How Do You Know If You Have Gypsy Ancestry? (2024)

Many people have stories handed down from relatives telling them about their Gypsy or Rom heritage. Unfortunately, there aren’t always historical records or genetic studies to accompany these stories. So, how can people know if they truly have Gypsy blood and where exactly their places of origin are? It’s true, according to historians,that Gypsies traveled from the Indiansubcontinent and into Europe around the year 1500. Although many Gypsy people preferred to intermarry with other Gypsy groups exclusively, it often happened that Gypsies mixed with localpopulations.

Today, the result is often a genetic mix of origins with many people having traces of Gypsy ancestry. Do you have any Gypsy ancestors? Fortunately, it’s now easier than ever to findout.

Companies like offer convenient DNA testing kits that can tell you exactly what ethnicities you are whether you’re Hungarian Gypsy, European Roma or English Gypsy. Today’s tests are incredibly precise and can denote specific locations regarding places of origin, such as Eastern Europe or Western Europe. Here, we’ll discuss how to determine if you have Gypsy ancestry indetail.

Will My Test Say Rom or GypsyAncestry?

Being of Rom descent is more difficult for testing sites to list than someone who is say Irish from the Kerry region. Why is that? Gypsies have long been shrouded in mystery, but even as DNA helps unravel their places of origin and the routes they’ve traveled, there isn’t exactly a listing for someone who is Gypsy. In fact, if a person has Gypsy blood, many of the DNA tests will indicate South Asian ancestry as well as Middle Eastern ancestry and then, perhaps, European ancestry such as Hungarian, Bulgaria, Swedish, or Portuguese, but it might be anymix.

In such cases, the individual may need to do a bit more genetic testing to determine if that mix of ethnicities represents their Rom ancestry, which it so oftendoes.

As the Romany people left the lands of India, they moved into the Middle East. Often facing persecution, they continued moving Westward. Many Roma people settled in the Balkans, continuing their way of life. Others traveled as far west as the UK or as far north as Russia, Poland, and Baltic nations like Sweden andNorway.

Gypsies traveled, taking the DNA and genetic history that they picked up along the way with them. Consequently, it’s not uncommon for a Gypsy individual to get DNA results that reflect a mix that includes South Asian DNA, Middle Eastern DNA, and one or even several European ethnicities. If your report indicates a likely origin of Northwestern India, for example, as well as European ancestry, there’s a strong possibility of Gypsyancestry.

In Europe, for instance, genetic DNA testing has revealed a surprisingly few prototypical lines coming from that Northwestern area of India. Many of the Roma in Europe share many similar genetic markers or genetic structure even if they have different European ancestry reflected in their profiles. These links are strong genetic markers that are indicative of Romanyancestry.

Gypsy Ancestry Tracing: A Work inProgress

Some families are lucky enough to have plenty of recorded information about their ancestors. In some cases — such as royal and noble families around the world — they have extensive archives that detail the lives of each and every family member, making it easy to determine who is related to who, and where everyone comes from. Imagine what the Queen of England’s family tree lookslike!

Unfortunately, most of us don’t have access to such detailed records about our ancestors. For most of recorded history, it was impossible to simply take a genetic test and discover your exact genealogy and ethnicity, and going through archives and historical records was a time-consuming process that wasn’t available toeveryone.

Thanks to the developmentof modern genomics, you can now take a swab sample from the comfort of your own home, and simply wait a few weeks to receive your test results and discover exactly who your ancestorswere.

When genetic testing first became commercially available, it was an incredibly expensive endeavor that was simply out of reach for most people. Thankfully, genetic testing has become far more affordable in recent years — in fact, you can haveyour entire genome sequenced for just a few hundred dollars nowadays. As a result, genealogical research has evolved to take genetic testing results in mind, which has allowed genealogy to become much more specialized andaccurate.

When a sample of your DNA is analyzed for genealogy purposes, the aim of the test is to find other samples that share genetic similarities with you. These similarities can be used to ascertain likely familial relationships, along with establishing the geographic location from where this DNA originated. Because gypsies or Romani populations are among those groups who are still underrepresented in DNA testing, it might be harder to track down your gypsy ancestry, but luckily since DNA tests are more readily available, we will be able to fine tune our results and broaden ourresearch.

