Tassel Emergence & Pollen Shed (2024)

July 2020
URL: http://www.kingcorn.org/news/timeless/Tassels.html
R.L. (Bob) Nielsen
Agronomy Dept., Purdue Univ.
West Lafayette, IN 47907-2054
Email address: rnielsen at purdue.edu
Twitter: @PurdueCornGuy
  • Individual male and female flowers develop separately on the same plant.
  • The male flower of the corn plant is represented by the tassel.
  • Pollen, shed from the anthers, fertilizes the silks of the ear.

Field corn in Indiana typically enters the critical flowering stages of pollen shed and silk emergence sometime between late June to late July. Success or failure during this period of the corn plant's life greatly influences the potential grain yield at harvest time.

As important as this process is to the determination of grain yield, it is surprising how little some folks know about the whole thing. Rather than leaving you to learn about such things "on the streets", I've developed this article and the accompanying one on silking (Nielsen, 2020) that describe the ins and outs of sex in the corn field.

Remember that corn has both male flowers and female flowers on the same plant (a flowering habit called monoecious for you trivia fans.) Interestingly, both flowers are initially bisexual (aka "perfect" flowers), but early in their development the female components (gynoecia) of the male flowers and the male components (stamens) of the female flowers abort, resulting in tassel (male) and ear (female) floral development.

Growth Stage VT (Tasseling)

Portions of the tassel may be visible before the plant technically reaches its final leaf stage (uppermost, final visible leaf collar) has occurred. By definition, growth stage VT occurs when the last branch of the tassel emerges from the whorl (Abendroth et al., 2011). This source furthermore states that growth stage VT is "...initiated when the last branch of the tassel is completely visible and the silks have not yet emerged." Once upon a time, that exact developmental sequence may have been true, but today's hybrids tend to behave differently. It is not uncommon for silk emergence (growth stage R1) to begin not only prior to the last tassel branch appearing from the whorl, but sometimes prior to the exsertion of anthers and the beginning of pollen shed (Nielsen, 2018).

Maximum plant height occurs at or shortly after growth stage VT as the final stalk internodes complete their elongation. The corn plant is most vulnerable to hail damage at growth stage VT/R1 because all of its leaves are exposed. Complete (100 %) leaf loss at growth stage VT will usually result in complete (100 %) yield loss by harvest. Even if the ovules on the ears are successfully fertilized by the pollen, severe defoliation at growth stage VT/R1 often causes entire ear shoots to die because so few leaves remain to produce the necessary carbohydrates (by photosynthesis) to sustain ear and kernel development.

Tassel Morphology

Approximately 1,000 individual spikelets form on each tassel and each one bears two florets encased in two large glumes. Each floret contains three anthers. An anther and its attached filament comprise the stamen of the male flower. The anthers are those "thingamajigs" that hang from the tassel during pollination. Under a magnifying lens, individual anthers look somewhat like the double barrel of a shotgun. Do the math and you will realize that an individual tassel produces approximately 6,000 pollen-bearing anthers, although hybrids can vary greatly for this number.

As the florets mature, elongation of the filaments allows the anthers to emerge ("exsert" for you trivia fans) from the glumes. Pollen is dispersed through pores at the tips of the anthers that open as the anthers exsert from the glumes. Anther exsertion and pollen shed usually begin in the mid-portion of the central tassel spike and then progresses upward, downward and outward over time. Anthers typically emerge from the upper floret of a pair first, while those from lower floret typically emerge later the same day or on following days. After its pollen is shed, "spent" anthers eventually drop from the tassel and are sometimes mistaken for the pollen when observed on the leaves or ground.

The yellow or white “dust-like” pollen that falls from a tassel represents millions of individual, nearly microscopic, spherical, yellowish- or whitish translucent pollen grains. Estimates of the total number of pollen grains produced per tassel range from 2 to 25 million (yes, they are difficult to count). Each pollen grain contains the male genetic material necessary for fertilizing the ovary of one potential kernel.

The outer membrane of a pollen grain is very thin. Once dispersed into the atmosphere, pollen grains remain viable for only a few minutes before they desiccate. Yet, with only a 15 mph wind, pollen grains can travel as far as 1/2 mile within those couple of minutes.

Therein lies the concern of the potential for pollen “drift” from a transgenic corn field to an adjacent non-transgenic corn field and the risk of transgenic “contamination” of grain intended for non-transgenic markets. The good news is that research suggests that the overwhelming majority of a corn field’s pollen load is shed in the field itself.

