Why Don’t Europeans Refrigerate Their Milk? (2024)

When you are having a bowl of cereal or some cookies, there is nothing better than a glass of milk. Of course, we all love to drink our milk when it is ice cold. You have probably never seen your mother pull a carton of milk out of the kitchen pantry before, right? Americans buy their milk out of the fridge and that’s where it stays once it comes home.

Why is that, though? Did you know that America actually differs from the usual norm in this regard? We are one of the only countries in the world that partake in the practice of putting milk in the fridge. You may not have realized that Europeans actually buy and store their milk outside of the fridge. The reason is a simple one: Europeans rely on a completely different pasteurization method.

Canadian and American milk manufacturers utilize high-temperature, short-time pasteurization. This method is one of the best ways to kill off sizable amounts of bacteria. While the method is one of the most efficient ways to manufacture milk, it does lead to rapid expiration. Within seven to ten days of opening the milk, it will be time to throw it away.

Why Don’t Europeans Refrigerate Their Milk? (1)

If milk is able to hang on for a long enough period of time, the bacteria are given a chance to return. The HTST method may work well enough for Americans, but the Europeans rely on the UHT method instead. The milk is exposed to much higher temperatures for just three seconds. After being exposed to the temperatures, the milk is completely free of bacteria for at least six months.

Since the bacteria are all gone, the milk becomes more shelf-stable. This milk also has a much different flavor because most of the sugar that American milk contains has been burnt off. Companies have attempted to convince Americans to make the switch but there has been no luck so far. We are bound and determined to continue placing our milk in the fridge.

Different strokes for different folks, right? UHT milk is sold in the United States, though. These are the cartons that you see in children’s lunchboxes. Cold milk may be the only milk that we drink but there is a good reason for that. The Europeans have their own method that works for them as well.

Why Don’t Europeans Refrigerate Their Milk? (2024)


Why does European milk not need to be refrigerated? ›

In Europe and other parts of the world, another technique called ultra-heat-treated pasteurization, or UHT, is used. Milk is exposed to higher temperatures of 284°F for three seconds, decimating virtually all the bacteria and making it shelf-stable for about six months if left unopened.

Do you need to refrigerate milk in Europe? ›

Ask for a glass of milk in an American home, and your host will likely pull an ice-cold gallon out of the fridge. But if you do the same in a European country, you'll probably receive a room-temperature glass. What gives? Believe it or not, most of the world doesn't refrigerate milk.

Why does milk last longer in Europe? ›

“Milk is pasteurized through a process called ultra high temperature (UHT) in Europe, which kills the bacteria and can lead to a longer shelf life product without refrigeration,” explains Natalie Alibrandi, a UK-based food scientist and CEO of Nali Consulting.

Why don t they refrigerate milk in Spain? ›

UHT (ultra high temperature) milk doesn't require refrigeration. It's more common in Europe but not exclusively. “pasteurized" milk is heated to kill most bacteria and requires refrigeration. UHT kills virtually all bacteria and spores it is shelf stable for a year or so and doesn't require refrigeration.

Why are eggs not refrigerated in Europe? ›

In most European countries, Salmonella is kept under control with preventative measures like vaccination. Farms are usually not allowed to wash eggs, so the cuticles remain intact, precluding refrigeration.

How do they make milk that doesn't need refrigeration? ›

The process for shelf-stable milk is called UHT pasteurization, or Ultra High Temperature. Milk is heated to a very high temperature for just a few seconds, which destroys bacteria for a longer shelf life.

Why does milk in the US have to be refrigerated? ›

Bacteria in milk will grow minimally below 45 °F. However, temperatures well below 40 °F are necessary to protect the milk's quality. It is critical that these temperatures be maintained through warehousing, distribution, delivery and storage.

Do the French keep milk in the fridge? ›

So there you have it: the French have no need for refrigerator-dependent dairy products, because their UHT-processed milk will still be fresh at least six months after the apocalypse. It is, unlike their milk, chilling.

