Top 20 Strategies For CD Savers | Bankrate (2024)

Opening a certificate of deposit (CD) takes a little more planning than opening other types of bank accounts, because CDs lock in your funds for a set time — months or years — and generally impose penalties for early withdrawals. But CDs can be a useful tool to help grow your savings and diversify your portfolio, especially while some CD rates are the highest they’ve been in more than a decade.

Here are 20 top strategies for utilizing CDs to build your savings.

1. Determine why you’re saving the money

If the funds are likely to be used within the next few months, a savings account or money market account is probably a better option than a CD.

“The first thing that we do is think about when money might be used, or if it’s earmarked for a specific goal,” says Lauren Zangardi Haynes, certified financial planner and founder of Spark Financial Advisors.

One smart reason to choose a CD with a fixed rate is you’ll know exactly how much money you’ll earn during the term. But if you’re trying to grow your money more aggressively over a longer period, other types of investments may be a better fit. Stocks, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) or index funds may offer higher gains, though they also have the potential to lose principal.

2. Decide how much needs to be liquid

Consider a CD for funds that don’t need to be accessible in the short term.

Money meant for a near-term purchase or emergency savings should be in a liquid account, such as a savings or money market account. These accounts allow you to access your funds anytime, without penalty.

Longer-term CDs sometimes pay higher rates, so it can be worthwhile to choose a four- or five-year term, if access to the funds isn’t needed sooner.

3. Shop around

Getting a good deal requires research. See what your bank is offering, then compare that to what the average CD pays. Look for a bank that offers rates significantly higher than the national average.

Next, compare the best rates online for the terms you’re considering, because online banks typically pay higher rates than those offered by brick-and-mortar banks. Online banks don’t have the expenses related to maintaining branches, so they can generally pay better yields. They also need a way to attract your deposits, which they do through higher yields. Similarly, credit unions are sometimes able to pay higher rates because they’re not-for-profit organizations.

4. Be sure it’s insured

CDs are smart investments if you don’t want to risk your principal. A CD opened at a bank insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), for example, provides safety to consumers. Each depositor at an FDIC bank is insured to at least $250,000 per insured bank, per ownership category, according to the FDIC.

Share certificate is the term used by credit unions for CDs. These are insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), which operates and manages the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund. The standard share insurance amount is $250,000 per share owner, per insured credit union, for each account ownership category.

5. Compare rates over time

Historical CD rate trends matter when you’re determining how valuable a CD will be for you in the future.

If rates are historically high and predicted to drop, it could be an opportune time to lock in a longer-term rate, guaranteeing earnings during market volatility. On the other hand, when rates are low and might increase in the near future, it might be better to stick to shorter-term CDs or invest in a higher-yielding type of account.

6. Consider promotions or bonus rates

Local banks and credit unions may offer bonuses and special rates typically reserved for larger deposits. Community banks may offer CDs with attractive rates to consumers in specific cities or counties.

When considering a CD with a promotional rate, take a look at the institution’s standard rates, which can provide an idea of whether CD rates will be competitive when they are up for renewal.

7. Avoid automatic rollovers

When a CD’s term ends, a grace period will be offered of around seven to 10 days, during which you can choose to withdraw the money without penalty.

On the other hand, if you do nothing when the term is up, the bank often renews the CD automatically for a term of the same length. This is known as an automatic rollover, and the new CD will earn whatever annual percentage yield (APY) the bank is currently offering for that term.

Reevaluate your CD as it’s set to mature — especially if you had a promotional rate — or it may renew at an unfavorable APY. A CD that was competitive when first opened might be less so at renewal time.

8. Know when you’ll need your money

Determining when you’ll need your money can help you avoid early withdrawal fees. CD terms typically range from three months to five years.

A one-year CD may be a good investment if you’re planning to buy a house sooner rather than later. You’ll be protecting principal and also earning a competitive yield.

“We don’t necessarily want to take on a lot of risk by investing it, but we’d like to earn a little more interest,” says Spark Financial Advisors’ Zangardi Haynes.

