Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (2024)

Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate

Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (1)Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (2)Add to favorites

Coffee trees have willowy stems, waxy leaves, and when they receive the ideal amount of sunlight, they can grow up to 15 feet indoors. However, the word ideal is key here, as this is pretty hard to achieve. If growing conditions are not spot on, you can expect an average growth of 3-6 feet, considering the average lighting conditions in our homes.

Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (11)

Are you a coffee connoisseur? If so, you will be tickled to learn that these plants are the very same plants your favorite coffee beans are harvested from in countries like Ethiopia, Mexico, Colombia, and all along the coffee belt. Yet again (hangs head), in our homes this won’t happen. But a girl can dream, can’t she?!

They require so much sun, humidity, and constant warmth, conditions nearly impossible to replicate at home. When mature, at about 3-5 years old, they may produce little white, slightly sweet-smelling flowers, but even that is rare. These flowers are followed by green fruits which change to red then to almost black as they ripen, a process that takes several months. Inside each ripened fruit are two seeds (or beans) that when properly roasted can be ground and made into coffee.

Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (12)

As with most plants, we lean on them for their beauty and the life that they bring to our home. The coffee tree is very beautiful, lush, and can be quite the communicative and forgiving houseplant, telling you exactly when it needs to be watered, through the drooping and dull leaves. So even if your plant never flowers or produces coffee berries…that’s okay, because it’s a great companion to hang out with while you enjoy your cup of coffee!

Light Requirements

I have come to learn that coffee plants thrive in abundant, indirect light. The key is to avoid harsh, direct sun, as this can burn the leaves. If the only space you have with enough light has rays of light beaming into the room, I advise a sheer curtain in that window to filter direct light. I have my coffee tree about five feet away from a north-facing window and so far, so good.

Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (13)

Water Requirements

Make sure that your coffee plant is potted in a pot that drains water. It’s important to avoid wet, soggy soil as this can lead to root rot. During the summer months, keep the soil slightly moist at all times. During less-sunny months, allow the soil to dry 1-2 inches down at most, and water very deeply each time. When winter rolls around, it will require less water.

Never let the soil dry out fully. The best method for knowing when to water your coffee tree is to watch the leaves. When they look droopy and less shiny, feel the soil to be certain, but the plant is likely in need of a good watering! This method works year-round.

To test the soil you can use your finger, a moisture meter, or you can place a popsicle stick or skewer into the soil and pull it out. If it comes out dry, it’s time to water. If it comes out wet with soil stuck to it, wait. Don’t lock into a set watering schedule. The amount of water a plant needs changes when the post size increases, plus different seasons bring in heat and humidity, which ramp up the need for more water.

Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (14)

Temperature and Humidification

If you want to really give your coffee plant a stable home, I would recommend adding additional humidification. The simplest, most effective way to increase humidity is to place a humidifier nearby. You can also group it with other houseplants, which naturally increases humidity. I do both.

I suggest never letting the temperature get below 60 degrees (F) in the winter and never below 65 degrees (F) in the summer. Keep it away from poorly insulated windows and away from doors where drafts can reach it.

Fertilizer (Plant Food)

As with every houseplant, always err on the side of too little fertilizer as opposed to too much! If you add too much, it can burn the roots and kill them. I recommend using a liquid concentrate, all-purpose houseplant fertilizer at half strength every time you water in the summer, stopping altogether in the winter if you live in a four-season climate. For some of you, the growing season can be year-round.

Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (15)

Additional Care

  • Remove any dead, discolored, damaged, or diseased leaves and stems as they occur, with clean, sharp scissors.
  • Clean the leaves often enough to keep them free of dust. I cut a paper towel into quarter-sized pieces, douse with my Neem oil solution, and wipe each leaf. It’s a great form of active meditation! Use a new piece of paper towel when the one you are using gets dirty.
  • Coffee plants prefer high humidity. Dry air encourages spider mites to attack the plant.

Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (16)Plant Characteristics to Watch For

Diagnosing what is going wrong with your plant is going to take a little detective work, but even more, it requires patience! First of all, don’t panic and don’t throw a plant out prematurely.

