Gian Lorenzo Bernini | Biography, Style, Sculptures, Architecture, Paintings, & Facts (2024)

Top Questions

Who is Gian Lorenzo Bernini?

Gian Lorenzo Bernini was an Italian artist, arguably the greatest sculptor of the 17th century, known for having developed theBaroquestyle ofsculpture. Bernini is also known for his outstanding architectural works.

When was Gian Lorenzo Bernini born?

Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini was born on December 7, 1598, in Naples, in theKingdom of Naples(Italy).

What was one of Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s greatest works?

The greatest single example of Gian Lorenzo Bernini’s mature art is theCornaro Chapel in Santa Maria della Vittoria, in Rome. The chapel’s focal point is Bernini’ssculptureofThe Ecstasy of St. Teresa(1645–52), a depiction of a mystical experience of the great Spanish Carmelite reformerTeresa of Ávila.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (born December 7, 1598, Naples, Kingdom of Naples [Italy]—died November 28, 1680, Rome, Papal States) Italian artist who was perhaps the greatest sculptor of the 17th century and an outstanding architect as well. Bernini created the Baroque style of sculpture and developed it to such an extent that other artists are of only minor importance in a discussion of that style.

Early years

Bernini’s career began under his father, Pietro Bernini, a Florentine sculptor of some talent who ultimately moved to Rome. The young prodigy worked so diligently that he earned the praise of the painter Annibale Carracci and the patronage of Pope Paul V and soon established himself as a wholly independent sculptor. He was strongly influenced by his close study of the antique Greek and Roman marbles in the Vatican, and he also had an intimate knowledge of High Renaissance painting of the early 16th century. His study of Michelangelo is revealed in the St. Sebastian (c. 1617), carved for Maffeo Cardinal Barberini, who was later Pope Urban VIII and Bernini’s greatest patron.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini | Biography, Style, Sculptures, Architecture, Paintings, & Facts (2)

Bernini’s early works attracted the attention of Scipione Cardinal Borghese, a member of the reigning papal family. Under his patronage, Bernini carved his first important life-size sculptural groups. The series shows Bernini’s progression from the almost haphazard single view of Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius Fleeing Troy (1619) to strong frontality in Pluto and Proserpina (1621–22) and then to the hallucinatory vision of Apollo and Daphne (1622–24), which was intended to be viewed from one spot as if it were a relief. In his David (1623–24), Bernini depicts the figure casting a stone at an unseen adversary. Several portrait busts that Bernini executed during this period, including that of Robert Cardinal Bellarmine (1623–24), show a new awareness of the relationship between head and body and display an ability to depict fleeting facial expressions with acute realism. These marble works show an unparalleled virtuosity in carving that obdurate material to achieve the delicate effects usually found only in bronze sculptures. Bernini’s sensual awareness of the surface textures of skin and hair and his novel sense of shading broke with the tradition of Michelangelo and marked the emergence of a new period in the history of Western sculpture.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini | Biography, Style, Sculptures, Architecture, Paintings, & Facts (2024)


What is the style of Gian Lorenzo Bernini? ›

His dynamic and exuberant style perfectly embodies the baroque period, of which he has become the symbol. Bernini excelled in every sculptural genre (portraiture, tomb sculpture, religious and mythological representations). He was equally creative in other media, including architecture, painting and drawing.

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He designed churches, painted portraits, and sculpted major biblical scenes and famous busts for six different popes. Though his mother was Neapolitan and his father Florentine, Bernini was most connected to Rome, where he lived and worked nearly his entire life.

What is considered Bernini's greatest architectural achievement? ›

His greatest architectural achievement is the colonnade enclosing the piazza before St. Peter's. Among his many other contributions to Rome are his Triton Fountain and Fountain of the Four Rivers, noted for their architectural composition and detail.

What was Bernini's most important architectural project? ›

Bernini's most famous architectural project was the baldachin over St. Peter's tomb. Located in the St. Peter's Basilica in Rome, the baldachin is four stories high, held up by four soaring ornate columns, and features a canopy at the top elaborately carved with volutes and angels.

Why is Bernini's sculpture important? ›

Bernini created the Baroque style of sculpture and developed it to such an extent that other artists are of only minor importance in a discussion of that style.

How many artworks did Gian Lorenzo Bernini make? ›

Gian Lorenzo Bernini - 113 artworks - Art Renewal Center.

How many sculptures did Bernini create? ›

During his long career, which supposedly began when he was eight years old, Bernini created fifty-four sculptures, seven painting, five fountains, and designed St. Peter's Square and Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, He also was a set designer for a number of theatrical productions.

Who inspired Bernini? ›

Bernini's Early Works And Influences

From then on, Bernini excelled in every genre of sculpture, as well as architecture, painting, and drawing. Drawing influences from Mannerist artists like Michelangelo and Giambologna, Bernini's early works share similar rococo qualities as his contemporaries.

What are Bernini's sculptures made of? ›

A sculptor, architect, painter and designer of theatrical performances and festivals; Gianlorenzo Bernini (1598 – 1680) was especially celebrated for his ability to produce 'living marble' sculpture.

What is considered as the greatest work of Gian Lorenzo Bernini? ›

The greatest single example of Gian Lorenzo Bernini's mature art is the Cornaro Chapel in Santa Maria della Vittoria, in Rome. The chapel's focal point is Bernini's sculpture of The Ecstasy of St. Teresa (1645–52), a depiction of a mystical experience of the great Spanish Carmelite reformer Teresa of Ávila.

What was one of Bernini's major achievements? ›

While Bernini decorated the city as a grand canvas, his most important architectural achievement was the courtyard he created in front of St. Peter's Basilica, an enormous public space capable of holding crowds of hundreds of thousands of people, yet made inviting by its enveloping colonnades.

When was gian lorenzo bernini? ›

Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598 - 1680) | National Gallery, London.

How did Bernini use the Baroque style? ›

Bernini endowed the whole figure with emotion, using pose, gesture and drapery – the 'living marble' for which he became renowned – as well as facial expression to engage the viewer.

What technique did Bernini use? ›

Lost-Wax Method:

To achieve the ornate effects in architectural works such as the Baldachin, Bernini used a method of casting called the lost-wax method, ancient and painstaking process. In this method, the first step is to create a wax original model of the sculpture.

Was Bernini a stage designer? ›

Functioning as a sort of tableau vivant with busts of members of the Cornaro family seeming to serve as witnesses, the composition reflects Bernini's experience as a stage designer.

What art style is complex and grand often used in churches Bernini was a famous sculptor during this period? ›

The baroque is characterized by an astonishing diversity of artforms and materials, and it includes approaches as seemingly disparate as the shocking realism of a Spanish polychrome sculpture, the theatricality of Gian Lorenzo Bernini's architectural designs, the rigorous classicism of Domenichino, and the profuse ...

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