Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (2024)

By Phoebe Pliakas-Smith


Don't Starve Together features many playable characters to choose from. Here are the best to start the game with.

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (1)


  • Wonkey is a secret character in Don't Starve Together that balances out nerfs and runs faster than other characters.
  • Wanda doesn't have a health bar, but ages quickly, and can craft unique items to extend her life.
  • Warly is a great choice for players who enjoy cooking and comes with a portable crock pot, but has specific food preferences.

The multiplayer sequel to Don't Starve, called Don't Starve Together, adds a fun fresh dimension to the base version. This iteration brought many new features to the concept, some of which have to do with the playable characters.


Don't Starve Together: The Best Ways To Prepare For Each Season

Players really need to think ahead and prepare for the next coming season in order to ensure they'll be able to make it.

Each character comes with their specific pros and cons and is unique in its quirky way. However, some characters are much easier to start with than others in Don't Starve Together. Players need to get a feel of the game before pursuing anything too complicated. So, which characters are better and worse for players to start with?

Updated December 19, 2023 by Alexandra O'Leary: Klei Entertainment is a very communicative and invested developer, which means they continually release updates for Don't Starve Together as well as cool animations on their YouTube channel that provide further lore and backstory for each character. Perhaps the hardest part about Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together is beginning to play.

The game can seem very daunting, packed with tactics, information, and world-building. Luckily there's a fantastic selection of characters available to play, each with unique perks and stats that can make it easier and harder to play. Some are more suited for beginners, or players who are used to survival games and have decided to try their hand at Don't Starve.

20 Wonkey

Quick Run Speed And Balances Nerfs

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (3)








10 Accursed Trinkets


Fast runner, neutralizes nerfs


Aggros non-monkey mobs

Wonkey is a secret Don't Starve Together character that technically isn't a character. Wonkey cannot be selected from the start-up menu, but rather is the product of a curse. To "unlock" them, players will need ten Accursed Trinkets in their inventory, which will then turn them into Wonkey.

Wonkey is useful information for a beginner to have since turning into them will balance out any nerfs certain characters have. If players are having a hard time managing Wigfrid's meat diet, turning into Wonkey will allow players to eat vegetarian dishes. Wonkey's other benefit is that, although they may walk slowly, they can run 33% faster than other characters - which is the perfect ability for newer players who may prefer to run from a fight.

19 Wanda

No Health Bar

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (4)








2700 spools or purchasing Wanda Chest


No health bar and 7 unique clock trinkets


Ages with the passage of time

The main advantage of playing as the time-obsessed Wanda is that she doesn't have a health bar. That sounds fantastic, but it does come with a caveat: Wanda doesn't have a health bar, but she ages particularly quickly. To be specific, each day in Don't Starve Together is twelve years of her life. If Wanda reaches 80 years old, then she'll die.

Luckily, Wanda is a clock expert and can craft a few unique items. One of these items is the Ageless Watch, which will take eight years off Wanda's life. This mechanic can be pretty tricky to get to grips with, but once players are familiar with it, Wanda can be near invincible. It's worth noting that Wanda can take damage, which will add years to her life, but otherwise, her health won't be depleted in normal ways.

18 Warly

Spawns With Portable Crock Pot

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (5)








Is available at 2560 XP or for free in Don't Starve Together


Spawns with crock pot and ingredients


Can't eat uncooked food and the same dish more than once in a row

Warly is a great choice for players who find they either love the cooking aspect of the game or that they struggle to focus on it too much. Warly spawns in the Don't Starve Together Constant with a portable crock pot already in his inventory - as well as some great ingredients. Before his appearance in the game, Warly was a chef and that remains his passion even now.

Paired with someone like Wormwood (thanks to his farming ability), Warly is a great character to have on a team. His main disadvantage is he's a little picky, so he won't eat foods that haven't been cooked and receives fewer benefits when eating the same dish twice in a row. If players can keep a solid selection of recipes in their brains, then Warly is a very strong and useful character. The crock pot being portable is also huge, allowing players to cook whenever they might need to - which helps combat expiry dates on dishes.

