How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (2024)

Coffea arabica

Whether you’re a confirmed java lover or more of a tea person, coffee plants are excellent to have around.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (1)

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They have big, beautiful, glossy leaves and are pretty darn forgiving of those with black thumbs. If you forget to water your plants or live in a dry climate though, take note:

These plants will be grumpy with you, unless you keep on top of giving them what they want.

Think of a coffee plant as a very undemanding pet. Whether you have lofty goals of raising them to produce some of your own beans or if you just want to enjoy their outstanding foliage, this guide will get you there.

Here’s everything we’re going to discuss to make it happen:

What You’ll Learn

  • What Is a Coffee Plant?
  • Cultivation and History
  • Propagation
  • How to Grow
  • Growing Tips
  • Pruning and Maintenance
  • Cultivars to Select
  • Managing Pests and Disease
  • Best Uses
  • Quick Reference Growing Guide

Grab a cup of joe and settle down with your laptop or mobile device. Let’s discuss how to make this lovely bush thrive.

What Is a Coffee Plant?

This isn’t one of those confusing naming situations where we call a plant something that it in fact isn’t.

Though a Douglas fir isn’t a fir and asparagus ferns aren’t true ferns, coffee plants are the same plants that give us that energizing morning cuppa, species from the Coffea genus.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (2)

Indoors, Coffea specimens can grow up to six feet tall in the right conditions, but most of them stay much smaller when grown as houseplants.

You could also grow them in a greenhouse, or outdoors if you live in USDA Hardiness Zone 10 or 11. In Zones 8 and 9, you can also grow them outside if you can provide protection from freezing weather.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (3)

Although the beans, as we know, are edible, the rest of the plant is toxic to humans and pets – so don’t go looking for your caffeine fix by nibbling on the leaves.

C. arabica is grown commercially for its seeds, aka the “beans.”

As the flowers die and fall away, a tube known as the carpel is left behind. This carpel matures over months into a cherry, which holds the seeds inside.

The seeds are roasted and then ground, and turned into that brew that so many people crave.

As houseplants, it’s rare for them to produce delicate white flowers, followed by clusters of red berries, but it’s not impossible.

If they’re positioned in the right amount of light and receive the right care, you may be rewarded with pretty flowers.

There are dozens of Coffea species, but it’s arabica that you’ll most often come across.

C. canephora, aka “robusta,” is another popular variety for commercial cultivation to make caffeinated beverages.

Cultivation and History

The history of when coffee was first discovered and cultivated has been lost to time.

The genus was probably first discovered in the region of modern Ethiopia before word spread and people began cultivating and trading beans on the Arabian Peninsula.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (4)

We know for certain that coffee was being cultivated in the 1400s in what is now Yemen, and it had spread to the modern region of Egypt, Syria, and Turkey by the 1500s.

Public coffeehouses started appearing in cities and European travelers brought the delicious stuff back to their homes during the 1600s.

As with many plants and foodstuffs carried from the East to the West, the brew created from the once-mysterious beans was first considered an evil drink, but eventually gained wide acceptance.

As a houseplant, it’s not clear how long people have been keeping this tolerant little beauty in their homes, but it has become more popular in recent years.


All of the following methods can be done at any time of year, but spring is best.

From Seed

You can’t grow a plant from a coffee bean in a bag purchased from the store.

They’ve been roasted and won’t germinate. And don’t use green beans meant for roasting – those won’t germinate either.

Fresh coffee cherries or seeds intended for planting are pretty uncommon in nurseries, but the good old internet can always help.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (5)

Coffee Seeds

For example, you can find a packet, ounce, or quarter-pound of seeds available at Eden Brothers.

Once you’ve gotten your hands on some seeds, fill a six-inch pot with an appropriate potting medium as described in the How to Grow section below.

Plop two seeds into the pot and push them in about a quarter-inch deep using your finger. Water the potting medium but not to the point where it feels soggy.