All of the pollen from a single anther may be released in as little as three minutes. All the anthers on an individual tassel may take as long as seven days to finish shedding pollen, although the greatest volume of pollen is typically shed during the second and third day of anther emergence. Because of natural field variability in plant development, a whole field may take as long as 14 days to complete pollen shed.

Peak pollen shed usually occurs in mid-morning. Some research indicates that pollen shed decreases after temperatures surpass 86F. A second “flush” of pollen often occurs in late afternoon or evening as temperatures cool. Pollen shed may occur throughout most of the day under relatively cool, cloudy conditions.

Weather conditions influence pollen shed. If the anthers are wet, the pores will not open and pollen will not be released. Thus, on an average Indiana summer morning following a heavy evening dew, pollen shed will not begin until the dew dries and the anther pores open. Similarly, pollen is not shed during rainy conditions. Cool, humid temperatures delay pollen shed, while hot, dry conditions hasten pollen shed.

Extreme heat stress (100F or greater) can kill corn pollen, but fortunately the plant avoids significant pollen loss by virtue of two developmental characteristics. First of all, anthers do not mature at the same time up and down the tassel, nor does complete pollen shed occur on a single day. Anther maturation and pollen shed occur over several days and up to two weeks. Therefore, a day or two of extreme heat usually does not affect the entire pollen supply. More importantly, the majority of daily pollen shed occurs in the morning hours when air temperature is much more moderate.

Related Reading

Abendroth, L.J., R.W Elmore, M.J. Boyer, and S.K. Marlay. 2011. Corn Growth and Development. Iowa State Univ. Extension Publication #PMR-1009. https://store.extension.iastate.edu/Product/Corn-Growth-and-Development [URL accessed July 2020].

Nielsen, RL (Bob). 2016. A Fast & Accurate Pregnancy Test for Corn. Corny News Network, Purdue Univ. [On-Line]. Available at http://www.kingcorn.org/news/timeless/EarShake.html [URL accessed July 2020].

Nielsen, RL (Bob). 2018. Unusually long silks in corn. Corny News Network, Purdue Univ. [online] http://www.kingcorn.org/news/timeless/LongSilks.html [URL accessed July 2020].

Nielsen, RL (Bob). 2020. Silk Emergence. Corny News Network Purdue Univ. [On-Line]. Available at http://www.kingcorn.org/news/timeless/Silks.html [URL accessed July 2020].

Russell, W.A. and A.R. Hallauer. 1980. Corn. (a chapter in Hybridization of Crop Plants. American Soc. of Agronomy-Crop Science Soc. of America. Madison, WI.

Click image to view larger version in a popup window. Left or right arrow on your keypad will cycle through the popup images.

Exserted anthers on central tassel branch.

Exserted anthers throughout entire tassel.

Exserted anthers on a tassel.

Closeup of anthers.

Corn pollen size relative to a dime.

Tassel Emergence & Pollen Shed (2024)


What is shedding tassel? ›

Shedding tassels are to be removed in roguing . It refers to the tassels in female parents rows, shedding pollen or that has shed pollen in hybrid maize plots.

How many days after tassel does corn pollinate? ›

Pollen shed begins shortly after the corn tassel is fully emerged from the whorl (VT stage). Pollen shed usually lasts for 5 to 8 days with peak shed by the 3rd day. Flowering typically occurs in the morning with delays during rain or excessive humidity.

What is pollen shed? ›

Pollen is dispersed through pores at the tips of the anthers that open as the anthers exsert from the glumes. Anther exsertion and pollen shed usually begin in the mid-portion of the central tassel spike and then progresses upward, downward and outward over time.

Does corn continue to grow after it tassels? ›

If your corn tassels too soon, however, do not worry. Most of the time the plant will continue to grow and produce tasty corn for you. Did you find this helpful?

What is the cause of tassels? ›

Tassel ears are often produced by tillers that result when the plant's growing point is destroyed or injured by hail, wind (green snap), animal feeding, frost, flooding, herbicides, and mechanical injury.

What is the significance of the tassel? ›

The graduation tassel attached to a mortarboard for a school or college represents a belonging to a particular class that has completed its goals. 3) The turning of the tassel has become a more modern tradition, used to signify a person's transition from candidate to graduate.

How long after tassels do silks appear? ›

Silk Elongation and Emergence

Complete silk emergence from an ear generally occurs within four to eight days after the first silks emerge from the husk leaves. As silks first emerge from the husk, they lengthen as much as 1.5 inches per day for the first day or two, but gradually slow over the next several days.

What are the 3 types of pollen? ›

While a lot of pollen is harmless, there are three categories that really get up hay fever sufferers nose:
  • Tree pollen.
  • Grass pollen.
  • Weed pollen.

