V&A · The Baroque style (2024)

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The Baroque is a highly ornate and elaborate style of architecture, art and design that flourished in Europe in the 17th and first half of the 18th century. Originating in Italy, its influence quickly spread across Europe and it became the first visual style to have a significant worldwide impact.

A defining characteristic of the Baroque style was the way in which the visual arts of painting, sculpture and architecture were brought together, into a complete whole, to convey a single message or meaning.

Baroque art and design addressed the viewer's senses directly, appealing to the emotions as well as the intellect. It reflected the hierarchical and patriarchal society of the time, developing through and being used by those in power – the church, absolute rulers and the aristocracy – to persuade as well as impress, to be both rich and meaningful. Compared to the control and carefully balanced proportions associated with the Renaissance, Baroque is known for its movement and drama.

The first global style

Baroque's influence extended from Italy and France to the rest of Europe, and then travelled via European colonial initiatives, trade and missionary activity to Africa, Asia, and South and Central America. Its global spread saw Chinese carvers working in Indonesia, French silversmiths in Sweden and Italian hardstone specialists in France. Sculpture was sent from the Philippines to Mexico and Spain, whilst London-made chairs went all over Europe and across the Atlantic, and French royal workshops turned out luxury products that were both desired and imitated by fashionable society across Europe. However, as a style, Baroque also changed as it crossed the world, being adapted to new needs and local tastes, materials and contexts.

V&A · The Baroque style (1)

In China, the European pavilions were the grandest expressions of the Qing rulers' interest in the arts of Europe. These European-style palaces were part of the Yuanming Yuan or Old Summer Palace in Beijing, the Emperor Qianlong's summer residence. Designed by Jesuit priests, the pavilions – most of which were completed between 1756 and 1766 – were based on Baroque models and included grand fountains and statues. In the 1780s, a set of copperplate engravings depicting the European pavilions was commissioned. This album, a copy of which is in our collection, is an important visual record of the pavilions as they were destroyed by English and French troops in 1860.

A sense of drama

An important feature of Baroque art and design is its use of human figures. Represented as allegorical, sacred or mythological, these figures helped turn the work into a drama to convey particular messages and to engage the emotions of the viewer. They have a sense of realistic immediacy, as if they had been stopped in mid-action. Facial expression, pose, gesture and drapery were all used to add dramatic details.

A bust of King Charles II of England in our collection perfectly captures the drama of Baroque portraiture. Portrayed in an animated fashion, his head is turned to one side and an elaborate wig cascades down over his lace cravat and billowing drapery. Such grand Baroque images of monarchs and powerful aristocrats were more common in 17th-century France than in England but Charles had spent much of his youth in mainland Europe and favoured European artists. The bust is in the tradition of flamboyant and imposing portraits of monarchs, and would have unambiguously asserted the King's status.

V&A · The Baroque style (2)

The performance of architecture

Baroque buildings were also dynamic and dramatic, both using and breaking the rules of classical architecture. Inside, the architecture echoed theatrical techniques – painted ceilings made rooms appear as if they were open to the sky and hidden windows were used to illuminate domes and altars.

Again, the design was used to convey specific meanings and emotions. Papal Rome became a key site for religious Baroque architecture. An example of the Baroque's theatricality can be found in Gianlorenzo Bernini's (1598 – 1680) design for St Peter's Square. Its grand, imposing curved colonnades, centred on an obelisk, are used to both overwhelm the visitor and to bring them into the church's embrace.

Baroque architecture also shaped the way the public spaces of the city appeared. Public celebrations played an important role in the political life of a nation. Typically, such events took place out of doors and were elaborately designed spectacles. Urban squares such as Piazza Navona in Rome and Place Louis-le-Grand (now Place Vendôme) in Paris were the backdrop for firework displays, lavish theatrical performances and processions in elaborate and expensive costumes.