Tent a plastic bag over the container or cover it with a glass cloche. You can also cut the top off of a clear plastic two-liter soda bottle to make a little DIY cloche.

We’re trying to increase the humidity here, because most homes are lower in humidity than what these plants prefer.

Place the container in a spot with bright, indirect light.

Check the soil every day to make sure it feels moist, and add water when necessary.

There will come a point in about a month or six weeks when you’ll start to wonder if your seeds are duds.

I like to think that the seed senses my fear and decides to hurry up and germinate at this point, because every time I’ve started to despair, a week or two later a green head pokes itself out of the medium.

Do I tend to anthropomorphize a lot? You betcha!

If both of your seeds germinate, just pluck out and dispose of the smaller one. Once the seedling is a few inches tall, you can move it to its new home as described in the transplanting section below.

From Cuttings

Coffee plants are fairly reliable when you propagate them this way, if you have access to a mature specimen, but you really need to keep on top of the humidity situation.

If the cuttings don’t stay quite humid enough, they tend to fail.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (6)

To get started, fill a six-inch container with your choice of packaged seed-starting medium.

Take a six-inch-long cutting from a healthy specimen and remove all but the top two leaves. Stick the cutting into the soil about an inch deep.

Water the soil well so it feels moist but not wet and then, just as we do with the seeds, cover it with a plastic bag, cloche, or bottle to increase the humidity around the cutting.

Once every day, check the soil to make sure it’s moist, and go ahead and spritz the foliage with a water bottle if you want to, to increase humidity – though I’ll offer more information on the best ways to do this below, so don’t miss that!

Just as we had to practice patience with the seeds, we need to be patient while we wait for cuttings to form new roots.

Coffee may give us lots of energy to zip around and get things done quickly, but the plants themselves take their sweet time.

After about four weeks, give the cutting a gentle tug. If it resists, your cutting has roots and you can transplant your new C. arabica. If not, keep at it.

If roots haven’t formed by the eight-week mark, your cutting didn’t take. Try again.

Transplanting Seedlings

If you’re not feeling the whole cutting or seed propagation thing, no problem.

You can find seedlings in stores pretty easily. You might find them being sold as houseplants or as outdoor plants, but they’re both the same.

Once you bring your new beauty home, remove it from the nursery pot.

This might seem like an unnecessary step when you can just set the plastic container inside a decorative cachepot and call it a day, but we want to check out those roots.

Brush away as much of the dirt as you can from the roots and then rinse them off in warm water. Examine the roots for any black or mushy bits and remove those.

Fill a new container that is just slightly larger than the root ball with a bit of water-retentive potting soil and place the root ball inside. Fill in around it with fresh soil.

You want the plant to be sitting at the same height it was in the nursery pot.

The container material doesn’t matter, just make sure that it has good drainage.

When it comes to selecting soil, any potting mix with water-retentive elements such as vermiculite, sphagnum moss, or coco coir should do nicely. You can add rice hulls for a little boost of extra drainage and water retention.

While coffee plants prefer an acidic pH between 4.9 and 5.6, if you aren’t concerned about your plants producing flowers or seeds and you’re just in it for the foliage, a neutral pH (7.0) is fine.

How to Grow

Water, water, water. That’s the key to keeping your coffee plant happy. We want water in the soil, and water in the air.

You can use a soil moisture meter or just your handy dandy finger, but either way, check the potting medium every few days.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (7)

You know when you wring out a sponge really well? That’s what you want the soil to feel like at all times.

You have to be careful, though. Sometimes the top inch or so feels just right, but near the bottom of the pot, the soil is soggy and wet.

Don’t get too comfortable and start to assume you don’t need to feel the soil regularly.

Your specimen will likely require less water to maintain the right level of moisture in the winter, so seasonal adjustments are a must, with the surrounding indoor environment in mind.

Coffee plants also love humidity. These are not happy campers in dry air and the edges of the leaves will quickly turn brown and crispy if they’re left in dry conditions.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (8)

They also stop sending out new leaves, or young leaves might die, when humidity is low.

