How to Get a Small Business Loan Without Collateral (2024)

In order to grow your small business, you will most likely require financing at some stage or another – whether that’s the small boost in cash that a short-term business loan provides or longer-term assistance from other funding methods.

Here’s the thing though: with many traditional lenders (i.e. banks) seeking collateral such as property to secure the loan, some small business owners are at a loss. They either don’t have the collateral required, or simply don’t want to risk losing something as important as their family’s home.

While obtaining a business loan without collateral once seemed like an impossible task, those days are now well and truly over. Thanks to non-traditional lenders (such as Lumi), obtaining business finance without collateral isn’t just possible, but easy.

Firstly, What is Collateral?

If you’re reading the word ‘collateral’ and scratching your head, don’t worry. This term simply refers to an asset you use to secure the loan. In other words, something that can be sold in the case that you’re unable to repay your loan successfully. The funds from this sale would then be used to pay the remainder (or a portion) of the loan.

Just some of the most popular forms of collateral include:

  • Property (including residential, commercial, or rural land)
  • Cars
  • Equipment
  • The value of your business

As you can imagine, business owners take huge risks in using something as precious as their home as collateral. This is why many are now seeking the flexibility that unsecured financing offers.

Keep reading to find out more about unsecured business loans, along with the other ways your SME can obtain a small business loan without collateral.

Unsecured Business Loans

Known as an unsecured business loan, this type of small business funding simply requires a personal guarantee, as opposed to collateral. A personal guarantee is a written promise from a business owner (and / or business executive) which guarantees payment on a loan in the event that the business does not pay. If the business cannot repay the debt, the individual guarantor is personally responsible. If you sign a personal guarantee and you don’t repay the loan, keep in mind that it could hurt your credit score.

Since it is unsecured, this personal guarantee is not tied to any specific asset, such as your home, vehicle, savings, unpaid invoices, or inventory. Although this is the case, you still need to meet income and credit requirements when obtaining the unsecured business loan.

What Other Ways Can You Get Business Finance Without Using Personal Assets as Collateral?

Although an unsecured loan is a great source of funding for your business if you meet all of the lender’s requirements, there still are some additional financing options for those who cannot, or choose not to, offer personal assets as collateral. We’ve outlined each of these below.

Business Line of Credit

Although a business line of credit can besecured, you can also obtain this form of business financing on an unsecured basis. A business line of credit allows you to borrow a certain amount of capital annually, just as with personal credit. You make payments only on the credit you’ve actually used, therefore helping you to manage cash flow shortages or cover surprise costs until you have the funds.

Unlike long term or short term loans, you won’t have a regular monthly payment schedule, but there usually are minimum monthly payments required. Just keep in mind that this type of financing shouldn’t be used for long-term investments or major purchases. Interest and late fees can compound quickly, so you’ll want to make your repayments ASAP.

Invoice Financing

Invoice financing allows businesses to borrow money from a lender based on the amount of money due from their customers. It is beneficial for many businesses as it lets small business owners use money owed to them as a loan asset, enabling them to get paid for outstanding invoices right away.

Although invoice financing is classed as a secure loan, you needn’t worry about losing the roof over your head, as you are using your outstanding invoices as collateral for the loan. The total loan amount depends on the amount owed to your business, as well as the creditworthiness of your customers.

Equipment Financing

Equipment financing is another type of small business loan which allows you to receive financial assistance without the need for personal collateral such as your home, car, or other personal assets. Similar to invoice financing, however, this type of loan still requires collateral, but this is in the form of existing equipment or the equipment you want to purchase, therefore eradicating the risk of losing a personal asset if you are unable to repay the loan.

It is a type of business loan designed specifically for the purchase of business equipment, allowing you to purchase and start using the equipment right away and make payments toward what you borrow over time. The loan amount and terms are dictated by the price of the equipment and once you’ve made all of your payments, the equipment is yours to keep.

Merchant Cash Advance

A merchant cash advance is designed for retailers receiving a high proportion of payments via credit card or EFTPOS, such as shops, cafés and restaurants. The borrowed funds are secured by or tied to your future transactions or income, therefore alleviating the need for any collateral.

How it works is that a lender purchases a business’s future cash flow, and uses future transactions to repay the borrowed funds, in addition to a fee charged by the lender for the loan product. The lender takes a percentage (usually up to around 20%) of each future sale the business makes until the debt is fully repaid.

Business Credit Card

A business credit card serves as an unsecured loan which is based on your personal credit history. It works almost exactly like a personal credit card does, however it is used to pay for business-related purchases.

There are many different types of business credit cards, including rewards cards, interest-free days cards, low rate cards and corporate cards. Small business owners are advised to shop around and find out about each business credit card type to see what works best for them. If users stay on top of their repayments and fully understand the terms and conditions of their credit card, then it can be a successful way to seek extra finance for their business.

