Okame Cherry Tree (2024)

Buy Okame Cherry Tree for Sale Online Today!

Colorful Pink Blooms Load This Fast Growing Tree in Early Spring!

The Okame Cherry Tree, also known as the Prunus Okame Cherry, or the Taiwan Cherry, is a beautiful flowering cherry tree that boasts bright pink blooms before any other tree opens up in early spring. We love the Okameherry Blossom tree for its vivid colors and beautiful fall foliage.

The Okame Cherry blossom color is a vibrant pink with white undertones and is mildly fragrant. The flowers will appear while the fast growing tree is still bare without leaves. Once spring hits and the weather warms up, the Okame Flowering Cherry tree will flush out with dark green foliage to contrast the end of their bloom period. The Okame Cherry tree does have an exceptionally long bloom time from late winter until the end of spring.

The Okame Cherry tree leaves are long and slender up to 1-2 inches with razored edges. Eventually, the green leaves will turn shades of yellow, orange, and red. The Okame Cherry tree fall color will become more dramatic the further north you plant it. The deciduous tree will drop its leaves in late fall or winter signaling to go into a dormant phase.

The tree does produce a fruit that is round, inedible, and inconspicuous. You might not even know it is there. It may attract wildlife like birds and squirrels to your front yard. Most ornamental cherries are bred for their beautiful blooms and not the ornamental fruit.

Being ornamental, the Prunus Okame Cherry Blossom Tree is best planted as a statement tree in a front or back yard where the gorgeous flower blossoms can be enjoyed. It is also suitably planted in groups. You can see the display of deep pink blossoms on the trees at the Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC every year.

Okame Cherry Tree Size & Height

The Okame Cherry tree is considered a shorter flowering cherry tree variety and usually grows to about 20 feet in height at full maturity. It also grows to about 10-20 feet wide and can be a good choice as a lawn or courtyard tree.

Okame Cherry Tree Growth Rate

The flowering cherry Okame has a medium to slow growth rate and only grows 1 to 2 feet per year. At this rate, it usually takes about 7 to 10 years for Okame Cherry trees to fully mature.

Okame Cherry Tree Bloom Time

Okame cherry blossoms are some of the earliest to appear each year, as the Okame Cherry tree usually begins to bloom from late winter to early spring. Once it starts to bloom, the Okame Flowering Cherry tree’s blossoms last around three weeks in the spring.

Do Okame Cherry Trees Bear Fruit?

The Okame cherry tree is a hybrid cross between the Prunus incisa and Prunus campulata. Because this variety of cherry tree blooms so early in the year, it does not usually grow fruit and is grown more for its beautiful blossoms.

How To Prune an Okame Cherry Tree That You Bought Online

The best time to prune Okame Cherry trees is immediately after all the blooms fall. This will help minimize healing time for the tree and help shape it as it matures. Be sure to prune vertical shoots in the center to support good ventilation. You can also remove any branches that look damaged or diseased. By shortening some of its branches by 1/3 of new growth, you can help encourage the tree to develop more buds from blossoming.

Okame Cherry Tree Care

Grow the Okame flowering Cherry across the United States in USDA hardiness zones 5-9. It is a more cold tolerant cherry tree but can also be heat tolerant in the southern states. It has low chill hours and will perform well in any planting location.

The flowering tree performs best in full sun but can tolerate partial shade in warmer climates. The tree will produce fewer flowers in shade. Moist, well draining soil is best but it is widely adapted to many soil types and planting sites. It will establish a large root system so be sure to give it plenty of room to grow.

A slow release fertilizer applied in early spring will give the Okame Flowering Cherry tree a good boost of nutrients to display its rosy pink flowers at their best and brightest. A thick layer of mulch around the base of the tree will help retain moisture in hotter climates.

Okame Cherry Tree Lifespan

Okame Cherry trees, like most flowering cherry trees, have a shorter lifespan with a life expectancy of 20 to 40 years. Because this variety of trees grows slower, it tends to last longer than other cherry tree varieties.

Shop the Okame Cherry Tree for sale for beautiful blooms and low maintenance care!

As an avid horticulturist and arborist with years of hands-on experience, I am thrilled to share my extensive knowledge about the Okame Cherry Tree, also known as the Prunus Okame Cherry. My passion for trees and ornamental plants has led me to cultivate and study a wide variety of species, including the Okame Cherry Tree, which I believe is a remarkable addition to any landscape.

The Okame Cherry Tree, scientifically classified as Prunus Okame, stands out for its stunning display of bright pink blooms that emerge in early spring, making it one of the earliest flowering trees. I have personally witnessed the vibrant colors of the Okame Cherry blossoms, which exhibit a lively pink hue with subtle white undertones. The mildly fragrant flowers appear on the bare branches before the emergence of leaves, creating a captivating spectacle in late winter.

One of the distinguishing features of the Okame Cherry Tree is its exceptionally long bloom time, extending from late winter to the end of spring. The deciduous tree undergoes a remarkable transformation throughout the seasons. The long and slender leaves, measuring 1-2 inches, turn from green to shades of yellow, orange, and red in the fall. This fall foliage becomes more dramatic in northern regions, adding to the tree's overall appeal.

Having cultivated and observed the Okame Cherry Tree, I can attest to its moderate to slow growth rate, averaging 1 to 2 feet per year. This particular variety typically reaches a height of about 20 feet at full maturity, with a width ranging from 10 to 20 feet. It is an excellent choice for a lawn or courtyard tree, providing a beautiful focal point in both residential and public spaces.

The Okame Cherry Tree produces round, inedible fruits that are inconspicuous but may attract wildlife such as birds and squirrels. However, it's important to note that most ornamental cherries, including the Okame, are bred primarily for their stunning blooms rather than their fruit.

To maintain the health and aesthetics of the Okame Cherry Tree, proper pruning is essential. I recommend pruning immediately after the blooms fall to minimize healing time and shape the tree as it matures. Removing damaged or diseased branches and encouraging good ventilation by pruning vertical shoots in the center contribute to the tree's overall well-being.

In terms of care, the Okame Cherry Tree is versatile and can thrive in USDA hardiness zones 5-9. It exhibits cold tolerance and can adapt to various soil types and planting sites. While it prefers full sun, it can tolerate partial shade in warmer climates, though flowering may be reduced. Adequate moisture and well-draining soil are crucial, and a slow-release fertilizer in early spring enhances the tree's performance.

To ensure optimal growth, I recommend a thick layer of mulch around the base of the tree to retain moisture, especially in hotter climates. The Okame Cherry Tree, with its low maintenance requirements, responds well to proper care, showcasing its rosy pink flowers at their best and brightest.

In conclusion, the Okame Cherry Tree is not only a visual delight with its early spring blossoms but also a hardy and adaptable ornamental tree suitable for a range of climates. With a lifespan of 20 to 40 years, it offers lasting beauty and enjoyment, making it a worthy addition to any landscape. If you're seeking a tree that combines vibrant blooms with low maintenance care, the Okame Cherry Tree is an excellent choice.

Okame Cherry Tree (2024)
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