I don’t find misting to be particularly helpful in preventing the leaves from turning brown, so use a humidifier, cluster plants together on a humidity tray, or grow them in pretty cloches.

You want the humidity around the plant to be 50 percent or higher.

When it comes to picking a potting mix, there isn’t much to it. C. arabica will be perfectly fine in any of the many generic houseplant mixes available at the store.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (9)

FoxFarm Ocean Forest

I’m a huge fan of FoxFarm Ocean Forest potting mix, which is available from Amazon in 12-quart bags.

I have yet to find a plant that doesn’t thrive better in this mix over other generic mixes. It has a healthy balance of nutrient and water retentive properties while still draining well.

Keep the plant somewhere that has bright but not direct light.

A place in front of a window with a sheer curtain would be great. Or keep them in a north-facing window, or a few feet away from a west-, east-, or south-facing window.

Once every month, feed with a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer.

I like to use Dr. Earth’s Pump & Grow, which is mild enough that it won’t burn roots and well-balanced for use on most houseplants.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (10)

Dr. Earth Pump and Grow

Arbico Organics carries this fertilizer with a handy pump top in 16-ounce containers.

Growing Tips

  • Provide bright, indirect light.
  • Keep the soil moist.
  • Humidity is key for healthy plants.

Pruning and Maintenance

Coffee plants tend to get leggy as they age. And the lower part will start to become bare, with all the foliage concentrated at the top.

Your best defense against naked legs and legginess is to prune regularly.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (11)

As soon as your specimen reaches a size you like, trim it back by about a quarter or so. Make your cuts just above a leaf node to encourage new, bushy growth.

These plants will send up new stems at the base, which can help hide that leggy growth.

Don’t forget to dust the leaves now and then with a damp cloth.

Growing Beans

Most of the time, your coffee plant won’t flower or produce fruit. You didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just difficult to maintain the right conditions for it to fully flourish indoors.

But if you really like the idea of encouraging your plant to flower and fruit, you can give your coffee a helping hand.

First, it should be placed outside during the summer to more closely replicate its natural habitat, and improve pollination when in flower.

Bring pots outside when nighttime temperatures are consistently over 50°F.

You’ll also want to increase the soil acidity by amending with sulfur or aluminum sulfate.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (12)

Aluminum Sulfate

Grab a pound of pure, food-grade aluminum sulfate from Pure Original at Amazon.

Mix a quarter-cup with a gallon of water and water the surface of the soil. If you don’t use it all up in one go, you can save the solution for up to a month to use for the next watering session.

Wait a day after watering and test the soil pH.

If it still isn’t low enough, within the range of 4.9 to 5.6, wait two weeks and water with the aluminum sulfate solution again. You can do this two or three times as needed, to amend the potting medium.

Keep your plant in dappled shade and ensure the soil remains moist. The soil will dry out more quickly outside, so be diligent about checking the moisture level and watering.

While these plants are self-fruitful, it also helps to have a second one to boost pollination.

When you bring your plant back inside in the fall, when evening temperatures are dipping right around 50°F again, reduce the amount of water you provide.

The soil should be allowed to dry out just a bit more than usual, allowing the top inch to dry between watering.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (13)

By the second summer, if the stars have aligned and you did everything right, you should at the very least see a few beautiful white flowers, which look and smell a bit like jasmine.

The fruit will follow, if the flowers have been pollinated successfully and conditions are right.

Cultivars to Select

There are dozens of coffee cultivars out there. But most houseplants are simply sold under the species name, and these are usually C. arabica, as we’ve covered here.

Fast Growing Trees has potted specimens available in gallon- or three-gallon containers, as well as one- to two-foot and two- to three-foot options.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (14)

Arabica Coffee Plant

Cultivars have mostly been bred to improve the quality of the beans, not for their value as houseplants, so you won’t find named varieties with variegated leaves or extra-full flowers, for example.

Having said that, you can occasionally find variegated specimens available from rare plant sellers. If you’re growing one, send us pictures!

