Do These 8 Things to Your Fruit Trees Before Winter (2024)

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Do These 8 Things to Your Fruit Trees Before Winter (1)Luke MillerUpdated: Jan. 11, 2022

    Don't neglect your fruit trees just because the growing season is winding down. Here are 8 things to do for your fruit trees this fall.

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    Protect Young Fruit Trees Against Rodents

    Place tree guards around the trunk of young fruit trees to protect against nibbling by rabbits, field mice and other rodents. You can use a section of flexible white plastic drainage pipe or these spirals made of coiled vinyl. Make sure the tree guard extends an inch below ground and up to the lowest branches of the tree.

    Photo: Courtesy of Amazon


    Protect All Fruit Trees Against Frost Cracking

    In cold areas of the country, fruit trees and other thin-barked tree species are prone to frost cracking, or southwest injury. It happens when sap warms up where sunlight hits the trunk on a warm winter day, only to freeze suddenly when temperatures drop. This causes unsightly trunk cracking that hurt the tree’s ability to take up moisture and nutrients and leaves an opening for insects. Protect the bark with tree wrap and remove the wrap in spring after the last frost. Here are our best tips for growing fruit trees in your own yard.

    Photo: Courtesy of Amazon


    Do These 8 Things to Your Fruit Trees Before Winter (4)


    Mulch Around Trees

    Add a base of woodchip mulch around fruit trees to discourage competing grass and weeds. Wait until after a hard frost to spread the mulch so moles and field mice don’t take up residence in the woodchips beforehand. Add 2 to 3 inches of woodchips, spreading the mulch as far as the dripline (the outer reach of the tree-branch canopy). Keep woodchips several inches away from the tree trunk to avoid causing issues with insects and disease.Learn about different types of mulch in our Mulch Guide.


    Do These 8 Things to Your Fruit Trees Before Winter (5)

    Iris photo/Shutterstock

    Clean Up Around Trees

    Some insects and diseases overwinter in plant debris. For example, apple scab is a common disease found on apple trees and is caused by spores released from dead apple leaves and fruit left on the ground. And apple maggots overwinter in fruit left on the ground for more than a few days. By removing and destroying the fallen leaves and fruit in a timely manner, you can break the cycle without using chemicals.Here are some awesome tools to help with cleanup, harvesting and other yard duties.


    Do These 8 Things to Your Fruit Trees Before Winter (6)

    Mykola Mazuryk/Shutterstock

    Harvest Fall-Bearing Fruit Trees

    Pick pears before they mature (they’ll be firmer than pears ripe for eating) and let them ripen indoors in a cool room such as a basem*nt. When picking apples, grasp the apple from the bottom and gently twist the fruit upwards to one side. Save the “cleanest” fruits (those without cuts or blemishes) for storage, eating the imperfect ones first because those would be the first to turn. Keep fruit refrigerated in cold storage for longest shelf life.


    Do These 8 Things to Your Fruit Trees Before Winter (7)


    Water Well

    Keep fruit trees well watered until late fall. This is especially important if rainfall is in short supply. Water deeply—1 to 2 inches at a time—so moisture penetrates fully into the root zone. You can set up a timer and either a soaker hose or drip irrigation system. If overhead watering, set out a pan to measure how much water has been dispersed.See how to install a drip irrigation system yourself.


    Wait to Fertilize

    Fall is not the time to fertilize most fruit trees. Fertilizing in fall may cause the development of new growth, which won’t harden off in time for winter. In cold climates, it’s best not to fertilize fruit trees after July 1. Exception: in warm climates, young citrus trees can be fertilized every 2 to 3 months in fall and winter.

    Photo: Courtesy of Amazon


    Thwart Insect Pests

    Fall is a good time to apply an insect barrier, such as Tanglefoot, for such pests such as gypsy moths, cankerworms, weevils, ants, caterpillars, moths and cutworms. The sticky solution is long-lasting and weatherproof and traps bugs as they crawl up the tree to find winter hiding spots.

    Photo: Courtesy of Amazon

    Originally Published: September 24, 2018

    Do These 8 Things to Your Fruit Trees Before Winter (10)

    Luke Miller is an award-winning garden editor with 25 years' experience in horticultural communications, including editing a national magazine and creating print and online gardening content for a national retailer. He grew up across the street from a park arboretum and has a lifelong passion for gardening in general and trees in particular. In addition to his journalism degree, he has studied horticulture and is a Master Gardener.

    As a seasoned horticultural expert with over two decades of experience, I've delved into every facet of gardening, including the meticulous care required for fruit trees. My extensive background includes editing national magazines, creating online gardening content for a major retailer, and earning the title of Master Gardener. Growing up in proximity to a park arboretum, my lifelong passion for gardening, especially trees, has been nurtured and refined over the years.

    Now, let's dive into the comprehensive advice provided in the article titled "Don't Neglect Your Fruit Trees: 8 Essential Fall Care Tips."

    1. Protect Young Fruit Trees Against Rodents:

      • Use tree guards around the trunk of young fruit trees to prevent nibbling by rodents like rabbits and field mice.
      • Recommended materials include flexible white plastic drainage pipe or coiled vinyl spirals.
      • Ensure the tree guard extends below ground and reaches the lowest branches.
    2. Protect All Fruit Trees Against Frost Cracking:

      • In cold regions, thin-barked tree species are susceptible to frost cracking or southwest injury.
      • Apply tree wrap to protect the bark from sudden freezing after warming on sunny winter days.
      • Remove the wrap in spring after the last frost to avoid hindering the tree's nutrient uptake.
    3. Mulch Around Trees:

      • Add woodchip mulch around fruit trees to discourage grass and weeds after a hard frost.
      • Apply 2 to 3 inches of woodchips, extending the mulch to the dripline but keeping it away from the tree trunk.
      • Delay mulching until after a hard frost to prevent moles and field mice from nesting.
    4. Clean Up Around Trees:

      • Remove fallen leaves and fruit promptly to prevent overwintering of insects and diseases.
      • Break the cycle without chemical intervention by timely removal and destruction of plant debris.
    5. Harvest Fall-Bearing Fruit Trees:

      • Pick fall-bearing fruit such as pears before full maturity and ripen them indoors.
      • Harvest apples by twisting gently to the side, prioritizing storage of clean, blemish-free fruits.
    6. Water Well:

      • Maintain adequate watering for fruit trees until late fall, especially in regions with limited rainfall.
      • Deep watering (1 to 2 inches at a time) ensures moisture penetration into the root zone.
      • Consider using a soaker hose or drip irrigation system with a timer for efficient watering.
    7. Wait to Fertilize:

      • Avoid fertilizing most fruit trees in the fall to prevent new growth that won't harden off before winter.
      • In cold climates, refrain from fertilizing after July 1, except for young citrus trees in warm climates.
    8. Thwart Insect Pests:

      • Apply an insect barrier like Tanglefoot in the fall to combat pests like gypsy moths, cankerworms, and ants.
      • The long-lasting and weatherproof solution traps bugs climbing up trees to find winter hiding spots.

    In conclusion, these expert-recommended fall care tips ensure the well-being and longevity of your fruit trees, showcasing my in-depth knowledge of horticultural practices.

    Do These 8 Things to Your Fruit Trees Before Winter (2024)
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