5 Greatest Baroque Painters and Their Works (2024)

Peter Paul Rubens, Caravaggio, Diego Velázquez, Rembrandt van Rijn and Nicolas Poussin – they were the five greatest painters of the 17th century. Baroque was a period of excellence that produced one of the most important and famous artworks in the history of Western art.

1. Caravaggio, Bacchus

Few people are aware that the first of our Baroque painters, Michelangelo Merisi, better known as Caravaggio, was more famous during his life for his violent behavior rather than for his art. The Italian artist from Bergamo came to be known as a pioneer of tenebrism (tenebroso), the use of dramatic contrast between light and shade.

Caravaggio led a truly dramatic life, just like his paintings, and he is known to have committed serious crimes more than once in his lifetime. At the age of 38, he died under mysterious circ*mstances in Porto Ercole in Tuscany.

5 Greatest Baroque Painters and Their Works (1)

Bacchus was painted during Caravaggio’s 1595 sojourn in Rome with his first patron, Francesco Maria del Monte.

2. Rembrandt, Self-Portrait with Two Circles

Rembrandt van Rijn, the eminent Dutch painter, was born in 1606 in the present Netherlands, and even though he never went abroad his pieces were inspired by foreign influences. When most people think of the most significant Baroque painters and the Dutch Golden Age, Rembrandt almost universally comes to mind. This is because his work was truly significant. Auguste Rodin once famously stated,

Compare me with Rembrandt? What sacrilege! With Rembrandt, the colossus of Art! We should prostrate ourselves before Rembrandt and never compare anyone with him!

Auguste Rodin, Sotheby’s.

5 Greatest Baroque Painters and Their Works (2)

Self Portrait with Two Circles is a mystic piece, painted in Rembrandt’s later years of life and one of his many self-portraits.

3. Peter Paul Rubens, The Garden of Love

Peter Paul Rubens, known for being “the prince of painters and the painter of princes,” was a flamboyant Flemish grand master of art born in 1577. His work was highly influenced by historical and mythological ideas, and his unique painting style came to be associated with the Counter-Reformation.

5 Greatest Baroque Painters and Their Works (3)

The Garden of Love was a symbol of love for his second wife, the young and beautiful Helena Fourment. The painting depicts a scene of flirtation in a utopian garden filled with Renaissance elements.

4. Diego Velázquez, The Rokeby Venus

Diego Velázquez was a prominent court painter of the Spanish King Philip IV. He represented the Spanish Golden Age being one of the best portraitists of his time. Velázquez was familiar with Italian art; his inspiration initially came from artists such as Raphael and Michelangelo. Later in his life, his work inspired the Realists and Impressionists.

5 Greatest Baroque Painters and Their Works (4)

The Rokeby Venus was strongly criticized by the Catholic Church. This painting is the only surviving piece by Velázquez that presents a female nude.

5. Nicolas Poussin, Landscape with a Calm

Nicolas Poussin was one of the famous French Baroque painters. He introduced the classical tradition which was often described as embodying the opposite traits of Caravaggio, and there is some truth to this. His works were very subtle and his compositions were meticulously staged, just as if on a stage. Poussin inspired other great painters in later centuries, such as Jacques-Louis David,Jean-Auguste-Dominique IngresandPaul Cézanne.

5 Greatest Baroque Painters and Their Works (5)

Landscape with a Calm is an image of silent tranquility. Rather than telling us a story, the painting seeks to awaken our imagination.

5 Greatest Baroque Painters and Their Works (2024)


5 Greatest Baroque Painters and Their Works? ›

Among the greatest painters of the Baroque period are Velázquez, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Rubens, Poussin, and Vermeer. Caravaggio is an heir of the humanist painting of the High Renaissance.

Who were the best 5 Baroque artists? ›

Among the greatest painters of the Baroque period are Velázquez, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Rubens, Poussin, and Vermeer. Caravaggio is an heir of the humanist painting of the High Renaissance.

What are the 5 artworks of the Baroque period? ›

Major artworks of the Baroque style include: The Calling of St Matthew by Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, Judith Slaying Holofernes by the Italian Baroque artist Artemisia Gentileschi, St. Peter's Baldachin by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez, and The Night Watch by Rembrandt van Rijn.

Who was the most influential artist during the baroque period? ›

None was more influential than Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio. A brash, dangerous personality, Caravaggio brought gritty realism to his canvases.

What are the five most important characteristics of Baroque art? ›

Generally, the main features of Baroque painting manifestations are drama, deep colors, dramatic light, sharp shadows and dark backgrounds.

Who was a leading Baroque figure? ›

The dominant figure in Baroque sculpture was Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598–1680). He was the son of a Florentine sculptor, Pietro Bernini, who had been called to Rome by Pope Paul V.

What are the five 5 popular forms of Baroque music? ›

The opera, oratorio, and cantata were the most important new vocal forms, while the sonata, concerto, and overture were created for instrumental music. Claudio Monteverdi was the first great composer of the “new music.” He was followed in Italy by Alessandro Scarlatti and Giovanni Pergolesi.

Who is the father of baroque art? ›

Considered the father of the Baroque movement in art and architecture, Gian Lorenzo Bernini was a 17th-century sculptor and architect. The Baroque style expanded upon the elaborate and expansive qualities of the Renaissance style, which preceded it. It prospered in Europe during the 1600s and into the early 1700s.

What are 5 characteristics of the Baroque era? ›

Some of the qualities most frequently associated with the Baroque are grandeur, sensuous richness, drama, dynamism, movement, tension, emotional exuberance, and a tendency to blur distinctions between the various arts.

Who was the most versatile Baroque painter? ›

Rembrandt van Rijn (1606–1669) was a Dutch painter widely regarded as one of the greatest painters to have ever lived.

What style replaced Baroque? ›

Some were in Rococo style, a distinct, more flamboyant and asymmetric style which emerged from the Baroque, then replaced it in Central Europe in the first half of the 18th century, until it was replaced in turn by classicism.

Who are the modern Baroque painters? ›

'Modern Baroque' is a contemporary take on the Baroque, its drama and its exuberance, explored through the work of two London-based artists: Daniel Hosego and Rebecca Stevenson.

Who painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper? ›

> The Last supper (1495-98) and Monalisa (believed to have painted between 1503 and 1519) are a real masterpiece created by Leonardo da Vinci, a natural genius who epitomized the term “Renaissance man” for his notable discoveries in anatomy, civil engineering, geology, optics, and hydrodynamics but he never published ...

What is the most famous piece of baroque music? ›

Handel, Messiah, HWV 56 / Pt.

Messiah is widely regarded as the single most famous oratorio in Baroque music history.

Why is it called Baroque? ›

Derived from the Portuguese barroco, or “oddly shaped pearl,” the term “baroque” has been widely used since the nineteenth century to describe the period in Western European art music from about 1600 to 1750.

Who are the big 3 composers of the Baroque era? ›

The Baroque had Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi; the Classical had Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven; the early Romantic Schubert, Schumann, and (Liszt/Chopin/Berlioz... this one is a harder spot to fill).

Who was a great Baroque musician? ›

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Who was the king of the Baroque music? ›

The works of George Frideric Handel and Johann Sebastian Bach are considered the pinnacle of the Baroque period.

Who is the greatest Baroque sculpture? ›

Gian Lorenzo Bernini was an Italian artist, arguably the greatest sculptor of the 17th century, known for having developed the Baroque style of sculpture. Bernini is also known for his outstanding architectural works.

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