How to stimulate flowering in autoflowering plants (2024)

This entry was posted on January 2, 2014 by Sant Yerbasi.

How to stimulate flowering in autoflowering plants (1)

Marihuana autoflowering strains (automatic) have a short growth period and a fast flowering. In this chapter we will talk about ways and techniques to get a better flowering, and more productive.

Even autoflowering strains have reached a market's portion, known for being easy to grow (indoors and outdoors), all cannabis plants (crossed with rudelaris) will be pleased if growers add fertilizers and boosters to the water solution. If we add fertilizers, boosters and bacteria, we can even double our yield per crop.

If we have followed the tutorial, autoflowering growth step by step, plants are starting to show first days of flowering phase. this is the moment to put all our effort to increase our crop. Even with these easy to grow strains, there are many products available that can be useful to get maximum yields also in autoflowering seeds.

Before talking about techniques, products available, it is important to understand how do autoflowering plants work. As we said in previous chapters, rudelaris strains are much more special with pot we use as container, substrate used, temperature range and even to which kind of fertilizers.

Autoflowering marihuana strains flowering ( automatic seeds)

Flowering phase of cannabis rudelaris plants is so similar, in nutrients demand, to cannabis indica and cannabis sativa. Autoflowering plants do not need any special fertilizer nor substrate, just don't need as many dose or quantity. This is explained by being a short cycle plant, with compact size (less size, less nutrient's demand).

During flowering phase of autoflowering marihuana seeds, plants will need major macronutrients like phosphorus (P), Potassium (K) and Nitrogen (N) in addition to others like Calcium, Magnesium... During flowering, cannabis plants consume N-P-K values (higher on Phosphorus and Potassium and lowest in Nitrogen) to feed flowers. If we need a generous flowering, we should add to water fertilizers that increase assimilable quantities of these nutrients. Important: We use assimilables because the food is ready to be absorved by plant. Take care to not overfertilize.

Factors that increase flower production in autoflowering strains

There are 3 capital factors that may vary autoflowering plant's yield (over than climate or strain) So wi will focus on these 3 ways to increase the yield of autoflowering's crop:

  • Fertilizers
  • Boosters
  • Fungi and bacteria

How to stimulate flowering in autoflowering plants (2)

Fertilizers for marihuana autoflowering plants:

As we said before, during flowering phase, plants will need fertilizers rich in Phosphorus and Potassium (also that contains enough Nitrogen). Fertilizer is responsible to allow plants to take enough resources to fill flowers.

How to stimulate flowering in autoflowering plants (3)

Stimulators for marihuana autoflowering plants:

It is known as stimulators, or boosters for flowering, all those products that enhance process in plant (in this case flowering) generating increased tendency to produce flowers. Flower stimulators induce plants to produce more flowers (wich will be filled by fertilizer) and do not supose a nutritional increase for plants. Stimulators will promote activities inplant that derive in improved flowering process.

How to stimulate flowering in autoflowering plants (4)

Fungi and benficial bacterial for autoflowering plants

Any substrate need a bacterial life inside to promote life. A substrate with high ratios of beneficial life increases yields and works better against pests attacks. In the same way we did, during growing phase, we should use fungi and bacteria to promote bigger and denser flowers to improve each crop.

Increase bacterial activity of the substrate derives in an increased uptake of the root system than can be up to 700% more. The results are clear: if the root is able to absorb more, the plant will eat more, so it will increase its flowering processes resulting in bigger buds.

How to tell when autoflowering is flowering

Autoflowering plants usually grow for 3-5 weeks before starting to flower. To know the exact moment when plants will begin its flowering stage we need to look to the pistils (first sign of flowering stage).

Once we see a pair of white pistils appearing close to each node, it means the plant is old enough to start flowering, so the bloom will start soon.

If we focus our plants, we will know they have started to flower as soon as they start producing more white pistils (easy to see them on the top of the plant), that will become buds in the future. If your plant has shown pistils in the top area of the plant, flowering stage has already started and you should be ready to start feeding them with bloom nutrients.

How to improve yields in autoflowering plants

The best way to improve yields in autoflowering plants is to combine the use of fertilizers, stimulators, and fungi and bacteria every watering.