Imposing architecture was also used to reinforce the power of absolute rulers, such as with the Palace of Versailles, in France – the most imitated building of the 17th century. In 1717, the Swedish architect Nicodemus Tessin the Younger compiled a "treatise on the decoration of interiors, for all kinds of royal residences, and others of distinction in both town and country", based on his own travel notes. One of the most expensive, recent innovations he recorded was the presence of mirrors so large they covered entire walls. He also noted the use of glass over the chimneypiece in the King's Chamber at Versailles.

V&A · The Baroque style (3)

Marvellous materials

A fascination with physical materials was central to the Baroque style. Virtuoso art objects made of rare and precious materials had long been valued and kept in special rooms or cabinets, alongside natural history specimens, scientific instruments, books, documents and works of art. However, during the Baroque period, the birth of modern science and the opening up of the world beyond Europe brought an increasingly serious interest in the nature and meaning of these exotic materials. Rarities such as porcelain and lacquer from East Asia became fashionable and were imitated in Europe. New techniques, such as marquetry (the laying of veneers of differently coloured woods onto the surface of furniture), developed by French and Dutch cabinet-makers and learned from them elsewhere, were also developed.

The value attached to such materials can be seen in a porcelain cup from our collection. Made between 1630 and 1650 in China originally as a writing-brush jar, it later had extravagant silver-gilt mounts added in London, which transformed the brush jar into a luxurious, decorative two-handled cup and cover.

V&A · The Baroque style (4)

Baroque ornament

Representations of the natural world, as well as motifs derived from human and animal forms, were popular decorative features. The most widespread form of Baroque floral decoration was a running scroll, often combined with acanthus – a stylised version of a real plant of the same name. A late 17th-century tankard in our collection features lavish floral decoration. The leaves of the flowers have been turned into scrolling foliage, while the flowers themselves have striped petals, likely to represent a tulip, another key motif of Baroque art.

V&A · The Baroque style (5)

The auricular style, which featured soft, fleshy abstract shapes, also emerged in the early 17th century, creating an effect that was ambiguous, suggestive and bizarre. In fact, the term 'Baroque' was a later invention – 'bizarre' was one of the words used at the time for the style we associate as Baroque today.


The theatre was a setting for magnificent productions of drama, ballet and opera – a new art form at that time. With their ornate costumes, complex stage sets and ingenious machinery, these performances created wonder and awe. Theatre was popular both with the public and at court. Written by Jean-Baptiste Lully for the French court of Louis XIV (reigned 1643 – 1715), the opera Atys was such a favourite with the King that it became known as "The King's Opera". Our collection includes a pen and ink design for the costume of the character Hercules in Atys. He is shown in a ballet pose, wearing a Roman-style costume, and identified by his club and lion skin.

V&A · The Baroque style (6)

Theatre also played a role in the power struggles between European courts. Rulers vied to outdo each other in the magnificence of their productions. In France, theatre and opera also became a key element of Louis XIV's cultural policy, which was used to control the nobility and express his power and magnificence. In the early 18th century, the theatre building itself acquired new importance as proof of courtly, civic or technological power. The resulting new buildings across Europe established the theatre in the form we know today.

However, by the mid-18th century, the Baroque style seemed increasingly out of step with the mood of the time, which placed increasing emphasis on reason and scientific enquiry. Baroque was criticised as an "immoral" style and art and design turned away from its use of emotion, drama and illusion, returning to a simpler style inspired by classical antiquity. It was only in the late 19th century that the style began to be critically reappraised once more.

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V&A · The Baroque style (8)

Background image: Painted mirror, probably by Antoine Monnoyer, 1710 – 20, England. Museum no. W.36:1-3-1934. © Victoria and Albert Museum, London

V&A · The Baroque style (2024)


What was the style of the Baroque period? ›

Baroque emphasizes dramatic, exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted, detail. Due to its exuberant irregularities, Baroque art has often been defined as being bizarre, or uneven.

What is a characteristic of the Baroque style? ›

Some of the qualities most frequently associated with the Baroque are grandeur, sensuous richness, drama, vitality, movement, tension, emotional exuberance, and a tendency to blur distinctions between the various arts.

