How good is it to soak your feet in hot water before sleeping? (2024)

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Many studies have shown that the feet are likened to an important "remedy" of the body, taking good care of your feet will contribute to improving and enhancing your health. In particular, soaking your feet in hot water before sleeping brings many unexpected benefits. Not only helps blood circulation, reduces stress and anxiety, but also improves sleep quality.

1. The unexpected effect of a hot foot bath before sleeping

The foot is considered a wonderful part of the body, because it is the ultimate structure of the foot. The feet are made up of many different small bones that help the body perform complex activities more flexibly. The feet interact in harmony with the entire upper body, allowing us to stand, perform complex movements such as running, jumping and playing sports.
Feet have more than 20 acupuncture points of the body, each acupoint plays a role in maintaining different flexible activities and affecting health. The acupuncture points of the soles of the feet are connected to the brain, so a foot bath can improve your sleep. Currently, oriental medicine has applied foot massage to relieve headaches, treat some bone and joint diseases, detoxify, ...
Is hot foot bath good? Hot water will help dilate the blood vessels in the feet. Helps blood to circulate well thereby enhancing the unexpected effects of therapeutic foot baths. The effects of foot bath before bed for your health:
Improve brain and spirit Soaking your feet in hot water before sleeping will give you a feeling of deep relaxation and comfort due to increased blood circulation from there you will easily have a deeper and better quality sleep. When the quality of sleep improves, the body will produce hormones that make you feel satisfied, so you can start the day full of energy and increase focus. A good sleep will help you relieve stress as well as balance and control your thoughts and emotions.
Improve health An unexpected effect of a hot foot bath before going to bed is that it can prevent disease. Because in the process of soaking your feet, you feel maximum relaxation and the body returns to a state of balance, thereby maintaining stable health. Hot water helps increase blood flow to the foot area, detoxifying areas of the body that need healing. Moreover, soaking your feet in hot water helps you strengthen immunity, reduce inflammation and antibacterial.

Treatment of chronic diseases Regular hot water footbath combined with acupressure is a method of treating a number of diseases such as: Diabetes, endometriosis, musculoskeletal diseases.

How good is it to soak your feet in hot water before sleeping? (1)

2. How to soak feet effectively?

Before going to bed, you need to prepare a bowl of hot water about 40 - 50 degrees Celsius to soak your feet. Can be boiled clean water or herbal water. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the use of herbs to choose the right one, in accordance with your own health status. It is best to consult with your doctor before choosing herbs to add to your foot bath. Absolutely do not use strong irritating and corrosive water.
Foot bath tools can be brass, wooden or porcelain pots or use electric pots with integrated ultrasonic stimulation, this is a popular machine in recent times and is being sold in Vietnam. medical supply stores, on online shopping sites. This type of basin has a superior effect thanks to the stimulating ultrasonic waves to increase blood circulation, besides the temperature of the water is accurate because the machine has a temperature display and this temperature is maintained throughout the process. treatment process without cooling down as quickly as traditional devices.

Foot bath position is to sit comfortably on a chair, preferably a recliner and soft to create the most comfortable feeling possible. Should be done regularly every day before going to bed, the most effective time to soak your feet is 10-15 minutes. If using traditional foot bath tools, you need to test the water temperature before soaking to adjust accordingly, do not soak your feet in too hot water because in addition to causing skin burns, your body will sweat a lot before sleeping. , this is not good.
When soaking your feet, you should soak your ankles, about 2cm above the ankles. This is a mandatory rule to follow when soaking your feet because at the ankles there are 3 yang meridians (tuc thieu yang: phlegm, tuc yang minh: taste, tuc yang: bladder); 3 Yin meridians (tuc Thai yin: Pi, Tuc Thieu Yin: Kidney, Toc Decisive Yin: Can); At the same time, it is also the place where there are many acupressure points, so that the water must flood the ankles for the medicine to act on the acupuncture points, the meridians, the can, the spleen, the kidneys, the bladder, the meridians, the meridians, and the qi. Blood in this meridian circulates from there to affect the whole body.
With the benefit of soaking your feet in hot water to sleep easily, many people apply this method. However, if you are an elderly person or a child, you need someone to help you because these people have difficulties in the process of mixing water and are prone to accidents while soaking their feet. Need to follow up to promptly handle and support any time your loved one needs help.

How good is it to soak your feet in hot water before sleeping? (2)

3. Ways to soak your feet to avoid

Absolutely do not soak your feet within 30 minutes after a meal. Because at this time, the body needs to focus blood to the digestive system to help absorb food most effectively. If you soak your feet at this time, which will cause blood to flow to your feet, it will affect the body's ability to absorb, long-term causing nutrient deficiencies, possibly causing malnutrition.
The temperature of the foot bath should be between 40 and 50 degrees Celsius, too hot water should not be used. Because the temperature of the foot bath is too high, it both causes damage to the feet and increases the size of the blood vessels of the feet, affecting the body's circulatory distribution, which has a bad effect because the blood is not concentrated for the body. vital organs such as the heart, lungs, and brain.
Do not soak your feet for too long. If you soak your feet for more than 20 minutes, it will also disrupt the body's circulation. In addition, in the winter, if the foot bath is too long, it causes dry skin and itching.
Do not soak your feet during menstruation because at this time the body is tired and losing blood. Prioritize blood flow to the uterus to limit and ease menstrual pain.
After soaking your feet, you shouldn't sleep immediately, but you need to dry them and wait for your feet to equilibrate with body temperature.

