Don’t Starve Together Guide (25 Best DST Tips) (2024)

‘Don’t Starve Together’ may look like a fun and easy co-op survival game due to its unique art style, but the longer you survive the harder it gets.

In this article we’ll be listing 25 tips necessary not only to keep yourself from starving, but to continue surviving. We’re going to break our tips into three categories: Beginning Game, Mid Game, and Late Game.


1. Gather materials

In Don’t Starve Together you must build items not only to catch prey to eat, but to ensure your own survival beyond satiating hunger.

Solution: Finding materials is an important part of the game. From grass to rocks, you’re going to need many different resources to build what you need. We suggest not only finding items, but gathering as much as possible that you can stack. Your inventory space will be limited, so make sure to only take the resources that you need.

2. Build tools.

In order to gather some resources (such as wood), you need more intricate tools.

Solution: With the materials you gathered, craft tools as soon as possible. Know that the tools will break over time, but the items will tell you what percentage of durability they have.

3. Mind the time

Time of day (and light) is a very important feature in the ‘Don’t Starve’ universe. The later it gets, the darker it becomes. You never want to be left in total darkness as it will drain your sanity and harm you.

Solution: Keep track of the time of day, which is shown in the top right corner of the screen. The closer it gets to night, the more you should concern yourself with finding a source of light to keep with you during the night.

4. Keep track of your sanity, health, and hunger.

Though the game is called ‘Don’t Starve Together,’ there are different ways to die beyond starvation.

Solution: To continue your streak of survival, you’re going to want to continuously check the gauges of your health, hunger, and sanity. Your health is the most important, with hunger affecting it directly. Sanity is also important, though, as low sanity can cause shadow enemies to spawn which will damage you in combat.

5. Pick flowers.

Over time, your sanity will drain, even when taking care to not encounter monsters and find sources of light during nighttime. Loss of sanity can be a slippery slope to death in ‘Don’t Starve Together.’

Solution: Picking flowers will give a nice boost to your sanity, as every flower will restore a fragment of your sanity. With enough flowers you can craft a garland which helps aid in events that drain your sanity so that they have a lesser effect.

6. Find gold.

There are a plethora of different materials in ‘Don’t Starve Together,’ but gold is incredibly important and valuable. To progress in the game, it’s necessary to find gold to build more complex structures.

Solution: There are different biomes in the game, two of which are important for this step. Both rockyland and desert areas can be home to many rocks (rockyland more so). If you’re in an area bountiful with boulders, search for those with a gold vein and be sure to collect as many gold nuggets as possible!

7. Find a location for your base.

In order to unlock new recipes to craft, you’re going to build a science machine. Because you’ll need to keep coming back to the machine to create new recipes as you gather materials, you’re going to need to find a good spot to build.

Solution: Finding a good spot can be a little tricky, but we recommend either building your base near sources of gold, beefalo, or the Florid Postern. Gold is necessary for building important structures, such as the science machine itself. Gold doesn’t respawn however, which is why beefalos are another great idea- their manure being useful with farms ! Even beefalo have drawbacks, unfortunately, as they become aggressive during mating season. If respawn is an option, building near the Florid Postern (the respawn point) is a great idea.

8. Create a firepit.

Camp fires take 2x wood as well as 3x cut grass to create, then need added wood to continue to burn. This may not seem like much, but over time it will drain your supply of grass.

Solution: Firepit creation takes a fair amount of stones, but once created your pit is always there. To rekindle the fire in it, you only need toss flammable material into it.

9. Create a backpack.

As discussed earlier, spaces in your inventory are limited. Because of this, we suggest building a backpack.

Solution: Backpacks don’t add many more spaces to your inventory, but any extra space is good space. To create a backpack you’ll need a science machine as well as 4x grass and 4x twigs.

Mid Game

10. Find Chester.

Even with a backpack, you still don’t have much storage space. Of course you’re going to need plenty of resources through the game to continue building your base. The more advancements you make in the game, the more tools you’ll have though, which means even less inventory space.

