4 Options for a “Keep In Touch” Email Samples to Use in 2022 (2024)

Looking for the perfect “keep in touch” email sample?

Ah, the dreaded “keeping in touch” email. It often comes across as clunky — or worse, downright awkward. How do you reach out to someone for merely the sake of keeping up the relationship? It’s easy with friends and family. You just reach out with a specific memory or sentiment, and voilá! You’re back in the swing of things in no time.

What if you could do the same with your business contacts? These working relationships often blur the lines of business and friendship. Regardless of the level of professionalism in your connection with another, there are probably details you remember about them. This could be simply his love for golf or her cat’s name. Whatever little nugget of information you have, keep it at the forefront of your mind as you craft your email!

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Hints and Tricks

The Four “Keeping in Touch” Email Templates You Should Keep

2. Former Colleague “Keep in Touch” Email Template

3. Virtual Contact (Social media or Someone You’ve Worked with Via the Internet)

4. Friend-of-a-Friend “Getting Back in Touch” Email Template

Final Thoughts

4 Options for a “Keep In Touch” Email Samples to Use in 2022 (1)

Hints and Tricks

There are a variety of situations that may necessitate a “touching base” email. You may want to stay in touch with an old coworker who has left the company. An old superior or higher-up may have mentored you, and you wish to reach out every so often. Potentially, a virtual client – someone you’ve never met face-to-face – is your intended recipient. Maybe you met a person at an event and want to reach out electronically.

Whatever the case may be, it’s important to keep a few things in mind:

Make it brief – but not too brief. You want to keep it conversational, but not too lengthy. Remember: you know this person in some capacity. He or she is not merely a stranger on the street, so keep it personable yet professional.

When crafting this type of email, it’s best to follow these hints and tricks.

More like this:

  1. Thank-You Emails After an Interview: 10 Perfect Samples
  2. Email Greetings for Creating Positive First Impressions
  3. How to Write a Formal Email That Benefits Your Business
  4. What Is the Best Time to Send an Email in 2022?

The Four “Keeping in Touch” Email Templates You Should Keep

4 Options for a “Keep In Touch” Email Samples to Use in 2022 (2)

Feel free to use any of these reconnect email samples to speak with an old contact! Simply replace the specifics of these templates like greetings, name and subject with information pertinent to your situation.

1. Person You Met at a Networking Event “Keep in Touch” Email Sample

Dear Ms. Benson,

It was a pleasure meeting you at the Ben Buck Spring Fling event yesterday! Your tips about finding construction managers were extremely helpful – I actually sent an email summing them up to my team. We will be hiring a construction manager in the near future. I’d love to chat further next week, if you’re available. I hope you have a lovely day!


Jess Smith

2. Former Colleague “Keep in Touch” Email Template

Hey Trong,

How are you? I hope you’re doing well at The New Bank. I was browsing online when I saw this article about the Chicago Cubs. I immediately thought of you! Let’s catch up soon.


John Martin

3. Virtual Contact (Social media or Someone You’ve Worked with Via the Internet)

Hi Kevin,

How’s your day going? I wanted to email you because it occurred to me that you and my freelance designer, Blake (@DesignerGuy1), might get along well. He’d be an awesome person to reach out to – he has his own design business, and I know you’re interested in a new website! Let me know if you’d like me to pass along his contact information.

Best regards,

Anika Patel

4. Friend-of-a-Friend “Getting Back in Touch” Email Template

Of course, there are people in between work acquaintance and your close social circle. Sometimes a friend-of-a-friend is someone with whom you’d like to keep contact for the sake of business. You may have met in a relaxed setting, such as a bar or house gathering, so it can be tricky to navigate the waters. Here is a touching-base email just for that situation!

Hi Molly,

It was wonderful to meet you at Henry’s Christmas party. I’d love to hear more about your role as a professional editor – I’m actually a writer myself, and want to see if we’d be a good fit for future work. If you’re not too busy, I’d love to meet up for coffee sometime next week and chat, if that works for you! I hope you’re having a lovely day.


Miguel Hernandez

Final Thoughts

Use a “keep in touch” email sample word for word, or spice it up in any way you please. The most important thing to remember when crafting a “keeping in touch” email is to keep it short and professional yet personable. Don’t stress about keeping in touch!