Why does milk in Europe taste different? ›

The different taste probably comes from the way milk is processed (pasteurized and hom*ogenized) in the different countries, the amount of fat we are accustomed to and that is added or taken away for full fat or skimmed milk. This is different in most countries. Just try it out when you travel.

Why does milk in the US last so long? ›

The extended shelf life (seen in both organic and conventional milk) is because of the pasteurization process.

Why does France not have fresh milk? ›

For the most part however it seems to be down to preference and tradition. France after all isn't the only country on the continent to choose long-life milk over fresh.

Why do French drink long life milk? ›

The fact that it keeps without refrigeration is also practical in a warmer climate and it reduces distribution costs and waste. UHT milk in France is marked as keeping for three months unopened, although it is actually usable for six to nine months.

Why is milk not refrigerated in South America? ›

Why is milk not refrigerated in South America? It's all in the process. Milk in Costa Rica, Central and South America, like in Europe, uses ultra-high-temperature or ultra-heat-treated pasteurization (UHT), which heats the milk to an even higher temperature than HTST used in North America.

Do Germans refrigerate their eggs? ›

Most people will still put them in the fridge at home, but because in Germany and most of Europe eggs are not washed and sterilized, unlike in the US and Canada, whereby the protective layer on the outside can be damaged, eggs don't HAVE to be refrigerated so the store sells them on the shelf.

Why do US eggs need to be refrigerated? ›

The answer has to do with bacteria: Salmonella. In the United States, it's more than a food safety recommendation that eggs be refrigerated – it's the law. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) determined that the best way to fight Salmonella contamination is by sanitizing the eggs before they reach the consumer.

Why does Italy not refrigerate their eggs? ›

Italian eggs are gently wiped clean from debris before they're packaged and ready for sale, but never washed. Because they have this protective outer layer they don't need to be refrigerated and can stay at room temperature for a week or two without any deleterious effect.

What countries don't wash eggs? ›

The Europeans, on the other hand, don't wash their eggs in order to rely on this natural “cuticle” to protect from contamination entering the egg. Many European countries, like the UK, vaccinate their hens to prevent the transmission of salmonella when the hens lay eggs.

Is America the only place to refrigerate eggs? ›

If you've been to a country other than the USA, you might have! Most countries do not store their eggs in refrigerators. Instead, they leave them out at room temperature. This might seem like a food safety hazard, but both methods are safe.

How long does it take for milk to spoil without refrigeration? ›

In general, perishable foods like milk should not sit out of the refrigerator or cooler for longer than two hours. Cut that time down to an hour in the summer if the temperature reaches 90 degrees F. After that time frame, bacteria can start to grow.

Why does milk last 2 hours if not refrigerated? ›

If milk is left out of the fridge for an extended period of time it can become a food-safety issue. Bacteria start to grow and replicate when the temperature of your milk reaches 40°F, and those bacteria are how you end up with a gallon of nasty, rotten milk or, at worst, contract an illness.

Why does Kroger milk last so long? ›

One way Kroger assures freshness is by keeping the milk cold. It flows through cooling units that maintain temperatures between 34F and 35F.

Why Americans don't boil milk? ›

In the United States, commercially produced dairy milk that's sold across state lines must be pasteurized. That does not always mean it's boiled, but it's heated to a high enough temperature — usually 161°F (71.7°C) for 15 seconds — to kill any harmful pathogens (2).

Why am I not lactose intolerant in Europe? ›

Just 5,000 years ago, even though it was a part of their diet, virtually no adult humans could properly digest milk. But in the blink of an evolutionary eye northern Europeans began inheriting a genetic mutation that enabled them to do so.

What kind of milk do they drink in Europe? ›

UHT vs.

Now, we said everyone pasteurized milk, for the most part. In Europe, however, they use UHT (ultra-high temperature) pasteurization. In the states and Canada, we use HTST (high temperature, short time.)

Do Germans refrigerate their milk? ›

You may not have realized that Europeans actually buy and store their milk outside of the fridge. The reason is a simple one: Europeans rely on a completely different pasteurization method. Canadian and American milk manufacturers utilize high-temperature, short-time pasteurization.

