How to Dry & Save Frangipani Flowers (2024)

How to Dry & Save Frangipani Flowers (1)

frangipani (plumeria obtusa) flowers image by Scott Slattery from

The frangipani flower, a flower also referred to as plumeria, is a tropical flower most often grown in the Caribbean and Mexico. In Hawaii, these flowers are sometimes grown to be used in making leis. Frangipani flowers come in shades of pink, white and red and are very fragrant. Like any flower, frangipani flowers can be dried, allowing you to enjoy their beauty all year long. Drying flowers is a pretty simple process.

Cut frangipani flowers and attached stems from the plant. Use a clean pair of garden shears to cut as much of the flower and stem as you would like to preserve. You can preserve the flowers only, or the flowers with their stems attached, so they can be used in dried flower arrangements.

  • The frangipani flower, a flower also referred to as plumeria, is a tropical flower most often grown in the Caribbean and Mexico.
  • Like any flower, frangipani flowers can be dried, allowing you to enjoy their beauty all year long.

Gather the flowers together so the ends of the stems of each flower meet.

Cut a piece of string. The string should be long enough to tie the flowers together while still leaving enough to hang the flower bunch.

Tie one end of the string around the stems and make a secure knot.

Suspend the flowers upside-down in a dark, dry room such as an attic or closet. Tie the untied end of the string to a hook to keep the flowers suspended.

Hang the flowers until all moisture evaporates. Drying will take two weeks or longer. Flowers are dried when they have a paper-like texture.

  • Gather the flowers together so the ends of the stems of each flower meet.
  • Tie one end of the string around the stems and make a secure knot.

Place dried frangipani flowers in a vase for decoration or use in crafts such as scrapbooking. Handle dried flowers with care, as they can easily fall apart.

Wrap dried flowers in paper and store in a small box with holes. Poke holes through the box in the top, bottom and sides using the tip of a pair of scissors.


Dried frangipani flowers should be kept away from direct sunlight.

How to Dry & Save Frangipani Flowers (2024)


How do you dry frangipani flowers? ›

One of the best ways to dry flowers – especially a full bouquet – is to gather and tie their stems with a string and then hang them upside down from a stick, clothes hanger, or hook away from direct sunlight. This method keeps the flowers' original shapes intact and will best preserve their color.

How do you save a frangipani flower? ›

Don't cut back you frangipani tree - it will recover! What you can do though is to remove the affected leaves and place these in a bag and put them in the bin. Don't compost them, and don't let the leaves fall onto the soil as this will just spread the fungus spores which cause the rust.

How do you preserve picked plumeria flowers? ›

Store the plumeria flowers at 48 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit in a plastic bag for up to three days or until you are ready to use them.

What can I do with frangipani flowers? ›

Choose organic frangipani flowers as you don't want to consume flowers that have been treated with pesticides.
  1. Rinse your frangipani flowers in cool water. ...
  2. Add frangipani flowers to any salad. ...
  3. Sprinkle the flowers' petals over white or brown rice. ...
  4. Dip the petals in batter and fry them in oil.
Jul 21, 2017

How do you dry flowers successfully? ›

Hang them upside down in a dark, dry, well-ventilated area. Keeping the flowers out of direct sunlight will help them retain their color. The drying process will take about two to three weeks. Once dried, take down the flowers and spray with unscented hairspray for protection.

How long do frangipani flowers last? ›

Unlike some flowering trees which bloom for a few days or weeks, frangipani flower for months.

What kills frangipani? ›

Frangipani rust, also known by its scientific name Coleosporium pluymeriae is a fungal plant disease that affects frangipani trees. This disease - which is spread by spores being picked up by the wind, which then implant on damp frangipani leaves - is one of the biggest problems plaguing frangipanis in Australia.

Where do you cut frangipani? ›

If you are doing a big prune or cropping your frangipani tree, you'll want most branches to produce new shoots. It's best to cut off just under the forks leaving stumps.. Leaving a long branch will maximize the chances of new shoots growing.

How long can you dry plumeria cutting for? ›

Plumeria cuttings may be stored in a warm and dry location for many months. There are cases where Plumeria cuttings have been found on a shelf after 2 years of storage that have grown when planted.

How long do you dry out a plumeria cutting? ›

Allow the cuttings to dry until the cut end is hard, usually from 1 week in warm climates to 2 weeks or longer in cooler climates.
Different regions have different length of growing season.
  1. Spring is the best time to start plumeria cuttings, when the are waking up from dormancy.
  2. Early to Mid Summer is also good time.

What does Epsom salt do for plumeria? ›

The magnesium in Epson salts is essential in the formation of chlorophyll. It should be used monthly as it benefits the roots and flowers. Epsom salts also helps prevent sunburned leaves on hot summer days.