Money you won’t need for at least five years could earn a higher return in other investments, such as stocks, mutual funds or ETFs, but those strategies offer no guaranteed return.

9. Choose an online bank

Online banks are good places to find the highest APYs. A traditional brick-and-mortar bank may be a better fit if you prefer meeting with a banker, but the APY likely will be lower.

Online banks tend to offer higher yields and lower fees, generally because they have less overhead, compared with brick-and-mortar banks, and can pass on that savings to customers.

10. Look at minimum deposit requirements

Some banks require a minimum deposit of $1,000 to open a CD, while others may offer competitive rates with a lower minimum amount, so it pays to shop around. Look elsewhere if you feel the minimum to open an account is too steep.

Various banks require no minimum deposit for their CDs, so you can choose to deposit any amount you’re comfortable with. Just keep in mind that though there may be no minimum deposit requirement, you may need to meet a certain minimum to earn the highest rate.

11. Be aware of (and avoid) fees

Fees can result in considerable loss of your earnings on a CD, so it pays to know what the rules are for early withdrawals. You could end up walking away with less money than you started with if you have to end the agreement early.

A penalty of 90 days’ worth of simple interest is a common early withdrawal fee for a one-year CD, though some banks have penalties of six months’ worth of simple interest or more. Other banks may have even steeper penalties or may penalize based on a percentage of the withdrawal. Some banks, for example, impose a penalty of 540 days of interest on funds withdrawn prematurely from five-year CDs.

12. Go short term when it makes sense

Yields on long-term CDs are sometimes higher than shorter-term CDs — but not always. Still, an APY that’s a few basis points higher may not be worth it if the term is longer than you’re willing to consider. If your time horizon is on the shorter end, a savings account that pays a comparable APY to short-term CDs could be an alternative. Keep in mind, however, that rates on savings accounts are variable while those for CDs are fixed for their terms.

Choosing a savings account with a variable rate may be preferable to opening a fixed-rate CD at a time when deposit account rates are rising, for instance. The opposite can be true during a falling-rate environment.

13. Ladder your CDs

A CD ladder is a strategy using multiple CDs maturing at different intervals to take advantage of higher interest rates. It’s best used when interest rates are rising or when there is little difference between short- and long-term rates. A CD ladder can help you lock in high APYs if rates continue to decrease. In a decreasing-rate environment, longer-term CDs might be earning a favorable APY that is no longer offered.

Opening a one-year, two-year and three-year CD at the same time is an example of laddering, allowing you to more easily avoid early withdrawal penalties and diversify your portfolio.

14. Consider indexed (structured) CDs

An indexed CD, also known as a structured CD, is a nontraditional certificate of deposit that is linked to other investments, such as stocks, bonds, currencies or commodities. Though indexed CDs likely won’t lose money as long as they are held to maturity, returns are typically capped at a percentage of the total return of the underlying index or basket of securities.

For example, if it’s linked to the S&P 500 and that index gains 10 percent over the year, a structured CD may yield three-quarters of that return. Structured CDs vary and can be more complex compared with a conventional CD. But the potential for greater returns appeals to some savers with intermediate time horizons, typically of two to four years.

15. Look at bump-up CDs

Bump-up CDs can be a better choice when interest rates are on the rise, because they allow you to earn a higher yield on an existing investment if rates increase.

Investors generally have to request a bump in the rate if yields rise during the CD term. Bump-up CDs typically permit one request for a rate increase, but some — especially those for longer terms — may permit multiple bump ups.

Bump-up CDs typically pay lower rates than regular CDs, so compare rates before making a decision.

16. Consider a barbell strategy

A barbell strategy is similar to a ladder, but with the middle rungs missing. Short maturities make up one end of the barbell, or investors may even put money in a high-yield savings account to keep part of the principal more liquid. Long-term maturities make up the other end of the barbell.

If you’re looking at a longer-term CD, weigh the potential increase in APY with the potential early withdrawal penalty, says Amy Hubble, certified financial planner at Radix Financial.

“You can usually get the most value by going ahead and doing the longest-term CD that they offer, which is usually five years,” Hubble says. But you’ll also need to consider whether longer-term CDs are a good value if shorter-term CDs have similar yields.