What is the style of baroque architecture? ›

Baroque architecture is a highly opulent style of building, design, and art that originated in Italy during the 17th century and spread to the rest of Europe, and eventually, the U.S. It's characterized by extremely detailed forms, marble, large-scale decoration, and bright colors.

What are 4 characteristics of baroque architecture? ›

Other characteristic qualities include grandeur, drama and contrast (especially in lighting), curvaceousness, and an often dizzying array of rich surface treatments, twisting elements, and gilded statuary. Architects unabashedly applied bright colours and illusory, vividly painted ceilings.

What are three things the Baroque style emphasized? ›

Baroque ushered in a new era for European sculpture, led largely by the work of Gian Lorenzo Bernini, which emphasized sensual richness, dramatic realism, intense emotion, and movement.

What was the purpose of the Baroque style? ›

Judging by the details of every baroque art form, it became clear that the main purpose was to appeal to the human emotions, through drama and exaggeration. One of the terms most commonly associated with the baroque era is “chiaroscuro”.

What are the four 4 main characteristics of Baroque music? ›

What is the philosophy of Baroque music?
  • A belief in music as a potent tool of communication. ...
  • The realities of patronage. ...
  • Contrast as a dramatic element. ...
  • Monody and the advent of the basso continuo. ...
  • Different instrumental sounds.

What are the five major characteristics of Baroque art? ›

What are the five major characteristics of Baroque art? Motion, Space, Time, Dramatic use of light and passionate theatricality.

What are the themes of Baroque art? ›

The Baroque was a movement that exhibited tremendous themes as monumental spectacles: intense light, grand visions, ecstasies and death, religious conversions, martyrdom, and a commitment to religious commemoration.

What are the key features of baroque architecture? ›

  • Baroque architecture is a highly decorative and theatrical style which appeared in Italy in the early 17th century and gradually spread across Europe. ...
  • Baroque architects took the basic elements of Renaissance architecture, including domes and colonnades, and made them higher, grander, more decorated, and more dramatic.

What is the difference between classical style and Baroque style? ›

Baroque music generally uses many harmonic fantasies and polyphonic sections that focus less on the structure of the musical piece, and there was less emphasis on clear musical phrases. In the classical period, the harmonies became simpler.

What is the most outstanding example of Baroque style in architecture Why? ›

St Charles Church

Also known as Karlskirche, the St Charles Church is easily the most iconic example of Baroque architecture in Vienna. Construction finished in 1737, making Karlskirche 285 years old.

How is Baroque architecture different from Renaissance? ›

In the Baroque style, architects took some basic elements of Renaissance architecture such as domes and colonnades. However, the Baroque style is more theatrical compare to Renaissance due to higher, more decorated, and larger-scale architectural elements.

What is the difference between Baroque and Rococo? ›

In France, baroque and rococo were stylistic periods that occurred back-to-back. Baroque is a serious, more provocative style, while rococo relies on a sense of lightness and playfulness. You can distinguish these two styles by focusing on their mood, function, and method.

What were the most popular styles in the Baroque period? ›

The Baroque period refers to an era that started around 1600 and ended around 1750, and included composers like Bach, Vivaldi and Handel, who pioneered new styles like the concerto and the sonata. The Baroque period saw an explosion of new musical styles with the introduction of the concerto, the sonata and the opera.

What created the Baroque style? ›

The Baroque style of architecture was a result of doctrines adopted by the Catholic Church at the Council of Trent in 1545–63, in response to the Protestant Reformation.

What makes Baroque Theatre unique? ›

Baroque theatre produced advances in scenic design, including quick scenery changes from setting to setting, stage effects using ropes and pulleys, and technological solutions for plot devices such as the Deus ex Machina. Furthermore, the mechanisms used for the spectacle were hidden from the audience.