What are the health benefits of frangipani flower? ›

Considered sacred as the “Tree of Life”,Frangipanievokes deep internal cleansing that refreshes the body, mind and soul. It is supposed to alleviate inflammation, headaches, back discomfort, and tinnitus. It is well-known for its hydrating properties, since it heals dry and cracked skin and keeps it supple.

What does the frangipani flower symbolize? ›

Frangipani symbolizes fertility, strength, growth, and romantic love. They can also be associated with ghosts in some cultures.

What are the spiritual benefits of frangipani? ›

It blesses the soul of the departed and reminds those left behind of the immortal nature of the soul and its long journey through the many cycles of life. Frangipani is perfect for blessing a sacred union or hand-fasting, to invoke the highest form of spiritual and sensual love.

How do you dry flowers without dying them? ›

3. Desiccant method: You can simply submerge your flowers in a bed of desiccant—like kitty litter or silica gel—and let them sit for a few weeks to remove their moisture. This method takes longer than microwaving your flowers, but it can preserve their color more effectively.

What is the quickest method of flower drying? ›

On a hot, sunny morning, wrap your flowers up in parchment paper and place them in the trunk of your car — they'll be out of direct sunlight but still baking in the heat, which makes it the perfect place to dry them. Check on them again at sunset and they should be good to go.

How do you dry flowers without killing them? ›

Hanging bouquets upside down is the most traditional technique for drying flowers. Gather the flowers in a bunch and secure the stems with a rubber band. Hang upside down in a well-ventilated area out of direct sunlight, like from kitchen rafters or in an empty closet.

What is the difference between frangipani and plumeria? ›

Also known as frangipani, plumerias are popular in landscaping because of the seemingly endless variety of the color, size, and fragrance of their blossoms. The plumeria's intoxicating perfume is strongest at night, when its pollinators—moths—emerge. But when a moth investigates a fragrant blossom, it goes away hungry.

What is the most fragrant frangipani? ›

Plumeria Rubra

And Rubra has the most fragrant flowers! The flowers themselves have medium sized, oval shaped petals (always 5 of them) which are joined tightly at the base.

Can you eat frangipani flowers? ›

The frangipani (Plumeria genus) is a common attractive flowering plant found in gardens throughout Australia. The milky sap is irritating and chewing on or swallowing parts of the plant can result in gastrointestinal upset which may include irritation of the mouth, drooling, decreased appetite, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Which part of frangipani is poisonous? ›

Ingestion of the sap or bark can cause vomiting and diarrhoea. Warning: Seek medical attention if symptoms occur.

What is the problem with frangipani? ›

Frangipani can be susceptible to fungal diseases, such as downy and powdery mildew and frangipani rust, which can all be treated.

Are coffee grounds good for frangipani? ›

Avid gardeners believe that coffee grounds are good for plumerias as they are quite acidic, and the trees perform best in soil that is more on the acidic side.

Can you root frangipani in water? ›

Can frangipani be propagated in water? Yes, frangipani can be propagated in water. However, it's not the best method to use, as the cuttings can easily rot. It's a fun experiment to try if you have extras, but for the greatest chance of success, I recommend rooting them in soil.

Can you put frangipani flowers in a vase? ›

Plumeria cut flowers

Frangipani flowers that fall off the tree can be floated in a bowl of water or added to bath water to make it pretty and fragrant. What is this? You can also cut a few stems off the tree and arrange them in a vase of water.

How long does it take a frangipani to flower from a cutting? ›

It usually takes three years or so before your new plant blooms, whereas with plant propagation from cuttings you should see your new frangipani flowers in the first year.

Can you touch frangipani? ›

Frangipani flowers

Don't touch! The frangipani caterpillars bite when handled. However if you are bitten – don't panic – their bright colors do not warn that their bite is venomous, but rather act as a warning to predators that they themselves are toxic to eat.

Can I plant a frangipani close to the house? ›

Mature frangipanis can grow to around 6m high and 5m wide, but they grow slowly, only about 20cm per year. This slow growth, along with their small root ball, makes them ideal around pools, in planter beds, containers and beside walls, as there is no fear the roots will harm any structures.

What side do you wear frangipani? ›

Fijians Wear Frangipanis To Indicate Their Relationship Status. To indicate their relationship status, Fijian men and women will wear a frangipani behind their ear. Tucked on the right side tells the world they're married, on the left and they are single.

Can you plant frangipani cuttings straight into the ground? ›

Once the frangipani cutting has roots, it can be transplanted into a pot of soil with good drainage or straight into the ground.

Do plumeria cuttings need to dry out before planting? ›

The tips of the cuttings should be allowed to dry for three to five days before planting. No special equipment or materials are necessary to propagate plumeria from cuttings. Simply insert the base of the cutting into the ground or a container of moist, well-draining potting soil to a depth of 3 inches.

What time of year do you trim plumeria? ›

Periodically you'll want to trim your plumeria to remove spent blooms, dead or dying branches, or to keep it smaller. The best time to prune for shaping and size is in the winter or early spring, never trim unnecessary branches in the hot summer months.