Overall, all types of genealogy DNA tests look for similarities between your DNA and the DNA that is contained in current genetic databases to establish who you may be related to. However, the function of these tests varies depending on the types of DNA that theyexamine.

How Accurate are DNA Tests forGenealogy?

The answer is… it depends. The testing processes themselves are highly accurate — however, the thoroughness of your individual results can depend on other factors. Like we previously mentioned, genealogy genetic testing works by comparing DNA samples to pre-existing genetic databases. Since different testing companies can have different databases or use different matching algorithms, your ethnicity estimates could vary depending on the provider youuse.

It’s also important to note that the reliability of your results will largely depend on the depth of the reference database that the company uses. For individuals who belong to a small ethnic group (Romanian, Slovakia, South Asia, Indian) with a smaller range of genetic variants in the DNA, it can be difficult to determine an exact familytree.

Certain ethnicities are also easier to determine since they’re more highly represented in referencedatabases.

The biggest thing to remember is that your results are only going to get better with time and research and continue to monitor and track your genealogy to give you the answers youwant.

Going Back Further inTime

You need to be a bit of a genealogical detective and do some research. In Europe, a person today could have South Asian and Middle Eastern ancestry and not be related to Romany people. While those ethnicities coupled with European descent provide a big hint, it’s still not definitive. So, what else can you do to determine if you have Gyspyancestry?

You can take tests that include more ancient paternal and maternal findings. This will provide a more comprehensive picture of your ancestry, taking you back further than six generations. Also, when you take a test with a company like, which has the largest ancestry report database, you can determine if your genes match those in groups that have strong Gypsy markers. Forinstance, statistical analysis of haplogroup and haplotype diversities can shed light on your ancestry. They can also help determine pooling populations and migrating populations. The Gypsy population, of course, are famous for their migrations; analysis demonstrates where specific Gypsy markers in the genome actually migrated to places throughoutEurope.

How Do You Know If You Have Gypsy Ancestry? (1)

Therefore, with a more robust genetic report, you can have an easier time tracing Gypsy ancestry if you happen to have any markers that suggest a link. Of course, when one speaks of Gypsies, one has to remember that there is genetic ancestry but also cultural heritage. Many people throughout the centuries have embraced the traveling way of life in spite of being of a different ethnicity—100% Irish or German or what have you. Naturally, genetic analysis will not pick up those cases, of which there are many, but when coupled with family stories, DNA does help to paint a fascinatingpicture.

How Do You Know If You Have Gypsy Ancestry? (2024)


Does Gypsy show up on DNA test? ›

Fortunately, it's now easier than ever to find out. Companies like offer convenient DNA testing kits that can tell you exactly what ethnicities you are whether you're Hungarian Gypsy, European Roma or English Gypsy.

What is the most common Gypsy surname? ›

Typical Romany surname: common ones include Cooper, Smith, Lee, Boswell, Lovell, Doe, Wood, Young and Heron.

What are some Gypsy last names? ›

Surnames are not conclusive evidence of Romany heritage, as many of them were also generally common ones, including Young, Taylor, Smith (a translation of the Romany for 'horseshoe maker,' Petulengro), Shaw/Shore, Lea/Lea/Leigh, Gray/Grey, Draper, Cooper and Boswell.

What ancestry is Gypsy? ›

Roma, singular Rom, also called Romany or Gypsies (considered pejorative), an ethnic group of traditionally itinerant people who originated in northern India but live in modern times worldwide, principally in Europe.

How do I know if I'm a Gypsy? ›

You may have Romani, Traveller or Gypsy ancestry if your family tree includes common Romani or Gypsy surnames such as Boss, Boswell, Buckland, Chilcott, Codona, Cooper, Doe, Lee, Gray (or Grey), Harrison, Hearn, Heron, Hodgkins, Holland, Lee, Lovell, Loveridge, Scamp, Smith, Wood and Young.

