Types of Pollen | Grass, Tree & Weed Pollen | Kleenex (2024)

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Pollen Types and Their Impact on Hay Fever

With over 10 million people suffer from hay fever in England, it pays to know your pollen. From grass rash to ragweed allergies, you may not know what type of pollen you’re allergic to, but you will know the symptoms. Itchy eyes? Ugh. Irritated nose? Yuk. Rashes from pollen? Ouch.

To help you work out which type of pollen in the UK you’re allergic to, we’ve taken a closer look at the types of pollen out there.

List of Pollen Types

Know your enemy. For hay fever suffers, the foe is pollen – the fine, natural powder that helps plants reproduce. While lots of pollen is harmless, there are three types that can really get up your nose:

  • Tree pollen
  • Grass pollen
  • Weed pollen

These pollen types can be carried by wind and don’t care who gets in the way. For the millions of us in the UK who have hay fever, our bodies see these pollen particles as an intruder and go into full-on fight mode.

You’ll sneeze to force the pollen out. Your eyes will water to wash the particles away. You’ll get a snotty nose to clear out your nostrils. But symptoms vary depending on the pollen type you’re allergic to. You may suffer from a grass rash, although there are other grass, ragweed and tree allergy symptoms.

If you have a serious pollen allergy or severe hay fever symptoms, it’s best to chat to your doctor or a specialist to help identify your allergens.

Types of tree pollen

You guessed it, this is pollen from the flowers of a tree. But there are different types of tree pollen.

  • Birch Pollen. Silver birch pollen allergy is one of the most common and occurs from March to June, peaking between April and May. It can cause asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis (basically irritated eyes, nose and sinuses). Found in lightly wooded areas, look out for the birch tree’s recognisable white bark.
  • Oak pollen. Like birch, it’s around March to June but is particularly bad in May. Oak pollen is the next most common hay fever allergen with symptoms including a cough, watery and itchy eyes, and an irritated throat.
  • Pine pollen. Pine trees are easily recognisable by their needles. Its pollen is considered a health food, but we’re betting you don’t care about that when you’re feeling rough. It’s in the air from April to July, peaking in May.
  • Alder pollen. Yellow-red alder trees like damp areas and watch out January to April – the pollen peaks in March. It’s like that produced by birch, so if you notice a reaction to birch pollen steer clear of alders too.
  • Hazel pollen. You can spot a hazel tree by its smooth, grey-brown bark (which peels as it ages). It likes the edges of wooded areas, and releases its pollen January to April, with a peak in February and March.
  • Yew pollen. This tree is found mostly in southern England. It has small needles, red berries and is poisonous to us humans. Its pollen won’t kill you, but it could make you miserable from January to April, especially in March.
  • Elm pollen. English elms have rough, grey-brown bark and often have suckers growing at the base of the trunk. They send out their pollen beween February and April.
  • Willow pollen. Commonly found by rivers, willows have sweeping branches and slender leaves. Not many people are allergic but, for those unlucky few, pollen is around between February and April.
  • Poplar pollen. Poplars like moist conditions, so you’re find them by water. Their bark is pale grey and has black diamond-shaped lines. Hay fever sufferers watch out between March and May.
  • Ash pollen. Ash trees like a good water supply, so you’ll find them near water – and they can be recognised by their smooth, greyish-brown bark. Ash releases its pollen March to May.
  • Plane pollen. These trees have multi-coloured bark and are mostly found in cities across the UK (you’ll see loads in London). Watch out for its pollen March through to May.
  • Lime pollen. Found in parks and urban areas, lime trees send out their pollen in summer, typically June to July. Its leaves are dark green and heart-shaped.

Tree pollen season

In the UK, tree pollen season generally kicks off from late March to mid-May, causing tree allergy symptoms to flare up.. Peaks vary based on the weather, with dryer seasons being more bearable. The peak of the season can last from mid-May til June. That means snot, rashes from pollen and a constant hunt for tissues and tree pollen allergy treatments.

Don’t let it beat you. If you think you’re suffering due to tree pollen, use Your Pollen Palto check if pollen levels in your area are high or low, and plan your days out that way.