Take a few deep breaths and work down the list of possible issues. Below, I am going to share some typical symptoms that can arise. When I start to spot troubling signs on a plant, I take the plant into a room with good lighting, pull out my magnifiers, and begin by thoroughly inspecting the plant.

Green leaves are dropping off.

  • This condition occurs when plants are not receiving enough light.
  • Solution: Move to a brighter location, but not in direct sunlight.

The leaves are turning yellow.

  • Watering is usually the culprit. Too little or too much water (though it is usually too much) can cause the leaves to turn yellow. If you see little brown spots in addition to the yellowing on the leaves or small, dark new leaves it is likely underwatering, or at the very least, uneven watering.
  • Solution: Feel the soil to be certain and make adjustments to the watering schedule.

My plant is dropping leaves.

  • Dropping lower, older leaves are normal. However, if your plant is dropping new leaves or dropping a lot very quickly, double-check your watering schedule and/or the temperature in which the plant is living.
  • Solution: First and foremost, check the soil for moisture. Dropping leaves can be a sign of not enough water, so check the soil to see how dry or wet it is… adjust the watering if need be. If that doesn’t seem like the issue, check the temperature of the space that it is living in. Is it near a cool or hot window, air drafts, fireplaces, etc? Relocate if need be.

The leaves have brown crispy edges.

  • Brown crispy edges are telling you a few things… that the plant is overwatered, the soil isn’t draining properly, it needs more humidification, or it’s getting too much sun.
  • Solution: Is the soil constantly soggy? If so, allow the soil to dry out and then adjust the watering schedule (see requirements above).
  • Solution: Double-check that the pot has drainage holes. If it doesn’t, repot into a pot that allows the drainage of excess water. Don’t use a closed pot with rocks at the bottom.
  • Solution: If you feel that watering is appropriate and it is indeed in a drainage pot…try adding some humidification to the space in which it lives.
  • Solution: Brown, dead leaf edges can happen when the plant is placed into too much sun. Look for a spot with more dappled lighting. If the leaves are completely brown, cut them off.

Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (17)The leaves have lost their glossy appearance.

  • This usually is an indication of too much direct sunlight.
  • Solution: Move to a shadier location… an east-facing window is good.

My plant looks leggy.

  • If your plant is getting leggy, it can be several things; it might be reaching for sunlight, it might be over- or underwatered.
  • Solution: Move the plant to a better lit area so it stops reaching for the light.
  • Solution: Check the soil. Is it being over- or underwatered? This may take a while to determine, but I have faith in you. Don’t stress.
  • Solution: Every spring, prune your coffee plant. Pruning helps to create a more lush, bush-like appearance, giving it an attractive shape. Use clean pruning shears to cut the stem at a 45° angle, 1/4-inch above a leaf axil (the place where a leaf attaches to the stem). Prune off top growth to keep this coffee bean plant small (if that’s your goal).

My plant is not growing.

  • If this is the case, we need to start ruling things out. Make sure that it is getting adequate water, light, humidity, and fertilizer. If these all seem on point, let’s review the soil.
  • Solution: A rich, peat-based potting soil with excellent drainage is beneficial. Coffee plants can grow in soil that has a pH of 4 to 7. The ideal soil pH range is closer to 6 to 6.5.
  • Solution: Move the plant to a warmer location, as warmer temperatures may accelerate growth.
Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (18)
Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (19)
Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (20)
Spider mites

Common Bugs to Watch For

If you want to have healthy house plants, you MUST inspect them regularly. Every time I water a plant, I give it a quick look-over. Bugs/insects feeding on your plants reduces the plant sap and redirect nutrients from leaves. Some chew on the leaves, leaving holes. Also watch for wilting or yellowing, distorted, or speckled leaves. They can quickly get out of hand and spread to your other plants.

IF you see ONE bug, trust me, there are more. So, take action right away. Some are brave enough to show their “faces” by hanging out on stems in plain sight. Others tend to hide out in the darnedest of places, like the crotch of a plant or in a leaf that has yet to unfurl.