Solution: Chester is both a chest and a companion who travels alongside you. He’s a travelling 9 slot inventory that retains the items within him even if someone else is given his eye bone. To find Chester, you first want to locate the stagehand on the map, then look around for a circular path. You’ll find an eye bone- literally a bone with an eye on it- and once you pick that up, Chester will span and begin to follow you.

11. Create crops and traps.

Scavenging for food can take a good chunk of time, which can be detrimental when you need to search long distance for items.

Solution: Building crops and traps can help you capture animals and grow vegetables that can be more filling. Traps you can build right away, but crops you need a science machine for. Furthermore, to make an advanced crop you’ll need an alchemy machine.

12. Create crock pots.

Even with traps and crops, your hunger may not be satiated. Never fear, there’s a way you can make filling meals without the need to eat countless carrots.

Solution: Crock pots are an item you can create thanks to the science machine. You add two to four ingredients then give time for the crock pot to do its job. Better yet, there are recipes you can either experiment to find or search online for! Meals fill your hunger meter more than ingredients separately would.

13. Craft weapons and armor.

Around now, your character might hear howling from afar. There is a cycle in the game of hounds coming to harass you every 3 to 13 days. To defeat them you’re going to need some weapons.

Solution: Weapons and armor can be crafted early on in the game. We suggest starting with a spear, a melee weapon which you can make once you’ve created a science machine. It isn’t too powerful but is better than nothing at all. Another method is to look for skeletons in the game that have dropped weapons and armor which may be useful.

14. Create chests.

At this point, you may have excess crafting items strewn about. You might not have an organizational system at all to that either, and need wood to make planks but are unsure where to put your excess planks after.

Solution: Creating chests can help you organize your extra items instead of leaving them about. They only cost 3x plank and can be made as soon as you make your science machine. They have 9 slots each for storage.

15. Chunk gather.

It may be alluring to gather many different resources at once, but your inventory will fill quickly with all the different items gathered- especially given with all the tools you have in your pockets.

Solution: It’s recommended that you chunk gather rather than gather a multitude of resources at a time. Chunk gathering is where you focus on the resources needed for one item and gather many more times the resources for it than you need. Other items are bound to need those resources too, leaving them for use in the future!

16. Find mobs (Spiders, pigmen, merm, etc)

Some items need resources which only drop from mobs. Now that you have some weapons and armor, however, you see no reason you can’t gather those items yourself.

Solution: Go out and find them! Some mobs aren’t initially hostile given the species of your character. Even if you don’t feel comfortable with attacking and killing just yet, knowing where these mobs are can help when you do.

17. Build an alchemy engine.

Recipes from the science machine not cutting it anymore? It might be time for an upgrade!

Solution: An alchemy engine is essentially a step above the science machine. It grants new recipes that will help you with your survival even better than the science machine recipes could hope to! You do already need a science machine to craft this, but by this point you should already have that.

End Game

18. Learn to kite.

The further you get into the game, the more difficult the enemies are going to get, especially with seasonal boss fights. Even with better armor and weapons, their attacks may be harder hitting than before.

Solution: Kiting is a technique in which you have enemies chasing you, then attack them in the short timeframe that they’re vulnerable. This is meant to save you from hits while also giving you a timeframe where you can safely attack them.

19. Have enemies fight each other.

It might be hard to time hits while kiting, or the enemies might be tedious to take care of at this point (such as hounds). A tip we gave earlier was to find mobs, and that might just come in handy for you now.

Solution: Mobs can and will fight other mobs, all you need to do is lead them to each other. Better yet, even if the mob is friendly (such as pig men), this can allow you the ability to gather materials you otherwise wouldn’t get from strictly friendly interactions thanks to your enemy killing off a few of the friendlies.

20. Explore the dark arts.

So far we’ve only spoken about science and alchemy, but there is another powerful force to be reckoned with- magic! Some of the most powerful items (such as the dark sword) come from science. Here’s how to get them.