17 Wheeler

Item Tracking Ability

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (6)








Is available at 3200XP


Great at finding things


Doesn't have big pockets like the rest

While her health is detrimentally low, this go-getter is ready to explore the world. With her trusty Pew-matic Horn and Navigadget, the world doesn't stand a chance against Wheeler. The Navigadget is an essential item to have in the Constant, as it helps players find items they're looking for. If players place an item in the gadget, it will point in a direction to where that object can be found. And thankfully, she runs a bit faster than the other characters.

However, players should note that preparing storage is crucial when playing Wheeler, as she has less storage space. While the other characters have 15 inventory slots, she only has 12, so be prepared to craft a backpack or chest at the base as soon as possible.

16 Wagstaff

Able To Tinker And Craft Unique Items

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (7)








Is available immediately


A great inventor


Almost blind and an upset stomach

Who wouldn't enjoy playing as a mad scientist? Wagstaff is one of the few characters in Don't Starve that is available immediately with no experience needed, meaning players who buy the game can immediately start with him. This may be because Wagstaff willingly brought himself to this scary world in search of knowledge.

What makes this character great is his special Tinkering Tab, which allows players to craft a few special items. From Infrogoggles which allows players to see the world in infrared, to the Telipad, which allows players to teleport between pads depending on how far away they are, there are several useful gadgets that the scientist has for players. The only problem is that Wagstaff has bad eyesight, so if players exchange their glasses with any goggles, they'll have trouble seeing far away.

15 Walani

Can Easily Explore Via Water

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (8)








Available at 2240XP


Loves to surf and chill


Pretty low health to start with

Walani is a pretty chill character, especially for someone who was just transported into a dangerous world. While her health is low, her hunger and sanity are a huge plus for players just starting out. This is a great character for those who want to explore more than anything, because she starts with her surfboard, meaning she can sail through the water without having to jump through hoops to craft a boat.

The only real weakness is her health, which can be an issue if players end up bumping into something bad, or are poisoned. But if players work on exploring, and gathering enough resources and defenses to prevent anything too harsh from coming her way, she's a great asset to any team.

14 Wigfrid

Strong Fighter And Tough Defenses

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (9)








Available at 1920XP


Brought her own gear


Will only eat meat

Exclusive to the Reign of Giants DLC, Wigfrid is a courageous and tough character to have in the Constant. When starting, she already has a defense and offense item, with a Battle Spear and Battle Helm. The Helm has the same durability as a Football helmet, and the Spear has 200 uses with 42.5 damage. This is incredibly useful during the beginning of the game, as it gives players an upper hand when exploring the unknown.

The biggest problem would be her meat-only diet, which can be a bit of a problem, but if players work on finding rabbit holes early in the game, she could be a great asset to any team.

13 Winona

Engineering Tab And Quick Crafter

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (10)








Is available when playing Don't Starve Together


Very skilled builder and has her own gadgets


Hunger is a big factor in her crafting skills

Winona is a great choice for builders at a party. Her special power is that she has an exclusive tab of crafting for her called the Engineering Tab. Not only is her crafting speed higher than most, but she has five special recipes that span from Trusty Tape that repairs clothes and or boats to Winona's G.E.M.erator which can power up her Catapult or Spotlight for up to 6 days.


Don't Starve Together Gets Release Date for Nintendo Switch Version

Klei Entertainment, developer of Don't Starve Together, announces the release date for the Nintendo Switch version of the game.

While she is a mighty crafter and is pretty strong in battle, she does get a knock of Hunger at each crafting unless they're back to back. When her Hunger is below 50, her crafting speed is incredibly slow though, so make sure she is well-fed.