Can you store plumeria cuttings over winter? ›

If your plumeria is too large to bring inside, you can take cuttings to overwinter instead. This is a good option if you don't have the space for keeping or storing a full-sized plant. You can either try to root them right after bringing them indoors, or keep them dormant all winter.

How do you seal a plumeria cutting? ›

Once you make a cut on the mother tree wipe the end with alcohol and then apply dap it should seal the cut and get new growth, remember to cut at and angle so the end does not collect water.

What is the white stuff coming out of my plumeria? ›

Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease that affects many types of plants, from squash to plumerias. The signature symptom of powdery mildew is white or gray powdery spots on the upper sides of plumeria leaves. The spots sometimes appears on flowers, buds, the undersides of leaves and new shoots.

Can you use Miracle Grow on plumerias? ›

Miracle-Gro Water Soluble Bloom Booster Flower Food

This plant food for plumeria comes in an easy-to-mix water-soluble powder. Add 1 tablespoon of fertilizer to 1 gallon of water for outdoor plumeria. Gardeners can use Miracle-Gro Bloom Booster with the Miracle-Gro Garden Feeder or a watering can.

What is the white liquid coming out of my plumeria? ›

Sooty mold is actually a symptom of an aphid, whitefly or thrip infestation. These tiny insects feed on plumeria leaf and stem juices and secrete a sticky, sugary liquid called honeydew. Clusters of the insects may be visible on the undersides of infested leaves.

What is frangipani called in USA? ›

Plumeria (/pluːˈmɛriə/), also known as frangipani, is a genus of flowering plants in the subfamily Rauvolfioideae, of the family Apocynaceae. Most species are deciduous shrubs or small trees.

Can you make tea from frangipani flowers? ›

The frangipani flowers can also be made into teas after being sun-dried, which is normally called the frangipani tea; and the tea has effects of curing fever, wiping out diarrhea, cleaning the lungs and detoxification.

What is the spiritual use of plumeria? ›

Plumeria montanaBritton & P.
What are Plumeria - Frangipani Meanings & Symbolism
  • The strength to withstand tough challenges.
  • Connecting with spirits and ghosts.
  • Welcoming guests and inviting them to stay, due to its use in Hawaiian leis.
  • Intense love and a lasting bond between two people.

Which god flower is Plumeria? ›

Statue of Ganesha Indian Hinduism God of wisdom and prosperity and heap of plumeria frangipani flowers.

Is a frangipani a flower of love? ›

A beautiful fragrant flower evokes a complex range of emotions. The frangipani flower is paradoxical: it is the emblem of the Lao nation but it comes from America, it is white and fragrant often offered to the pagoda but some say to be wary, it is the flower of death but also of love.

What is another name for the flower frangipani? ›

frangipani, (genus Plumeria), also called plumeria, genus of about 12 species of deciduous shrubs or small trees in the dogbane family (Apocynaceae), native to the New World tropics.

What is an interesting fact about frangipani? ›

A little bit about Frangipani

The petals are waxy and the centre of the flower is a different colour - just like the most common variety which has white flowers with a yellow centre. Unlike some flowering trees which bloom for a few days or weeks, frangipani flower for months.

Is frangipani good for your hair? ›

Frangipani oil moisturizes your hair, making it smoother and softer. It protects your hair from UV ray damage. It hydrates your scalp, reducing the risk of flaky scalp or dandruff.

What is the smell of frangipani? ›

The scent of the frangipani is lush and rich. The blooms may smell like pineapple, plum, candy, gingers, coconut or even gardenias. This is because the plant has so many varieties now – each with its own unique scent.

What time of year do you take plumeria cuttings? ›

Spring and summer are good times to propagate Plumeria from cuttings. Find a healthy branch on the mother plant. Select a branch with a brown or grayish surface, that's about 12 to 18” long, and firm along the entire length.

How do you cut and store plumeria? ›

Remove all leaves and inflorescence by cutting them off. Dry the cutting thoroughly and loosely wrap in crumpled newspaper. Place wrapped cuttings in cardboard boxes and then store in a dry place.

Why does my plumeria cutting feel soft? ›

The plumeria stem becomes soft and squishy as the inside rots away. Stem rot moves very quickly and is almost always fatal to cuttings. Stem Rot usually occurs while trying to root cuttings or during winter storage. Cool temperatures and wet soil contribute to Stem Rot.

What is the fastest way to dry flowers? ›

On a hot, sunny morning, wrap your flowers up in parchment paper and place them in the trunk of your car — they'll be out of direct sunlight but still baking in the heat, which makes it the perfect place to dry them. Check on them again at sunset and they should be good to go.

Can you root frangipani cutting in water? ›

Can frangipani be propagated in water? Yes, frangipani can be propagated in water. However, it's not the best method to use, as the cuttings can easily rot. It's a fun experiment to try if you have extras, but for the greatest chance of success, I recommend rooting them in soil.

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