Solution: After creating the science machine, you unlock the magic tab, where you can find plans for the Prestihatilator. The Prestihatilator essentially works like a science machine, only instead of unlocking science items, it unlocks magical ones.

21. Create a football helmet.

Even with the best kiting techniques and armor, aggressive mobs still may get in a hit here or there. What is the best thing you could wear to help with this?

Solution: A football helmet reduces damage by 80%. If you followed our earlier advice with having mobs fight other mobs, you may have an extra pig skin or two laying around. With just a pigskin, rope, and an alchemy machine you can craft this item.

22. Craft a lantern.

Some locations may be quite a distance away, and you may be weary of traveling at night with nothing other than a torch

Solution: Lanterns may be a bit intimidating to make- requiring 2x lightbulbs, 3x twigs, and 2x rope- but they last longer than torches as well as are refuelable. They come in handy while traversing across the map.

23. Explore the outline of the map.

Now you might feel very comfortable where you’re at with not much to do, or maybe the resources around you keep getting used and you find yourself searching for more. Sometimes searching is a necessity.

Solution: The map stores information of where you’ve traversed and the biomes present in those areas. By exploring the outline of the map, you won’t be wandering aimlessly in different directions and will get a rough idea of where to go for any given resource.

24. Master temperatures.

During different seasons, you can expect different weather patterns which will actually affect gameplay mechanics. To last as long as you can in game, you’re going to need to master the different seasons and the weather they bring.

Solution: Survival through seasons is more than just wearing weather appropriate clothing! There are also items such as the whirly fan and thermal stone which prevent overheating and freezing. Another technique to be mastered is overheating yourself (when the edges of the screen turn orange) before going out on a snowy day, making it take longer for the cold weather to affect you. The inverse is true with freezing yourself before a warm summer day!

25. Build up base

Is your base simply what you need and nothing more? Are you tired of hounds coming and attacking your items that you must then rebuild? This tip is for you.

Solution: Fortifying your base is a very important step in the game as it ensures your base stays in pristine condition after boss fights. One thing we love to do is make walls with tooth traps outside of them. The mobs will have to break down the damaging tooth traps before getting to the wall which they must attack also.

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Don’t Starve Together Guide (25 Best DST Tips) (2024)


Don’t Starve Together Guide (25 Best DST Tips)? ›


By far the strongest character in Don't Starve Together is Wolfgang, who when properly fed receives a maximum of 2x Damage. Wolfgang also receives maximum health of 300.

Who is the most powerful character in DST? ›


By far the strongest character in Don't Starve Together is Wolfgang, who when properly fed receives a maximum of 2x Damage. Wolfgang also receives maximum health of 300.

How to lose sanity fast in DST? ›

Being alone in the wilderness will take its toll. Generally speaking, being in close proximity to Monsters, Darkness, Rain, eating bad or raw Food, or using various magic items decreases sanity; while wearing certain clothing, eating Jerky and Crock Pot food, being near friendly Pigs, and sleeping increases sanity.

How can I survive long in DST? ›

Do not eat any food just yet if your hunger meter is mostly full. Only eat food if the hunger bar is 35-40 or below. Gather Flowers too, just enough to make a Garland (12). Make a base camp complete with a Science Machine and a Fire Pit by Day 3, and try to find a Pig Village to settle down near if possible.

What is the easiest boss in DST? ›

Wolfgang. Wolfgang is by far the easiest character to defeat Deerclops with. With a full stomach, Wolfgang doesn't even need armor, or a powerful weapon, just a simple Spear is fine.

What food rots fastest in DST? ›

The food with the shortest perish time is Lichen, turning to Rot after just 2 days. The food with the longest perish time is the Powdercake, which turns to Rot after 18,750 days. In the Shipwrecked DLC, Brainy Matter takes 1 day to turn to Rot. In Don't Starve Together, Cooked Juicy Berries spoil in 1 day.

