6 Options if You're Underwater on Your Mortgage (2024)


Of all the changes you might make to live more cheaply, the most fundamental is finding a cheaper place to live. Sadly, it's an option that's largely closed to people who are underwater on their mortgages. Unless they have cash to cover the difference between what their house will sell for and what they owe, they're pretty much stuck. Here are six options for people in that situation. (See also: How to Check if Your Mortgage Statement is Correct)

Except for option No. 1, you'll definitely want to get legal advice well in advance of actually doing any of these. Situations differ and the rules are different in different states. In particular, the option to just "walk away" from a mortgage is not available in every state! There are tax consequences to doing that, and to several of the other possibilities. A consultation with a lawyer could save you tens of thousands of dollars.

With that proviso, here are the options I could come up with:

1. Suck it up.

If your house still serves as shelter and you can still afford it, there's no particular reason that you can't just go on living in it, pretty much without regard to its value versus what you owe on the mortgage.

This may be the most expensive option: You can't take advantage of the cost savings of moving to a cheaper place, plus you're putting significant amounts of capital into an investment that might never give you a good return. Still, as long as you can make the payments, this is probably the default option, and it's not necessarily a bad one. Eventually — no matter what happens to the real estate market — you'll be above water on the mortgage. (In fact, eventually you'll pay off the mortgage and own the house free and clear.)

2. Rent it out.

If you can rent the house for enough to cover the expenses of ownership, then you can move into a less expensive place and live there. In fact, even if the rent doesn't quite cover the costs, you can still come out ahead if you can find a place to live that's cheaper (and reliable tenants).

Less drastic than that, you could rent out a room. That could make staying in the house as economical as moving someplace cheaper. In fact, there's no need to stop at renting out just one room — if you have a big house, you could potentially rent out two or three. At the far extreme, you could move into the basem*nt and then rent out the whole rest of the house to another family. Not what you had in mind when you bought it, but perhaps better than losing the place to foreclosure.

3. Short sale.

This is where you get the bank's permission to sell the house for less than the balance due on the mortgage. Sometimes the bank will settle for the sale price and wipe out the debt. Other times they still expect you to pay part or even all of the difference — the balance due is just converted into an unsecured loan. Even in the latter case, you at least owe a lot less money. (Of course, you also have no place to live.)

This is one case where you really have to check with a lawyer. If the bank forgives any of the loan, the IRS may treat that amount as taxable income.

4. Renegotiate the mortgage.

This covers a lot of ground. If your lender agrees, pretty much all the terms of your mortgage are negotiable — the interest rate, the number of payments, even the balance due.

The federal government is pushing several different plans to adjust the terms on mortgages to make them affordable. One that I've read about involves moving the rate down to market rates and then adjusting the balance down to no more than 85% of the house's current value. That might make the house affordable to keep. It might just make it affordable to sell.

If there was a temporary problem in making payments (due to something like illness or unemployment) that has now been solved, it may be possible to roll all the missed payments into the balance and start fresh.

5. Walk away.

In some places, mortgages are often made on a non-recourse basis — that is, the bank can take your house, but can't come after you for any balance due on your mortgage. (Check with a lawyer! This is not true everywhere — and even places where it is often true it isn't always true.)

Often better than literally just walking away is to negotiate what's called a deed-in-lieu, where the bank agrees to take the deed and forgive the balance owed on the mortgage.

The way to do this is to:

  1. Offer the bank a deed-in-lieu.
  2. Stop making payments.
  3. Continue to live in the house.

This gives you a certain amount of leverage, because taking your offer saves the bank the trouble of foreclosing (and the risk that you'll trash the house the day before they foreclose). It also (since you're living rent-free until the bank ether agrees or forecloses) gives you a chance to save up some money. (Save it in a different bank!) That's going to be important: You're going to need it to find another place to live, and your access to credit is going to be limited for quite some time if you try this option.

6. Bankruptcy.

Especially if a lot of your assets are in retirement plans (which you generally get to keep), bankruptcy is one option for households with an untenable cost structure.

Yet again, check with a lawyer. There are certain things that you get to keep in a bankruptcy, but they vary from state to state. Making the right moves before a bankruptcy filing can save you thousands of dollars. For example, the tools of your trade are usually protected, so you wouldn't want to sell them before the bankruptcy filing — you'd be turning a protected asset into something that's up for grabs.

Those are the options that I can think of, for people who are underwater on their mortgage, but who would like to consider the option of cutting their expenses by living someplace cheaper. Maybe one or another will turn out to be the right move for you.

