the woman is actually wearing a skirt made from plastic spoons instead. We just hope in a world where we’re all cutting back on our plastic that she has made an outfit she can wear time and time again. On the other hand, that hat might not be something to break out again.

Finding the one

Have you found yourself shopping around for the perfect wedding dress? It can be tough to know what style suits your frame. Sometimes, we have to go through a whole host of options until we find the perfect look. However, when you put on the perfect dress, it instantly feels like it’s been missing your entire life.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (53)

We wonder if this woman was having the same issues before she tried on this look? She might have wondered what the store was thinking when they bought this one off the rack. That was until the fur brushed over her, and that pom-pom sat on top of her head. At last, all of her worries about finding the perfect gown were gone.

A touch of misery

Everything from the neck down seems to be a beautifully designed wedding gown. It has everything that most of us could need. From pearls to delicate curls of white material – it’s like a dream come true for many of us. That is until you look up and notice the unusual addition on her head. We bet you never thought that you’d see an animal skull on a wedding day?

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (54)

You can thank us later. We have to admit, the head does kind of blend in with the look thanks to the veil and lace additions. However, we can’t look past the teeth and horns that are still attached. If the candelabra is anything to go by, we think it fits the theme well.

Little Bo Peep

Many people say that dogs look like their owners. While we’re not sure we can name the last time we saw someone chase the mailman or scratch at the door, we can see where they are coming from. Although this woman might not have had a dog by her side for her big day or a horse-drawn carriage, she did have another animal by her side.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (55)

Yes, her sheep was about to make it down the aisle. However, it might have been tough to get the sheep to fit with the dress code. Instead, she found the perfect answer as the bride dressed like her pet. At least the gown would have kept her warm? Even if it was a little itchy.

Less than impressed

Did you know that there’s a lot more history to the fishtail dress than any of us ever realized? It all started back in the 1930s when Marcel Rochas, a French designer, released his design to the world. He wanted to create gowns that accentuated the hourglass shape and thought that this was the perfect answer.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (56)

It wasn’t long before the look was all across Hollywood as actresses took the style to a new level of fame. Now, fishtail dresses are still a hugely popular choice for weddings, proms, and even the red carpet. Sadly, this woman looks a little less than impressed with her decision. What was supposed to make her feel like a Pink Lady appears to have had the opposite effect.

Bring it to life

If you’ve ever looked at a toilet paper doll and wondered if you could ever look like one yourself, then we have news: you can. The best bit? You could even recreate the look with nothing more than the toilet paper that you have lying in your bathroom. We didn’t think that things could get much better.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (57)

We’re starting to wonder what fashion designers think when they draw up their designs. Do they just doodle things down and hope for the best, or did someone think that this would be the winning design at the catwalk? It seems that even the audience has no idea how to react to this look. It might be no wonder the model is hiding her face.

Brightening things up

We’re not sure where this woman is heading, but wherever it is, it looks as though it should be a good time. However, we’re not sure that anyone else would have been able to find a dress that’s brighter than this creation. Just when you think she’s finished with the design, there’s another layer to the look. Of course, the tutu bottom of the dress is the main feature of the look.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (58)

It contains just about every color we could think up. That doesn’t mean that the rest of the outfit is any less impressive. The colored beads on the bodice match the color scheme with ease while the lady’s accessories add yet another aspect of color – just when you thought there wasn’t enough.

A helping hand

If you look at this dress from afar, then it seems like it’s made out of some kind of strips of material. If you squint a little and look from a little further away, then you might even think that it’s a gown that’s been designed by a top designer in the world. However, focus your eyes and look a little closer.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (59)

Yes, the dress is made out of what it looks like: thousands of rubber gloves. While these gloves have helped many of us, they aren’t something that we’ve thought of to use for a wedding dress. Now that we think about it, this dress is starting to look pretty creepy. Why did someone have all these gloves in the first place?

Feeling blue

We’re not quite sure how this woman ended up in this predicament. It looks as though she was supposed to be standing next to the calm sea, but how did she find herself covered head to toe in blue paint? Perhaps someone was worried that she had forgotten her ‘something blue’ and wanted to give her a quick gift before the ceremony?