Who is the easiest character to play in DST? ›

One of the most basic but beneficial characters for players to start with is Wilson. He might seem like nothing special, but for beginners, he's a given. Wilson does not require any experience to play with and is the main protagonist in the game.

What is the strongest sword in DST? ›

1 Dark Sword

This weapon does 68 damage with 100 durability. It does cost 20 Sanity a minute while equipped, however, it is one of the strongest weapons in the game.

What is the better weapon in DST? ›

The Ham Bat is one of the strongest weapon in the game, and its durability is basically infinite, not until it completely spoils to Rot. Because of this, it makes for a good choice when fighting against bosses which are resilient, killing consecutive enemies, or when setting off for a long journey.

What is the rarest drop in DST? ›

The Krampus Sack is a Backpack item. It is an extremely rare drop from Krampus, with only a 1% chance to drop. In Don't Starve Together, it has a 10% chance to drop from bundled supplies received from Klaus's Loot Stash.

What food is best for DST sanity? ›

The best food for Sanity is Ice Cream providing players with 50 Sanity and 25 Hunger. Icecream requires 1-2 Dairy (Butter or Electric Milk), Ice and Sweetener (Honey or Honeycomb), though it needs at least one of each.

How do you befriend Pigs don't starve? ›

It is possible to befriend a Pig and not consume any resources. This can be accomplished by giving a Pig a piece of meat who is in combat with a Frog. The "befriending" music will play when the meat is given to the Pig, but it will not immediately consume the food because it is in combat.

How to raise sanity in 60 seconds? ›

If the player gives something, to the rewards, all the characters will gain sanity. Summary: The family members wish they had a photo of their great uncle named Terry. If the player uses the Boy Scout Handbook, they find a photo of him, and it helps to keep up their sanity.

Is there an end goal to DST? ›

The creators of Don't Starve have always encouraged players to have their own end goals. The game itself is open ended and does not exactly have a way to 'complete' it unless you're counting Adventure Mode. But mostly it's just how you as the player decide what your end goals are.

What are the hardest seasons in DST? ›

Spring and Autumn are considered "friendly" seasons, while Summer and Winter are considered "harsh". Because of this, when starting a new game, the default starting season will be either Spring or Autumn.

What to do as a ghost in DST? ›

Ghost Players or Ghost Characters appear whenever a player dies in Don't Starve Together. They can fly around and haunt objects. Ghost Players may resurrect themselves via Touch Stones, Meat Effigies, or Life Giving Amulets. Other players are able to resurrect them using a telltale heart.

Who is the youngest character in DST? ›

Ages - from youngest to oldest. Unknown: Wolfgang, WX-78, Wickerbottom, Woodie, Wes, Maxwell, Wagstaff, Wigfrid, Webber, Walani, Warly, Wilbur, Woodlegs, Wilba, Wormwood, Wheeler, Winona, Wortox, Wurt, Walter.

What is the fastest movement speed in DST? ›

  • The fastest speed a player can have without console commands or exploits is about 45. ...
  • The slowest speed a player can have without console commands is 1.0368.

Who is the best DST character to play solo? ›

Wickerbottom is not only a great team player but a great solo character as well, due to being able to craft most things on day1 and having most of her books still benefit her when she's all by herself.

What is the longest lasting food in DST? ›

These foods will keep a long-lasting hot effect indefinitely, making them a great item to keep around static resurrection structures, especially during Winter:
  • Hot Cocoa.
  • Apple Cider.

What is the best use for meat in DST? ›

Meat is a Food item dropped by numerous fleshy creatures (Pigs, Beefalo, Deerclops etc.) It can be used to make the Ham Bat, or as an ingredient in multiple Crock Pot Recipes. It also can be dried on a Drying Rack for 2 days to make Jerky. It's less-filling alternative is a morsel, which only provides 12.5 hunger.

