30 Mantras For Giving Yourself Grace | Swift Wellness (2024)

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What Does it Mean to Give Yourself Grace?

Giving yourself grace doesn’t mean allowing yourself to slack off and not reach your full potential. Instead, it’s about infusing your life with a healthy balance. Giving yourself grace means knowing when to forgive yourself for past actions and relieve any guilt that can come from breaking a promise, not accomplishing something, or whatever else is weighing you down.

When we carry around guilt, we can get bogged down in the past and the regrets we have. Giving yourself grace allows you to move on from what’s troubling you in order to do better in the future. It’s not about letting yourself off the hook, but instead moving past the problem. We can’t change the past; all we can do is try harder and do better in the future. Giving yourself grace allows you to move on from your mistakes without shame.

30 Mantras for Giving Yourself Grace

Here are 30 mantras you can use throughout your day to calm your mind, forgive your transgressions, and do better in the future.

“I am doing my best.”- This is a simple phrase that can give you relief in those moments when you’re pushing yourself too hard. Remember you are doing all that you can.

“I am only one person.”- Sometimes it can feel like you are never living up to your expectations. Remind yourself of your humanity and grace will follow. You aren’t a machine that can keep going without breaks; you are a human.

“Mistakes happen to everyone.”- When we make a mistake, it can feel like the end of the world. However, everyone has made mistakes, just like you. Making mistakes is a universal human experience and will continue to be throughout your life.

“I am not my mistakes.”- It’s easy to define yourself based on the mistakes you made and reduce yourself to a failure. You are so much more than the times you’ve messed up.

“I will weather this storm.”- When something goes not according to plan and you find yourself struggling to adapt to the change, remind yourself that you will get past this troubling moment. It’s difficult now, but stick it out and you’ll be a stronger version of yourself in the future.

“I have patience and time.”- When we’re stressed about a due date or event, we can feel as though we have little time to accomplish all that we need. When we slow down and use patience, time opens up to us, giving ourselves more grace.

“I am meant for greater things.”- To avoid stressing about the little things in life and weighing your life down with worries, remind yourself of the big picture. Know that you’re meant for more than this moment.

“I adapt to any change that comes my way.”- Humans were meant to evolve and change based on the circ*mstances around them. The beautiful part about being a human is that you’re able to adapt to whatever scenario you encounter. Let this truth guide you as you make your way past what is holding you in place.

“I am my own inspiration.”- Stop relying on outside sources to give you validation. Giving yourself grace becomes easier when you believe in yourself. This way, you can always have a source of inspiration and positivity wherever you go.

“Breaks are fuel for my brain.”- If you struggle with giving yourself time off, remind yourself of the importance that comes with slowing down and stopping to center yourself. Like food for your stomach, breaks are fuel for your brain to work more efficiently.

“Tomorrow is a new day.”- This might sound cliché when you first say it, but sometimes we need a cliché phrase to put optimism back into our bones.

“I refuse to apologize for being me.”- When you stand out from the crowd and are unapologetically you, you may garner more attention, but it’s important to stay true to yourself. When you are wholly yourself, you can love every part of you more.

“I attract good into my life.”- Giving yourself grace can mean looking forward to the future and being open to what it delivers in your life. Don’t dwell on the bad. Attract the good.

“I love all that my body does for me.”- If you get down on how you look and find yourself critiquing your appearance, give yourself grace by listening to your body and respecting it. Your body does so much for you.

“I am worthy of love.”- When we get into a bad mindset, it’s easy to spiral and feel like the world is against you. Remind yourself that you are worthy of love and deserve people in your life.

“I am creating a wonderful life.”- Look towards the future by reminding yourself that your current small actions will pay off in the long-run, even if right now it seems that nothing is going according to plan.

“Life is about balance”- Diversifying your day is important to living a satisfying life. Keep in mind that balance is important and free time shouldn’t be a chore. Working isn’t a punishment. These are essential parts of life that can be blended.

“I deserve to be where I am.”- If you struggle with imposter syndrome, accepting your accomplishments can come with difficulty. If you tell yourself that you deserve the recognition you receive, eventually you’ll come to believe these words of wisdom.