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (60)

Maybe the photographer was trying something new to make it look as though the bride was surrounded by waves but didn’t think things through? Whatever the case, it thankfully seems as though the bride has seen the funny side of the situation. We just hope she’s prepared to hear that she won’t be getting her deposit back for the dress.

These Unfortunate Dresses Are Impossible To Forget | JourneyRanger (2024)


Does Randy still work for Kleinfeld? ›

Subsequently, his design experience paid off when he was offered a job at Kleinfeld. He is now an independent consultant. He has been a fashion designer since 1992.

Can you go to Kleinfeld's without an appointment? ›

You don't need an appointment to shop our wide selection of accessories—head downstairs to visit our accessories department and browse jewelry, headpieces, veils and a selection of shoes.

How many dresses does Kleinfeld have? ›

Kleinfeld relocates to the newly-renovated location in Manhattan with 28 dressing rooms, 17 fitting rooms, 1500 designer sample dresses, and a staff of 250 employees, servicing over 17,000 brides annually.

How much does Kleinfeld appointment cost? ›

There is no charge for appointments on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, however please note that Kleinfeld will be charging a $100 appointment fee for Saturday and Sunday appointments. If you do not cancel 48 hours prior to your appointment, regardless of date, you will be charged a $100 cancellation fee.

Who got fired from Kleinfeld's? ›

Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo says she was fired from her first job at Kleinfeld Bridal for trying on the gowns. “When I was the stock girl, I would carry all these big wedding dresses that were really heavy,” she said on Fox Business Network.

Do you get paid to be on Yes to the dress? ›

They aren't paid for their appearance. Even though brides and their families are appearing on the reality show, they receive no form of compensation on the TLC show. They have to pay for their dress. Sorry, dresses aren't free or even discounted.

Can you try on wedding dresses without a bra? ›

The bra. Even if you think you want a gown with straps, you'll likely still end up trying a few samples that don't have that coverage—and you'll want to see what they look like without unsightly bra straps. So either come to your appointment wearing a strapless bra or bring one with you.

Why do Grooms not see the wedding dress? ›

Tradition says

The tradition of grooms not seeing brides in their wedding dresses started because of arranged marriages. The parents of the bride were afraid that if the groom saw her before the wedding, he would break the arrangement.

How much of a down payment do I need for a wedding dress? ›

While the actual amount can vary from salon to salon, you should expect to put down around 50 to 60 percent. The remainder of the balance will be due once the dress arrives from the designer.

Who pays for the wedding dress? ›

Dresses and Suits

The bride and groom are responsible for paying for what they will wear on the wedding day. Oftentimes the bride's mom will help pay for her dress and accessories. The groom should handle any costs associated with their suit.

How much is the average dress at Kleinfeld's? ›

Kleinfeld: Are the Wedding Dresses Expensive? The gowns I tried on at Kleinfeld ranged from $3,000 to $8,000, and I barely scratched the surface of the gowns available. Some are incredibly intricate with hand embroidery and carefully placed beads and sequins. It also depends on the designer you're shopping.

Who is the best wedding dress designer? ›

The Best Wedding Dress Designers
  • Alice Temperley. ...
  • Vera Wang. ...
  • Vivienne Westwood. ...
  • Phillipa Lepley. ...
  • Charlie Brear. ...
  • Sassi Holford. ...
  • Caroline Castigliano. ...
  • Carolina Herrera.
Dec 19, 2022

How many people can you bring to Kleinfeld? ›

Please note, you may bring up to 3 guests to your bridal appointment. For more than 70 years, thousands of brides have traveled to Kleinfeld Bridal in New York City to find their wedding day looks. From the moment you walk through the doors, you'll feel the magic of Kleinfeld.

How many dresses does Kleinfeld sell in a year? ›

10,000: Approximate number of gowns Kleinfeld sells each year. $32,000: Cost of the most expensive dress in-stock at Kleinfeld today, a ball gown by Pnina Tornai (pictured left). $4,500: Average amount of money spent by a Kleinfeld bride.

