Genshin: Is Tartaglia Worth Pulling? (Pros & Cons) – FandomSpot (2024)

Tartaglia is a top meta on-field Hydro DPS. He’s a powerful unit, but there’s still a lot to consider before pulling.

But generally: if you have time to learn and practice his rotations, then he’s worth pulling.

Tartaglia’s strongest team – International – can easily carry you through every Spiral Abyss phase and battle content in-game. This team is a bit harder and more complicated to play, but it’s easy to learn with practice. Otherwise you’re better off pulling for another Hydro unit.

This is because International is Tartaglia’s only meta team. If you can’t draft or use this team, then he loses a lot of his value.

And there are other Hydro units that can replace him – like Xingqiu, Yelan, and Ayato. They will perform worse in International, but they’re much easier to play.

Note: This is based on meta only. If you like Tartaglia regardless of his power level, don’t let this stop you from pulling him.

Table of Contents


    • Tartaglia Strengths
      • 1. Frees Up Xingqiu
      • 2. International Team Staple
      • 3. Speedruns and Sustained DPS
      • 4. Strong Hydro Application
    • Tartaglia Weaknesses
      • 1. Hard to play
      • 2. No Other Meta Teams
      • 3. Heavy Investment
  • Are Tartaglia’s Constellations Worth Pulling?
    • C1: Foul Legacy: Tide Withholder
    • C2: Foul Legacy: Understream
    • C3: Abyssal Mayhem: Vortex of Turmoil
    • C4: Abyssal Mayhem: Hydrosprout
    • C5: Havoc: Formless Blade
    • C6: Havoc: Annihilation
  • Polar Star vs. Skyward Harp for Tartaglia
  • Thundering Pulse vs Aqua Simulacra for Tartaglia
  • Is Amos’ Bow Good for Tartaglia?
  • How Important is 4-piece Heart of Depth?

Pros & Cons

  • Frees up Xingqiu, and lets you use him in your other Abyss team.
  • Lets you play the International team.
  • Good for both speedruns and sustained DPS.
  • Strongest Hydro application in-game.
  • Hard to play. Requires you to have a good understanding of his teams and rotations.
  • Only has 1 top meta team – International.
  • Requires you to build or invest in other DPS units aside from himself.

Tartaglia Strengths

1. Frees Up Xingqiu
Genshin: Is Tartaglia Worth Pulling? (Pros & Cons) – FandomSpot (1)

Hydro is a very strong and contested element.

It’s at the center of most meta teams, like vaporize, freeze, and electro-charged teams.

Xingqiu is a 4-star Hydro unit that can fit into all of these teams – thus also making him a highly contested unit.

Tartaglia has the benefit of effectively replacing Xingqiu in vaporize teams with Xiangling. This basically lets you use Xingqiu in another team that needs a Hydro unit.

Plus, Tartaglia is a sizable upgrade from Xingqiu against AOE.

2. International Team Staple
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The International team is easily among the strongest teams in-game. This team is composed of Tartaglia, Bennett, Xiangling, and Kazuha/Sucrose.

Aside from Tartaglia, these are characters you likely already have – thus making it easily accessible if you pull for him.

International mainly excels against AOE, but it’s also great against single-target. Its strength can make light work of every Spiral Abyss floor and battle content.

3. Speedruns and Sustained DPS
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Tartaglia has both a powerful burst and elemental skill.

His burst has among the highest multipliers in-game. And at the start of every International team rotation, you can vaporize his burst – which effectively doubles its damage.

This is great for speedruns and against content that has multiple waves.

In speedruns, Tartaglia’s nuke burst can deal a significant amount of damage that one-shots opponents.

And against content with multiple waves, his burst can one-shot the first wave of opponents. For the following waves, he’ll then switch to his elemental skill to deal sustained DPS.

Tartaglia easily deals both nuke and sustained DPS every International team rotation.

4. Strong Hydro Application
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Not every attack applies an element. Instead, attacks have an Internal Cooldown or ICD. This is the time or number of hits between attacks that apply an element.

Most abilities follow the Standard ICD of 2.5s or every 3 hits – this includes Tartaglia’s elemental skill.

However, his Riptide has a separate ICD from his elemental skill’s Hydro infusion. This basically means that he applies double the amount of Hydro.

Tartaglia’s strong Hydro application lets him enable multiple vaporize reactions.

He can effectively enable vaporize for Xiangling’s burst, Xiangling’s Guoba, and Kazuha’s burst – thus all of these attacks gain the 1.5x damage multiplier from vaporize.

Strong Hydro application also means that he’s especially great against shield-breaking.

Tartaglia’s melee stance can easily shred Pyro shields – namely Pyro Abyss Mages and Pyro Abyss Lectors.

Tartaglia Weaknesses

1. Hard to play
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A common misconception against Tartaglia is his long skill cooldown.

Staying on his melee stance for too long will result in a longer cooldown, but this isn’t a major problem.

The International team has very strict but smooth rotations. The entirety of Tartaglia’s cooldown is effectively spent by other teammates, so it isn’t an issue.