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6 Options if You're Underwater on Your Mortgage (2024)


How to solve underwater mortgage? ›

But you might not be able to get enough money to cover all your outstanding principal when you're underwater. This leaves you with only two options: stay in your home and keep making payments or sell the home and cover the rest from your savings. One potential solution would be to sell your home through a short sale.

What happens if you have an underwater mortgage? ›

Having an underwater mortgage makes it harder to sell the home or refinance. If you have an underwater mortgage, your options include staying put and waiting for the home to appreciate, trying to get a new loan or requesting a short sale.

Can you sell a house with an underwater mortgage? ›

Buyers generally will only pay market value for a home, but if the property is underwater, the sale price won't be enough to pay off the mortgage debt. This makes it difficult, if not impossible, to sell a property that is underwater.

What if I inherit a house with an underwater mortgage? ›

Inheriting a house with an underwater mortgage

A good first step is to double check that the home's appraised value is correct. If the home's value is less than the outstanding mortgage balance, you might consider requesting a short sale of the home or a deed in lieu of foreclosure with the lender.

Can you refinance your mortgage if you are underwater? ›

If your mortgage is underwater, refinancing may be difficult because you have negative equity. Most lenders want you to have some equity before refinancing because if you default on the mortgage, the lender has a better chance at selling the home without taking a loss.

Can I stop my mortgage from being sold? ›

Federal banking laws and regulations permit banks to sell mortgages or transfer the servicing rights to other institutions. Consumer consent is not required. However, the bank or new servicer generally must comply with certain procedures notifying you of the transfer.

How many US mortgages are underwater? ›

Annual change: From the fourth quarter of 2022 to the fourth quarter of 2023, the total number of homes in negative equity decreased by 15%, from 1.2 million homes or 2.1% of all mortgaged properties.

How many people are underwater on their mortgage? ›

Also according to the report, less than 3 percent of mortgaged homes in the U.S., or one in 36, were considered seriously underwater in Q2 2023. The report noted that meant they had a combined estimated balance of loans secured by the property of at least 25 percent more than the property's estimated market value.

Can I walk away from a mortgage? ›

You can turn over the key and walk away, free and clear. Your mortgage contract allows it. The bank can't come after you to collect the rest of the money owed. You pay a higher interest rate for a mortgage with a walk-away option and should feel free to use it, if that makes sense for your family and your future.

What is considered house poor? ›

Key Takeaways. A house poor person is anyone whose housing expenses account for an exorbitant percentage of their monthly budget. Individuals in this situation are short of cash for discretionary items and tend to have trouble meeting other financial obligations, such as vehicle payments.

Can you refinance if you're upside down? ›

Most lenders won't refinance a car that has negative equity unless the amount you owe is minimal or you have a credit score of 750 or higher.

Can a mortgage company demand full payment? ›

If the demand feature is checked "yes," the lender can require that you immediately pay the entire loan balance (principal and interest) at or after the date set forth in the loan documents.

Are mortgages forgiven upon death? ›

When you pass away, your mortgage doesn't suddenly disappear. Your mortgage lender still needs to be repaid and could foreclose on your home if that doesn't happen. In most cases, the responsibility of the mortgage will be passed to the beneficiary of the home if there is a will.

How long can a mortgage stay in a deceased person's name? ›

No, a mortgage can't remain under a deceased person's name. When the borrower passes away, the loan won't disappear. Instead, it needs to be paid. After the borrower passes, the responsibility for the mortgage payments immediately falls on the borrower's estate or heirs.

What happens when four siblings inherit a house? ›

Unless the will explicitly states otherwise, inheriting a house with siblings means that ownership of the property is distributed equally. The siblings can negotiate whether the house will be sold and the profits divided, whether one will buy out the others' shares, or whether ownership will continue to be shared.

How can I avoid underwater mortgage? ›

You may not have control over property values in your area, but increasing your home equity can help you avoid an underwater mortgage. The first step you can take is to make a larger down payment at closing. You'll start with more home equity and also shrink the amount you borrow.

How do you overcome debt trap? ›

Opt for debt consolidation: One of the best ways to get out of a debt trap is debt consolidation. This means that you can take a new, lower-cost Personal Loan and pay of several of your pending debts. When you consolidate your debt, you are combining multiple debts into a single debt.

What percent of mortgages are underwater? ›

Also according to the report, less than 3 percent of mortgaged homes in the U.S., or one in 36, were considered seriously underwater in Q2 2023. The report noted that meant they had a combined estimated balance of loans secured by the property of at least 25 percent more than the property's estimated market value.

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