What size does Kleinfeld go up to? ›

We have styles and sizes for everyone.

Here at Kleinfeld, we pride ourselves on our size inclusive selection, including the widest selection of bridal dress samples in sizes 20-32.

Has yes to the dress been cancelled? ›

TLC is bringing back eight of their hit shows in 2023. “1000-Lb. Best Friends,” “I Am Jazz,” “Darcey & Stacey,” “Extreme Sisters,” “7 Little Johnstons,” “My 600-Lb. Life,” “Say Yes to the Dress” and “Return to Amish” will all return with 88 hours of new content in the first quarter.

Does Lori own Kleinfeld? ›

Ronnie, Mara Urshel, and Wayne Rogers, of M*A*S*H fame, purchased Kleinfeld in 1999 and Ronnie has been the CEO ever since.

Did Randy quit Say Yes to the Dress? ›

Randy Fenoli said he walked out of a 'Say Yes to the Dress' appointment because he was disgusted by a mother mocking her daughter.

How much do the consultants at Kleinfeld make? ›

The average Kleinfeld Bridal salary ranges from approximately $30,000 per year for Bridal Consultant to $86,487 per year for Sales Director.

How much does it cost to be on Yes to the Dress? ›

As anyone knows, dresses on the show can get pretty expensive. The application offers five budget tiers, from under $2,000 to $10,000 and up. (There's also an “I have no budget” option.) You also must share who will pay for the dress and whether you've already started shopping for your gown.

How many consultants work at Kleinfeld? ›

In fact, we have a team of about 30 consultants that work at Kleinfeld each day—each one of them helping brides find their dream wedding dress.

What color bra should you wear under wedding dress? ›

She recommends going with a bra that matches your skin tone as opposed to your wedding dress. However, if you're finding it difficult to score the perfect bra in your skin tone, you can definitely go with something white or ivory instead.

Do brides wear a bra? ›

Not only do bras not work with most wedding gowns, but most brides actually don't even want to wear them. "I find that many brides are opposed to wearing a bra under the gown," says Chapman. However, everyone's body type is different, and brides with larger chests may not feel comfortable without the support of a bra.

What dresses to avoid at a wedding? ›

By avoiding these fashion faux-pas, you will make a tasteful fashion statement and show respect for the bride and groom.
  • White. ...
  • Denim or Jeans. ...
  • All Black. ...
  • Sparkly co*cktail Dresses. ...
  • Distressed Clothes. ...
  • Something That Mimics the Bridesmaids' Dresses. ...
  • Rompers. ...
  • A Ball Gown or Prom Dress.
May 31, 2018

Can the bride and groom sleep together the night before the wedding? ›

The big decision lots of couples are asking themselves is whether to spend it together or stick to tradition and sleep apart. It really is entirely up to you. There isn't a rule that says you have to but here's what's most important: that you relax. You'll want to rest up so you're totally prepared for your wedding.

Why do wedding dresses touch the floor? ›

The back of the dress should touch the floor. The reasoning behind this is so that you can easily walk down the aisle in your wedding gown without fear of tripping.

Why do bride and groom stay apart the night before? ›

Superstitious beliefs have kept many a couple separated until the ceremony, protecting their matrimonial fate from being doomed from the start. The tradition of spending the wedding eve apart is when to-be-weds refrain from seeing one another the night before their wedding, often until the ceremony.

What colors are off limits to wear to a wedding? ›

Here are the colours that are off limits for wedding guest attire.
  • Any shade of white. OK, this is probably pretty obvious, but you really can't wear white to a wedding. ...
  • Gold (and other metallics) ...
  • Light pastels. ...
  • Neon. ...
  • The colour the bridesmaids are wearing.
Aug 16, 2019

How many months before a wedding do you buy your dress? ›

Keeping in mind that you should never feel so rushed that you compromise in your choice of wedding dress, it's best to make your purchase between 6 to 9 months before the wedding. This gives you a few months to browse and consider your options, while still ensuring that you get your dress in time.

