When Money Is Tight - Tips for Living on Next to Nothing (2024)

When money is tight, you need to be honest with yourself and then you need to get really creative.

Obviously, finding ways to increase your income are important, too but sometimes it’s just not possible to commit any extra time or energy to earning more money.

If that’s you, then, these simple tips might help you manage living on next to nothing.

When things are really tight here’s a plan of action:

  • Stop spending
  • Keep it simple
  • Make the most of your time
  • Plan ahead
  • Join a library
  • Build a pantry stockpile
  • Keep your heating and cooling costs down
  • Manage your accommodation costs
  • Save something every pay day.

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Table of Contents

Stop Spending

Apply the law of holes: if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

It’s the same with your budget. If you’re finding it hard to make ends meet, stop spending.

Ironically, when money is really tight, we’re often more likely to spend unnecessarily in order to feel better. It’s like eating cake though, spending on a treat feels good in the moment but then, inevitably, the guilt sets in.

You know you don’t need the, whatever it is, and you know you can’t afford it so you end up feeling worse than you did before buying your treat.

Don’t do it to yourself. Put the metaphorical fork down and step away from the table.

If you’re not sure where your money is going, start tracking your spending. Now. The best thing you can do is plug the money leaks as quickly as possible. You won’t regret your efforts here. I promise you.

How to Live on Half Your Income


Want more tips on living next to nothing? Read these articles:

  • 3 Simple Ways to Stay Positive on a Tight Budget
  • Smart Money Secrets from the Great Depression
  • Stop Impulse Spending with this Neat Trick
  • Massive Money Saving Checklist

Keep It Simple

When money is really tight and you need to provide food, clothing and entertainment to your family; keep it simple.

There’s no need to cook complicated meals. You can make lots of filling and nourishing meals from a simple selection of basic ingredients and you don’t need to spend a fortune.

For example, soups, stews or spaghetti sauce. All can be made with cheap cuts of meat, root vegetables like carrots and potatoes and canned tomatoes.

The secret ingredient for these dishes is time. If you can make them the day before, they’ll be rich and flavourful when you serve them to your family. They also freeze really well.

Speaking of freezing well, here are some tasty ideas for stocking your freezer with healthy, home-cooked meals.

Simple entertainment can also create meaningful family time. You can:

  • Play board games
  • Or, charades
  • Take a ball to the park
  • Go for a walk
  • Tell stories around a camp fire (or candle).

You don’t need cable TV or even Netflix to relax and have fun.

50 Awesome Ways to Live Well on Less Money


Make the Most of Your Time

When you don’t have money available, you need to make the most of your time.

This can be a serious challenge if you’re working long hours and/or commuting long hours but the truth is, everything in life needs time, either your’s or someone else’s. If it’s someone else’s you’re going to need to pay for that time.

Think about that every time you pick up something that’s pre-prepared in any way; chopped, cooked or sliced. If money is really tight, you’ll need to forego the concept of convenience.

Cook from scratch with basic ingredients.

Leave the packets with separate individual serves on the shelf.

Plan Ahead

When times are tough, there’s a very real temptation to keep your eyes down and just concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.

You can’t afford to do that.

You need to think about what’s ahead and plan for it.

Make sure you know when your bills are due and roughly how much they’ll be, then figure out how you’ll pay them.

If you’re getting by on a bare bones existence, most surprises aren’t happy ones. They’re usually unexpected bills. So, get a plan now and start working it as best you can.

The more aspects of your life you plan ahead of time, the less stressful life will be.

If you can remove some areas of uncertainty it will free up a lot of energy that would otherwise be burned up worrying about what might happen next.

Want more ideas on how to plan ahead? Read these articles:

  • 13 Reasons Why You Need An Emergency Fund
  • Five Savings Goals that will Change Your Life
  • Single Parents: Smart Money Habits for a Simple, Happy Life
  • 7 Simple Ways to be More Organised Every Day
  • How to Change Your Life by Changing 6 Simple Habits

Join a Library

Libraries are a real treasure trove of adventure, knowledge and connection.

Most libraries provide services that go beyond loaning books to the community. They often have special reading events like story-time for children, information nights, author encounters, knitting circles… You’d be surprised.

Along with books, you can also borrow ebooks, DVDs, audiobooks and magazines.

Plus, most libraries also provide internet connected computers for members to use – free.

And, becoming a member of your local library is free! If you’re not already a member, go join. Now.

Build a Pantry Stockpile

Depending on how tight the money is, try to add some basics to your pantry when you can get them at a good price.

Look for good deals on bulk purchases and buy in bulk when you can.

Always compare the cost per unit, weight or volume of the bulk version to the usual size.

Sometimes, bigger isn’t necessarily better and you’re actually better off buying the standard size.