Why eggs are not refrigerated in Paris? ›

Without the cuticle, eggs must be refrigerated to combat bacterial infection from inside. In Europe, it's illegal to wash eggs and instead, farms vaccinate chickens against salmonella. With the cuticle intact, refrigeration could cause mildew growth and contamination.

Do you have to refrigerate eggs? ›

Refrigerate eggs to keep them fresher, longer

While plenty of Americans with small-scale farms or chicken coops at home leave their eggs out on their counter, the FDA recommends always keeping your eggs refrigerated.

Is milk in Europe healthier? ›

The quality of the milk is underpinned by Europe's robust health and safety measures. Europe's milk is more than milk - it is a healthy and nourishing drink and a top-quality raw material from which Europe's dairy products are produced.

Is milk refrigerated in Italy? ›

For instance, it is perfectly normal for Italians to buy fresh milk with a shelf life of 2 days, or meant to be stored unrefrigerated for months before consumption.
There's Milk and Milk.
North American MilkItalian Milk
Retail sizesContainers up to 1 gallon (4 liters in Canada).Containers usually only up to 1 liter.
3 more rows
Jan 30, 2011

Does Europe use bagged milk? ›

A typical milk bag contains approximately 1 L (1.8 imp pt) of milk in South America, Iran, Israel, and continental European countries, while in the United Kingdom they contain 2 imperial pints (1.1 L), in Canada 11⁄3 litres (2.3 imp pt), and in India, 0.5 L (0.9 imp pt).

Why does Walmart milk last so long? ›

The process that gives the milk a longer shelf life is called ultrahigh temperature (UHT) processing or treatment, in which milk is heated to 280 degrees Fahrenheit (138 degrees Celsius) for two to four seconds, killing any bacteria in it.

Where does most of the milk in the US come from? ›

The top five milk production States in 2021 were California, Wisconsin, Idaho, Texas, and New York. Collectively, these 5 States produced more than 50 percent of U.S. annual milk supply. In terms of production, milk cows generally perform best in areas with dry, cool weather.

What is long life milk called in USA? ›


Shelf stable milk is ultra-high temperature pasteurized, which will be labeled on the package as “UHT” or “ultra-pasteurized” milk.

Why does China not drink milk? ›

An intriguing little detail in all this frothy commerce is that many people in China, like much of Asia, are lactose intolerant. Human children produce an enzyme that allows them to digest milk, but in much of the world, its levels taper off as they grow up.

Why milk is not boiled in Canada? ›

Milk must be pasteurized in order to be sold in Canada. Pasteurization is a process that uses heat to kill harmful bacteria while retaining the nutritional properties of milk. Pasteurization ensures the milk we drink is safe.

Why don't we use human milk instead of cow milk? ›

Nutritionally, there is less protein in breast milk than other milks like cow's milk. Chemical and environmental contaminants are known to make their way into breast milk, just like the food chain more broadly.

What is a long black coffee with milk called? ›

Long macchiato – whereas a macchiato is an espresso 'marked' by milk, the long version is a long black with a proportional amount of hot milk. Due to the increased volume, there usually isn't so much froth, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

Do the French refrigerate cheese? ›

Cheese should be served at room temperature. So French people usually take out the cheese from the fridge (and open the box) before starting their meal.

Do the French put milk in their coffee? ›

French people usually have milky coffee at breakfast, but you can also drink it throughout the day. The recipe is very simple – you make a double espresso in an Americano sized cup, then you add up to twice as much milk as there is coffee, according to your preference.

Why does Mexico not refrigerate milk? ›

The boxed milk in Mexico is heated by way of the Ultra-High Temperature Pasteurization (UHT) method. This is why the milk is safe to keep at room temperature when it is in an airtight and light-sealed container.

Is milk refrigerated in Japan? ›

There may be countries where milk is sold at room temperature, but in Japan it must be sold and stored refrigerated, so please be careful.

Why does milk in Canada last longer? ›

Those products undergo Extended Shelf Life (ESL) processing, which extends the expiry date, compared to products who undergo regular pasteurization. In ESL processing, the conventional milk processing can be enlarged with further processing steps, such as microfiltration, bactofugation or high heat treatment.