What features do Gypsies have? ›

In comparison with other studied groups from Ukraine (mainly Ukrainians but also other minorities) Djaczenko found that Gypsies have the lowest cephalic index, the widest nose, darkest pigmentation, and the most dense beard. Generally those features are rather alien to Eastern European populations.

What blood type do Gypsies have? ›

Abstract. Blood groups in 2,935 Roms (Gypsies) of East Slovakia show the following frequencies of phenotypes and genes: A1A2BO phentopes: A1--32.91%, A2--2.42%, B--25.21%, O--30.15%, A1B--8.45%, A2B--0.85%, A1--0.2363, A2--0.0217, B--0.1929, O--0.5491.

What DNA is Gypsy? ›

Genetic studies based on Y-chromosome markers and mitochondrial DNA confirmed the South Asian origin of Roma. Y-chromosome marker M82 (H1a) and mtDNA haplogroups M5a1, M18 and M35b, which are characteristics of South Asian ancestry, are typical in Roma populations [8, 9].

What religion is a Gypsy? ›

Most Eastern European Roma are Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or Muslim. Those in Western Europe and the United States are mostly Roman Catholic or Protestant. In southern Spain, many Roma are Pentecostal, but this is a small minority that has emerged in contemporary times.

What nationality is Gypsy? ›

81.6% of people from the Gypsy or Irish Traveller ethnic group were born in England, and 6.1% in the other countries of the UK. 3.0% were born in Ireland and 8.3% were born somewhere else in Europe (other than the UK and Ireland). Less than 1.0% of Gypsy or Irish Traveller people were born outside of Europe.

What happens when a Gypsy dies? ›

For Romany Gypsies, on the final day the body of the deceased is taken to the cemetery to be buried. On the way they will pass certain landmarks that mean something to that person, stopping at each location to allow the deceased time to connect with those places before finally arriving at their final resting place.

What is a nickname for Gypsy? ›

Pikey (/ˈpaɪkiː/; also spelled pikie, pykie ) is a slang term, which is pejorative and considered by many to be a slur. It is used mainly in the UK to refer to people who are of the Traveller community, a set of ethno-cultural groups found primarily in Great Britain and Ireland.

What language do Gypsies speak? ›

Romani, the common language of the Roma, the Sinti, the Kale and other European popula- tion groups summarised by the pejorative denomination gypsies, belongs to the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European language family and is the only New-Indo-Aryan language spo- ken exclusively outside of the Indian subcontinent.

What do Gypsies call non Gypsies? ›

A gorger is a Romani word for a non-Romani person.

What is a Gypsy spirit? ›

Gypsy Soul Meaning

A Gypsy Soul is a woman who is full of energy and wants to live life in her own terms. To some extent she is child-like. She is happy in her own world because she knows how to live! Because life is a golden chance for her she uses it well.

What is a Gypsy heart? ›

For me, a Gypsy Heart is a heart or soul that is wild, free, loves fiercely but with walls up, adventurous, daring, old, young, and so much more.

What are the two types of Gypsy? ›

The two groups of Gypsy Americans about whom scholars know the most are the Rom and the Romnichals. Many of the Rom came to the New World from Russia or Eastern or Central Europe; the Romnichals came from Great Britain.

What makes a woman a Gypsy? ›

One of the Oxford English Dictionary definitions of Gypsy is, 'term for a woman, as being cunning, deceitful, fickle, or the like … In more recent use merely playful, and applied esp. to a brunette.

Do Gypsies believe in God? ›

"Gypsy people and travelling people have a very strong faith. Every one of them believes in God through Jesus Christ," says Billy Welch. He's the organiser of the famous Appleby Horse Fair, in Cumbria, one of the most important events in the Gypsy and traveller calendar.

What's it mean to be a Gypsy? ›

/ˈdʒɪp·si/ a member of a group of people who travel from place to place esp. in Europe and who originally came from northern India, or anyone who travels often and does not live in one place for long. (Definition of Gypsy from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Can Romani have blue eyes? ›

"Most Roma have brown hair and eyes, but there are many blond Roma with blue eyes," said Juan Gamella, a social anthropologist at the University of Granada in Spain.