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in December 2016 and has been updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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How do you send a “keep in touch” email?

8 keys to a good “keep in touch” email sample:
1) Come up with a specific topic, date, and time.
2) Attach a useful resource.
3) Mention familiar challenges.
4) Congratulate them after a promotion/event.
5) Reference a piece of their content.
6) Offer some advice they could try out.
7) Ask for important information.
8) Rehash your value.

Is it “keep in touch” or “stay in touch?”

“Stay in touch” is usually said to someone who is far away, while “keep in touch” can be used in the same context and also when someone is close by, but you want to remain in contact with the person.

What does “keep in touch” mean?

“Keep in touch” means to maintain close contact with someone.

How do I respond to a “keep in touch” email?

You can say, “Thanks, I will!” If you want to stay in touch and you’re ready to make that effort. Better yet, let them know when your schedule is open and you can grab a coffee. But if you don’t intend on staying in touch, you can politely respond with just “Thanks!”

How do you write a “keep in touch” letter?

Make it brief – but not too brief. You want to keep it conversational but not too lengthy. Remember: you know this person in some capacity. He or she is not merely a stranger on the street, so keep it personable yet professional.

Always express your disappointment that the person is leaving. Tell them that you and your friends or your team will miss them and their value to the team. Don’t be too sentimental, but express genuine concern that the person is leaving. You can also mention mutual friends that feel the same way.

How do you keep in touch with potential clients?

1) Create a database for potential clients in a spreadsheet detailing all of your past and potential clients. You can also use the Mailbird Contact Manager for that.
2) Trust your gut and take necessary action.
3) Arrange meetings with them.
4) Create a blog with them in mind.
5) Send them newsletters as regularly as possible.
6) Drop comments on their blogs.
7) Reach out to them via Twitter.

4 Options for a “Keep In Touch” Email Samples to Use in 2022 (2024)


How do you say keep in touch professionally email? ›

How to write a keeping in touch email
  1. Start with a brief and friendly salutation. ...
  2. Decide the topic of the keeping in touch email. ...
  3. Start the email's body by reminding them where you met. ...
  4. Keep it brief and add an invitation to keep in touch. ...
  5. End with a formal salutation.

How do you email someone you haven't talked to in a long time? ›

Just keep a few things in mind:
  1. Shift your perspective. The last thing any of us want is to be seen as the person who reaches out to someone only when we need something from them. ...
  2. Acknowledge the absence of contact. ...
  3. Pay attention to tone. ...
  4. Give them an out. ...
  5. Offer to reciprocate. ...
  6. Show appreciation. ...
  7. Stay in contact.
17 Aug 2018

What is a good follow up email? ›

I'm just following up on an email I previously sent to you. I understand that you are busy, but I would appreciate it if you could review the email and respond to me as soon as you can. If I don't hear from you by the end of the week, I'll call you at your office.

How do you tell someone to keep in touch? ›

You could say something like “I'd love to stay in touch” or “It'd be great to talk more.” Be honest: Truly sometimes honesty is the best way to go. Just keep it real and tell them how you feel or why you lost contact with them. It is usually nothing personal and you being honest can help them to understand that.

What's another way of saying stay in touch? ›

What is another word for stay in touch with?
keep up withhear from
write toremain in contact with
keep in touchcommunicate
remain in correspondence withcorrespond
maintain contact withremain acquainted with
4 more rows

How do you politely email someone who hasn't responded? ›

How to Follow Up with Someone Who's Not Getting Back to You
  1. Have a compelling subject line. Forty-seven percent of emails are opened or discarded based on their subject line alone. ...
  2. Be mindful of your tone. ...
  3. Keep it short and use simple language. ...
  4. Make a clear ask. ...
  5. Give them an out. ...
  6. Be judiciously persistent.
13 Jan 2021

How do you reconnect with someone professionally? ›

Here are five ways to reach back out to your professional contacts.
  1. Use LinkedIn and Twitter. Social media is an excellent way to reach back out to contacts of old. ...
  2. Be honest. ...
  3. Enlist the help of a mutual friend. ...
  4. Acknowledge a career milestone. ...
  5. Share something of value with them.