The most important thing in every garden is to give plants all their needings (non generating overfertilized feedings, nor defficiencies that will decrease crop's quantity. The process to dose the quantity of nutrients and stimulators is easy:

Fertilizers and boosters should be used adjusted to each part of the cycle. Those plants begining to flower will need less quantity than those in the middle of the cycle, wich will demmand less that the same ones in the final phase of flowering (before flushing days).

To explain all of these concepts we will take as reference an un-named autoflowering strain that needs 8-10 weeks to harvest since germination. In this X-Autoflowering strain we will divide the cycle in 5 stages:

How to stimulate flowering in autoflowering plants (5)

  1. Begining of flowering stage: Since the first pistils appear until 7-10 days after where we will start tu visualize what will become buds.

How to stimulate flowering in autoflowering plants (6)

  1. Midle-flowering stage: Bud's formation is advancing all over the plant and these are starting to get fat. Duration: 10-15 days).

How to stimulate flowering in autoflowering plants (7)

  1. Advanced-flowering phase: Buds are formed and keep getting fat. Resin is expanded everywhere: buds, leafs stems... (Duration: 10-15 days)

How to stimulate flowering in autoflowering plants (8)

  1. Final phase of flowering: Bud's form it's defined and plant is proceeding to fruitur flowers. Starts the early maturation. (Duration 10 days).
  1. Flushing days (root system cleaning): Once the plant shows brown hairs on its 60%-70% it is the moment to start flushing before harvest. the flushing should take 10 to 15 natural days alongthrough plant will mature and we will rid of nutrients for a better taste and aroma once dried.

How to use fertilizers, flower stimulators and bacteria in autoflowering plants

There are many fertilizers available in the market, so we coudn't write about all of them (and how to dose them) but, knowing this situation, we've tried to synthesize our explanation for type of product to use (understanding that companies offer solutions for a similar problem). So, we wil describe how to apply and dose a fertilizer (called FERTILIZER A, with a manufacturer dose of 5ml/l), a stimulator (called STIMULATOR A, with a manufacturer dose of 5ml/l) and fungi and bacteria (called SUBSTRATE LIFE A, with a manufacturer's dose of 1g/l).

How to stimulate flowering in autoflowering plants (9)

We encourage you to check bloom fertilizers for marihuana, bloom stimulators, and additives for substrates available. There are many fertilizers, and stimulators, with organic origin, as well a mineral.

Autoflowering strains and products recommended to increase yields

  • Big Devil XL Auto

    Big Devil XL autoflowering strain is a hybrid, resulting from crossing a Big Devil #2 with a Jack Herer Auto. This new version from the original Big Devil, is grouped into XL size family, from Sweet Seeds. Big Devil XL increases size from its parentals, increasing also yields per plant, outdoors, and per squared meter, indoors, being ready to harvest 9 weeks after germination, with a maximum height of 1,60m.

  • Magnum

    Magnum marijuana strain is probably the best yielder from all autoflowering strains available. Magnum autoflowering seeds generate plants able to produce up to 140 grams per plant, with a size of 1,4m. Magnum is the most recommended autoflowering strain at SantYerbasi, due to its yields, in any grower hands, and the quality, and quantity of flowers.

  • Northern Lights Automatic White Label autoflowering

    Northern Lights Automatic marijuana is one of the most yielder autoflowering plants. Northern lights Automatic is resulting from crossing our Northern Lights with a selected rudelaris strain.

Recommended bloom fertilizer for autoflowering plants

  • Canna Bio Flores

    Bio Flores is an organic fertilizer for flowering stage, that sources plants with all needed nutrients to increase yields, get more flowers, density and increase reasin production. BioFlores is grouped inside Biocanna products, in which you will only find organic fertilizers and boosters. The use of Bio Flores during bloom phase increases final yields and quality of your crop.

  • Alga Bloom

    Plagron Alga Bloom 1l & 5l

  • Biobizz Bio Bloom

    Bio Bizz 100 % organic Bio-Bloom (1.1-2.5-2) encourages abundant flowering and fruit production by supplying much needed macro- and micronutrients...