What is the best way to get Eggs in DST? ›

An Egg is a Food Item obtained by feeding an "Imprisoned" Bird any type of Meat, Fish or meat food item (except raw Monster Meat, with the exception of Don't Starve Together). Eggs can also be found at Pengull nesting areas. In the Shipwrecked DLC, Eggs can also be occasionally found when chopping down Jungle Trees.

Is fishing good in DST? ›

Not only is fishing great for food, but it's a way for players to catch up on foraging if they don't want to walk around for a day. For those wanting to find some extra loot, they can use the fishing rod to reel in Flotsam, which is floating debris found in the ocean from shipwrecks.

How to use cheat in DST? ›

How To Access The Cheat Screen
  1. Hit Start Button on the bottom left side of the screen.
  2. Click on "Documents" on the right side of the window that popped up.
  3. Double click on the "Klei" folder.
  4. Double click on "DoNotStarve"
  5. Double click on "settings"
  6. Change ENABLECONSOLE = false to ENABLECONSOLE = true.
  7. Launch Don't Starve.

Does Willow's Lighter run out? ›

In Don't Starve Together, the Lighter loses durability while equipped and lasts a total of 600 seconds (10 minutes). It can be crafted only by Willow.

Is Godslayer greatsword faster? ›

Elden Ring Godslayer's Greatsword Notes & Tips

The moveset of this weapon is faster than other Colossal Swords, but it deals overall less damage.

What is the deadliest sword type? ›

The katana and Masamune: Japan's greatest sword smith

The first known katana blade was inspired by a Chinese double-edged steel blade. The origin behind its curve is attributed to the legend of Amakuni.

What is the best use of honey in DST? ›

Honey can be used in Crock Pot recipes that require sweeteners, such as Taffy, Pumpkin Cookies and Ice Cream.

What to use monster meat for dst? ›

  1. Monster Meat can be used as bait for meat-eating creatures, such as Spiders or Buzzards.
  2. Giving Monster Meat to a Pig will befriend it. ...
  3. Monster Jerky can be given to the Pig King in exchange for Gold Nuggets.
  4. Cooked Monster Meat or Monster Jerky can be fed to caged birds to produce Eggs.

What is the best wall in DST? ›

The Thulecite Wall is the toughest of the walls, having 500 health when initially placed and a maximum health of 800 when fully upgraded. It can be crafted using an Ancient Pseudoscience Station at the cost of one Thulecite.

Is the piggyback good in DST? ›

In Don't Starve Together, Woodie also doesn't suffer from the Piggyback's speed penalty, but only when he is transformed in one of his Wereforms. This makes the Piggyback useful to equip for extra storage when going out to gather lots of items using the Wereforms such as logs and loot from Lunar Island.

Is demon blade best weapon? ›

Archero best weapons tier list
TierArcher Weapon
SAntiquated Sword, Demon Blade, Gale Force
ABrightspear, Stalker Staff, Death Scythe,
BSaw Blade, Tornado
CMini Arteus
1 more row
Dec 16, 2022

What is a perfect weapon? ›

A powerful weapon that isn't at hand when you need it most is effectively useless. The perfect weapon needs to be available to any team member who needs it at a moment's notice.

What is the powerful weapon of all time? ›

The Tsar Bomba is the single most physically powerful device ever deployed on Earth, the most powerful nuclear bomb tested and the largest man-made explosion in history.

What is the giant Egg in DST? ›

The Moose/Goose Egg is an object in the Reign of Giants DLC. During Spring, Moose/Goose will wander off to lay an egg. The egg radiates electricity and can be struck with a Hammer 4 times to cause it to hatch, otherwise if the Moose/Goose is left alone, it will hatch on its own.

Can you trap spiders in DST? ›

Spiders can also be caught in small animal Traps. When placed on the ground, Traps can be baited with any meat, even that which was gathered from their fellow Spiders, to lure in a Spider. Alternatively, Spiders can be led into unbaited traps once they start chasing, as they will not try to dodge them.