Do Mexicans refrigerate their eggs? ›

Mexico is just one of many countries where eggs are not kept refrigerated.

Why are eggs colored in Germany? ›

Easter Eggs Traditions from Germany

This is a very old tradition dating back to the 16th century to exchange colored eggs as Easter presents. Later, it became a custom for young people who were in love with each other, to give the decorated eggs to their sweethearts.

Why do Americans wash eggs? ›

In the US, to reduce the risk of salmonella infection, eggs are washed and sprayed with a chemical sanitiser before they are sold to the public. Clean eggs are kept at cooler temperatures to prevent the eggs from deteriorating as quickly and to keep the growth of bacteria in check.

Do you need to refrigerate peanut butter? ›

An open jar of peanut butter stays fresh up to three months in the pantry. After that, it's recommended to store the peanut butter in the fridge (where it can maintain its quality for another 3-4 months). If you don't refrigerate, oil separation can occur.

Why are European eggs orange? ›

It's not a natural trait of a fancy European breed of hen or a sign of overly pampered birds. The yolk color actually comes from what the hens eat: a diet rich in carotenoids, the natural yellow-orange pigment found in fruits (cantaloupe), vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, and kale), and flowers.

Does ketchup need to be refrigerated? ›

“Because of its natural acidity, Heinz Ketchup is shelf-stable. However, its stability after opening can be affected by storage conditions. We recommend that this product be refrigerated after opening to maintain the best product quality.”

Why is milk in France shelf-stable? ›

While American milk is pasteurized too – to keep for a few weeks – in France, it's “ultra-high temperature” (UHT) pasteurized, heated to 275 degrees as opposed to the 60 to 100 to which American milk is. The resulting shelf-stable milk, which makes up 95.5 percent of all milk consumed in France, has a (frightening?)

Is milk not refrigerated in France? ›

So there you have it: the French have no need for refrigerator-dependent dairy products, because their UHT-processed milk will still be fresh at least six months after the apocalypse. It is, unlike their milk, chilling.

Why do Americans refrigerate eggs? ›

The answer has to do with bacteria: Salmonella. In the United States, it's more than a food safety recommendation that eggs be refrigerated – it's the law. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) determined that the best way to fight Salmonella contamination is by sanitizing the eggs before they reach the consumer.

Why does milk taste different in France? ›

UHT milk in France is marked as keeping for three months unopened, although it is actually usable for six to nine months. The process kills all the micro-organisms in the milk and deactivates most of the enzymes present, which slightly changes the taste.

Which race is the most lactose tolerant? ›

Estimates for lactose intolerance vary by ethnicity. African American and Asian ethnicities see a 75% - 95% lactose intolerance rate, while northern Europeans have a lower rate at 18% - 26% lactose intolerance. For some people, drinking milk with their morning cereal is all the dairy they need for the day.

What race is more lactose intolerant? ›

Lactose intolerance in adulthood is most prevalent in people of East Asian descent, with 70 to 100 percent of people affected in these communities. Lactose intolerance is also very common in people of West African, Arab, Jewish, Greek, and Italian descent.

What country is most likely to be lactose intolerant? ›

According to the NIH, in adults lactose intolerance shows up most often in people of East Asian heritage, affecting 70 to 100% of the population. Encyclopaedia Britannica adds that the condition affects about 75 to 90% of Native Americans, Black people, Asians, Mediterraneans, and Jewish people.

Why do Germans not refrigerate their milk? ›

You may not have realized that Europeans actually buy and store their milk outside of the fridge. The reason is a simple one: Europeans rely on a completely different pasteurization method. Canadian and American milk manufacturers utilize high-temperature, short-time pasteurization.

How long can milk sit without being refrigerated? ›

In general, perishable foods like milk should not sit out of the refrigerator or cooler for longer than two hours. Cut that time down to an hour in the summer if the temperature reaches 90 degrees F. After that time frame, bacteria can start to grow.

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