What is tassel in maize? ›

Maize tassels are the male flowers of maize plants. The emergence of tassels indicates the arrival of the reproductive stage. During this stage, the total tassel number is an important cue to monitor the growth status of maize plants. It is closely related to the growth stage [1] and yield potential [2].

Why do farmers remove corn tassels? ›

The topping of plants is for seed corn production. The tassels are removed so that plants can only be pollinated by other plants. The rows that are topped are females rows.

Why does my corn has tassels but no ears? ›

If the planting is too thick, ears may not develop, even if the corn has tasseled. There are different maturity groups in corn, i.e. different varieties require different length of time from plant emergence to tasseling, and ultimately pollination and ear growth.

Do you fertilize corn after it tassels? ›

Each strand of silk develops from a potential kernel and must be fertilized for a plump, sweet kernel to develop on the ear. Fertilizing manually with the tassel can ensure full ear development in small plantings.

What time of day does corn shed pollen? ›

Most corn hybrids tassel and silk about the same time although some variability exists among hybrids and environments. On a typical midsummer day, peak pollen shed occurs in the morning between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. followed by a second round of pollen shed late in the afternoon.

How do I make sure my corn is pollinated? ›

Corn: Pollination
  1. Once silks have emerged and the tassels have opened and are dropping pollen, simply shaking the plants will improve pollination.
  2. You can hand pollinate by snapping off a tassel and wiping it on the silks so the pollen makes good contact with the silks.

How can you tell if corn is pollinated? ›

There are two ways to determine if your corn crop was successfully pollinated. Ear shake test — To do this, slightly open the husks at the top of the ear and shake the ear. If dark, curled up silks fall out, it's a good indication that corn pollination has taken place.

What are tassels in biology? ›

The corn cob plant has female flower clusters arranged on the stem which means it only blooms female flowers. These flowers are covered with spath. The style of these flowers is very long hence these overhangs the flowers in the form of a bunch which are known as tassels.

Where are tassels found? ›

A "tassel ear" is an odd-looking affair and is found almost exclusively on tillers or "suckers" of a corn plant along the edges of a field or in otherwise thinly populated areas of a field.

What is the difference between tassels and fringe? ›

What's the difference between fringe and tassels? A tassel is a ball-shaped bunch of plaited or or loose dangling threads with a cord at one end from on which the tassel is hung. Fringe is a decorative border which is fixed rather than hung, and is usually sewn on rather than tied.

Why did Israelites wear tassels? ›

In the Hebrew Bible, the Lord spoke to Moses instructing him to tell the Israelites to make tassels (Hebrew tzitzit) on the corners of their garments, to help them to remember all the commandments of the Lord and to keep them (Numbers 15:37-40), and as a sign of holiness.

What does tassel mean in Hebrew? ›

Techelet is the Hebrew word used to refer to an ancient special blue dye. In the Torah God commands the Hebrews to attach tassels (tzitzit) to the four corners of their garments to remind them of the commandments of the Torah, and that one of the strings should be Techelet, a blue colour.

What tassel colors mean? ›

Generally, the color of the tassel coincides with your high school or college's school colors. The same color is used to represent your connection to the school.

How long does it take for tassel to turn to black layer? ›

It takes 20-25 days for corn to get to black layer after it dents. If your corn is dented and showing a milk line half way down, then you are looking at 16-20 days till black layer. Corn Maturity is a process driven by GDUs (heat units) so more heat and it will progress quicker; cooler temperatures prolong the process.

Do tassels come before silk? ›

Tassels typically begin releasing pollen two or three days prior to silk emergence. By having pollen present when silks emerge, there is ample opportunity for silks to be pollinated.

How long does it take to harvest a tassel? ›

Corn Varieties and Tasseling Time

The corn tassels about 20 days before the kernels are ready for harvest. An early variety will tassel approximately 50 days after germination and growth begins, while a main crop variety may not tassel until 80 days after germination.

Which pollen is most allergic? ›

Tree pollen is the first pollen to appear each year in the United States. It is responsible for most spring pollen allergy symptoms. It also often overlaps with grass pollen in the spring and summer.

What pollen is worse at night? ›

Researchers also concluded that smaller pollen particles, such as ragweed, were more likely to cause problems at night.

Whats pollen means? ›

Pollen is a fine powder produced by certain plants when they reproduce. During the spring, summer, and fall seasons, it's released into the air and picked up by the wind, which brings it to other plants to fertilize them.