Are Gypsies Caucasian? ›

Although Gypsies and Travellers are obviously White, they are seen as not being White enough, not an acceptable shade of Whiteness, not a group that conforms to society's rules of acceptance by contributing to society by going to work and paying taxes and sending their children to school.

What race has the rarest blood type? ›

Most rare blood type by ethnicity

African American: 0.3% AB-negative, 1% B-negative, and 2% A-negative. Latin American: 0.2% AB-negative, 1% B-negative, and 2% both A-negative and AB-positive. Asian: 0.1% AB-negative, 0.4% B-negative, and 0.5% A-negative. Caucasian: 1% AB-negative, 2% B-negative, and 3% AB-positive.

Are Gypsies Arab? ›

While there is no evidence that the Gypsies were Arabs who migrated to India, there is much historical and linguistic evidence of their Indian roots and movement to Persia, as well as later relocations to and within Europe and the Middle East.

Do Gypsies have Indian ancestry? ›

European Romani probably originated from northern and northwestern India. Genetic analysis suggests that, after leaving India, Romani ancestors interbred with local populations on the way to the Balkans before beginning to spread throughout Europe around 900 years ago.

Are Gypsies a race or ethnicity? ›

Romany Gypsies and Irish Travellers are legally recognised as ethnic groups, and protected from discrimination by the Race Relations Act (1976, amended 2000) and the Human Rights Act (1998).

What does a Gypsy do for a living? ›

Gypsies don't have a permanent home because their life is more on traveling, because of this, it is impossible for them to have a job at the office and make a lot of money. Most gypsies settle making money by looking for temporary jobs like gardeners, nail artists, and painters.

Do Gypsy marry their cousins? ›

It's not uncommon for Romanichal gypsies to marry their first cousins. A traveller bride from the United States recently revealed how she left her drunk husband on their wedding day and ran off with her own cousin.

What is typical Gypsy food? ›

Typical Romani foods include wild game and birds, potatoes, rice and vegetables such as onions, swedes and cabbage. These foods tend to be prepared as stews, or fried and are highly seasoned with ground black pepper and hot chili peppers.

How old is the Gypsy race? ›

A 2004 study by Morar et al. concluded that the Romani population "was founded approximately 32–40 generations ago, with secondary and tertiary founder events occurring approximately 16–25 generations ago".

Are Gypsies Irish or Scottish? ›

Scottish Gypsies/Travellers are indigenous to Scotland. Their exact origins are uncertain, but it is thought that they may be descended from the Picts, and/or the scattering of the clans following the Battle of Culloden in 1746.

Are Gypsies Irish or Romanian? ›

They are often incorrectly referred to as "Gypsies", but Irish Travellers are not genetically related to the Romani, who are of Indo-Aryan origin.
Irish Travellers.
An lucht siúil Mincéirí
Irish Travellers in 1954
Regions with significant populations
Ireland30,987 (2016)
5 more rows

What is a black blood Gypsy? ›

True Romany Gypsies were regarded as being of the pure “black blood” and the word “black” was regularly used as a compliment, particularly in people's names, meaning a gypsy of the purest type.

What age can a Gypsy get married? ›

At the same time both qualitative and quantitative studies show a steady trend of gradual increase in the marriageable age and age at first child birth among Roma, and today most of the Romani females get married after reaching the lawful age of 18.

What age does a Gypsy girl get married? ›

Within the Traveller or Gypsy communities, the teenagers marry at a very young age. The average marriageable age for girls and boys is around 15 and 17 respectively. One major rule is that they are only allowed to marry other gypsies.

What are Gypsy girl names? ›

1. Romany Gypsy Girl Names
  • Vadoma: Vadoma is probably the Romany feminine form of the Russian name Vadim. ...
  • Roma: Save. ...
  • Charity: Charity is one of the three abstract virtue names along with Faith and Hope, but this one isn't used much. ...
  • Florence: ...
  • Lavinia: ...
  • Ethelinda: ...
  • Kezia: ...
  • Gypsy:
25 Nov 2022

How many different types of Gypsy are there? ›

The term 'Gypsies and Travellers' is difficult to define as it does not constitute a single, hom*ogenous group, but encompasses a range of groups with different histories, cultures and beliefs including: Romany Gypsies, Welsh Gypsies, Scottish Gypsy Travellers and Irish Travellers.