Recommended Fungi and beneficial bacteria for autoflowering plants

  • BactoBloom

    BactoBloom 10g-50g

*Sant Yerbasi recommends use of organic fertilizers, and stimulators, for self-growing.

How to stimulate flowering in autoflowering plants (2024)


How do you induce flowering in Autoflowers? ›

To force your autoflower plant into flowering you simply need to change the light cycle to 12/12 light schedule and it'll eventually start to flower. If your plant is healthy, however, it can cause unneeded stress which will affect the yield potential.

Why are my Autoflowers not flowering? ›

Are your plants receiving the right kind of light? In the flowering phase, your autoflower needs warm light from the red spectrum to assist flowering. If you're using a grow room, adjust your lights to ensure your autos are receiving adequate red.

What to feed Autoflowers during flowering? ›

Autoflowers need more nitrogen during the vegging stage to boost plant growth. For better bud production, they require more potassium and phosphorus throughout flowering. It's therefore important to get the NPK ratios right during each growth stage.

What does Epsom salt do for Autoflowers? ›

Epsom salt is a fantastic and completely natural way of giving your cannabis plant an extra boost of both magnesium and sulphur, with the added benefit that you really can't go very wrong with it. Excess feeding of these micronutrients will not have a negative effect on your plants.

How do you force the flowering stage? ›

If you're growing a handful of plants on a balcony or terrace and don't have extreme temperatures and harsh rains to worry about, a simple wooden or PVC frame fitted with a light-proof tarp might be all you need; simply pop your plants under the tarp at night and give them a full 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness to ...

How many weeks do Autoflowers take to flower? ›

Autoflower cannabis average time from seed to harvest

With 5-6 weeks of vegetative growth and around 9 weeks of bloom it can take 15 weeks or more for a feminised strain to reach harvest.

Why are my Autoflowers taking so long to flower? ›

Autoflowers need to be exposed to enough light for maximum development. When they lack light, flowering might be slow due to a slow growth rate. This problem commonly happens when you grow your cannabis plant indoors.

Do Autoflowers need more light during flowering? ›

Autoflower plants don't have a photoperiod dependency that requires daily light to be 12 hours (or less) in order to bloom. Apart from that, autoflowers grow like normal cannabis, producing the same terpenes and cannabinoids.

Why are my buds so small on my autoflower? ›

If you have low temperatures during early growth of an auto you may permanently reduce the ability of your auto to reach it's full potential. Likewise, if you have serious nutrient issues, overwatering, poor lighting etc you will also likely see permanently stunted growth on your autoflower plants.

What fertilizer makes buds bigger? ›

Phosphorus technically helps the plant move energy from one part to another, which means that it helps the plant produce bigger seeds, stronger roots, and bigger buds. Potassium makes the plant hardier and stronger, better able to withstand hardship or disease.

How do I make my buds dense and heavy? ›

Increasing the amount of CO₂ in your grow room can help you grow bigger, denser buds. By doing so, you'll help plants photosynthesise faster and encourage them to take up more nutrients and water.

Do Autoflowers need darkness during flowering? ›

Technically speaking, autoflowers don't need darkness because the Ruderalis is accustomed to 24 hours of daylight at times in the wild, depending on the season. They can be grown in any light cycle as long as the conditions are favorable in terms of temperature.

Should I feed Autoflowers every watering? ›

As your autoflowers get bigger, they need more frequent watering and larger quantities. During the germination and seedling stages, give each plant 3-7 ounces every 4-7 days. During the vegetative stage (when your autoflowers are growing leaves and branches), give each plant 10-20 ounces every 2-4 days.

Should you use nutrients with Autoflowers? ›

Yes! Your autoflowers still need food, but considerably less than feminized photoperiod strains.

Can I just sprinkle Epsom salt on plants? ›

Adding Epsom salt is a simple way to increase the health of their blooms, and is something that you can include easily as a part of a normal routine. For potted plants, simply dissolve two tablespoons of Epsom salt per gallon of water, and substitute this solution for normal watering once a month.

Does Epsom salt promote flowering? ›

Epsom salt – actually magnesium sulfate – helps seeds germinate, makes plants grow bushier, produces more flowers, increases chlorophyll production and deters pests, such as slugs and voles. It also provides vital nutrients to supplement your regular fertilizer.