What caused the Baroque art style to appear? ›

Baroque is an artistic movement that developed in Italy, in Rome, in the 17th century in reaction to Mannerism that dominated the late Italian Renaissance. This movement was encouraged by the Catholic Church that sought to return to the tradition and spirituality the Church promoted with the Counter Reformation.

How would you describe Baroque music? ›

Baroque music, a style of music that prevailed during the period from about 1600 to about 1750, known for its grandiose, dramatic, and energetic spirit but also for its stylistic diversity.

What are the five 5 popular forms of Baroque music? ›

  • Opera. Singspiel. Ballad opera. Semi-opera. Zarzuela. Intermezzo. Opera buffa. Opera seria. Opéra comique. Opera-ballet. Tragédie en musique.
  • Ballet de cour.
  • Masque.
  • Oratorio.
  • Passion (music)
  • Cantata.
  • Mass (music)
  • Anthem.

Why is it called Baroque? ›

Derived from the Portuguese barroco, or “oddly shaped pearl,” the term “baroque” has been widely used since the nineteenth century to describe the period in Western European art music from about 1600 to 1750.

What are the types of painting during Baroque? ›

However, although religious painting, history painting, allegories, and portraits were still considered the most noble subjects, landscape, still life, and genre scenes were also becoming more common in Catholic countries, and were the main genres in Protestant ones.

Who are the five most significant artists of the Baroque period? ›

Peter Paul Rubens, Caravaggio, Diego Velázquez, Rembrandt van Rijn and Nicolas Poussin – they were the five greatest painters of the 17th century. Baroque was a period of excellence that produced one of the most important and famous artworks in the history of Western art.

Is Baroque art religious? ›

Religious art is an overwhelming aspect of baroque art. As a consequence of the Counter-Reformation—the Catholic response to the Protestant Reformation after the Council of Trent (1545–63)—religious images filled every realm of the expanding Catholic world.

What is a famous example of Baroque art? ›

The Night Watch (1642) by Rembrandt van Rijn

Rembrandt van Rijn, a well-known Dutch artist, painted The Night Watch in 1642. It is the most well-known work of art in the Rijksmuseum's collection and is now on display there. This oil painting on canvas, created during the Dutch Golden Age, is considered noteworthy.

What features distinguish baroque painting? ›

The Baroque Was Heightened and Dramatic

By contrast, the Baroque took the naturalistic achievements of the Renaissance and ramped them up for heightened theatricality and dramatic effect. In art, key features are high contrast, stark lighting, elongated bodies, and exaggerated elements of motion.

What is the color of Baroque art? ›

Paintings of the Baroque Period. During the Baroque period, most artists used canvases or panels that were toned dark brown and even black.

Why is Baroque architecture beautiful? ›

Grandeur, great contrast especially in lighting, flamboyant and richly designed surfaces, bright colors, and vividly painted ceilings are the basic characteristics of baroque architecture. Baroque architecture was an architectural style that became an essential element in building throughout Italy and Western Europe.

Is Baroque Classical or romantic? ›

Baroque (1600 - 1750)

The Baroque period marked the beginning of what is commonly considered classical music.

Is Beethoven a Classical or Baroque? ›

Beethoven was born in the middle of the classical musical era. In the first part of his career he played and composed within the frames of this era. In other words, in this period, he was a classical composer.

Is Bach Classical or Baroque? ›

Johann Sebastian Bach is regarded as one of the greatest composers of all time. He is celebrated as the creator of many masterpieces of church and instrumental music. His compositions represent the best of the Baroque era.

Who is the greatest Baroque architect? ›

Gian Lorenzo Bernini was an Italian artist, arguably the greatest sculptor of the 17th century, known for having developed the Baroque style of sculpture. Bernini is also known for his outstanding architectural works.

What is the iconic masterpiece of Baroque architecture? ›

The Palace of Versailles, one of the grandest palaces ever built is the finest example of secular Baroque architecture. Commissioned by Louis XIV (1643-1715) in the 1660s, most of the palace including its spectacular Hall of Mirrors was designed by architect Jules Hardouin Mansart.