How do professionals say just to follow up? ›

1. Be Direct
  1. “I'm following up on the below” or “Following up on this [request/question/assignment]”
  2. “I'm circling back on the below” or “Circling back on this [request/question/assignment]”
  3. “I'm checking in on the below” or “Checking in on this [request/question/assignment]”
1 Mar 2022

What is follow up with example? ›

To follow up means to gather further information or to reinforce or evaluate a previous action. Those who work in the medical field often use this phrase with patients: The doctor will call you to follow up after the surgery to see how you are recovering.

How do you use keep in touch in a sentence? ›

My ex-husband and I still keep in touch.

What is the idiomatic expression to keep in touch mean? ›

to stay, to keep in touch: to maintain contact/correspondence. idiom. Let's try to stay in touch this summer.

Is it OK to say lets keep in touch? ›

This is another way of saying ⁠Let's stay in contact (with each other). If you like the person or people you just met, you could say this phrase to show that you would like to talk to them again. Afterwards, it might be a good idea to exchange numbers.

What are examples of touch base? ›

For example: “Even when the boss is on vacation, she likes to touch base with the staff.” “Why don't we touch base in a week, after you talk to the clients?” “I'll touch base with you when I'm back from Ireland.”

How do you start an email to grab attention? ›

Here are 10 ways to write compelling subject lines that catch your readers' attention:
  1. Keep it short and clear. The purpose of your subject line is to engage your audience and catch their attention. ...
  2. Create a sense of urgency. ...
  3. Personalize. ...
  4. Ask questions. ...
  5. Be honest. ...
  6. Use numbers. ...
  7. Offer real value. ...
  8. Include call to action.

Can you end an email with keep in touch? ›

Maybe you're not planning to speak regularly with the person you're emailing – if so, close with a general “keep in touch.” Does someone have a big project or proposal coming up? Wish them well. End with a nice reminder for your recipient to keep you in the loop.

How do you write a polite follow up email examples? ›

Hi [First name], I'm writing to follow up on my email regarding [what your last email was about]. I didn't hear back from anyone on your team. If it makes sense to talk further, let me know how your calendar looks for the next few weeks for a 5-10 minute call.

How do you reconnect with someone after a long time? ›

6 (Non-Awkward) Ways to Reconnect With an Old Friend
  1. Engage on social media. ...
  2. Send a quick text. ...
  3. Get together with mutual friends. ...
  4. Work through conflict. ...
  5. Share memories. ...
  6. Ask if they want to get together.
13 Jun 2022

How do I reach an old connection? ›

Here are 12 tips for reconnecting with a previous colleague or boss while networking:
  1. Stay Professional.
  2. Bring Back Good Memories.
  3. Be Positively Assertive When Reaching Out.
  4. Offer Them a LinkedIn Recommendation.
  5. Stay in Touch.
  6. Be Genuine and Not Overbearing.
  7. Keep Assumptions Aside to Avoid Disappointments.
1 Apr 2022

How do you connect someone via email? ›

How to write an effective networking email
  1. Start with research. ...
  2. Keep your introduction concise. ...
  3. End with a call to action (CTA) ...
  4. Personalize your message. ...
  5. Show how you can help. ...
  6. Proofread before sending. ...
  7. Maintain connections. ...
  8. Brief follow-up.

How many follow up emails is too many? ›

Don't irritate by sending more than six follow-up emails

Yes, you must not give up after two follow-ups, but you shouldn't even exasperate the prospect by sending 8 to 10 follow-up emails. Anything more than six is too much. It's good to be persistent.

How do you respond to no response? ›

If you get the “no response” response: Accept that you can't control what other people do. You don't know their motivations or reasoning. So, don't automatically assume a “no response” equals no unless you really know the person and his/her modus operandi. Do follow up once, but probably no more than that.

How do you end an email? ›

Cool Sign-Off Phrases
  1. Kind regards.
  2. Thank you for reading.
  3. Looking forward to meeting you.
  4. Please contact me for additional help.
  5. Best.
  6. Sincerely.
  7. Regards.
  8. Cheers.

How do you say looping in an email sample? ›

If you want to add someone to a chain, loop them in and add a note in the email letting everyone else in the conversation know that you've done so. We use a simple formula: "+Name is now on the thread."