  • Mealybugs look like small balls of cotton. They can travel slowly, but they have a strong will and determination! Though it is slow-moving, if any plant is touching another, there is a chance the mealybug will hitch a ride on a new leaf and spread. They breed like rabbits of the insect world. Females can deposit around 600 eggs in loose cottony masses, often on the underside of leaves or along stems.
  • Scales are dark-colored bumps that are primarily immobile insects that stick themselves to stems and leaves. They are rather inconspicuous and don’t look like a typical insects. They can range in color but are most often brownish in appearance. They’re called “scales” primarily due to their scale-like appearance on a plant, due to waxy or armored coverings. They are often seen in clumps along a stem, sucking away at the plant’s juices with their spiky mouthpart.
  • Spider mitesare more common on houseplants. They are not insects; they are related to spiders. These appear to be tiny black or red moving dots. Spider mites are nearly invisible to the naked eye. You often need a magnifying lens to spot them, or you may just notice a reddish film across the bottom of the leaves, some webbing, or even some leaf damage, which usually results in reddish-brown spots on the leaf.
Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (21)
Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (22)

Placement in the House: My coffee plant sits approximately 5 feet from a north-facing window, which gives it plenty of indirect light. I also run a humidifier in that area, since I have many plants there that love the extra pampering.

Toxicity of Coffee Plants

All parts of the coffee plant, with the exception of the mature fruit (the coffee bean), are toxic to humans, cats, and dogs. Ingestion of these plants may cause vomiting or diarrhea.

Tags: Care Difficulty - Moderate

  1. Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (28) Janet Marshall says:

    I have one coffee plant from my mom. The top looks healthy enough, but it’s very tall and lanky. What should I do?


    • Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (29) amie-sue says:

      Good morning Janet,

      To encourage a fuller appearance you can either prune or cut the plant back. Pruning is simply pinching off the new growth. Pinching back the plant will not only restrain the tree’s height but will encourage a bushier appearance. Or you can cut it back during the spring months to maintain a fuller, bushy appearance. Be sure to use clean, sharp pruning shears, cut the stem at a 45-degree angle, 1/4 inch above where the leaf attaches to the stem (axil).

      I hope this helps. blessings, amie sue


  2. Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (30) Maria says:

    I have over 300 house plants, calatheas, Chinese evergreens, alocasias, philodendrons ferns and basically every difficult plant available. 16 months ago I was gifted a small coffee plant in a 7cm pot. It’s still a small plant in a 7cm pot that has only managed to grow 3 tiny new leaves. Obviously, with a lot of need care plants I have the humidity, temp etc right (everything else is growing like crazy, my coconut palm has grown 4′ since January) what could be the issue.


    • Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (31) amie-sue says:

      Hmm, that’s a great question Maria… but a tough one to answer. It shows that you have plant experience and are following all the criteria for plant growth. If you have checked off all the requirements for the coffee plant… then I would just continue to give it time. My smaller ones were slow growers. Sorry that I don’t have any concrete answers. blessings, amie sue


  3. Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (32) Liz says:

    Thank you a great article and I look forward to my own very pathetic little coffee plant maybe one day looking like yours. However the one thing I would query is the idea of coffee leaves being toxic to humans? See “Kuti” ie coffee-leaf tea which is apparently very widely drunk in Ethiopia.


  4. I am 81 & have always loved plants. Indoor and out.
    I live in a 130 year old small house and it’s loaded with plants.
    I Sagan renovations myself after I bought it in 2002 and needed plants.
    The closest material store was a Home Depot with a large nursery department. As my only income was from social security Ihad to be careful about wanting to buy plants that were beyond my budget. So, going almost weekly, I watched the “discounted plant shelves” very close. You never knew what you could get back then. One time after season was over we’re 6 orchids that were wilted and dried up looking & were discounted from$24.95 to .50 cents. I believe that they thought they were dead.
    Another time 5 Christmas Cactus from $7.95 to .50 cents. I still have them & are huge. And have probably “bred” 100 pots of new plants from leaves that came off at times. This year I saved & counted all dried blooms from original plants and each had between 65-78. Amazing when in full bloom.
    Then, what made me start this is my Coffee Tree. Don’t remember original cost but got it for $1.00. Was 8” tall in tiny pot. Now it is 8 1/2 feet as I have never pruned it. It’s awesome but Will only fit in second bedroom that has a high enough ceiling. Last year it had 3 coffee beans. Pretty cool.
    My grandkids can barely get in that bunk room because of coffee tree but theblike it too.