Still, this requires you to have a good understanding of the team and its rotations.

Without it, this team can feel very bad to play. For instance, you can lack energy for your Xiangling or greatly extend Tartaglia’s skill cooldown. This can be an issue for most players.

International is a very strong team, but its damage output greatly depends on your mechanical skill and knowledge.

2. No Other Meta Teams
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International is Tartaglia’s only top meta team.

He works in Taser (electro-charged teams), but it’s generally not recommended. There are far better Hydro units for this team.

So if you don’t plan on using him in International, he loses a lot of value – to the point that he simply isn’t worth pulling in that case.

3. Heavy Investment
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In all of Tartaglia’s teams, he’s not the only one dealing damage.

For instance, he often shares the same amount of team DPS contribution with Xiangling in the International team.

This means that you need to build DPS units aside from Tartaglia – or else it’s a damage loss.

Building characters is very expensive and time-consuming. This can be an issue for early-game players or those with lesser resources.

Are Tartaglia’s Constellations Worth Pulling?

Genshin: Is Tartaglia Worth Pulling? (Pros & Cons) – FandomSpot (8)

Tartaglia has decent constellations, although he’s already very functional at C0. If you’re still going to pull for constellations, C1 is a good place to stop – but it’s still not needed.

C1 is a decent quality-of-life buff that allows you to use his melee stance longer. It can also make his rotations slightly easier to play.

But if you’re already very familiar with the International team’s rotations, this constellation is insignificant. Proper rotations already solve his cooldown issues.

If you intend to pull for more constellations, here’s a more detailed look at each one.

C1: Foul Legacy: Tide Withholder

Reduces his skill cooldown by 20%.

This lengthens Tartaglia’s melee stance uptime, which is a decent damage gain – but it isn’t a significant difference.

It’s highly recommended to stop pulling for constellations here.

C2: Foul Legacy: Understream

He generates 4 energy when defeating an enemy marked by Riptide.

This constellation is very inconsistent.

Defeating multiple opponents already generates a lot of energy, thus making this constellation insignificant. And against fewer enemies – thus fewer kill counts – the energy generation isn’t noticeable.

This constellation alone isn’t worth pulling. But if you already have a C2 Tartaglia, his C3 can be worth considering.

C3: Abyssal Mayhem: Vortex of Turmoil

Increases his elemental skill talent by 3.

This increases his melee stance multipliers – which deals a sizable portion of his damage. C3 is basically just a good damage buff.

C4: Abyssal Mayhem: Hydrosprout

Riptide damage is dealt every 4s against opponents affected by Riptide.

This constellation can either be a damage loss or gain depending on its timing.

If the periodic Riptide damage steals a vaporize reaction from his burst, this is a massive damage loss. Still, it can boost his damage in other ways.

C4 further increases his Hydro application. This lets him consistently enable Hydro-related reactions even while off-field. It also enables a niche Tartaglia build for freeze teams.

Riptide’s periodic Hydro application lets him maintain the freeze status. This isn’t a recommended team comp, but it’s perfectly viable.

C5: Havoc: Formless Blade

Increases elemental burst talent by 3.

This increases his elemental burst multipliers. Since his burst also deals a decent portion of Tartaglia’s damage, this is a good damage gain.

C6: Havoc: Annihilation

Casting Tartaglia’s melee burst resets his skill cooldown.

This is mainly a quality-of-life constellation – it can essentially enable 100% uptime on his melee stance.

But without enough Energy Recharge, you’re likely to encounter energy problems. And without casting your melee burst, this constellation is useless.

Pulling for Tartaglia’s C6 simply isn’t recommended.

Polar Star vs. Skyward Harp for Tartaglia

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With proper use of its passive, Polar Star is Tartaglia’s best weapon.

It pulls ahead of all other 5-star bows by a decent margin – but not significant enough to recommend pulling for this bow.

Skyward Harp is already a really strong weapon. So if you already have it, Polar Star loses some value.

Plus, Harp is a standard 5-star weapon. This means that you can get from both the weapon and standard banner.

But still, Polar Star is a great weapon that fits most DPS bow users.

So if you want to spoil your Tartaglia a bit more, then this is a much better option than pulling for his constellations.

Thundering Pulse vs Aqua Simulacra for Tartaglia

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Aqua Simulacra outperforms Thundering Pulse by a really small margin.

Both weapons work great on Tartaglia so use whichever one you have. It’s also not recommended to pull for the other if you already have one of them.

Is Amos’ Bow Good for Tartaglia?

Genshin: Is Tartaglia Worth Pulling? (Pros & Cons) – FandomSpot (11)

Yes. It’s still a 5-star bow with a high Base ATK and good passive.

Amos’ Bow generally outperforms every 4-star option – but it’s also the worst 5-star option available.

Still, it’s perfectly viable. If you have an Amos’ Bow but no Ganyu, Tartaglia can take good care of it for you.

How Important is 4-piece Heart of Depth?