There you have it – the many ways you can get a small business loan without collateral! Have you benefited from any of the loan types above? We’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments below.

Want a fully transparent business loan that contains no hidden charges or fees?

Get started with a Lumi loan today.

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How to Get a Small Business Loan Without Collateral (2024)


Can you take out a business loan without collateral? ›

You can find business loans without collateral from traditional banks or online lenders. Traditional banks will have stricter requirements to apply, but you may be able to leverage a current relationship with the bank. For example, you may get a business loan from the bank where you keep your business checking account.

What is the easiest business loan to get? ›

Here are 9 easy business loans
  • Best for Quick easy business loans. Bluevine. ...
  • Best for Easy short-term business loans. OnDeck. ...
  • Best for Easy equipment loans. Triton Capital. ...
  • Best for Easy business loans for bad credit. Fora Financial. ...
  • Best for Easy unsecured business loans. National Funding. ...
  • Best for Easy business lines of credit.

Can I get approved for a loan without collateral? ›

Unsecured loans are available that do not require collateral or security. Some popular unsecured loan options include personal loans, credit card loans, and education loans. These loans are granted based on the borrower's creditworthiness, income, and repayment capability, without the need for providing any collateral.

How to get approved for a business loan with no revenue? ›

If you're looking for a business loan with no money, research lenders with relaxed eligibility requirements and be ready to provide collateral to secure the loan. You'll also want to make sure you have a solid business plan to show you have a method for generating revenue and repaying debts.

Do banks give loans to start a business? ›

Small business loans offered by national and regional banks come with attractive terms, generous loan amounts and competitive interest rates.

How much can you get for a startup business loan? ›

According to Lendio, a lender marketplace, typical startup loans fall between $9,000 to $20,000. But lenders may approve you for more — even up to six figures. For most small business loans, lenders set amounts based on factors like the company's time in business, revenue and credit history.

Is it easier to get business loan with LLC? ›

If you have good credit and can meet the lender's eligibility guidelines, getting a business loan with an LLC can often be easy. But new businesses and businesses with limited revenue may have difficulty getting approved, especially with traditional banks and credit unions.

What credit score is needed for an SBA loan? ›

SBA-qualified lenders usually set their own criteria when assessing your eligibility. Most lenders will require a minimum FICO score of 620 or higher for their SBA Loans.

How much can I realistically get for a small business loan? ›

How much of a business loan you can get depends on your business's annual gross sales, creditworthiness, current debts, the type of financing, and the chosen lender. In general, lenders will only provide loans up to 10% to 30% of your annual revenue to ensure you have the means for repayment.

What loan requires no collateral? ›

A Personal Unsecured Installment Loan provides you access to the money you need without using your property as collateral. You receive funds in one lump sum and pay it off through monthly payments over a fixed term of your choosing.

What credit score do I need for a $5000 loan? ›

Requirements for a $5,000 loan vary by lender. But in general, you should have at least Fair credit, which is a score of 580 or above. Lenders may also look at other factors, such as your income and your debt-to-income ratio (DTI), during the application process.

Which loans do not require collateral? ›

Unsecured loans don't require collateral, such as a home, vehicle or savings account, to back the loan. Instead, they are backed only by the borrower's creditworthiness and promise to repay the loan.

What disqualifies you from a small business loan? ›

Reasons you may be disqualified from a small business loan include a low credit score, poor cash flow, no collateral, significant debt, a bad business plan or having a business in a risky industry.

Can I get an SBA loan with no revenue? ›

Microloans. Microloans are loans of up to $50,000 that can help startups tackle small funding needs. Because they are geared toward startup businesses, they may not have revenue requirements to apply. Microloans are available from the SBA, as well as other government, nonprofit and peer-to-peer agencies.

How to get money for a startup? ›

10 Startup Financing Models to Fund Your Small Business
  1. Starting with personal financing and credit lines.
  2. Reaching out to friends and family.
  3. Applying for a business loan.
  4. Catching the attention of an angel investor.
  5. Pitching your startup to venture capitalists.
  6. Hosting a crowdfunding campaign.
  7. Joining a startup incubator.

Do all business loans need collateral? ›

It's possible to find unsecured business loans through the Small Business Administration and online lenders. No collateral doesn't mean that you won't be required to assume some level of personal financial responsibility for business debt.

What is a non collateral business loan? ›

An unsecured loan for business is simply a business loan without collateral, meaning that the lender advances funds without getting any security or asset (like property, gold, or vehicle).

Can I take a loan out of my own business? ›

Business owners have many avenues for funding, and they should explore each option carefully. Business owners often borrow from their businesses. As long as the transaction is properly documented, you shouldn't have any problems.

Can a small business loan be unsecured? ›

If you don't have adequate collateral or don't want to put your business assets at risk, an unsecured loan may be a better option. However, keep in mind that most lenders will require a personal guarantee or UCC lien, so you'll need to put up some form of security, even if it isn't physical collateral.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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