17. Evaluate step-up CDs

A step-up CD is another investment option that allows for rate increases during a CD’s term. Step-up CDs differ from bump-up CDs, which only permit an increase in the yield when rates actually increase.

But step-up CDs generally feature APYs that are set to increase to predetermined amounts on scheduled dates. To get the best rate, compare the blended APY to see what it averages out to during the term.

Also, some banks use the terms step-up CD and bump-up CD interchangeably, which can cause confusion.

18. Look into brokered CDs

Brokered CDs are purchased through a brokerage firm and are an option for those looking for higher rates than those offered at banks on regular CDs. Brokered CDs also allow investors with more than $250,000 to insure all of their funds with the FDIC by offering CDs issued by multiple banks. Just make sure you know what bank a brokered CD is at so you don’t exceed FDIC limits with other accounts you may have at the bank.

Brokered CDs benefited the investor because you could instantly get more FDIC coverage — especially when the FDIC limit used to be $100,000 — through brokered CDs, says Tim Kenney, certified financial planner and founder of Seawise Financial in Cardiff-by-the-Sea, California.

“It was pretty easy to get over that FDIC coverage really quick,” he says.

Terminating a brokered CD early is more complicated than with a traditional CD because you may have to sell your ownership interest, via your broker, at the current market value. Depending on the rate environment, terminating your investment early could cause you to lose some of your principal.

Brokered CDs are a riskier option than bank CDs, according to the Securities and Exchange Commission, because you may lose some principal or have to sell for a loss if rates increase after you open a brokered CD.

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority recommends confirming you’re listed as the owner of the CD at the bank or that the CD is held in your name by a trustee or custodian, to ensure you receive FDIC coverage.

19. Check out no-penalty CDs

With a regular CD, you’ll usually incur a penalty for making an early withdrawal before its term is up. But a no-penalty CD allows you to make a penalty-free withdrawal, generally after the first week of opening or funding the CD. The trade-off is you could earn a higher yield with a regular CD.

20. Use a CD to save for retirement

An individual retirement account (IRA) CD is a way of saving for retirement while earning a fixed rate on the funds. Like regular CDs, these accounts involve locking in your money for a set period of time in exchange for the guaranteed rate.

IRA CDs are relatively easy to set up by transferring money from an IRA or other retirement account. These accounts may be a good choice for retirement savers who prefer the tax advantages as well as the benefits of the guaranteed rate.

Bottom line

CDs may be a good choice for savers who prefer a guaranteed rate of return and who are able to lock in their funds for a set period of time. When opening a CD, it’s important to only invest money you won’t need access to before the term expires. Otherwise, you may be hit with a hefty withdrawal penalty.

In addition to shopping around for the best CD rates, it’s important to choose a CD term that fits in with your financial goals. Depending on your circ*mstances, it may be wise to consider a no-penalty CD, a step-up CD, brokered CDs or IRA CDs. Other available CD strategies include CD laddering and creating a CD barbell to reap the benefits of multiple CDs that mature at different times.

When used with the right strategies, CDs can be a component of your financial portfolio that provides stability and security.

– Bankrate’s René Bennett contributed to updating this article.

Top 20 Strategies For CD Savers | Bankrate (2024)


What is the CD bullet strategy? ›

Best for targeted savings goals, the CD bullet strategy involves investing in multiple CD s at different times, all with the same target maturity date. This allows you to continually contribute money toward your goal while taking advantage of potentially higher rates on long-term CD s.

How do you make the most money with CDs? ›

Generally, the longer the CD term, the higher the interest rate you may earn. For example, you will likely lock in higher rates with five-year CDs than three-month CDs. The trade-off, of course, is giving up access to your money for longer.

Why does Dave Ramsey not like CDs? ›

Ramsey has referred to certificates of deposit as "nothing more than glorified savings accounts with slightly higher interest rates." Ramsey warned that you shouldn't invest in CDs because average rates won't keep pace with inflation and because they aren't a good place to grow your money.