“I am on my own path.”- Comparison can keep us from living our lives on our own terms and striving in our own way. Know that your journey will look different than someone else and that’s okay.

“I keep the past behind me.”- When you dwell on the past and what you could’ve done differently, you stop yourself from living in the moment and can be hard on yourself. Leave it behind you and move forward without fear.

“I release control.”- Keeping a strong grip on your life can be a comfort, but letting loose and giving over to life can help you discover new aspects of yourself and appreciate who you are when you aren’t trying to hold it all together.

“I have a strong support system.”- When we get really down about ourselves and the way we feel, it can be helpful to remember the people outside of ourselves that can help us live a happier life.

“I add value to the world.”- By just existing, you are adding to the world. When you’re particularly critical of yourself, you can get lost down a rabbit hole of self-doubt. Know that you add value just by existing.

“I can’t be replaced.”- This is another mantra that can help when you’re struggling with self-doubt and imposter syndrome. You are one of a kind and cannot be replaced, no matter what you feel you’re lacking at.

“It’s okay to say no.”- When you over-exert yourself and refuse to turn down plans, you can feel bad when you burnout and have to cancel plans. Saying no when you need to is always a great idea.

“I use failure as motivation.”- Instead of getting caught up in your failures and mistakes, use them as a redirection and find a way to motivate yourself from this failure.

“I am my top priority.”- Be a little selfish and treat yourself with the same grace that you give other people. You are in charge of your destiny, so keep yourself at the top of your priorities list.

“I needed rest.”- We’ve talked about how you can motivate yourself to take breaks, but sometimes guilt comes in after we’ve rested. You may feel like you didn’t deserve a break or that your burnout wasn’t real. If your body and mind chose to rest, you deserve it and needed it.

“My sensitivity is my strength.”- In a world that makes sensitive people feel less then, reminding yourself that your emotions are important can be essential to giving yourself grace to feel.

“My voice and opinion matter.”- You may get down on yourself after voicing an opinion to those that aren’t receptive of it. No matter how people respond, know you’re worthy of voicing your thoughts as long as they don’t hurt others.

Take it Day by Day

Each day, new challenges arise that you can’t anticipate. Use these mantras to center yourself, forgive yourself, and move forward with confidence. Try switching up which mantra you use based on the guidance and comfort you need at the time and take it one day at a time.

30 Mantras For Giving Yourself Grace | Swift Wellness (2024)


How do you give grace to yourself? ›

5 Ways to Give Yourself the Gift of Grace
  1. Don't be perfect, be real. No one is perfect (repeat after me: no one is perfect). ...
  2. Mess up, but don't let yourself feel bad. ...
  3. Give yourself permission to not do everything. ...
  4. Never feel selfish for taking "you" time. ...
  5. Do one thing a day you're proud of.

What is grace to yourself? ›

Give yourself grace is permission to forgive your mistakes, lapses in judgment, and hurtful behavior, because no one is perfect. The saying has deep roots in yoga and faith communities, and it frequently shows up online as a hashtag or inspirational quote.

Can I give myself grace? ›

What does it mean to give yourself grace? Giving yourself grace is permission to FORGIVE your mistakes, lapses in judgment, and hurtful behavior, because, guess what, NO ONE IS PERFECT– not even you. We are taught to treat people how we want to be treated, but oftentimes we forget that we are people.

What are the five stages of grace? ›

Stages of Grace Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance... When facing death, a mourning period is to be expected.

What is a good grace prayer? ›

Lord God, Heavenly Father, bless us and these Thy gifts which we receive from Thy bountiful goodness, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen." Or, alternatively, "The eyes of all look to you, O Lord, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.

What are the 3 types of grace? ›

It specifies three types of grace: prevenient grace, which is God's active presence in people's lives before they even sense the divine at work in their lives; justifying grace, through which all sins are forgiven by God; and sanctifying grace, which allows people to grow in their ability to live like Jesus.