Do parents pay for daughters wedding dress? ›

If you are following the rules of tradition, the bride's family is expected to bear the brunt of the expenses including the wedding dress, bridesmaids gifts (bridesmaids are still expected to buy their own dresses), the wedding planner or coordinator, the invitations, the flowers, the wedding reception, photography, ...

What should the mother of the groom not do? ›

Here are a few things a mother-of-the-groom shouldn't do.
  • Don't overshadow the bride's mother. ...
  • Don't act (or dress) like a bridesmaid. ...
  • Don't get too critical. ...
  • Don't steal the bride's spotlight with your mother-of-the-groom outfit. ...
  • Don't try to invite extra guests. ...
  • Don't skip the pre-wedding events.
Jul 2, 2019

What does the maid of honor pay for? ›

Typically, the maid of honor pays for smaller-ticket items, like a bachelorette sash or tiara, decorations, and swag for the other party guests. If you, as the bride, don't want to pay for these smaller items, our advice is to give your friends space to take the reins.

Who buys the wedding rings? ›

Who Buys the Wedding Bands? Tradition has it that each person pays for the other person's ring. So in a traditional wedding, the groom or his family would pay for the bride's ring, and the bride or her family would pay for the groom's ring.

How long do Kleinfeld appointments last? ›

One of the most popular questions we receive is “How long is a Kleinfeld appointment?” Our Kleinfeld appointments are 90 minutes long. Don't worry, this is more than enough time for a bride to find her wedding dress..

Is it worth going to Kleinfeld? ›

Overall, the experience was definitely worth the hype. If you're able to go to Kleinfeld when you're searching for your wedding gown, it's truly worth it -- even if you don't find your dress!

How much is Marilyn Monroe dress? ›

Estimated to go for about $2 million, it ultimately sold for $4.8 million to Ripley's Believe It or Not!, which later advertised it as “the world's most expensive dress!” and kept it in a vault in its museum in Orlando, Fla.

How much do brides spend on a wedding dress on average? ›

According to The Knot Real Weddings Study, which surveyed over 15,000 couples who got married last year, the average wedding dress cost in 2021 was $1,800.

What is the most popular wedding dress shape? ›

Probably the most well-known wedding dress silhouette is an a-line wedding gown. This style is flattering on all body types because it is form-fitted on top and flares out at the waist, creating its famous “A” shape. The A-line silhouette is designed to emphasize a narrow waist and bust line while balancing wider hips.

Who is the real toilet paper wedding dress designer? ›

In a profile of the designer last year in The Desert Sun, Cazares created a wedding dress out of 54 rolls of Quilted Northern Ultra Soft & Strong toilet paper. It resembled crocheted vintage lace rather than toilet tissue and was named the fan-favorite out of more than 1,500 entries.

Can you go to Kleinfeld without an appointment? ›

You don't need an appointment to shop our wide selection of accessories—head downstairs to visit our accessories department and browse jewelry, headpieces, veils and a selection of shoes.

Does Kleinfeld have parking? ›

Kleinfeld Sample Studio does not offer on-site parking. The closest parking is at 119-121 W 19th St New York.

How much does a Kleinfeld appointment cost? ›

There is no charge for appointments on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, however please note that Kleinfeld will be charging a $100 appointment fee for Saturday and Sunday appointments. If you do not cancel 48 hours prior to your appointment, regardless of date, you will be charged a $100 cancellation fee.

What does wearing a veil at your wedding mean? ›

Eventually, wedding veils became symbols of a bride's chastity and modesty, and many cultures still use them for that reason. "When white wedding dresses were worn to symbolize chastity, the white veil followed suit," says Stark. "In many religions, it is a symbol of reverence for women to cover their heads."

What color is the mother of the bride's dress supposed to be? ›

Traditionally, the mother of the bride's dress should complement the wedding party's colors (though not necessarily match). Therefore, it's best to wait until your daughter chooses the bridesmaids' dresses to begin shopping, says expert Shea Jensen.