12 Wolfgang

Can Be Very Strong And Resistant To Environment Nerfs

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (12)


150 to 300






He is unlocked after 320 XP


He is stronger with a full stomach


He is scared of the darkness and monsters

While Wolfgang is terrified of the dark, this strongman is still a great character to have on a team. Wolfgang has three forms on his Mighty Meter that can be filled by lifting weights but slowly decreases over time if not maintained. The three forms are Whimpy, which is 0-25 on the Mighty Meter, Normal at 25-75, and Mighty at 75-100. When Wolfgang is at his mightiest of forms, he will deal 2x more damage and can carry heavier items with ease. Freezing and overheating do not affect him, and chopping trees is 150% more effective.

Wolfgang has his crafting tab, so he can create things like Dumbbells to build his Might Meter up. The gym does decrease hunger, however, so make sure to stock up on foods for Wolfgang while he's working out.

The biggest disadvantage is when Wolfgang is at his Whimpy stage. He deals 75% less damage to enemies and can freeze or overheat faster than usual. As mentioned, he is more scared of the dark than most characters, meaning his Sanity drains faster, even in Caves. His Sanity also changes depending on how many friends or enemies he has around him, within 16 meters. So while this brute is scared of the dark, having him around friends can offset the disadvantages and allow him to focus on his strength (literally).

11 Woodie

Unbreakable Axe And Were-Forms

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (13)








He is unlocked after receiving 1600 XP


Has a great axe


Has another side of him

Woodie is a great starting character due to his lovely axe, Lucy. While she does speak with Woodie, and it might seem a little strange, having an axe that doesn't break is vital for the group to survive. If one player enjoys the calming sensation of chopping down trees to build fires, fences, and homes, this is the perfect character for them. Not only is Lucy infinite, but she is fast. Lucy reduces the amount of chops to cut down trees.

Another obscure thing about Woodie is that he can transform into one of three creatures when there is a full moon, much like a werewolf. Players must eat some sort of Monster Food twice within four minutes when there is a full moon and will become a Werebeaver, Weremoose, or Weregoose. Pigs also gain a boost of loyalty when Woodie befriends them.

The biggest disadvantage to this lumberjack is that when players are in their Were-being stage if their Wereness Meter reaches zero, they will transform back to a human and their Hunger will be at zero. But players might want to hold off on testing out this phase until they can grasp more information about the game since becoming his Wereself can be a dangerous choice.

10 Wendy

Great Assistance From Abigail And Not Afraid Of The Dark

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (14)








She is unlocked at 640 XP


Doesn't mind the darkness


A very weak character

Depressed, forlorn, and close to death, Wendy is one of the spookier human characters one can choose. She is forever accompanied by the ghost of her dead sister, Abigail, which brings an ominous yet familiar vibe to the gameplay.

The biggest boon to choosing Wendy is that she is not afraid of the dark, which vastly slows down the decrease of one's Sanity meter. The blonde youth does not hit very hard in combat, however, so be sure to only select her if one wants to brood in the dark as opposed to going on hunts.

Wendy will begin with a wilted flower in her inventory, but after 3–4 days, it will bloom. This indicates that Wendy can summon Abigail and have her aid in battles. Abigail will start with only 150 health but will go to 300 after one day, and then 600 the next day. While summoning Abigail can be an amazing boost to a player's game, Wendy will lose a great deal of Sanity if Abigail dies from battle.

9 Wortox

Doesn't Need Food And Can Teleport Short Distances

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (15)








Must be unlocked through Wortox Chests


Hops through time and space. Can heal other players by releasing a soul


Requires a different kind of meal and eating costs Sanity

This red imp is a character exclusive to Don't Starve Together and has one of the most interesting playstyles. Wortox can consume Souls to regain Hunger at the cost of a little bit of Sanity - he can also release Souls to heal his Sanity (and doing this will heal nearby players). Being supernatural, this horned fellow possesses an arcane perk: when others around him die, they drop Souls, which the player can collect to become stronger.


Every Don’t Starve Character, Ranked

There are many characters to choose from in Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together but some of them are better than others.

These Souls must stay on Wortox's person, as they cannot be stored in chests and other containers. The player also does not regain very many stat points from eating normal food, so they should always be on the lookout for dying creatures to harvest Souls from. Wortox can also expend a Soul to teleport a short distance, which can be the difference between life and death in Don't Starve Together. In addition, Wortox is hated by all, and most creatures will be hostile toward him.

