Is Pure Water Bad for You? - Dime Water (2024)

Many people tend to imagine that purity is the ultimate indicator of the quality of drinking water. However, 100% ultra-pure water is not good for our health because water (H2O) purely comprised of hydrogen and oxygen does not provide our body with the natural electrolytes and salts that we need to survive.

Truly pure water does not exist in the natural world! You can take water from the purest springs and lakes, and analyze a sample and you would still find small amounts of dissolved minerals, such as sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, and chloride.

What Is Pure Water?

To better understand pure water, we need to clarify terminology. Ions, or electrolytes, are formed when minerals dissolve in water. You may have heard about the importance of electrolytes in our bodies, which are essential for transmitting electrical impulses along nerves and for muscle contraction, allowing all our “bioelectrical” functions to work properly. So, maintaining the correct concentrations of these ions in and outside cells in the body is important for our health and well-being.

Drinking plenty of pure water not only does not provide you with these essential electrolytes, but it also tries to “rob” you of the ones already in your body, creating a possible fatal imbalance.

Is Pure Water Harmful to Our Health?

Actual information concerning the health effects on the human body is hard to come by, but there is a plethora of opinions on this matter, including scientists and medical professionals who take strong positions on both sides of this issue. Purified water is an active absorber – when it comes into contact with air, it absorbs carbon dioxide, making itself acidic.

The more purified water a person drinks, the higher the body acidity becomes. Being essentially mineral-free, pure water is very aggressive, tending to dissolve substances with which it is in contact. Ultra-pure water will even strip the copper off the inside of a pipe, to understand just how aggressive it can be. However, as pure water enters the mouth, it mixes with our natural fluids and ceases to be aggressive.

People consume many commercial beverages and soft drinks that are made from purified water. There have been a number of studies, which have consistently shown that heavy consumers of soft drinks (with or without sugar) spill huge amounts of calcium, magnesium, and other trace minerals into the urine. This has been linked to a greater risk of developing osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, hypothyroidism, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and a long list of degenerative diseases, generally associated with premature aging.

Purified water is extremely soft. There is a correlation between the consumption of soft water and the incidence of cardiovascular disease. Development of mineral deficiencies and an acid state can appear the longer one drinks pure water and if one consumes purified water exclusively. Even if you supplement your purified or distilled water intake with trace minerals, you will still be inadequately nourished in minerals considering other non-purified water drinking people. If this is something you were completely unaware of, and have been drinking pure water for quite some time now, it is high time you stop this practice. And it would also be advisable to get yourself checked for any mineral deficiency and your heart health examined for any cardiovascular problems (websites similar to could be helpful in this regard).

Because purified water tends to be acidic, it can only be recommended as a way of drawing poisons out of the body, or for short-term detox treatments. Once this is accomplished, continuing to drink purified water is generally a bad idea.

Call us at 760.734.5787 and get in touch with one of our water experts today!

Featured image courtesy of Anusorn P nachol at


Is Pure Water Bad for You? - Dime Water (2024)
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