The following recommended cultivars are particularly suited to growing indoors because they have compact, bushy growth habits and particularly attractive foliage.


‘Bourbon’ is an extremely common cultivar and one that has been used to create countless newer cultivars. It was bred from wild types of coffee growing in Yemen.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (15)

A few dozen trees were obtained by French growers, likely missionaries, in the early 1700s and planted on what is now known as Reunion Island, off the coast of Madagascar.

Eventually brought to Brazil in the mid-19th century, this cultivar spread from there through the Americas and East Africa.

This C. arabica cultivar has a round growth habit with broad, round leaves and spherical fruit.


‘Gesha’ – not “geisha” – is a cultivar bred via natural mutation from a ‘Bourbon’ plant. It’s named after the town in which it originated in Ethiopia.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (16)

While it’s a favorite in commercial coffee production because of its rich flavor, it’s also quite pretty. It has a bit more weeping, bushy growth habit than its parent.

As a houseplant, you won’t notice this shape until it has matured a bit.


‘Typica’ is one of the oldest arabica cultivars and, along with ‘Bourbon,’ is one of the two parent plants used commonly to create dozens of newer cultivars.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (17)

It was first bred in Yemen before traveling to Ethiopia, India, and eventually to Europe and the Caribbean, carried by Dutch travelers.

This was the only coffee plant you could find in the Americas until the middle of the 19th century.

It has a conical growth habit and the leaves are more narrow than those of many other cultivars. The berries are also narrow.

Managing Pests and Disease

As long as you keep your houseplants healthy, I find pests and pathogens will go for other species before they’ll attack Coffea plants.

No doubt that’s in part because caffeine is a natural insecticide, much like the glucosinolate that mustards produce.

The biggest risk your plants may face is going to be root rot. They love moisture, but too much will drown them.


Coffee plant houseplants are “bugged” by what I think of as the big three: aphids, mealybugs, and spider mites. If you’re growing indoor plants, you’ll probably see one or all of these at some point.


Aphids are tiny insects that use their sucking mouthparts to draw the sap out of plants. For pretty much every plant species, there are one or more aphid species that may potentially feed on it.

Outdoor coffee plants are attacked by different aphid species than houseplants, which are commonly visited by the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae.

But it doesn’t really matter which species is visiting – you can treat them all the same.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (18)

The damage is evidenced by yellowing and browning leaves. Look closely and you’ll likely see clusters of light green bugs on the undersides of the foliage.

You might also see a sticky substance called honeydew, which can attract sooty mold.

Isolate the infested coffee plant while you treat it. This will take a few weeks.

Set the plant in your shower or bathtub and spray it with water. You might need to cover the soil with plastic so you don’t overwater it.

Let it dry and then treat it with neem oil, saturating the leaves, both top and bottom, the stems, and the soil.

Do this once a week until you don’t see any more aphids.

For more tips, read our guide to managing aphid infestations.


Mealybugs can look a lot more like a sign of disease than a pest.

These bugs are covered in a waxy white coating and they move really, really slowly – so they can look a bit like a fungus. They like to chill together on the undersides of leaves and near stems.

Like aphids, they make a meal by sucking the juice out of the plants. They also leave similar evidence of their presence behind, including yellowing and brown leaves, and excreted honeydew.

If your coffee plant is small, the easiest way to deal with them is to dip a cotton swab in isopropyl alcohol and wipe each insect. This removes their protective coating and kills them.

You can also just handpick them off.

For large specimens, you might want to turn to insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. Check out our guide to learn more about how to treat mealybugs.

Spider Mites

Spider mites are tiny arachnids in the Tetranychidae family. They’re pretty small, so don’t bother trying to identify them by their appearance. Look for the fine webbing they leave behind instead.

These webs will often be filled with tiny dots, which are the discarded skins of the mites.

When they feed on your plants, this results in wilting and blotchy yellow spots on the foliage.