Types of weed pollen

Weed pollen is harder to deal with than tree or grass pollen. Weeds grow everywhere and they keep coming back, and weed pollen is just as irritating. It’s released any time throughout the year, although weed pollen season generally covers late April to September.

  • Ragweed pollen. Ragweed is an upright plant with fern-like leaves.
  • Nettle pollen. A common weed found across the UK, nettles cause few allergies but plenty of stings…
  • Dock pollen. Found in meadows and some coastal areas, the pollen from this weed can cause common hay fever symptoms. But they do help soothe a nettle sting, so swings and roundabouts.
  • Mugwort pollen. Growing over two metres, you’ll spot mugwort by its red/brown colour and small flowers.
  • Plantain pollen. Not the tasty banana-like fruit, this short plant has leaves growing directly from the soil.

Weed pollen season

Weed pollen season kicks off in the UK when the sun comes out – starting in late April and lasting through to the end of September, peaking in June through to September. Symptoms can include rashes from pollen, a stuffy nose and itchy eyes. Wet days can help, as rain washes pollen out of the air. But if it’s humid, such as during a thunderstorm, the pollen count can rapidly rise. Generally, following a hot day, your pollen allergies may be worse - even at night. If you’re desperate for a day out, then you could use a pollen forecast to choose the best time for you to leave the house.

Grass pollen types

While your grass allergy may present differently to the next person’s grass allergy, it seems there’s only one type of grass pollen. Despite the different types of grass that exist, they all look highly similar when put beneath amicroscope, and just to confuse you even more, grass pollen allergies can affect people at different times of the year.

Grass pollen season

Grass pollen is thought to be one of the worst offenders when it comes to hay fever. Its allergy season begins towards the end of spring (around May). It peaks the beginning of summer (June to July) – just as tree pollen eases – and ends when autumn begins in September.

Common grass pollen allergy symptoms include irritated eyes, throat and nose, and grass rash. However, some other symptoms such as contact dermatitis (a form of eczema) and headaches can occur if you have severe allergies.

Here are some tips to manage grass allergy. For grass rash, you could wash the affected area, apply a cold compress, use antihistamines or specialisedointments. Antihistamines and washing could work for most of your symptoms, but preventative measures are your best defence.

You may notice an increase in your symptoms if you’re around grass for long periods of time, or when you cut the grass.

Check out our pollen calendar to see which pollen appears when, or just tap on Your Pollen Pal for your local pollen forecast.

Managing pollen allergy symptoms

Being allergic to one type of pollen doesn’t mean the others won’t affect you. A grass allergy could still affect someone with an oak pollen allergy, just as someone with an oak pollen allergy could still have a silver birch pollen allergy or a weed pollen allergy.

First up, work out exactly which pollens tickle your throat, irritate your eyes or make your skin flare up. We’re not asking you to cut the grass to find out. VisitYour Pollen Pal, take the quiz, and identify what allergies you could have. Then, you can prepare from there, so next time the pollen count spikes, you can show it who’s boss.

The content should not substitute medical advice from your personal healthcare provider. Please consult your healthcare provider for recommendations/diagnosis or treatment

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Types of Pollen | Grass, Tree & Weed Pollen | Kleenex (2024)


What are the different types of pollen? ›

There are three main types of pollen allergy: tree pollen allergy, grass pollen allergy, and weed pollen allergy.

What is an example of weed pollen? ›

The term weed is referring to plants used as culinary herbs and medicinal plants as well as ecologically adaptive and invasive segetal plants. In Europe, pollen of ragweed, mugwort, English plantain and pellitory are the main elicitors of weed pollen allergies.

What is a weed pollen allergy? ›

These symptoms are part of a reaction that is commonly called hay fever (even though weeds are not hay) - but is more appropriately called allergic rhinitis. If you have a weed pollen allergy and go outside on a day when it's in the air, you're likely to experience irritating symptoms like watery eyes or a runny nose.