How much will a $500 CD make in 5 years? ›

This CD will earn $120.39 on $500 over five years, which means your deposit will grow by 24.6%.

Is laddering CDs a good strategy? ›

Building a CD ladder is a great way to earn a higher interest rate on your savings while keeping your money safe and accessible.

Is laddering an effective technique for investing in CDs? ›

A CD ladder consists of opening several CDs with different maturity dates. A CD ladder's benefit is you can earn high rates and also have access to portions of your money at frequent intervals. With a ladder, you can decide how much money to deposit in each CD and whether to reinvest in a new CD when each CD matures.

How much does a $10,000 CD make in a year? ›

Earnings on a $10,000 CD Over Different Terms
Term LengthAverage APYInterest earned on $10,000 at maturity
1 year1.81%$181
2 years1.54%$310.37
3 years1.41%$428.99
4 years1.32%$538.55
1 more row
Apr 24, 2024

How much does a $5000 CD make in a year? ›

How much interest would you make on a $5,000 CD? We estimate that a $5,000 CD deposit can make roughly $25 to $275 in interest after one year. In comparison, a $10,000 CD deposit makes around $50 to $550 in interest after a year, depending on the bank.

Do millionaires use CDs? ›

As for whether financial planners tend to recommend CDs for their wealthy clients? It depends. Certified financial planner Blaine Thiederman says CDs are low-risk but they also offer low returns. “If you're a high-net-worth individual, you've likely got a diversified portfolio already.

What does Suze Orman say about CDs? ›

And if you're not convinced that stocks are the better choice, take it from financial guru Suze Orman. In her blog, Orman said, "CDs are not some magical solution for all your money. To have the best shot at earning long-term inflation-beating gains, you need to be invested in the stock market."

Are money CDs safe if the market crashes? ›

Are CDs safe if the market crashes? Putting your money in a CD doesn't involve putting your money in the stock market. Instead, it's in a financial institution, like a bank or credit union. So, in the event of a market crash, your CD account will not be impacted or lose value.

What is the biggest negative of investing your money in a CD? ›

The biggest disadvantage of investing in CDs is that, unlike a traditional savings account, CDs aren't flexible. Once you decide on the term of the CD, whether it's six months or 18 months, it can't be changed after the account is funded.

Why should you put $5000 in a 6 month CD now? ›

While longer-term CDs may tie up your funds for years, a 6-month CD allows you to access your money relatively quickly. If you suddenly need your $5,000 for an emergency or a more lucrative investment opportunity arises, you won't have to wait years to access your funds without incurring hefty penalties.

Do I pay taxes on CD interest? ›

Key takeaways

Interest earned on CDs is considered taxable income by the IRS, regardless of whether the money is received in cash or reinvested. Interest earned on CDs with terms longer than one year must be reported and taxed every year, even if the CD cannot be cashed in until maturity.

Can you get 6% on a CD? ›

You can find 6% CD rates at a few financial institutions, but chances are those rates are only available on CDs with maturities of 12 months or less. Financial institutions offer high rates to compete for business, but they don't want to pay customers ultra-high rates over many years.

How a CD laddering strategy can boost your cash flow? ›

CD laddering is a strategy that can give you quicker access to your funds. Instead of locking your money away in one CD for, say, five years, you divide that money into multiple CDs, each with a slightly shorter term. As each CD matures, you can either pull that money out or roll it into a longer-term CD.

What are the advantages of bullet strategy? ›

The investor is able to pick up good deals on various bonds and other securities along the way, arranging the maturities to coincide with the desired final date. One of the advantages of the bullet strategy is that the investments are acquired and then set aside until the maturity date arrives.

How do you destroy CDs in bulk? ›

Shredding is an effective method to dispose of CDs, especially those containing sensitive information. Using a reliable disc shredder, you can quickly process a large number of discs.

What moves CD rates? ›

Competition among banks and credit unions will also influence the payout on their CDs, as well as whether or not the financial institution needs deposits. In general, online banks tend to pay higher rates than banks with branches. Changes in Treasury yields and economic conditions also influence CD rates.

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