How do you follow up without being annoying examples? ›

How to Follow Up on an Email (Without Being Annoying)
  1. Be friendly, humble, and polite. It's easy to get frustrated when someone doesn't seem like they're being considerate of your time. ...
  2. Give it time. People are busy, now more than ever before. ...
  3. Keep it brief and to the point. ...
  4. Make it skimmable. ...
  5. Automate it.

What are the 3 steps to follow up with customer? ›

Here are five simple steps to effectively follow-up after a sale.
  1. Send a note to say thank you. Some companies send emails. ...
  2. Check in. It's a good strategy to call clients a week or two after the sale and find out how everything is going. ...
  3. Keep the lines of communication open. ...
  4. Think second sale. ...
  5. Ask for referrals.

How do you follow up with clients without looking desperate? ›

While each situation needs to be handled differently, here are seven ways to follow up without being seen as annoying:
  1. Being persistent doesn't mean daily. ...
  2. Select a communication medium. ...
  3. Try multiple channels. ...
  4. Don't act like you're owed anything. ...
  5. Your objective is an answer. ...
  6. Have a plan. ...
  7. Say thank you.

What are the 3 types of follow up? ›

Three Types of Follow Ups

There are three types of people you should be following up with, suspects (people in your target marketplace), prospects (people who have responded to your marketing but have not purchased, and customers (people who have purchased something from you.)

Is it correct to say gentle follow up? ›

In many cases, gentle follow-ups and friendly reminders are far more effective. Without your presence and ability to use nonverbal cues, aggressive sales pitches can often come across poorly. However, there's something to be said for being blunt and direct, especially if you've sent multiple emails that were ignored.

Which is correct keep on touch or keep in touch? ›

You indeed can combine "keep on" + "keep in touch", but you would need to turn the second expression into "keeping in touch": After you arrive at the college, please keep on keeping in touch with us.

How do you keep in touch with someone professionally? ›

These simple tips can keep your name on your contacts' radar regularly but unobtrusively.
  1. Reach Out On Social Media. ...
  2. Schedule Regular Check-Ins. ...
  3. Plan Small Get-Togethers. ...
  4. Show Your Gratitude. ...
  5. Share Your Talent. ...
  6. Always Update Your Contacts List. ...
  7. Give Them Space.
22 Jun 2016

How do you say feel free to contact me professionally? ›

If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. If you require any further information, feel free to contact me. If you require any further information, let me know. Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.

How do you connect with someone professionally? ›

Like those leaders, you, too, can increase your ability to connect with your professional colleagues; here are seven easy ways how:
  1. Focus on your awareness. ...
  2. Actively listen. ...
  3. Give others your undivided attention. ...
  4. Put yourself in their shoes. ...
  5. Share more than just the wins. ...
  6. Don't be afraid to be human.
29 Sept 2021

How do you say please keep me in mind for future opportunities? ›

For example, “I would love to stay in touch. Please keep me in mind if you have any other openings in the future that you think would be a good fit.

How do you ask someone to connect professionally? ›

I noticed that you are connected to [Name] on LinkedIn, and I was wondering if you would be willing to introduce us. I would love to connect with [Name] and ask a few questions, especially since I've been out of the workforce for a few years and could definitely benefit from her advice.

What is the difference between stay in touch and keep in touch? ›

“stay in touch” is more sincere and genuine than “keep in touch”. “stay in touch” implies regular contact, whereas “keep in touch” implies occasional contact. “stay in touch” means you are already in touch and want to continue that connection, whereas “keep in touch” can be used for existing and new connections.

What can I use instead of feel free? ›

What is another word for feel free?
feel ablehave no qualms
be unconcernedfeel open
have no concerns

How do you end an email please do not hesitate? ›

Here are some of the popular professional email sign-offs that you can use:
  1. Best regards,
  2. Regards,
  3. Best,
  4. Respectfully,
  5. Sincerely,
  6. Kind regards,
  7. Warm regards,
26 Jun 2021

How do you professionally say we need to talk? ›

For example: “Hey, when you have a moment would you mind meeting/calling me to discuss [insert topic]?” Another alternative they suggest is, “Hey, I've got a couple of questions about [insert topic] – do you mind giving me a call when you have time to discuss it?”

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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.