It’s pretty easy to treat spider mites. They thrive in dry conditions, so up that humidity! Remember, that’s an essential part of keeping coffee plants happy.

To knock the pests off the plant, spray it with water. Do this once a week and you should be rid of them in no time.


Plants grown indoors are less likely to be contaminated by some of those awful bacterial and fungal diseases that travel far and wide in the great outdoors.

But if you take your coffee plants outside during the summer, or if you use your outdoor tools on your houseplants without sanitizing them first, you might transmit something infectious.

Always be sure to clean your tools, whether they’re exclusively used on your houseplants or not!

Here are the most common ailments you may come across:

Collar Rot

Unfortunately, the oomycete that causes collar rot, Rhizocotonia solani, is everywhere.

In young coffee plants, like the ones you might buy at the nursery, it shows up as a brown, sunken area on the stem near the soil. If you see this, don’t buy the plant.

If symptoms show up later, drench the soil with copper to try and kill the pathogen.

Many times, stems that are already symptomatic will die despite your best efforts. But the plant will send up new, healthy stems when it recovers.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (19)

Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide

To drench the soil, grab a liquid copper fungicide concentrate. Arbico Organics carries Bonide brand, which I love.

Mix a teaspoon of it with a cup of water. Pour the water evenly over the potting soil. Repeat every 10 days for up to two months.

Root Rot

Root rot can be a fungal issue or a physical one. Either way, it’s caused by overwatering.

When you overwater, it drowns the roots and also invites pathogens like Armillaria mellea and Fusarium solani, which cause the roots to turn mushy and black.

Indoors, A. mellea is rare – I’ve never heard of it causing an infection in a houseplant regardless of the plant species, though I suppose this is theoretically possible.

Of course, you probably aren’t examining your plant’s roots on a daily basis, so how on earth would you know the roots are quietly rotting underground? Droopy foliage is the tell-tale sign, and black or brown areas will appear on the leaves and gradually expand.

Low humidity can also cause brown areas to develop on foliage, but you can tell the difference here because root rot spots are darker brown and they usually start on the inner parts of the leaves.

The foliage might also turn yellow, but it will be soft and moist rather than dry and crispy.

Because it’s hard to tell without a test whether drowning roots or a pathogen is causing this problem, you need to treat for both.

First, water less often and make sure that the pot is still draining freely. Those drainage holes can become clogged over time.

Also, be sure to drain any catchment container used beneath the pot within half an hour of watering.

Then, drench the soil with copper as described above for collar rot.

Best Uses

While a single coffee plant looks absolutely lovely on its own, as it ages, I like to grow something at the base in the same pot. Pothos, string of hearts, and philodendron all look nice.

It’s also a fun challenge to try to grow some flowers and fruits. Who knows – maybe someday you’ll have a few of your own beans to roast and brew!

Quick Reference Growing Guide

Plant Type:Woody shrubFoliage Color:White (red berries)/green, green and white
Native to:Arabian Peninsula, EthiopiaTolerance:High humidity, heat
Hardiness (USDA Zone):10-11Soil Type:Rich, loamy potting soil
Exposure:Bright, indirect lightSoil pH:4.9-5.6
Planting Depth:1/4 inch (seeds); same depth as nursery pot (transplants)Soil Drainage:Well-draining
Height:Up to 15 feetUses:Houseplant, ornamental, edible seeds
Spread:Up to 10 fee5Order:Gentianales
Growth Rate:ModerateFamily:Rubiaceae
Water Needs:ModerateGenus:Coffea
Common Pests and Disease:Aphids, mealybugs, spider mites; crown rot, root rotSpecies:Arabica

Enjoy Your Morning Coffee in Plant Form

As long as you give them the moisture they crave, coffee plants aren’t too challenging to grow.

Plus, they add such a beautiful, tropical element to your home. You might even be lucky enough to enjoy the intoxicating blossoms.

How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (20)

If you are able to coax your coffee plant to produce flowers or fruits, let us know how you found success. Better yet, share some pictures with us in the comments below!