8 Wickerbottom

High Sanity And Book Crafting Ability

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (17)








She is available after 1280XP


Extensive book knowledge


Picky eater and has sleeping problems

Being able to craft magical books that allow the player to cast spells is a huge advantage in a game where magic usage is mostly unavailable for combat. Wickerbottom is a character that can craft five different books that each have five uses. They range from being able to summon a flock of birds as a shield to calling down lighting to devastating enemies.

Wickerbottom also comes with a higher maximum Sanity than most characters, which offsets the fact that reading the spellbook will cost a big chunk of Sanity per reading. Furthermore, this elderly lady is a very picky eater, regaining fewer stat points from stale and spoiled food. The most challenging part of this character's mental health, however, is the fact that she cannot sleep, and therefore cannot recover Sanity in conventional ways.

An additional note between Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together's gameplay with this character is the farming book. Since the farming mechanics are different between these two games, the Applied Horticulture book in Don't Starve is replaced with two new books, Horticulture, Abridged and Applied Silviculture, in Don't Starve Together.

7 Webber

Doesn't Aggro Spiders And Built-In Cold Resistance

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (18)








Reign of Giants DLC: Find and bury Webber's Skull. Available in Don't Starve Together


Can befriend spiders and has a silky beard


'Good' mobs will be hostile

Arachnophobia people should skip this one, as the character in question is a spider-like being. Webber, in addition to being able to grow a lovely beard made of silk (which will keep him warm during Winter), can befriend spiders and eat Monster Meat, as well as Spider Eggs and other hideous foods, with no ill effects.

However, mobs that are normally hostile to spiders will also treat poor Webber with the same aggression. On top of this, Webber has much lower maximum Sanity than most characters, so those who choose him should be wary of this trait.

His specialty for Don't Starve Together is that he has a special crafts tab called Spider Care, where he has 12 crafting recipes. They range from decorating spider dens to making them passive to feeding spiders different foods that change them into different creatures, like Seastriders.

6 Wurt

Friendly To Most Mobs And Can Receive Merm Buffs

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (19)


150 or 250


200 or 250


150 or 200


Unlocked through Wurt Chests


Has the buff states of Merms


He is a vegetarian

Wurt, the Merm character, is an excellent choice for those seeking a pacifist playstyle. She is a vegetarian who gets along well with almost everyone, including mobs that are normally hostile. Since she is more aquatically inclined than most, she's able to suffer far fewer repercussions when drowning and has such a great affinity for marine life that keeping a live fish in her inventory will cause her to gradually gain Sanity over time.

However, being exposed to dead sea creatures will cause her to lose Sanity. Wurt also cannot eat any kind of meat-based food and, for some reason, pigs hate her; making it impossible to spend time around them or trade with the Pig King.

Wurt also can craft the Royal Tapestry, which creates the King of the Merms. This buffs the stats of all merms, even Wurt. When trading fish to the King, Wurt can receive Kelp, Seeds, Tentical Spots, Rot, and certain Trinkets.

5 Willow

Immune To Fire Damage And Spawns With A Lighter

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (20)








Available after receiving 160 XP


Has a great lighter, and is immune to fire damage


When she's nervous, she lights things on fire

Players cannot go wrong starting with the pyro Willow. Not only is she immune to fire, but she comes equipped with her own special lighter. This lighter is similar to the item Torch which helps guide characters through the darkness.


13 Tips For Building The Best Base In Don’t Starve Together

Setting up a solid base is key to surviving and thriving in Don't Starve, and these ten tips will help you to accomplish just that.

With Willow in the group, players can count on her to lead the way without scrambling to find a Torch. Also, Willow can easily light things on fire which is beneficial when facing monsters. Players don't have to worry about damage from Willow's fires as she is very careful. Her lighter can even be used to cook food, so when a group is in a pinch, they can look to Willow for aid.