  5. Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (35) Lis Alberts says:

    My coffee houseplant is 2 years old. I have been caring for it following your advice and similar from others. Even though it’s now winter it continues growing new leaves green enough. But after the leaves mature some of them just turn yellow (not brown, not dropping). All I ever dream of is a bushy plant with their deep green and shiny leaves but it’s almost impossible. Now and then I would have to plug a yellow leaf. Should I try to just prune off those new leaves as soon as they emerge?


    • Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (36) amie-sue says:

      Good day Lis,

      Ahhh the good ole’ coffee tree plant. I understand your frustrations and experience them as well. That is why I tagged it as a moderately difficult plant to grow. First off, pruning should be done during the spring months to maintain a fuller, bushy appearance. Pinch or prune with shears 1/4 inch above where the leaf attaches to the stem (axil). Double-check everything; watering schedule, light source, and fertilize during the growing season. Also, be sure that you are cleaning the leaves. You can do this leaf by leaf or you can put it in the shower and give it a good spray down. Dust will block photosynthesis and make the leaves appear dull.

      I wish you the best of luck! amie sue


  6. Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (37) Shawn says:

    Great article. Two questions.
    My coffee plant seems healthy. Had a rough couple of months and a scale infestation that I think is taken care of. My coffee plant is a single stem not a series of stems of off shoots. Is that normal?
    Next is the leaves are only at the tips of the plant about ten per branch but the middle of the branch is empty? Any idea why?


    • Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (38) amie-sue says:

      Hello Shawn,

      Indoor Coffee plants can be challenging and mysterious! Having only one stem can be normal, just depends on how it was first grown and potted at the nursery. You also talked about the middle of the branches don’t have any leaves on them. Did they die off? Fall off? Were they damaged by the scale and removed? You don’t have to answer those questions, I stated them more for thought. As long as the plant has recovered from those nasty scales (good job on that!) and it looks healthy, just keep taking care of it and see what happens.

      blessings, amie sue


  7. Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (39) Lynelle says:


    Well, I’ve had a lovely and healthy container coffee plant in my warm, west-facing office window for around 5 years plus. Recently (last week of February), I had a tic and decided to put some coffee grounds mixed with rose fertilizer (likely ~6 oz. organic pellet type) into the soil. Additionally, I accidentally left the heater on all night in the office 2 days after adding this mixture to the topsoil. The next morning, the entire tree looked like it had been steamed (or at the least Heavily stressed). It had tons of microscopic new growth appearing before I did this strange thing. It is now 7 days; and the plant is still life, brown, not recovering, I want to say “obviously dead”… HA, please no need to remind me what an idiot I was 7 days ago! I would just really appreciate your take on what ultimately killed (or maimed) it (heat or fertilizer burn or…) and if it is obviously time to take my tree to the graveyard.

    Thanks for any comment that may come to mind for you.



    • Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (40) amie-sue says:

      Oh my, Lynelle, you have been on quite an adventure with your poor coffee plant. You have me scratching my head on this one. I don’t think it was heat unless it was over 85 degrees for the whole time. Coffee grounds can be ok, and rose fertilizer can be ok… but perhaps the two were just a bit too much. And perhaps the trifecta of high heat… well, shoot girl… this is tough. I looked up what the signs are when you have over-fertilized a houseplant, and it read:

      Symptoms and signs of over-fertilization
      Crust of fertilizer on soil surface. (do you see this on your plant Lynelle?)
      Yellowing and wilting of lower leaves.
      Browning leaf tips and margins.
      Browned or blackened limp roots.
      Very slow or no growth.