Want to grow a few other multi-purpose houseplants? Here are some fun options:

  • How to Grow and Care For Aloe Vera
  • How to Grow Fuchsia as an Indoor Houseplant
  • Growing Peperomias: How to Care for Radiator Plants
How to Grow and Care for Coffee Plants Indoors | Gardener’s Path (2024)


How do you take care of an indoor coffee plant? ›

Keep the soil moist but don't let the roots sit in water. After watering, dump any excess out of the pot to make sure the roots don't get waterlogged. Coffee plants also enjoy a humid environment so you may benefit from a humidifier or humidity tray to help keep them thriving.

Where should I put my coffee plant inside? ›

Indoors, coffee plants do best placed near a window but not in direct sunlight. Make sure to keep the plant away from drafts, such as those produced from air conditioning. Be prepared to water at least weekly to keep the soil moist.

How tall do coffee plants grow indoors? ›

That makes them good for indoor beautification. You can get them to grow into a tree that is 5-8 feet tall or you can train them to be a bush 3-4 feet tall.

How do I make my coffee plant thrive? ›

Coffee plants need a warm spot with bright, indirect light. They're best grown as house plants or in a greenhouse. Their ideal growing temperature is 16-24ºC. Water regularly, keeping the compost moist but not waterlogged.

How often should I water my indoor coffee plant? ›

Coffee plants don't like to stay wet, so water every 1 to 2 weeks, allowing the potting mix to dry out halfway between waterings. You'll need to water more often in brighter light and less often in lower light, says Marino. But always poke your finger into the soil to check the moisture level before giving it a drink.

How often should you give your plants coffee water? ›

A good rule of thumb is to feed and water your plants once a week with a weak coffee solution. They'll appreciate the additional nutrients, as well as the water. And while we're here, let's talk for a minute about those leftover coffee grounds as well.

Should I mist coffee plant? ›

Your Coffee Plant loves a humid environment. Make sure to give them a daily misting, or add a humidifier nearby. Browning leaves could be a sign of low humidity. Coffee Plants prefer temperatures between 65–80°F.

Do coffee plants need misting? ›

Yes, coffee plants enjoy high humidity, so misting them frequently should help with that.

How long do coffee plants live? ›

While coffee plants can live up to 100 years, they are generally the most productive between the ages of 7 and 20. Proper care can maintain and even increase their output over the years, depending on the variety. The average coffee tree produces 10 pounds of coffee cherry per year, or 2 pounds of green beans.

Do indoor coffee plants produce fruit? ›

If your plants are well-cared-for and thriving, coffee houseplants should flower and produce fruit after a few years of TLC.

What kind of soil do coffee plants like? ›

Coffee plants prefer a well-draining acidic soil—around 6.5 is ideal—so add a little sphagnum peat moss to potting soil to increase the pH. 4. Plant. Fill a pot with good drainage (multiple drainage holes) two-thirds full with the soil mixture.

How often do coffee trees flower? ›

Once a coffee plant is mature, it will produce flowers; this normally happens shortly after heavy rainfall. And then, after the flowers, comes the cherries. In some countries, such as Colombia, the climate means that the trees flower twice a year – something that, in turn, leads to two harvests a year.

What fertilizer do coffee plants need? ›

Coffee trees need a lot of potash, a lot of nitrogen, and a little phosphoric acid. Spread the fertilizer in a ring around each coffee tree, but be very careful not to put any on its trunk, branches or leaves. If you do, the fertilizer will burn the coffee tree.

How do I get my coffee plant to bloom? ›

Coffee plants are picky about the temperature, preferring something between 65-80°F. Too chilly and the plant won't thrive, and likely won't flower at all. You should try to keep your coffee plants slightly warmer than room temperature. A lot of warmth and light, and they should be on track to flower.

How do you fertilize indoor coffee plants? ›

You can fertilise your coffee plant with coffee grounds twice a year (once in winter and once in spring). To do this, simply take one to two teaspoons of dried coffee grounds and work it into the soil. Coffee grounds will slightly acidify the soil and they also contain nutrients which the plant can absorb.

