Unique Century Plant Blooms Early (2024)

You have to admit the plant looks like it’s from another time (Jurassic or Triassic) or possibly from another planet.

But no, the agave americana is definitely from Earth. It’s also known as a century plant because it only blooms once every 100 years (roughly) and then dies.

But, because Raleigh gets more rain than the plant’s usual home in the high elevations of Northern Mexico, the Century Plant is blooming after only thirty years.

The dramatic blooming of the rare plant has turned its Raleigh neighborhood into a kind of tourist attraction. But here’s the sad part.

The amazing bloom means this agave is at the end of its life cycle.

Here’s the story

“It was only two to three inches tall when we brought it home from J.C Raulston Arboretum about 25 years ago,” said Alan Tharp. “And it didn’t change a whole lot for a long time.”

The staff at the arboretum collected the seeds in Northern Mexico’s high country in 1991. The staff hoped because the agave did well in the colder temperatures of the mountains in Mexico, it might survive the colder winters here. The Arboretum gave out 180 similar agave plants.

Tharp says they planted the agave in October, 1992.

“It grew slowly at first and in its native habitat it takes 100 years to bloom which is how it gets in name,” adds Tharp. “But then it really started to grow.”

The succulent leaves at the base tower about five feet high.

More recently, a stalk started to appear from the center. It’s grown about 20 feet in five weeks. Neighbors now gather every night to check out the plant’s progress. The neighborhood is also getting used to visitors driving by to snap photos and chat.

Botanists say near the end of a century plant’s life, that center stalk can reach more than 30 feet high. And because it’s known as a “monocarpic” plant, the century plant flowers only once and then it dies.

Mother nature has future plans for the plant, however

The century plant leaves behind seeds to start a new generation. But it will be awhile before that new plant blooms.

The century plant is located on Merwin Road between Liles Road and Lorimer Road in Raleigh. The Tharp family welcomes you to drive by, but please stay on the street or the sidewalk.

Unique Century Plant Blooms Early (2024)


What is the name of the plant whose flower only blooms once? ›

Agave Americana Blooms Once Every Hundred Years

But no, the agave americana is definitely from Earth. It's also known as a century plant because it only blooms once every 100 years (roughly) and then dies.

Why is it called a century plant? ›

The succulent sends up a tall stalk of blossoms right before it dies. In the Arid Greenhouse at the Chicago Botanic Garden, Agave ocahui is known as the century plant because people used to think it flowered only once every 100 years. A more accurate estimate is that it blooms once after 25 to 30 years of growth.

Is the flower from Dennis the Menace real? ›

The flower that Mr. Wilson's fictional flora is based on is blooming in Denver, and thousands of people have flooded the Denver Botanic Gardens to catch a glimpse and a whiff. The titan arum, or corpse flower, blooms only a few times in its life, and each time it smells disgusting.

What do you do with a century plant after it blooms? ›

The agave dies after it blooms because it has dedicated all of its energy to producing the blooms, and then the seeds. Yes, after it is thoroughly dead, you will want to dig it up and dispose of it.

How long does it take for a century plant to flower? ›

A: The century plant, Agave americana, is monocarpic, meaning it will bloom once in its lifetime. That bloom may not appear for 10, 20 or more years, depending on the climate. Many species in the genus Agave flower just once, although there are a few that are repeat bloomers.

Which flower opens 7 years once? ›

Smarty Plants has found the Himalayn lily (Cardiocrinum giganteum) that flowers after seven years of growth. Here are photos of the Himalayan lily.

Which flower comes once in 12 years? ›

One of the rarest flowers in the world, the Neelakurinji blooms just once every 12 years in India's south-western state of Kerala, when it covers the hills in a violet hue.

Which flower will bloom 12 years once? ›

Neelakurinji is the flower which blooms only once in 12 years. They are found in the western ghats of South India. Q. Name this flower which blooms once in every 12 years.

Can you trim a century plant? ›

Resist pruning living leaves— it invites infection. Unfortunately, Century plant is susceptible to agave snout weevil infestation. Once the telltale wilting and death of leaves appear, it is too late to save the plant. Removal of the dead plant can be difficult due to its large size.

How long does a century plant last? ›

Although people once believed that century plants had a lifespan of 100 years, hence the name 'century', they only live for an average of 30 years. The century plant is monocarpic – it will only flower once in its lifetime, then die shortly afterward.

Can you cut back century plant? ›

The century plant can grow up to 10 feet wide and has sharp spines on the tips of its long leaves. Prune off the side leaves of the plant with a long pair of tree pruners or hedge clippers. Be careful to avoid getting any of the sap on skin or clothes.

What flowers bloom every 50 years? ›

The blooming of Trudy the corpse flower, a Sumatran plant officially called Amorphophallus titanum or titan arum, is such an unusual event that the garden puts on free shuttle buses, and visitors flock there to see it in their thousands.