What are the 3 means of grace? ›

Among the principal means of grace are the sacraments (especially the Eucharist), prayers and good works.

Why is grace important in your life? ›

Grace gives us a new life which is not condemned by God. Through God's grace we are forgiven, transforming our thinking, resulting in the renewal of our mind and heart. Through grace we live the kind of life that God would like every one of His children to experience.

What does God say about giving yourself grace? ›

Ephesians 4:23-24

By applying Grace to yourself, you are not accepting, excusing or justifying your sin, but recognizing that you are a sinner saved by Grace. Through that grace you remember that nothing will separate you from the love of God - NOTHING!

How do I give more grace? ›

9 Ways to Extend Grace to Others
  1. Words- Be kind and gentle in what you say and how you say it. ...
  2. Look for Needs and Opportunities- simple everyday kindnesses and actions often help in great ways. ...
  3. Let it Go- respond to others with grace. ...
  4. Be There- Sometimes your presence is all that's needed to show someone they're loved.
Apr 20, 2016

How do you give yourself grace quotes? ›

Quotes About Grace and Strength

The heart of a warrior beats with grace and perseverance. Grace gives you the strength you need to overcome any obstacle. It takes strength to root yourself in grace. Your soul is afire with strength, and your heart is filled with grace.

What are signs of grace? ›

Signs of Grace You Are Forgiven

Signs of Grace: You Are Forgiven prepares children to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time by revealing that God is indeed “rich in mercy.”

What are the 4 types of graces? ›

John Wesley and the Wesleyan Traditions speak of four types of grace: prevenient, justifying, sanctifying, and glorifying.

What is the true meaning of grace? ›

grace, in Christian theology, the spontaneous, unmerited gift of the divine favour in the salvation of sinners, and the divine influence operating in individuals for their regeneration and sanctification.

What are the three powerful prayers? ›

The prayer of protection. The prayer of transformation. The prayer of restoration.

What are the 5 basic prayer? ›

We've defined the primary types of prayer: supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, confession, and intercession.

What is a good sentence for grace? ›

The young woman had grace beyond her years. She didn't fit in and she had few social graces. She wanted a couple of days' grace to get the maisonette cleaned before she moved in. We have only a few hours' grace before the soldiers come.

What is grace in everyday life? ›

Practicing grace is making daily choices to interact in the world with courtesy and good will. That doesn't mean you disregard boundaries but you give yourself space to be flexible with your perceived reality with acceptance and kindness.

What are the 2 kinds of grace? ›

If you took your parish's catechism classes when you were growing up, you at least remember that there are two kinds of grace, sanctifying and actual.

What is God's gift of grace? ›

The Gift of Grace is Given to Us

The gift of grace has been given to us by God so that we may give it to others, even if we do not think they deserve it. Jesus was sent to the cross and died to save us from our sin when he did not deserve this suffering. However, he did this through the gift of sacrificial love.

What is the first means of grace? ›

God assigned the Word, sacraments, and prayer to be the foremost means by which He communicates Christ and His benefits to believers. Jesus teaches that the Scriptures are the primary and indispensable means of salvation (Luke 16:31; 24:27, 44–45).

What is the power of grace? ›

The Bible Dictionary puts it this way: “The main idea of the word [grace] is divine means of help or strength. … Grace is an enabling power” (“Grace”). It enables the recipient to do and to be what he or she cannot do and cannot be if left to his or her own means.

How do you live by grace? ›

Living by grace is not becoming a Christian and then just doing whatever we want regardless, because we know God will forgive us – that's living under licence.
Living by Grace is Really Reassuring
  1. God's grace is sufficient whatever you are going through. ...
  2. Once you are born into the family of God you cannot be unborn.
Jun 3, 2018

How grace changes everything? ›

Without it, our lives are dry and dusty. But when grace comes, it transforms our lives into something rich and beautiful. With remarkable insight gleaned from his own life, Pastor Chuck Smith unfolds the mystery of grace and reveals the surprising truth: We can never grow in grace by our own efforts.