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How good is it to soak your feet in hot water before sleeping? (2024)


Does soaking your feet in hot water help you sleep? ›

Soaking your feet in warm water is good for relaxation. It can help you fall asleep easier because warm water can stimulate blood circulation.

What are the benefits of soaking feet at night? ›

A lower core temperature coupled with a higher distal (hands and feet) temperature before sleep are associated with shorter sleep latency and better sleep quality. A warm footbath is thought to facilitate heat dissipation to improve sleep outcomes.

How long should you soak your feet at night? ›

Foot soaks should not last longer than 20 minutes, and be sure to dry the feet thoroughly when finished. Applying some moisturizer after drying will help prevent drying out the feet. If you live with diabetes, or have dry, cracked skin foot soaks should be avoided altogether.

How often should you soak your feet in hot water? ›

Soak your feet for 30 to 60 minutes twice a week. For an aromatherapy boost, consider adding a few drops of diluted lavender, peppermint, or eucalyptus essential oil to your foot bath. Moisturize your feet thoroughly after soaking them.

How can I hydrate my feet overnight? ›

At night, apply a heavy moisturizing cream, a foot cream or a thin layer of petroleum jelly to your feet and wear cotton socks to lock in the moisture and keep your sheets clean.

Does soaking feet in hot water help blood circulation? ›

Soaking parts of the body into the warm water can improve circulation, reduce edema, and improve muscle relaxation, which leads to blood pressure drop.

Why do Chinese soak their feet? ›

Foot Baths are an Ancient Chinese practice of soaking your feet in hot water and herbs before bed each night. It is believed to have many health benefits, that of which change with the seasons. In Spring, foot baths tone the Yang (energy), and prevent the depletion of Qi (life force).

Is it good to massage your feet every night? ›

Just like your neck, back, and shoulders, your feet can also benefit from a regular rubdown. Foot massage improves circulation, stimulates muscles, reduces tension, and often eases pain. It also gives you a chance to check out your feet so you can get a jump on treating blisters, bunions, corns, and toenail problems.

Are hot foot soaks good for you? ›

Soaking and cleansing your feet in hot water reduces inflammation and stimulates circulation, bringing congested blood to the dilated vessels in the feet and lower legs. This helps to prevent blood clots.

What is the best time for foot soak? ›

The best time to soak your feet is around 9pm during Pericardium/Heart Protector time when we should start to really relax and let go of the day's troubles. Relaxing during the Pericardium time is not only what is in tune with nature, but also a great way to release anxiety and ensure a peaceful night's sleep.

What are the benefits of soaking in hot water? ›

Not only does a warm bath make the blood flow easier, it also makes it more oxygenated by allowing you to breathe deeper and slower, particularly when taking in steam. Taking a hot bath or spa can kill bacteria and improve immunity. It can relieve the symptoms of cold and flu.

Is it OK to soak your feet every night? ›

An Epsom salt foot soak can dry out the feet, so it is best not to do it every night. Try soaking the feet once or twice a week to make sure it does not cause dryness. Always end your foot soak with moisturizer! Be sure to purchase Epsom salts and foot soaks intended for human use.

Why put Vaseline on your feet overnight? ›

Use an Overnight Treatment – Vaseline® Jelly can be used as an effective overnight cosmetic treatment for dry, cracked feet and heels as it helps create a sealing barrier, locking in the essential moisture your feet need to repair themselves .

Is it good to moisturize your feet before bed? ›

Pay close attention to moisturizing your hands and don't forget your feet – an area that's often overlooked. Overnight is a great time to easily get some much-needed moisture to these often-neglected areas. Depending on your sleep schedule, you have perhaps seven to eight hours to effectively treat the dry skin.

Does hot feet mean poor circulation? ›

Hot feet are sometimes associated with poor circulation. To improve blood circulation in your feet, try the following: Wear comfortable shoes throughout the day. Wear circulation-friendly gel inserts in your shoes.

How long to soak feet to lower blood pressure? ›

Time for each soak should be done for about 30 minutes and twice a day. The best time to soak your feet in hot water is around 10am or before going to bed at night. In addition to helping to regulate blood pressure, soaking your feet at night also helps you have a better and deeper sleep.

What are the symptoms of poor circulation in the feet? ›

People with poor circulation may notice their feet feel cold or numb. They may also notice discoloration. The feet may turn red, blue, purple, or white. These symptoms may worsen in certain situations, such as when a person sits still for long periods of time or goes outside in cold weather.

What are the disadvantages of soaking feet in hot water? ›

If you soak your feet for more than 20 minutes, it will also disrupt the body's circulation. In addition, in the winter, if the foot bath is too long, it causes dry skin and itching.