Genshin: Is Tartaglia Worth Pulling? (Pros & Cons) – FandomSpot (12)

Heart of Depth (HoD) is Tartaglia’s best artifact set – its passive is even tailor-made for him.

But the gap between this and other artifact sets isn’t significant. So it’s recommended to just use your artifacts with better stats.

For instance, a 2pc HoD and 2pc Gladiator’s Finale build with good stats will outperform a 4pc HoD build with worse stats.

To help you out, here’s a ranking of his three best artifact builds:

  1. 4-piece Heart of Depth
  2. 2-piece Heart of Depth and 2-piece ATK (Gladiator/Shimenawa/Vermillion/Echoes)
  3. 2-piece Heart of Depth and 2-piece Noblesse Oblige

For substats, it’s best to prioritize CRIT, ATK, Elemental Mastery, and Energy Recharge.

Just use the build with better mainstats and substats.

Genshin: Is Tartaglia Worth Pulling? (Pros & Cons) – FandomSpot (2024)


Is it worth pulling for Tartaglia? ›

Is Childe worth pulling in Genshin Impact? Yes, the Childe banner is worth pulling on if you want a unique Hydro character. While he may not place within the top 10 best Genshin Impact characters, his playstyle is just too much fun to pass up.

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If you're invested into this game but still need team-enabling characters, Childe is definitely a must pull for you. Here are a couple more reasons why you should pull for Childe: You like Childe's design and/or gameplay. Melee/ranged hybrid characters are too cool to pass up.

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Thanks to his unique ability set that enables both close-range and long-range combat, Hydro Bow user Childe (also known as Tartaglia) is especially powerful in almost any situation and is great as a main or sub DPS.

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After many new Hydro units, Genshin Impact's first 5-star promotional Hydro character Childe/Tartaglia still remains a viable Hydro damage dealer.

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Plus, as per Childe, she's stronger than she looks. She's the third strongest out of the eleven Harbingers.

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Childe is one of the best units in the game to take advantage of Elemental Reactions. On the other hand, Yae Miko brings a massive amount of off-field damage, especially in Dendro teams or with the right buffers. Fans can find reasons to pull either Childe or Yae Miko below.

Is Childe the best Hydro DPS? ›

Childe is best suited to the role of Main DPS due to his high ATK stats and his ability to switch between Melee and Ranged Attacks when using his Elemental Skill. When you ascend him, he also gets an increase to his Hydro DMG Bonus.

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Childe is a pretty complicated character compared to most of the Genshin Impact cast. With many other characters, you can just mindlessly spam attack, elemental skill, and elemental burst; with Childe, there's a little more cooldown management involved. That is, unless you're prepared to whale.

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Childe is a melee unit that uses a bow in Genshin Impact, and he shines most when players focus on his Normal attack. Tartaglia may wield the Bow as his weapon of choice in Genshin Impact, but he's actually a melee unit.

Is Tartaglia hard to beat? ›

While this is arguably the easiest of the boss's three phases, due to his attack speed it can be difficult to find an opening to attack him. The best time to attack Tartaglia during this phase is after he has used his hydro wave shot ability or his basic six-hit arrow combo.

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Fandom. Who should I pull for, Hu Tao or Tartaglia? If you want dps then go for hu tao. If you like Childe for some reason or like his gameplay etc etc, go for him he's not bad either.

Is Tartaglia Russian? ›

Tartaglia (Italian for "Stutterer") is a dainty character in the Commedia dell'arte. He is farsighted and with a minor stutter (hence his name; cf. Spanish tartamudear), he is usually classed as one of the group of old characters (vecchio) who appears in many scenarios as one of the lovers (innamorati).

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10/19 Qiqi

Qiqi and Tartaglia make an excellent team, with Qiqi's automated Cryo healing abilities blending easily with Tartaglia's constant melee. Players often underestimate the strength of a good healer.

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As the story progresses, the Traveler discovers that Tartaglia has ulterior motives. After being unknowingly manipulated by Zhongli and La Signora, he attempted to steal the Gnosis from Rex Lapis' false body along with as awakening the Overlord of the Vortex, Osial.

Which Genshin characters are worth pulling? ›

Nahida will definitely be the gold standard of Dendro teams. Yae Miko and Tartaglia are also two very solid 5 stars. Yae is great on Aggravate teams, and Childe is an amazing Hydro on field applicator. You could honestly wish on any of these banners and you likely won't regret it too much.

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While it may only suggest your party be at level 35, it automatically scales with your World Level. Here's how to beat Childe in this three-part battle.

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Hu Tao is designed to be a main DPS character. Childe is designed to be a sub-DPS and support character— with the only exception being a Childe “taser” team where he's the main DPS being backed up by characters like Beidou, Fischl, or Raiden Shogun.

Who should I use with Tartaglia? ›

The combination of Childe, Kazuha, Bennett, and Mona is often used to create a large number from Tartaglia's elemental burst.

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Tartaglia works best as a DPS fighter. Being as rare and as powerful as he is, there's no point in trying to fit him into the team as anything else. As one of the best fighters in the game, you want to build him for the DPS role.

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