Where was the Baroque style popular? ›

The Baroque is a highly ornate and elaborate style of architecture, art and design that flourished in Europe in the 17th and first half of the 18th century. Originating in Italy, its influence quickly spread across Europe and it became the first visual style to have a significant worldwide impact.

How does Baroque style differ from other art style? ›

In various European countries, Baroque art took different forms according to their unique political and cultural backgrounds. Generally, the Baroque style is characterized by contrast, exaggerated motion, exuberant detail, deep colour, and grandeur. Chiaroscuro technique is a common trait of Baroque art.

What architectural style came after Baroque? ›

Neoclassical, the adaptation of the Greco-Roman order to civil architecture. From the middle of the 18th century until the middle of the 19th century, the neoclassical style replaced the baroque.

How did the Baroque in Italy and France differ? ›

Whereas Italian Baroque furniture would likely have sculptural, gilded bases, French Baroque furniture was sculpted and gilded from top to bottom. Furniture pieces became exhibitions of intricate ornamentation and decoration.

Is Mozart a Baroque or Rococo? ›

The well-known Classical era of Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven is said to have begun in 1775. The transitional, 25 year period between is known as Rococo. Here's why that term is useful.

Is Palace of Versailles Baroque or Rococo? ›

The Palace of Versailles (built c. 1624-98), a magnificent example of French Baroque architecture, is the most famous royal chateau in France.

Was Marie Antoinette Baroque or Rococo? ›

Queen of frivolity and excess, Marie-Antoinette led Rococo fashion with huge, poufy hairstyles, enormous pannier skirts and all manner of decorative frills, feathers and bows.

What are the main style characteristics of the Baroque era quizlet? ›

The characteristics of Baroque music is drama, opera, secural,vocal, and instrumental music. 1) Their similar to the Baroque visual art becuase they have drama and emotion in them. 2) Baroque music involved insturments and musical notes while the Baroque visual art has paintings and sculptures.

What is a defining characteristic of Baroque art quizlet? ›

Terms in this set (22)

What is a defining characteristic of baroque art? Attention to viewers emotional experience of a work. What is the meaning of the Portuguese term barroco, from which baroque likely derived? Misshapen pearl.

What characteristic is unique to Baroque theater? ›

Its chief characteristics are refinement in detail of the proscenium stage and of the Renaissance horseshoe-shaped auditorium and seating plan. The innovations of the period were introduced in the private court theatres.

Which music element is typical of the Baroque style? ›

The Baroque period was a revolutionary time in music history that saw a full embrace of polyphony, ornamentation, and harmonic sophistication.

What tempo is Baroque music? ›

It is in a slow 6/8 or 12/8 time with lilting rhythms making it somewhat resemble a slow jig, and is usually in a minor key.

Which of the following best describe some of the most important characteristics of Baroque art? ›

Which of the following best describes some of the most important characteristics of Baroque art? Dramatic, exuberant, ornate.

Which of the following is a typical feature of Baroque art in Italy? ›

Baroque painting is the painting associated with the Baroque cultural movement, which began in Italy in the 17th century. In its most typical manifestations, Baroque painting is characterized by great drama, rich, deep color, and intense light and dark shadows.

Which one is a characteristic of Baroque architecture? ›

Closely associated with the seventeenth century, baroque architecture was characterized by vaulted cupolas (domelike ceilings) held up by swiveling colonnades (rows of pillars), walls and doorways made of both rough stones and smooth stucco, and interior design denoted by luxuriant fabrics and furniture.

How can you tell the difference between Baroque and classical? ›

Baroque music generally uses many harmonic fantasies and polyphonic sections that focus less on the structure of the musical piece, and there was less emphasis on clear musical phrases. In the classical period, the harmonies became simpler.

What is the best example of Baroque art? ›

Rembrandt van Rijn, The Night Watch or The Militia Company of Captain Frans Banning Cocq, 1642, oil on canvas, 363 cm × 437 cm (143 in × 172 in), Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. The painting is a classic example of Baroque art.

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