What foot soak removes toxins? ›

A Salt Detox Bath

Epsom salt is one of the best solutions for eliminating toxins. Placing one cup of Epsom salt, one cup of sea salt, and two cups of baking soda into boiling water allows them to dissolve completely. Once the mixture cools to a temperature you can withstand, it's time to place the feet into it.

What do Japanese soak their feet in? ›

Filled with hot water, ashiyu are actually onsen for your feet! That's why they are usually found in spa towns, close to places that attract crowds such as parks and train stations. The relaxing virtues of these foot baths are as widely known as those of their larger hot spring counterparts.

Which oil to apply on feet before sleeping? ›

Applying warm coconut oil to your feet before you go to bed is a great habit. This will offer your feet sufficient moments to revitalise and soak up the oil.

What oils on feet for sleep? ›

"If you're having trouble falling asleep, we always recommend applying calming essential oils like lavender or Jatamansi to the soles of the feet or frankincense to keep you healthy." Anyone else itching to take their socks off? If you're feeling sleepy, these are the energizing essential oils you should keep on hand.

What are the benefits of heating feet? ›

  • Comfort. Foot warmers provide great comfort and the heat generated gives great relaxing effects on the nerves and muscles. ...
  • Improves Blood Circulation. ...
  • Speeds Up Healing. ...
  • Dissolves Toxins. ...
  • Reduces Muscle Spasms.
Aug 16, 2021

Is it better to soak your feet in hot or cold water? ›

Hot water may be better if you've been experiencing the pain for more than four weeks. Whereas cold water is best for managing acute pain, beyond the acute phase, hot water is preferable. In some instances of chronic pain, a contrast bath involving warm and cold water may be what even works.

What is the best thing to put in water to soak your feet? ›

You can make an Epsom foot bath by adding one cup of Epsom salts to a tub of warm water. Soak your feet in this mixture for around twenty minutes for relief.

How long should you soak in hot water? ›

If the water temperature is between 100°F and 102°F, a 15-30 minute soak is fine for a healthy adult. At 104°F, you'll want to limit your soak to 15-20 minutes. While there is no hard and fast rule, listen to what your body is telling you. If you begin to feel uncomfortable, it's time to get out.

Can taking a bath at night lower blood pressure? ›

We evaluated the changes after bathing in each group. For all subjects combined, the evening home blood pressure measured after bathing (114.0+/-17.1/69.4+/-10.9 mmHg) was significantly lower than the value before bathing (116.3+/-17.1/70.7+/-11.2 mmHg). However, there was no difference in heart rate.

Does warm feet make you sleepy? ›

Lower body temperatures usually precede sleepiness, and evidence suggests that utilizing socks or other foot warming methods may lower your core body temperature and help you fall asleep faster.

What are the benefits of putting your feet in hot water? ›

Soak your feet for 15 to 20 minutes once a week.
It also has more specific uses like:
  • Reduces and prevents athlete's foot.
  • Loosens skin to remove splinters.
  • Treats toenail fungus.
  • Soothes pain from sprains and bruises‌
  • Eases gout pain and discomfort.
Jun 22, 2021

How do you sleep with hot feet? ›

Sleep with your feet out of the covers. Place a small fan at the end of your bed. Fill a hot water bottle with ice water and place it near your feet. Keep a pair of socks in the fridge or freezer and put them on before going to bed.

Why shouldn't we wear socks while sleeping? ›

The one downside to wearing socks while you sleep is overheating. If you do overheat or feel too hot, kick off your socks or leave your feet outside your blanket.

Why should you wear socks to bed? ›

Research suggests that wearing socks to bed can help people not only fall asleep faster, but sleep longer and wake up fewer times throughout the night. One study found that young men wearing socks fell asleep 7.5 minutes faster, slept 32 minutes longer, and woke up 7.5 times less often than those not wearing socks.

Does hot feet mean good circulation? ›

Hot feet are sometimes associated with poor circulation. To improve blood circulation in your feet, try the following: Wear comfortable shoes throughout the day. Wear circulation-friendly gel inserts in your shoes.

How can I improve blood circulation in my feet? ›

Here are 7 quick tips to improve blood circulation in the legs and feet:
  1. Walking. Walking is the simplest yet most effective exercise to help improve blood circulation in your legs. ...
  2. Stretching exercises. ...
  3. Different sitting positions. ...
  4. Compression stockings. ...
  5. Yoga. ...
  6. A massage. ...
  7. Sauna bath.
Feb 7, 2022

What happens when you heat your feet? ›

Having warmer feet opens up the blood vessels in them to allow more efficient blood flow and help your body to redistribute heat all around it. In turn, this helps you to sleep better, bring back your energy and generally take better care of yourself to stay comfortable, fit and well.

What happens when you warm your feet? ›

“By making your feet warmer, you're opening up blood vessels to help cool down the rest of the body,” notes Dr. Drerup. “So increasing the blood circulation to your feet results in a lower core temperature. It seems counterintuitive, but that's what happens.”

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.