What is called tassel? ›

: a dangling ornament made by laying parallel a bunch of cords or threads of even length and fastening them at one end. : something resembling a tassel. especially : the terminal male inflorescence of some plants and especially corn.

What is tasseling and silking in maize? ›

Silking is defined when silks emerge from the ear to receive pollen and begin the fertilization process. Tasseling immediately precedes this growth stage, but essentially must coincide for successful pollination to occur. Corn is extremely sensitive to any stress which limits photosynthetic capacity at this time.

How long does it take maize to tassel? ›

VT - Beginning around 9 to 10 weeks after emergence, corn enters a critical period where successful pollination is required to convert potential kernels into viable, developing kernels. The plant has reached full size. Tassels are fully visible and silks will emerge in 2 to 3 days.

Why do farmers leave 4 rows of corn? ›

Typically, farmers are asked to leave entire passes across the field so the adjustor can get an idea of conditions in the entire field.

Why are corn tassels too early? ›

Weather – it appears that corn tends to tassel early if the plants are hit with a cold snap early on in development.

Are corn tassels male or female? ›

Corn is monoecious, meaning that it contains both male (tassel) and female (ear) flowers on each plant. However, unlike many other monoecious grasses and dicots, male and female reproductive structures are separated on the corn plant.

Do corn tassels produce seeds? ›

When the wind blows, pollen from the tassel will shake loose and fall on the silk. Each strand of silk is connected to a different seed on the ear of corn. The pollen makes its way down the silk to pollinate the ovule and develop into a seed.

Can you put too much nitrogen on corn? ›

Over-applications of nitrogen can impact a corn plant's ability to mature properly and extend the plant's health and staygreen, impacting the corn's normal drydown,” Doud says.

Can corn get too much nitrogen? ›

Under- and over-applying nitrogen fertilizer to corn crops often leads to adverse economic consequences for corn producers. Excess levels of nitrogen in nature also pose serious threats to environment.

How late can you put nitrogen on corn? ›

Ideally the N should be applied just prior to this period of high N demand. For most corn hybrids N uptake is complete shortly after pollination. So, most of the N should be applied prior to the 10 leaf stage, with any supplemental applications complete by or shortly after tasseling.

What is tassel in plants? ›

The tassel represents the male flower on a corn plant, while the ear shoots represent the female flowers. Interestingly, both reproductive structures initiate as perfect (bisexual) flowers, containing both male and female reproductive structures.

What is tassel of maize? ›

Maize tassels are the male flowers of maize plants. The emergence of tassels indicates the arrival of the reproductive stage. During this stage, the total tassel number is an important cue to monitor the growth status of maize plants. It is closely related to the growth stage [1] and yield potential [2].

What are tassels in fashion? ›

A tassel is a finishing feature in fabric and clothing decoration. It is a universal ornament that is seen in varying versions in many cultures around the globe.

What tree produces tassels? ›

Answer: The crispy things are the catkins of the live oak trees (Quercus virginiana). The catkins contain the male flowers that shed pollen. After the pollen is shed, the catkins drop from the tree.

What does a tassel flower look like? ›

A captivating little plant for the front of the border, tassel flower produces small, scarlet-orange pompons which, when viewed from a distance, seem like they're floating in air. The flowers cluster at the top of wiry stems that rise from a basal rosette of blue-green leaves.

What is another word for tassels? ›

What is another word for tassel?
22 more rows

What are tassels in 2nd PUC biology? ›

The corn cob plant has female flower clusters arranged on the stem which means it only blooms female flowers. These flowers are covered with spath. The style of these flowers are very long hence these overhang from the flowers in the form of a bunch which are known as tassels.

What is shedding tassel in maize? ›

Detasseling corn is removing the pollen-producing flowers, the tassel, from the tops of corn (maize) plants and placing them on the ground. It is a form of pollination control, employed to cross-breed, or hybridize, two varieties of corn.

Why do you tassel corn? ›

The topping of plants is for seed corn production. The tassels are removed so that plants can only be pollinated by other plants. The rows that are topped are females rows.

What are tassels on corn called? ›

The tassel is a male flower. Remember that the corn plant contains both male flowers and female flowers (corn silks) on the same plant.

Are tassels in Style 2022? ›

Interior Design Trends That Will Be Huge In 2022

Geometric Shapes – circles, squares, cylinders stacked as lamp bases and adorn case goods. Tassels – yes, you can still put a tassel on it, but let it be a simple more elegant tassel over your grandma's fussy tassel decor.

When were tassels popular? ›

“Tassel jewelry was at its golden period in the mid-19th century and early 20th century; some were flirty, some were elegant, some were fun, all were fabulous.”

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