Also, consider whether you’ll be able to use it all before it reaches its use by or best before date. There’s no value in buying bulk if you end up throwing half the product away.

If you can’t start your stockpile immediately, try to put a couple of dollars to the side each payday to accumulate so you can buy sale items when you see them in the future.


Get all the details on how to Shop from Your Pantry.

Keep Your Heating and Cooling Costs Down

Keeping warm or cool can be a huge contributor to your general household costs.

Regardless of our financial situation, we should all be thinking about ways to keep our homes comfortable with minimal use of energy.

If you live in a very cold climate, make sure your windows and doors are sealed so the heat you’re paying your hard-earned dollars for isn’t escaping under the door. Make use of throw blankets if you’re sitting on the sofa. Put on a sweater and thick socks, don’t turn up the thermostat.

If you live in a hot climate, keep the blinds or curtains closed if it’s going to be a really hot day.

If you can, find ways to keep the direct sunlight off the windows.

The best option for being comfortable in the heat (within reason) is to stay away from air-conditioning. If you can avoid air-conditioning you will acclimatize to the temperature. Easier said than done with air-conditioning in nearly every modern workplace.

If you must use air-conditioning adjust the temperature up. The optimal temperature is between 70 – 75 degrees Fahrenheit or about 22 degrees Celsius.

Manage Your Accommodation Costs

Finding cheaper accommodation can be trickier than it sounds. You need to balance the costs involved in moving with the savings made paying less rent.

Depending on your circ*mstances, you might be able to rent out a spare room or go live in a truck in the parking lot where you work, like Brandon. But, there’s always the possibility that you can’t make any changes. If that’s the case. Let it go for the time being but plan ahead, you might be able to make a change when the lease is due for renewal.

If you’re paying a mortgage you might be able to renegotiate either the interest rate or the length of your mortgage in order to reduce your current payments. It’s worth exploring with your bank. The worst that can happen is they say, no.

Save Something Every Pay Day

When you’re living on next to nothing, saving is probably the last thing on your mind. But, the simple act of choosing to put a couple of dollars to the side as savings can make a huge impact on your mindset and your confidence. Sure, you might have to give up something in order to do it but you’ll find the rewards are priceless.

Commit to saving a couple of dollars, at the very least, every time you’re paid. Put it in a safe place and make a promise to yourself that you won’t use that money unless it’s an emergency. And, chocolate doesn’t count.

When Money is Tight

Having to count every penny is not fun. It’s stressful and can wreck your self-esteem if you let it.

Remember this though, it is a shame you find yourself in your current situation but you should never feel ashamed. Anyone can find themselves in the same financial position through a job loss, marriage breakdown or prolonged illness.

If you need help, ask for it. There are government agencies and many, many charities that can give you a helping hand so, don’t suffer in silence. Take it one day at a time and make the most of the time, skills and money you have, right now.

You can do it.

For even more money saving tips, check out our Massive Money Saving Checklist. You can even download it and print it for reference.

Remember to follow Smart Money, Simple Life on Pinterest and Facebook for lots more great information you can use to live your best life, starting today!

What are your tips for when the money is tight and you’re living on next to nothing?

Suggested Reading

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When Money Is Tight - Tips for Living on Next to Nothing (2024)


When Money Is Tight - Tips for Living on Next to Nothing? ›

Definitions of tight money. the economic condition in which credit is difficult to secure and interest rates are high. antonyms: easy money.

How do you survive when money is tight? ›

Beyond altering your spending habits, here are four additional things you can do to help your family survive when money is tight.
  1. Call the companies you owe money to. If you owe student loans, call your lenders to see if you can get your monthly payments reduced. ...
  2. Meal plan. ...
  3. Declutter and sell things. ...
  4. Have a fun budget.

What does it mean if money is tight? ›

Definitions of tight money. the economic condition in which credit is difficult to secure and interest rates are high. antonyms: easy money.

How to survive on next to nothing? ›

Replenish perishables such as milk and bread as needed but try to cope by eating down everything already in your cupboard, fridge, and home.
  1. Another way to do this is to not go shopping one week a month. ...
  2. Use coupons and discounts to reduce food costs. ...
  3. Drink tap water.

What makes a person tight with money? ›

This type of behaviour often originates from psychological factors like low self-esteem, anxiety, and guilt, which cause individuals to hoard resources and lead to negative personal and professional relationships, as well as financial instability.

How to live on an extremely tight budget? ›

The best way to save money on a tight budget is to make small changes. Turn off lights when you're not using them, avoid impulse purchases, cancel subscriptions you don't use and eat in more often. You can also look for discounts by couponing or shopping sales or consider low-income assistance programs.

What does it mean to live on a tight budget? ›

: involving a relatively small amount of money for planned spending. She started her business on a small/tight/shoestring budget and could not afford to overspend.