What is a size 12 wedding dress equivalent to? ›

I believe it is essential for brides to see the fit of the gown and feel good while they do it! Most of my dresses are a bridal size 10 or 12, which would be sizes 8 or 10 in street (aka ready-to-wear) sizing.

Is size 14 plus size wedding dress? ›

You're considered a plus-size bride if you normally wear a size 14 or higher, which would be a size 16 in bridal. Most designers do offer plus sizes, but many stores only carry samples in sizes 8, 10 and 12.

What is the average wedding dress size? ›


In general, we say anywhere from 2-4 sizes past your pant size is a good place to start with bridal sizing. Typically, a gown can be altered about 2-4 sizes down without losing the integrity of the dress (size 14 to a size 10).

When did Randy leave Kleinfeld? ›

From 2007-2012 Randy worked as Fashion Director at New York's Kleinfeld Bridal Salon where he would consult with nearly 15,000 brides a year.

Did Randy quit Say Yes To The Dress? ›

Randy Fenoli said he walked out of a 'Say Yes to the Dress' appointment because he was disgusted by a mother mocking her daughter.

Why is Randy not at Kleinfeld's? ›

Randy had to work remotely “because of COVID restrictions.”

In that season premiere, however, Randy explained the COVID-19 precautions at the store — from afar, of course. “Things are looking a little different these days at Kleinfeld,” he said.

Is Say Yes To The Dress coming back on in 2022? ›

TLC is bringing back eight of their hit shows in 2023. “1000-Lb. Best Friends,” “I Am Jazz,” “Darcey & Stacey,” “Extreme Sisters,” “7 Little Johnstons,” “My 600-Lb. Life,” “Say Yes to the Dress” and “Return to Amish” will all return with 88 hours of new content in the first quarter.

How much do Kleinfeld consultants make? ›

The average Kleinfeld Bridal salary ranges from approximately $30,000 per year for Bridal Consultant to $86,487 per year for Sales Director.

Does Monty still work at Bridals by Lori? ›

Durham, whose face became familiar to many over the years due to his starring role with good friend and bridal store owner Lori Allen on TLC's "Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta," continues to work on a regular basis with producers in Baltimore and Los Angeles on ideas for other shows.

Is Pnina Tornai still at Kleinfeld? ›

Pnina Tornai, exclusive designer for Kleinfeld, is a leading international bridal and eveningwear designer.

Which consultant passed away on Say Yes To The Dress? ›

'Say Yes to the Dress' Margo Ambler Died Fighting Cancer “With Every Ounce of Her Being”

Is Randy Fenoli getting married? ›

Fenoli, 58, proposed to his partner Mete Kobal on Saturday, as he shared on Instagram. The reality TV star and designer asked Kobal to marry him at Marmara Park Avenue in New York, where Kleinfeld Bridal is located, according to Instagram.

How much does yes to the dress Randy make? ›

Fenoli started sewing at just nine years old and won the Miss Gay America competition in 1990. He used the money he won to enroll at New York's Fashion Institute of Technology.
Randy Fenoli Net Worth.
Net Worth:$8 Million
Salary:$3 Million
Place of BirthMount Vernon
ProfessionPresenter, Fashion Designer
1 more row

Who owns confetti and lace? ›

Christine Dando - Owner - Confetti & Lace | LinkedIn.

Is Say Yes to the Dress Kleinfeld cancelled? ›

Season 21 Air Date Confirmed. Say Yes to the Dress is back for another season of tears and pre-wedding purchases. Major Manhattan bridal salon Kleinfeld Bridal, where the series is set, is opening its doors once again to help brides-to-be find their dream wedding gown.

What was the highest budget on Say Yes to the Dress? ›

$70,000 - Tabitha

In season seven, bride Tabitha stole the show—and broke the record—for the most expensive gown purchased, ringing in at $70,000! Forget about dresses; that's more than most weddings cost.

Are they still filming Say Yes to the Dress Atlanta? ›

The long-running TLC reality show “Say Yes to the Dress: Atlanta” is on hiatus again.

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Name: Dan Stracke

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.