How to get free gifts in DST? ›

Players will additionally receive a daily gift by logging into the game. These gifts arrive upon entering the main menu of the game. Together with the 8 randomly timed drops ingame, this allows for a maximum of 15 Curios to obtain per week. Some Curios are obtainable during the official duration of an ingame Event.

How fast does hunger drain in DST? ›

Hunger drains at 9.375 points per minute or 75 points per game day, except for: Walani.

What is the best way to get nightmare fuel in DST? ›

A safer and simpler way to get Nightmare Fuel is to capture Bees with a Bug Net and then release them at an Evil Flower patch, which can be found where the Things and Maxwell's Door are. This will eventually cause more Evil Flowers to spawn, and their petals can be crafted into Nightmare Fuel.

Are Bunnymen hostile to Webber? ›

All Bunnymen are hostile to Webber because he is considered a Monster. The fact that Bunnymen respawn from their houses after one day, as opposed the Pigmen's four days, may be in reference to the common phrase, "breeds like rabbits."

Should pigs be fed free choice? ›

The goal of the self-feeder is to allow pigs free choice to eat as much as they want in a day. Access to feed throughout the day improves gain of pigs as compared to those that are limit fed, or fed a specific amount of feed, 1 or 2 times daily. Diets for meat pigs are very specific for growth performance.

What is the metal potato thing in don t starve? ›

The Metal Potato Thing is actually a robotic Maxwell's head. Calling it a potato may just be making fun of the game's antagonist, though being near a farm make the potato similarities more obvious. It is the reason the Wooden Thing, when fully constructed, is more commonly referred to as the 'Teleportato'.

Who is the best scavenger in 60 Seconds? ›

Father Son - This strategy is to only take Timmy into the shelter. This is a good strategy because with only taking one person, the player has more time to get supplies, and Timmy is the best person to scavenge in the survival part of the game.

What happens when your sanity reaches 0 in DST? ›

Insanity Effects

The screen when at 0 sanity with distortion off. Night Hands appear at night. The screen starts shaking. Color desaturation begins.

What does the dog do in 60 Seconds? ›

Pancake is a happy dog with yellow fur. He is a Golden Retriever, He has a black nose and puppy cute eyes. He, unlike Sharikov will bring items into the bunker.

Who is the villain of don t Starve? ›

In the game, Charlie is an omnipresent, unseen force who will kill you if there is not enough light. As she attacks you will hear a whooshing noise and your character will start getting hit.

Can you live forever in DST? ›

The first rule of Don't Starve is that you cannot survive forever. You will die from something sooner or later.

Does DST get harder with more players? ›

But this doesn't have to present more difficulty. In fact, having more players will actually make survival in Don't Starve Together a much easier task.

What is the strongest weapon in DST? ›

The Dark Sword deals 68 damage per hit and has 100 uses. It also drains 20 Sanity per minute (while equipped), but is the second strongest melee weapon in the game (Tied with Don't Starve Together's Glass Cutter). The Cutlass Supreme deals 68 damage per hit and has 150 uses.

How do you not lose sanity in DST? ›

How to keep yourself sane in the world of DST
  1. Pick flowers 🌼 (Easy and effective)
  2. Prototype new items & structures 🔬 (Easy and effective)
  3. Wear a Garland or Top Hat 💐 (Easy)
  4. Eat cooked Green Mushrooms, cooked Cactus flesh and Jerky.
  5. Sleep in a Tent (Very effective, but has cons)
  6. Befriend some pigs!
Jan 10, 2021

How can I improve my naughtiness in DST? ›

Eating Shark Fin Soup adds 10 points of naughtiness, which can also be used to summon Krampus. Killing Doydoys adds progressively more naughtiness as there are fewer Doydoys in the world. Killing the last two Doydoys will guarantee a Krampus spawn each.

What is the easiest mode in don t starve? ›

Default Plus. Default Plus is essentially the easy version of Don't Starve.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

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Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.