What type of trees produce the most pollen? ›

What are the most common allergenic tree pollens in the U.S.?
  • Pine Trees. These evergreen trees produce high levels of pollen that are often visible on outdoor surfaces. ...
  • Oak Trees. ...
  • Juniper Trees. ...
  • Mulberry Trees. ...
  • Palm Trees.
Mar 28, 2019

What does tree pollen look like? ›

Some trees produce pollen you can see (such as pine trees that release a fine, yellow dust that covers outdoor surfaces). Some trees produce pollen that is very small and can't be seen. Tree pollen tends to be light and carried by the wind. Because of this, it can easily find its way into your eyes, nose, and lungs.

What is the most common type of pollen? ›

  • Birch pollen allergy. Birch pollen is one of the most common airborne allergens during the spring. ...
  • Oak pollen allergy. Like birch trees, oak trees send pollen into the air during the spring. ...
  • Grass pollen allergy. Grass is the primary trigger of pollen allergies during the spring and summer months. ...
  • Ragweed pollen allergy.
Apr 7, 2022

How does weed pollen affect you? ›

Breathing or inhaling marijuana allergens can result in nasal or ocular or eye allergy symptoms. This includes runny nose, sneezing, itching, and swelling and watering eyes. Asthma with the development of wheezing and shortness of breath also can occur. Anaphylaxis has also been reported.

How long does weed pollen live? ›

Yes, pollen can be stored successfully. Collect it, dry it, and store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Properly stored pollen can remain viable for several days to a few weeks, depending on the plant species.

Am I allergic to tree pollen? ›

Tree pollen allergy symptoms

sneezing. nasal congestion. itchy nose, eyes, ears and mouth. runny nose.

How do you treat weed pollen? ›

Taking antihistamines and using nasal sprays can also help to reduce weed pollen allergy symptoms. The only way to actually modify the immune reaction to weed pollen is through immunotherapy. Sublingual immunotherapy is a simple and convenient treatment option that may work towards reducing symptoms all together.

What does it mean when weed pollen is high? ›

The pollen count gets higher when vegetation begins to form buds and starts to form flowers. Because California has milder winters than other states in the USA, the pollen season starts earlier. The months that register a higher pollen count are April, May and September.

What foods to avoid with weed pollen allergy? ›

If you have a ragweed allergy, you may get PFAS symptoms when you eat these foods:
  • Banana.
  • Cantaloupe.
  • Cucumber.
  • Honeydew.
  • Watermelon.
  • White potato.
  • Zucchini.
  • Sunflower seeds.

What are the worst hours for pollen? ›

Ragweed counts usually peak in early midday, while grass pollen counts are higher in late afternoon and early evening. Plan your workouts for other times of the day when levels are lower. If you're in an urban area, winds can bring the pollen in town so that levels peak around midday.

When is tree pollen the worst? ›

During spring, especially from March through May, tree pollen is a common trigger for allergies. As trees bloom and release pollen into the air, people with allergies may experience symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, and congestion.

Am I allergic to dust mites? ›

Signs of dust mite allergy include those common to hay fever, such as sneezing and runny nose. Many people with dust mite allergy also experience signs of asthma, such as wheezing and difficulty breathing. Dust mites, close relatives of ticks and spiders, are too small to see without a microscope.

What are the 5 types of pollen grains? ›

The pollen grain can have a variety of shapes, including a bean shape, a spherical shape, an ovule-shaped form, a triangular shape, a disc-shaped shape, or a triangle shape with a smooth to spiky texture.

What are 4 characteristics used to identify different types of pollen? ›

The characteristics that distinguish the pollen grain of a specific taxon from other taxa can be the following, among others: grain size and shape, number and arrangement of apertures, exine and intine thickness, exine sculpture, and internal texture.

What month is pollen the strongest? ›

They're called "seasonal allergies" because each type of pollen has a season where they're most potent. Here's a general timeline of common pollen seasons: March through June is tree pollen season. June, July, and August is usually when the grass pollens are high, sometimes into September in a warm year.

Why is oak pollen so bad this year? ›

Blame climate change

Rising temperatures are also allowing plants to bloom earlier and longer, prolonging pollen seasons. Increased rainfall means plants release more pollen when they bloom, and higher numbers of thunderstorms cause pollen grains to burst, making them more irritating and worsening symptoms.

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