How do I know if my coffee plant is overwatered? ›

Yellow leaves/drooping yellow leaves - This is a sign that your coffee plant is getting too much water. Remove the yellow leaves so she doesn't waste energy on this part of the plant. Always check the moisture of the soil before you water moving forward.

Why is my coffee plant dying? ›

Bad drainage

Coffee plants like moist soil, but not soggy soil. If water isn't allowed to drain or dry out enough between waterings, your coffee plant may be at risk of root rot. Browning leaves are a sign that the plant's soil is staying too moist. Allow 25% of the soil volume to dry before you water.

Why is my coffee plant losing leaves? ›

Coffee Plant Leaf Scorch

Though the coffee shrub loves warmth, it doesn't like to be in direct sunlight. In exposed locations, leaves may turn brown and scorch, dropping prematurely in extreme instances. Extremely dry and windy conditions can also cause scorch, notes Missouri Botanical Garden.

Is Sugar water good for plants? ›

There is no scientific evidence that feeding plants sugar water is conducive to plant health, on the contrary, it can harm your plants and even kill them.

Is Cinnamon good for your plants? ›

Like sulphur, cinnamon is a natural fungicide that helps most plants root, while inhibiting the spores that cause rot in stem cuttings. Dip prepared plant stems in cinnamon and push them into the soil. It's an effective rooting hormone that's easy to use and inexpensive.

Do coffee plants need fertilizer? ›

Feed your coffee plant at least a few times during the growing season of spring and summer. This tree needs a fertilizer that's high in nitrogen. Rose and citrus fertilizers are excellent at keeping your coffee plant healthy.

When should I repot my coffee plant? ›

You'll generally need to repot your Coffee Plant every 2-3 years to keep up with its growth. They have an expansive root system that can easily become rootbound. Spring is the best time to repot.

Where does coffee grow best? ›

Coffee is largely produced in the Coffee Belt, located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, where countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia and Vietnam have provided the best climate for coffee trees, which need constant heat to survive.

Can you bottom water a coffee plant? ›

NOTE. Bottom watering will not wash away salts and other minerals from the soil, so make sure to also give water over the soil every now and then.

How many coffee plants do I need? ›

To grow enough beans for you to enjoy your coffee all year long, you'll likely need anywhere from 20 or more coffee plants just for your own coffee consumption needs!

How big does coffee plant get? ›

Coffee plants are woody evergreens that can grow up to 10 meters tall when growing in the wild. Most of the world's coffee grows within the Bean Belt, the area around the equator between the Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer.

How long does it take for a coffee plant to bear fruit? ›

Depending on the variety, it will take approximately 3 to 4 years for the newly planted coffee trees to bear fruit. The fruit, called the coffee cherry, turns a bright, deep red when it is ripe and ready to be harvested. There is typically one major harvest a year.

Do coffee plants bloom indoors? ›

If the coffee plant is grown in ideal conditions indoors, it will eventually flower when it matures, which can take three to five years. Even in the best of conditions, however, you can only expect a few flowers to form, but, if you hand pollinate them, they will produce the berries that contain coffee beans.

Do coffee plants attract bugs? ›

Mealybugs are a group of insects that feed on a variety of trees and plants. In coffee, they attack various parts, including branches, nodes, leaves, roots, and flower clusters. They feed on the sap of the coffee plant and secrete a sticky substance that attracts ants.

Do coffee plants have male and female? ›

These plants typically have simple leaves (undivided) that are opposite (two leaves at the node, usually near a lateral bud or shoot) or sometimes whorled (more than 2 around a node). Flowers usually have both male and female sex organs. Genus: Coffea.

How deep do coffee plant roots grow? ›

Coffee plant requires an effective depth of greater than 150 cm. Coffee trees can root deeply in a normal soil, although about 90% of the roots develop in the upper 30 cm layer.