What does tight with my money mean? ›

A cheapskate is someone who is tight with money. Cheapskates will do anything to avoid spending a buck. Some people spend too much money: they're always picking up the check and running up their credit cards. Other people are the opposite: a cheapskate is cheap, meaning they avoid spending money to an extreme degree.

What do you call someone who is tight with money? ›

Stingy, parsimonious, miserly, mean, close all mean reluctant to part with money or goods. Stingy, the most general of these terms, means unwilling to share, give, or spend possessions or money: children who are stingy with their toys; a stingy, grasping skinflint.

How to live below your means? ›

These seven tips may be able to help.
  1. Understand your current financial habits. Not sure how to start spending less? ...
  2. Create an effective budget and stick to it. ...
  3. Look for ways to reduce spending. ...
  4. Set financial goals for future success. ...
  5. Save for emergencies or major purchases. ...
  6. Pay down debt. ...
  7. Stay aware of lifestyle creep.

How do I start my life over with nothing and no money? ›

  1. Shift Your Mindset: From Scarcity to Abundance. ...
  2. Assess Your Skills and Talents. ...
  3. Set Clear Goals and Prioritize. ...
  4. Create a Budget and Reduce Expenses. ...
  5. Explore Alternative Housing Options. ...
  6. Generate Income with Creative Solutions. ...
  7. Seek Support and Leverage Networks. ...
  8. Invest in Continuous Learning and Personal Growth.
Jul 11, 2023

How to start over when you're broke? ›

To make the most of your new life, start by creating a list of goals and keeping a positive mindset. Learn more about saving and your spending habits. Get a job to bring in additional income and reach out to your friends and family for assistance, if needed.

How do you save when you have nothing? ›

11 Foolproof Ways to Save Money On a Low Income
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Open a Savings Account or Savings Pod. ...
  3. Drop Unneeded Monthly Memberships. ...
  4. Take a Hard Look at Your 'Unavoidable' Expenses. ...
  5. Save Money on Food. ...
  6. Save Money on Utilities. ...
  7. Commit to Buying Nothing New. ...
  8. Change Where You Keep Your Money.
Jan 4, 2023

How to know if a person is stingy? ›

Signs That Your Significant Other is Stingy
  1. Your SO never offers to pay for dinner, Uber, concert or movie tickets, etc.
  2. Your SO never has cash on hand to pay for essential things.
  3. Your SO often forgets to bring a wallet along on dates.
  4. Your SO makes up complaints in search of discounts.

How do you deal with a stingy man? ›

Talk about it; don't just assume your partner knows or will understand. You noticed that your partner is stingy, how about you showing him or her how things should be done within your own capacity. Don't go beyond your budget, don't steal or borrow money.”

When money stresses you out? ›

Feeling beaten down by money worries can adversely impact your sleep, self-esteem, and energy levels. It can leave you feeling angry, ashamed, or fearful, fuel tension and arguments with those closest to you, exacerbate pain and mood swings, and even increase your risk of depression and anxiety.

How to survive with not much money? ›

How to live off the grid with no money
  1. Do a work exchange. If you're new to the off-grid life, a great way to start is through Worldpackers. ...
  2. Join an off-grid community. ...
  3. Find low-cost or free land. ...
  4. Construct a cabin or tiny house. ...
  5. Grow your own food. ...
  6. Fish responsibly. ...
  7. Forage for edible plants. ...
  8. Collect and filter water.

How do you survive when you run out of money? ›

What to Do if You're Running Out of Money
  1. Step 1: Review Your Spending. It's time to get serious and take an inventory of your money. ...
  2. Step 2: Create a Budget. Okay, you've looked at where your money is going. ...
  3. Step 3: Pay Your Important Bills. ...
  4. Step 4: Find Ways to Cut Spending. ...
  5. Step 5: Find Ways to Make Extra Money.
Mar 31, 2023

What to do when you are financially broke? ›

Budgeting When You're Broke
  1. Avoid Immediate Disasters. ...
  2. Review Credit Card Payments and Due Dates. ...
  3. Prioritizing Bills. ...
  4. Ignore the 10% Savings Rule, For Now. ...
  5. Review Your Past Month's Spending. ...
  6. Negotiate Credit Card Interest Rates. ...
  7. Eliminate Unnecessary Expenses. ...
  8. Journal New Budget for One Month.

How do you survive hard financial times? ›

Tips for tough financial times
  1. Eliminate unnecessary expenses. Determine how much you're spending in nonessential categories such as entertainment or eating out. ...
  2. Tap into your emergency fund. ...
  3. Refinance your car payment. ...
  4. Consider a personal loan. ...
  5. Avoid tapping into your retirement account. ...
  6. Make a plan.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.