How many corpse flowers are left in the world? ›

The corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum) is listed as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), with an estimation of fewer than 1,000 individuals remaining in the wild.

Is there a flower that takes 40 years to bloom? ›

Amorphophallus Titanium (Corpse Plant): The Largest Flower in the World Only Blooms Every 40 Years - Owlcation.

How long does a century plant live after blooming? ›

Characteristics. The plant's common name is a bit misleading; while many people think it means these plants live for—or bloom after—100 years, it actually matures much faster. Century plants generally take between 8 and 30 years to flower.

How long does a century plant last after it blooms? ›

The flowers of your century plant bloom and can stay alive for about one month before they start to wither and die.

How often should you water a century plant? ›

WATERING: The thick, fleshy leaves of Agave are adapted to store water. During the hot summer months, water when the top 1in of the potting mix is dry to the touch. Reduce watering in the fall, and in winter, watering about once a month is sufficient. TEMPERATURE: Plants grow best indoors in temperatures of 60–70°F.

Should you fertilize a century plant? ›

It's typically not necessary to fertilize a century plant. They do fine in sandy, nutrient-sparse soil. Like other agave species, these plants die after blooming so feeding with a fertilizer and accelerating the process only serves to shorten the plant's lifecycle.

Can you overwater a century plant? ›

Agave plants need to be watered when the soil is dry 2” inches down, and doing so more often can easily lead to overwatering. The sooner you catch an overwatering issue, the better the chance of saving your plant.

What is the name of the flower that never dies? ›

Kalanchoe integra (Never die); flowers and leaves.

Which flower blows only at night? ›

The Night-Blowing (Blooming) Cereus, which Linnæus dubbed Cactus grandiflorus, now called Selenicereus grandiflorus, begins the fourth and final canto of Darwin's poem, The Botanic Garden (1791).

What flower only blooms 24 hours? ›

The super-rare corpse flower, also known as the titan arum plant, is showing signs of blooming. It's extra special because the bloom typically lasts about 24 hours, and it only happens every few years.

What is 11th flower? ›

Flower is the main reproductive part of the plant. It is made up of four whorls and out of them two outer whorls are the calyx and corolla. The inner two whorls are androecium or the male part of the flower and gynoecium or the female part of the flower.

Which is the rarest flower? ›

The Middlemist's Red camellia is considered the rarest flower in the world. Only two known examples are believed to exist, one in New Zealand and another one in England. The plant was brought from China to England in 1804 by John Middlemist.

Which plant takes almost 100 years to flower and then dies? ›

The century plant in the genus Agave, some terrestrial bromeliads of the genus Puya, Tillandsia utriculata, some yuccas, and many bamboos can take 8 to 20 years or in the case of some bamboos even over 100 years to bloom and then die.

What flower blooms for one day and then dies? ›

A MORNING Glory flower blooms only once, and dies the same day. The flowers blossom in the morning and die by mid-afternoon, making it reputedly representative of the beautiful but fleeting nature of love.

What is the longest lasting blooming flower? ›

Its name is Anthurium and is often called the world's longest blooming plant. Each heart-shaped flower spike can last up to eight weeks. The largest genus of the Arum family, Anthurium andraeanum is commonly known as Tail Flower (the Greek word for tail flower), Flamingo Flower, Painter's Palette or Laceleaf.

Are century plants rare? ›

While century plants are common throughout Texas, it is rare for them to reach such an impressive size before flowering. Once it has flowered, the plant will die. The plants are monocarpic, meaning they only live to produce flowers once and die once they flowers.

How fast does the stalk of a century plant grow? ›

Century plants in bloom, with their lofty flower spike, grow a couple feet each day and reach more than 20 feet high. The blooms are amazing to see, if you are lucky enough to come across one.

Do century plants have babies? ›

You are correct, once a Century Plant has put on its spectacular bloom, the whole plant then dies. The little offshoots, or "pups," are the plant's attempt to propagate itself. The pups should be separated from the adult plant as soon as possible.

How cold can a century plant get? ›

Cold hardy to approx. 18°F. Agave americana/American Agave/Century Plant 6'-10' x 13' Zone 8 Gray to gray-blue leaves, produces offsets readily. A large Agave, so give it some room!

What does a century plant smell like? ›

While the century plant isn't 100 years old, Lemon believes it's about 50 years old. But it's the flowers that have a distinctive and rather unpleasant smell — pungent was the word Lemon used to describe it.

Do you cut off dead agave leaves? ›

Only dead or dying leaves should be removed from agaves (Figure 11).

Which plant gives 12 months flower? ›

Peace lilies

The peace lily is a lovely flower that grows in tropical climates. They are also known as "snowdrops" because they look like snowflakes because of the white blooms.