Do coffee plants have deep roots? ›

The coffee tree has tap roots. The tap root goes straight down into the soil. The branch roots go down very deep. The soil must have a good structure so that the roots can penetrate well.

How long does it take for a coffee plant to grow? ›

Depending on the variety, it will take approximately 3 to 4 years for the newly planted coffee trees to bear fruit. The fruit, called the coffee cherry, turns a bright, deep red when it is ripe and ready to be harvested. There is typically one major harvest a year.

What happens if you don't let coffee bloom? ›

If grounds are not allowed to bloom before brewing, the gas will infuse a sour taste into the coffee. Second, carbon dioxide repels water, which interferes with the brewing process. Water can freely extract the aromatics and oils in coffee only after carbon dioxide has escaped.

Do coffee plants flower? ›

Coffee trees start to flower an average of three to four years after planting, with the flowering phase lasting for approximately two to three months. Each flowering bud can develop up to four flowers, which grow in clusters along the axis (stem) of the leaves; when they bloom, they have a rich jasmine-like scent.

Why are the tips of my coffee plant turning brown? ›

If the air in your home is too dry, your coffee plant may end up with brown leaf tips or edges. Boost humidity to keep new leaves healthy. At minimum, it's best to fertilize coffee once or twice a year in spring and summer. You can fertilize more frequently if you want your coffee to grow faster.

How long do coffee plants last? ›

In general coffee plants live between 30-40 years, though some can live over 80! These plants, technically considered a shrub, are pruned about once a year to keep them from growing too tall; most farmers and harvesters prefer them to stay around 5-7 feet so they're easier to maintain and harvest year over year.

What does an overwatered coffee plant look like? ›

Yellow leaves/drooping yellow leaves - This is a sign that your coffee plant is getting too much water. Remove the yellow leaves so she doesn't waste energy on this part of the plant. Always check the moisture of the soil before you water moving forward.

What should I feed my coffee plant? ›

This tree needs a fertilizer that's high in nitrogen. Rose and citrus fertilizers are excellent at keeping your coffee plant healthy. You can also fertilize with coffee grounds, since they're full of the exact nutrients the tree needs!

Do coffee plants like direct sunlight? ›

Coffee plants prefer bright, but indirect, light. This means that they should be placed near a window but not directly in the window itself. They also cannot take temperatures below freezing and will not do well in temperatures that stay consistently below 65 degrees F. (18 C.).

Should I remove brown tips off plant? ›

When you see dead leaves, dormant stems, or brown parts of leaves, cut them away. It's fine to pluck dead leaves or stems with your hands when possible, just don't pull too hard, or you may damage the healthy part of your plant. For tougher stems or to remove brown leaf tips and edges, use scissors or pruning shears.

How often does a coffee plant bloom? ›

Once a coffee plant is mature, it will produce flowers; this normally happens shortly after heavy rainfall. And then, after the flowers, comes the cherries. In some countries, such as Colombia, the climate means that the trees flower twice a year – something that, in turn, leads to two harvests a year.

What is special about coffee plant? ›

Coffee trees are pruned short to conserve their energy and aid in harvesting, but can grow to more than 30 feet (9 meters) high. Each tree is covered with green, waxy leaves growing opposite each other in pairs. Coffee cherries grow along the branches.

Are coffee plants toxic to touch? ›

Every part of the Arabica Coffee Plant is toxic to all animals and people. This includes cats, dogs, horses, and even birds. Every part of the plant is toxic to humans too except for the mature fruit (or coffee bean).

Why are the leaves falling off my coffee plant? ›

Dropping leaves can be a sign of not enough water, so check the soil to see how dry or wet it is… adjust the watering if need be. If that doesn't seem like the issue, check the temperature of the space that it is living in.

Can an overwatered plant fix itself? ›

Overwatered plants can sometimes recover on their own, but it depends on the plant and the extent of the overwatering. If the roots have rotted, the plant will likely not recover. However, if the overwatering has only caused the leaves to wilt, the plant may be able to bounce back.

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.