      It doesn’t quite match up to what you were describing. If it were me, I would first try flushing the soil. The best way to solve the problem of over-fertilization is to leach excess nutrients from the soil by using watering to flush out the pot slowly. You will want to put it in the bathtub or outside (if you have nice weather where you live). Hopefully, your pot has drainage holes. You might want to do this three or four times, because this will take the fertilizer out of the roots. After leaching, don’t fertilize the plant for at least a month. Then see what happens.

      If you don’t feel this won’t resolve the situation based on what you are witnessing… you can always cut it way back and see what happens. I mean, if you are already entertaining the idea of taking it to the graveyard… why not experiment. :P I have a selloum hope plant, a huge one, and a few years ago, it just turned yellow, the whole thing. No explanation, no changes in its diet or location, and no pests. A real head-scratcher. I was getting ready to cut my loss and part ways. Instead, I thought, “What the heck, what would happen if I cut all the leaves off to the dirt line?” So I did. I kept watering it but didn’t have much faith that it would rebound. Well, it did and recovered beautifully. Shrugs. Sometimes being a plant parent is a true mystery. :P

      I am so sorry that I don’t have an exact answer for you. But whatever you plan on doing, keep me posted. blessings, amie sue


      • Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (41) Lynelle Paulick says:

        Oooomg, omg, amie-sue, this message from you is like a huge gift! I suddenly have hope, hahaa. Which I feel right down to my core — it’s so unexpected. I appreciate this so so much!

        Gonna print out your comments and get Right on it; and I’ll let you know exactly what happens!

        Very best,


        • Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (42) amie-sue says:

          Awe, now you made my night Lynelle. :) I will be sending plant vibes your way! blessings, amie sue


          • Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (43) lynelle paulick says:

            Hi Amie Sue!

            Update on the dead coffee tree! We (against my judgment that it be kept in a temp-controlled area), we put it outside and flushed the soil several times. But we left it outside in temps of ~40-58 for several days that included another rainstorm and temps of ~40-58F — not a bit of which the plant has ever experienced, as it was always an indoor tree; and of course, what leaves are still hanging on are dark brown!…so this morning, I took the Felcos out to cut a small branch and see if it’s truly dead or what. AND THIS: the inside is Fully green. Dead on the outside, apparently quite alive inside! So I want to simply trim it down a bit, change the soil, and bring it back up to the western sun-facing window it loved and let it kind of start again. Haven’t done anything yet, though.

            May I ask for your advice on timing?? As well as anything else you might want to comment on?!

            Thanks in advance,


  8. Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (45) Dan says:

    I have had a coffee tree for years. Plenty of sun and misting and watering when about the top inch and a half of the soil is dry. For some reason all the branches are totally bare and it only holds leaves on the top. Can I get them to grow back? If I cut it down close to the dirt would it grow back with leaves? I don’t know how to get it to stop dropping all its lower leaves, it’s done this it’s entire life.


  9. Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (47) Brett says:

    I bought a potted coffee tree 2 or 3 years ago, it was maybe 1′ tall.
    It is now around 4’and currently has about 7 coffee cherries expanding nicely for the first time.
    While it seems pretty healthy in general, it occasionally produces a few distorted leaves. Sometimes one side of the leaf looks normal, but the leaf margin on other side looks toothed and underdeveloped, with the central vein curving towards that side instead of straight. Or occasionally the tip of the leaf will be deformed.
    Any suggestions? A nutrient deficiency, or watering issue?
    Due to our seasons where I live the plant is moved at different times of the year, and also heating in the room when inside changes which changes its water demands when the heaters run longer. This is normally picked up pretty quick though, and at worst cause a couple of old leaves to fall. I don’t know if the odd deformed leaf is related or not.


    • Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (48) amie-sue says:

      Hello Brett,

      I wish I knew the answer to your question, but I am unsure. Diagnosing a plant is challenging, let alone one that I am not in contact with. The best advice I can give is to try different things one at a time. So, for instance, make sure your watering is on point, move onto location, check the roots, lighting, and add fertilizer. It’s a long process to really understand what might be the issue. besting of luck, amie sue


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Coffee Tree (Coffea arabica) | Care Difficulty – Moderate (2024)
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