Should I use Epsom salt during flowering? ›

Epsom salt helps improve flower blooming and enhances a plant's green color. It can even help plants grow bushier. Epsom salt is made up of hydrated magnesium sulfate (magnesium and sulfur), which is important to healthy plant growth.

How can I encourage blooming? ›

How to make a flower bloom more (and longer)
  1. Choose long-blooming perennials.
  2. Deadhead your flowers for more (and longer) blooms.
  3. Fertilize your plants for extended blooms.
  4. Visit the garden center multiple times a year.
  5. Plant multiple varieties of your favorite perennials.
  6. Wrapping Up.
15 Apr 2019

What triggers flower production? ›

Earlier research had shown that plants' leaves perceived seasonal changes in day length, which triggers a long-distance signal to travel through the plant's vascular system from the leaf to the shoot apex, where flowering is induced.

What stimulates flowering? ›

While all elements play a role in plant development and, subsequently, flower development, phosphorus is the element most responsible for stimulating stronger bud, fruit and flower development.

What should my autoflower look like at 3 weeks? ›

Week 3: Vegetation Well Underway

Week 3 will consist of low-stress training and maintaining optimal conditions. At this point, your autoflower will be well into the vegetative phase. You'll notice new fan leaves forming, which will ramp up photosynthesis.

Can you wait too long to harvest Autoflowers? ›

Harvesting your autoflowers too early and your plants will be clipped when THC peaks, and you won't get the best quality harvest. Harvest too late and THC levels will decrease, but CBD levels will increase, such marijuana is more of a sedative.

Should you top an autoflower? ›

However, it's important to remember that topping is a high-stress technique. If you're going to use it on an autoflowering strain, you'll want to do so very early, and only if you're positive your plant is super healthy. In general, we recommend staying away from topping when growing autoflowering plants.

Should I cut off fan leaves during flowering? ›

You can remove fan leaves during flowering in much the same way you do during veg. Prune away large leaves that are overshadowing bud sites, as well as dead or dying fan leaves. One thing to keep in mind is that you should prune in intervals, giving at least a couple weeks between each session.

How many months do Autoflowers take? ›

It doesn't take a lot of effort to grow them, and you save the most important resource – time. Unlike photoperiodic strains that can take anywhere from 8-14 weeks or more, autoflowering strains take as little as 7 weeks up to 11 weeks from seed to harvest.

How do you fix a slow growing autoflower? ›

Plants tend to grow slow if they're not getting enough light overall. If slow growth is combined with long, lanky seedlings, your plants need more light. In that case, either increase the power of the light, bring it closer, or get a bigger grow light. You can also give plants too much light.

Does darkness help Autoflowers? ›

DO AUTOFLOWERING CANNABIS PLANTS NEED A DARK CYCLE? The short answer is yes with an “if”, and no with a “but”. If you want the highest potency and maximum yield, we suggest adopting either an 18-6 or 20-4 light-dark cycle.

How far should LED lights be from Autoflowers? ›

During the flowering stage LED Grow lights should be located between 16-36 inches from the plant canopy. Moving the grow light closer will increase the light intensity which can maximize photosynthesis.

How far should light be from flowering autoflower? ›

Most lights are placed at a distance of at least 18-22 in (46-56cm) away from seedlings, and you can do that too. Once you observe how the plants react, you'll be able to judge the distance yourself. Autoflower seedlings need to be observed much more because the plants can get stunted if the tender leaves get burnt.

Does Too Much light cause small buds? ›

Light burn may also cause loose and airy buds. That's because the excess light causes nutrient deficiencies as plants struggle to overcome their heat and thirst. Fortunately, you don't have to wait for these symptoms to emerge to know whether greenhouse lighting is too strong.

How do you get big thick buds? ›

To some degree, more light translates to fatter buds and higher yields (you'll need to pay attention to the distance between your grow light and plants or your plant may suffer from light burn). Increasing light intensity is the most effective way to fatten up buds.

How can I enhance my buds? ›

Feeding a plant nitrogen while it is vegging creates a healthy, vibrant plant at a young age that will grow rapidly, which leads to increased yields. Once your plant switches to flowering, decrease your nitrogen levels and increase phosphorus levels to help the buds fully develop and become dense.