What should I plant for continuous blooming? ›

Include spring blooming bulbs like grape or Spanish hyacinth, ixia, sparaxis or Camas lilies, and summer bloomers such as gladiolas or lilies. In summer the tall bulbs rise through perennials foliage, look stunning, and will add much color and interest.

What happens if you touch a corpse flower? ›

When you touch the spadix of a corpse flower, it feels almost human, full of blood, and you might expect to feel your hand pulse at its heartbeat.

Which flower is smell like rotten meat? ›

Rafflesia. Flowers of plants in the genus Rafflesia (family Rafflesiaceae) emit an odor similar to that of decaying meat. This odor attracts the flies that pollinate the plant.

What is the biggest flower? ›

The flower with the world's largest bloom is the Rafflesia arnoldii. This rare flower is found in the rainforests of Indonesia. It can grow to be 3 feet across and weigh up to 15 pounds! It is a parasitic plant, with no visible leaves, roots, or stem.

Is there a flower that blooms every 7 years? ›

The corpse flower is one of the largest unbranched flowering plants in the world and blooms once every 7-10 years.

What is the most forgotten flower? ›

Grandmothers and grandfathers with a green thumb might remember it: the Scabiosa. A special flower, which until recently, had been forgotten. The Scabiosa, also known as 'pincushion flower', was grown from seed, had medium size flowers with a delicate stem and grew mostly in blue tones.

What is the earliest blooming flower? ›

Crocus. Technically a "corm" (not a bulb), some crocus can bloom almost as early as snowdrops. Crocus appear in a variety of colors and sizes depending on the cultivar. There's virtually no care needed for crocus.

How does century plant reproduce? ›

This species produces seed, but it mainly reproduces itself vegetatively via suckers which allow it to spread laterally and can form very large and dense colonies over time. Young plants produced in this manner can be dispersed downstream during floods. The seeds are also dispersed by both wind and water.

How often does a century plant bloom in Florida? ›

Unfortunately for these airborne critters, the plant only blooms once a lifetime, although it doesn't usually take a full century. Most of the six species found in Florida take 10-50 years to develop the blooms then die, leaving behind a nearby sucker that will follow the same growth, bloom and death pattern.

How long does it take for an Agave plant to bloom? ›

What makes this agave's 80-year life span so unusual is that in nature, American agave plants usually flower after about 10 to 25 years, according to the Matthaei Botanical Gardens. Why the plant flowers when it does is just another of nature's many mysteries.

How does a century plant propagate? ›

Propagating Century Plants

Like other agave species, century plants are most easily propagated from offsets. Also known as pups, these clones of the parent plant can easily be separated and planted independently. You won't need many tools, because you can pull away the pups from the parent plant by hand in most cases.

How often should I water my century plant? ›

WATERING: The thick, fleshy leaves of Agave are adapted to store water. During the hot summer months, water when the top 1in of the potting mix is dry to the touch. Reduce watering in the fall, and in winter, watering about once a month is sufficient. TEMPERATURE: Plants grow best indoors in temperatures of 60–70°F.

How Long Do century plants last? ›

It does send up a pretty tall stalk with flowers, seemingly overnight, but the life span of a century plant is about 25 years, give or take a bit. After doing its duty for future century plants, it withers and dies.

Can you propagate century plant? ›


You can choose to use the already developed offshoots that a Century plant produces naturally. Or you can take matters into your own hands and propagate through seed germination or stem cuttings.

Can you stop a century plant from blooming? ›

Can You Stop an Agave Plant from Flowering? Yes, you can cut the bloom stalk from the plant as soon as it starts to grow out. However, this won't keep your agave plant alive forever. As a matter of fact, the agave plant starts to produce a bloom stalk as a mark that its life is about to end.

Should I let my agave bloom? ›

There's no stopping an agave from dying after it flowers, so you might as well enjoy the show. However, cutting off the bloom stalk often slows the process, and by doing so you won't have to deal with a tree later on.

What is the difference between an agave and a century plant? ›

The Century Plant is better known as Agave Americana or American Aloe. Although its nickname contains the word 'aloe,' Century Plant is not an aloe. In other words, all Century plants are a type of agave, but not all Agave are Century Plants.

Does agave only bloom once? ›

Agaves are often called “century plants” because they bloom only once in their lifetime. A native of the southwestern United States and Mexico, the Blue Agave has evolved to survive in barren, low-water environments.

How can I make my century plant grow faster? ›

Fertilizing. Fertilizing your century plant encourages faster maturity; and the faster it matures, the sooner it will flower and die. Since the plant can survive without fertilizer, no need to speed its maturity. However, you may opt to use organic fertilizer on young plants to encourage rooting and establishment.

How do you maintain a century plant? ›

Light and Water. The century plant requires full sun. In the event that a plant receives significant shade for a period of time, it's important to reintroduce full sun gradually over a period of up to two weeks. Abrupt exposure to full sun after growing in the shade can damage the century plant's leaves.

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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