What is the lesson of grace? ›

The Lesson of GRACE: Your accomplishments are NOT what make you a worthy human being. You learn this lesson when someone shows you GRACE: good things you didn't earn or deserve, but you're getting them anyway. I have to learn this lesson over and over again. You can have worthiness apart from your performance.

How does a person have grace? ›

When we show grace to others, it's about showing kindness to someone else even when they don't deserve it. Grace is going out of our way to give your compassion, kindness and love to someone even if they might not appreciate it, or return the favour.

What is Psalms 139 14? ›

14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

How do you attract grace to God? ›

The Bible gives an easy, three-word answer for how you receive the grace of God: by trusting Christ. The Bible says in John 1:17, “For the law was given through Moses, but God's unfailing love and faithfulness came through Jesus Christ” (NLT). God's grace is entirely wrapped up in a person: Jesus.

What does the Bible say about feeling good about yourself? ›

Hebrews 10:35–36. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised.

What are the words of grace? ›

Words of Grace: A 100-Day Devotional, is a pastor's encouragement, written with a congregation in mind, to build a life centered on God's Word. Each day's reading starts with the Scripture, which is the written Word of God.

What are some examples of grace? ›

50 Great Examples of Grace in the Bible
  • Grace to the Graceless. ...
  • Eternal Life. ...
  • Saved by Grace. ...
  • Continual Access to God. ...
  • The Greatest Free Gift. ...
  • Justified by Grace. ...
  • God's Gift of Jesus. ...
  • The Gift of God to All Humanity.
Feb 24, 2022

What is a good grace to say? ›

Example: Bless this food to our bodies, Lord, and let us hold you in our hearts. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. Example: Bless us, oh Lord, and these your gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty. Through Christ our Lord we pray, Amen.

What are good short quotes? ›

Inspirational Quotes About Life
  • Keep smiling, because life is a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about. - ...
  • Life is a long lesson in humility. - ...
  • In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on. - ...
  • Love the life you live. ...
  • Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all. -
6 days ago

How do you deal with yourself with grace? ›

The next time things don't go your way, take these 5 steps to help you gracefully forge your way forward.
  1. Know Your Ideal Version. Many of us scramble for control when life catches us off guard. ...
  2. Shorten Your Recovery Time. ...
  3. Maintain Positive Habits. ...
  4. Look for the Growth. ...
  5. Embody Grace.

How do I give myself fully to God? ›

3 Ways to offer yourself to God
  1. 1Offering ourselves.
  2. 2Offering up our sins.
  3. 3Offering up our suffering.
Jul 15, 2020

What does it mean to have grace in your heart? ›

Firstly, grace means forgiveness. Grace is an incredible gift that we receive when we repent of our sins and accept Jesus as our Savior. Without this gift of forgiveness, we would be lost forever.

How can I live a graceful life? ›

When you are graceful you move slowly, have a positive but quiet confidence about your aura and you think and speak with poise, charm, dignity, and beauty. You are deliberate in who you are without being pushy. Do not have tantrums or play emotional games. You do not need to manipulate to get what you want.

How can I talk to God immediately? ›

Through prayer. Because of Christ's sacrifice on the cross, we can talk to God and He back to us.
3 Ways to Communicate with God
  1. Talking to God through Prayer. ...
  2. Talking to God through Journaling. ...
  3. Talking to God in Spontaneous Prayer.
Sep 26, 2019

How can I be grateful to God for everything? ›

Senior Living News
  1. REMEMBER HIM. There's no greater sign of appreciation than to be remembered in any and everything you do. ...
  2. SERVE OTHERS. One of the most profound ways to express your gratitude to God is by serving others in His name. ...
  5. PRAY.
Nov 14, 2019

How do I let God speak to me? ›

How to practice listening prayer
  1. Come to God with your request for guidance. ...
  2. Wait in silence for God to speak for 10-12 minutes. ...
  3. Jot down any Scripture, songs, impressions, or pictures God gives you. ...
  4. Share how God spoke to you with your prayer partners and follow God's will.

How do you receive God's grace? ›

God's grace can only be received through faith. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9). Grace is, therefore, not something we can earn.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.