What is the opposite of Gypsy? ›

What is the opposite of gypsy?

What words do Gypsies use? ›

Here are six such words including their meaning found in regional dialects in England with their Romany historical links explained.
  • Wonga. This is a word considered slang according to many online dictionaries. ...
  • Chav. ...
  • Cushty. ...
  • Chingering. ...
  • Pal. ...
  • Peeved.
5 May 2022

Do Gypsy children have to go to school? ›

Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller (GRT) pupils need to attend school as regularly and as frequently as possible. School's approach to regular attendance should, however, be balanced with a sensitivity which recognises the lifestyle and cultural traditions of GRT communities.

What is the modern term for Gypsy? ›

Both Rom and Romany have been in use in English since the 19th century as an alternative for Gypsy. Romany is also spelled Romani, or Rommany.

What is the difference between a Gypsy and a Traveller? ›

What is the difference between Gypsies and Travellers? While gypsy is a generic term used to refer to wandering tribes that contain many ethnicities within themselves, travelers happen to be nomadic people belonging to Ireland and Scotland.

What does Cushty Bok mean? ›

In the Romany language of the Gypsies, Cushti Bok means “Good Luck

What is a Gypsy known for? ›

Zigeuner, the German word for Gypsy, derives from a Greek root meaning untouchable. Many Roma View This Term in the Glossary traditionally worked as craftsmen and were blacksmiths, cobblers, tinsmiths, horse dealers, and toolmakers. Others were performers such as musicians, circus animal trainers, and dancers.

Do Irish Travellers have different DNA? ›

They found that Travellers are of Irish ancestral origin but have significant differences in their genetic make-up compared with the settled community. These differences have arisen because of hundreds of years of isolation combined with a decreasing Traveller population, the researchers say.

What ethnicity are the Gypsy Sisters? ›

The Romani (also spelled Romany or Rromani /ˈroʊməni/, /ˈrɒ-/), colloquially known as the Roma, are an Indo-Aryan ethnic group, traditionally nomadic itinerants.

How many types of Gypsy are there? ›

The term 'Gypsies and Travellers' is difficult to define as it does not constitute a single, hom*ogenous group, but encompasses a range of groups with different histories, cultures and beliefs including: Romany Gypsies, Welsh Gypsies, Scottish Gypsy Travellers and Irish Travellers.

Are Gypsies Irish or Indian? ›

They are often incorrectly referred to as "Gypsies", but Irish Travellers are not genetically related to the Romani, who are of Indo-Aryan origin.
Irish Travellers.
An lucht siúil Mincéirí
Irish Travellers in 1954
Regions with significant populations
Ireland30,987 (2016)
5 more rows

Why do Irish Travellers look different? ›

The researchers found that genetic differences between Travellers and settled Irish people resulted from hundreds of years of genetic isolation on the part of the Traveller population. The findings support calls for Irish Travellers to be given their own ethnic status, lead-author Professor Gianpiero Cavalleri said.

Who are the Irish genetically closest to? ›

4 – Wales. DNA also bears great ties with Ireland, and many Irish people can trace their genetics and find Welsh roots. This, similar to the case with Scotland and England, is due to the erratic relationship between Ireland and the British Isles over the centuries.

What makes you a Gypsy in America? ›

Gypsy Americans represent family groups from England (Romnichals), Eastern Europe (the Rom, subdivided into Kalderash, Lovari, and Machvaya), Romania (Ludar), and Germany. They sometimes entered the United States after residing in other parts of the western hemisphere for a period of time.

What state has the largest Gypsy population? ›

Though the Romani population in the United States has largely assimilated into American society, the largest concentrations are in Southern California, the Pacific Northwest, Texas, Louisiana, Florida and the Northeast as well as in cities such as Chicago and St. Louis.

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