The main difference between the single-player and co-op is the durability of her lighter. In a group, the lighter is no longer an infinite use. It lasts 600 seconds, or 100 times cooking something. And the biggest pain to Willow is when she stresses out or has low stats, she'll light things on fire. So make sure to keep her away from anything important around camp if she's low on Sanity.

4 WX-78

Can Eat Most Things And Lightning Resistant

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (22)


100 to 400


100 to 200


100 to 300


Is available after receiving 960Xp


Not too picky with meals, and can be upgraded


Vulnerable to Water

Robots don't require the same necessities as humans. This is why WX-78 is beneficial for players to use when starting out. It takes a few days of survival to unlock WX-78, but it's well worth it. WX-78 does not need much food to survive. It can eat gears and trek along just fine; it can even eat rotten food.

Furthermore, lightning can strike WX-78, and it won't cause any damage. Lightning gives the robotic character more speed because it overloads its system. Players must be sure to keep WX-78 away from water including rain or else damage will occur. However, WX-78 is a great addition to the group, especially for starters.

3 Wilson

Grows A Cold-Resistant Beard And Insight

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (23)








Immediately unlocked


Has a nice beard



One of the most basic but beneficial characters for players to start with is Wilson. He might seem like nothing special, but for beginners, he's a given. Wilson does not require any experience to play with and is the main protagonist in the game. Therefore, right off the bat, players can control him much more easily than other characters. He does not have any extreme powers other than his trademarks.

These trademarks are growing an eye-catching beard that helps against the freezing temperatures of the winter and being an average scientist. Not only this, but in March 2023, Wilson received a refresh that helped him have a few more perks. Now, players who use Wilson will receive 'insight', which can be used to learn more skills over time. This is very helpful for new players when learning the game.

2 Wormwood

Brilliant Farming Abilities And Unique Crafting

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (24)








Available when owning the Hamlet DLC


Great at gardening


Doesn't receive health from food (but can eat foods that would usually damage health)

Players should not let Wormwood scare them away. This plant-like being may look strange, but he's a great addition for starters. Foremost, he does not require any experience to play with; he just shows up ready to go.

Wormwood is the only character who has access to the Green Thumb Tab which allows him to craft exclusive items. He can also craft healing recipes and defense mechanisms that help the group across the board. On top of all this, he is a kind soul. Players should take advantage of having this little plant person in the wilderness.

In the Spring, Wormwood will start blooming, which increases both his speed and hunger drain. However, in the Winter, these stats decrease. Not only are his stats different, but the way he works with plants. At the peak of his bloom, he works with plants at a much easier speed. At full bloom, he tends to all farm life within 1 tile radius of him, making the job incredibly easy. Bees will always be attracted to his blossoms during this period too, making some of the more hostile bee creatures passive towards him.

1 Walter

Slingshot, Woby, And Very Resourceful

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (25)








Exclusive to Don't Starve Together


Has an amazing friend, and courageous


Allergic to bees

Walter is a unique character who is only available in Don't Starve Together. Players better take advantage of him because he is very useful. Walter carries a slingshot which is an item exclusively for him with a crafting tab specific for ammo that varies from Pebbles that deal 17 damage to Cursed Rounds that deal 51 damage. This slingshot comes with specific ammo that greatly damages enemies.

If he loses the slingshot, or it breaks, Walter can simply craft another one. Moreover, his sanity does not decrease like other characters when facing threats such as monsters or darkness. Plus, Walter knows how to cook and can cook fast. Altogether, starters need this free character on their side.

Due to his Boy Scout nature, he can also craft exclusive items like a Camper's Tent that has a portable Fur Roll that can be used up to 10 times. But there are some disadvantages players should note. He is allergic to bees, so he takes 10 extra damage when they attack. He already has a pet, Woby, so he can't adopt Critter Den. And any clothing that is used to help with Sanity does not affect him.

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (26)
Don't Starve Together
PC , PS4 , Xbox One , Switch

December 15, 2014
Klei Entertainment

Don't Starve Together: 20 Best Starting Characters For Beginners, Ranked (2024)
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