How do you get the biggest yield indoors? ›

For higher yields indoor, you want your plants to grow wide rather than tall. You want a bushier plant so more buds have access to direct light, rather than a long, lanky plant with several buds hidden under a canopy. By transferring your plants to larger containers, you can encourage more outward expansion.

Why are my buds light and airy? ›

💭 Airy, loose buds are caused by either high temperature during their growth period, lack of light or lack of nutrients. INDOORS: High temperature in the garden space or just near the light causes the buds to grow airy and lanky. Move the buds farther from the light so the temperature of the leaf is no higher than 86.

How many times should I top my autoflower? ›

You can top the plant once, or repeatedly, and allow as much time as you wish for the plant to recover and grow. Plants grown from autoflower seeds can be topped, but the high stress training technique will cost your autoflower several days to recover from the process.

How do you know if you're overwatering an autoflower? ›

Overwatering your plants
  1. One primary symptom of overwatering is drooping leaves. ...
  2. Additionally, the rate of growth of overwatered plants will slow down dramatically or may even come to almost a complete halt. ...
  3. Another symptom of overwatering a cannabis plant is yellowing of the leaves.
8 Feb 2020

When should I stop watering my autoflower? ›

Stop Watering 1-3 Days Before Harvest – After flushing, in the final days of harvest, you can further stress your plants by stopping watering. You want to allow the plant to start to wilt just a small amount, because then the plant “thinks” it is dying and as a last-ditch effort, it will increase resin development.

How do I know if my Autoflowers need nutrients? ›

Under-fed autoflowers may have pale looking leaves alongside weak growth. In bloom, an under-fed auto will have low levels of flower production with little or no resin. The cure is simple enough, gradually (rather than suddenly) increasing the nutrient concentration.

Can you grow Autoflowers without nutrients? ›

Nutrients play a big role in growing autoflowering cannabis strains. Autoflowers are compact, so they don't need loads of nutes in order to survive. In fact, autoflowers grow best when light fertilizers are used. It's also important to feed the right nutrients at the right time.

What pH is best for autoflowering? ›

Routinely check the pH levels in your water – autoflower plants grow best in 6.0 to 6.5 pH for vegetative and flowering stages when grown in SoHum Living Soil. If using a chlorinated water source, be sure to allow to off-gas for 24 hours before watering plants.

How tall should autoflower be before flowering? ›

Most reach an average autoflower height of around 50-100cm. The final autoflower size depends on the genetics and the growth conditions which you provide. Sativa autoflower seeds can stretch a little more than indica autos.

When should you induce flowering? ›

Growers can switch to the flowering stage as soon as the clone has established a solid root system. In optimal conditions, plants should be kept in their vegetative stage for approximately 60 days. This time period should give the plant the opportunity to maximise yield and acclimatise to growing conditions.

Do Autoflowers flower automatically? ›

As you may know, autoflowers start flowering automatically, without the need of changing the light cycle. Despite the minor differences between photos and autos, both will show the same signs when flowering such as white hairs, trichomes, and dense calyxes.

How often should I water my autoflower? ›

As your autoflowers get bigger, they need more frequent watering and larger quantities. During the germination and seedling stages, give each plant 3-7 ounces every 4-7 days. During the vegetative stage (when your autoflowers are growing leaves and branches), give each plant 10-20 ounces every 2-4 days.

How do you trigger flowering? ›

The answer is simple and lies in the biological makeup of the cannabis plant. Cannabis plants will flower when they receive more than 12 hours of continuous darkness. This is known as a short-day plant.

What fertilizer induces flowering? ›

BR-61 (9-58-8) is our go-to recommendation to encourage outstanding blooming all season. It is a water soluble fertilizer, which means you mix it with water and apply with with an applicator sprayer or water into the roots.

How much light intensity do Autoflowers need? ›

For Autoflowering plants the typical light cycle is 20 hours on and 4 hours off. This maximises the time the lights are on while still allowing a few hours darkness for the plant to 'sleep' and metabolise. Because the day is longer the PAR intensity can be lower to reach the same maximum 40 DLI.

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