Genshin Impact 3.1 login event: 10 free Wishes and other rewards' release date (2024)

One of the most interesting parts of Genshin Impact 3.1 is the upcoming login event that will give Travelers ten free Wishes. Technically speaking, they're ten Intertwined Fates, so they can't be used for Wanderlust Invocation. Nonetheless, they're still ten free Wishes that players can spend on any character or weapon banner.

The only requirement to get those free ten Intertwined Fates is to log in on seven separate days. This event lasts from October 14 to October 31, 2022, meaning that most Travelers have ample time to get all the rewards. The event preview doesn't specify whether it has to be seven consecutive days. Instead, it just says "Total Login Days."

Genshin Impact 3.1 Path of Gleaming Jade details: How to get 10 free Wishes

The above tweet includes the basic information related to the Path of Gleaming Jade event that Travelers starts next week. However, there are some crucial details tucked away in the HoYoLAB article, so here's a summary of the rewards:

  • Day 1: Intertwined Fate x1
  • Day 2: 80,000 Mora
  • Day 3: Intertwined Fate x2
  • Day 4: Mystic Enhancement Ore x18
  • Day 5: Intertwined Fate x2
  • Day 6: Hero's Wits x8
  • Day 7: Intertwined Fate x5

Genshin Impact players need to log in on at least seven separate days between October 14 and October 31, 2022, to get all these rewards. The only requirement is that gamers must be Adventure Rank 5 or higher to receive these gifts.

Other content to look forward to

HoYoverse has revealed some other content that Genshin Impact players may wish to know about. This includes the debut of Nilou as a playable character. Her banner hasn't officially been revealed yet, but Travelers know that the current Event Wishes end on October 14, 2022. Thus, her banner should begin roughly at the same time as the new login event (Path of Gleaming Jade).

It's worth mentioning that Albedo will have a rerun banner that runs alongside Nilou's debut one. Since these will be available around the same time as the new login event, any player hoping to get Nilou or Albedo should know that they will get an extra ten Wishes through Path of Gleaming Jade.

Genshin Impact 3.1 login event: 10 free Wishes and other rewards' release date (4)

Another thing to keep in mind is that Nilou's Story Quest should become available once her banner presents itself. The official name of her Story Quest is "Lotos Somno Chapter: Act I - To the Wise." It won't be required to own a copy of Nilou in order to attempt her Story Quest.

Key of Khaj-Nisut is a 5-star Sword that is expected to debut in the Epitome Invocation that will run alongside Nilou and Albedo's banners. Wandering Evenstar (4-star Catalyst) and Xiphos' Moonlight (4-star Sword) are also expected to be on that banner.

Besides that, there are three events that will show up in the coming days:

  • Hyakunin Ikki
  • Star-Seeker's Sojourn
  • Wind Chaser

There's plenty of content for players to look forward to in the remainder of Genshin Impact 3.1.

Poll : Do you think HoYoverse should have given away more Intertwined Fates and Primogems for Genshin Impact's 2nd Anniversary?



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Greetings, Genshin Impact enthusiasts! I'm here to provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of the upcoming Genshin Impact 3.1 Path of Gleaming Jade event, drawing upon my extensive knowledge of the game. As a seasoned player and avid follower of Genshin Impact updates, I pride myself on staying ahead of the curve and delving into the nuances of in-game events.

Now, let's dive into the details of the Path of Gleaming Jade event:

1. Login Event and Free Wishes: The highlight of the Genshin Impact 3.1 update is the login event, offering Travelers ten Intertwined Fates as rewards. It's crucial to note that these are technically Intertwined Fates, not regular Wishes, and cannot be used for the Wanderlust Invocation. However, they still represent ten opportunities to obtain characters or weapons through banners.

To qualify for these ten free Intertwined Fates, players need to log in on seven separate days. The event period spans from October 14 to October 31, 2022, providing ample time for players to claim their rewards. Importantly, the event preview does not specify consecutive logins; it simply states "Total Login Days."

2. Daily Rewards Summary: Here's a breakdown of the daily rewards for the Path of Gleaming Jade event:

  • Day 1: Intertwined Fate x1
  • Day 2: 80,000 Mora
  • Day 3: Intertwined Fate x2
  • Day 4: Mystic Enhancement Ore x18
  • Day 5: Intertwined Fate x2
  • Day 6: Hero's Wits x8
  • Day 7: Intertwined Fate x5

To unlock all these rewards, players must log in on at least seven separate days within the event period. The only prerequisite is that players must be Adventure Rank 5 or higher to receive these gifts.

3. Upcoming Characters and Banners: The Path of Gleaming Jade event coincides with the debut of Nilou as a playable character. While the specifics of her banner are yet to be officially revealed, it's expected to start around the same time as the login event. Additionally, Albedo will have a rerun banner running alongside Nilou's debut, providing players with additional opportunities for wishes.

Nilou's Story Quest, titled "Lotos Somno Chapter: Act I - To the Wise," is anticipated to become available when her banner is introduced. Players don't need to own Nilou to attempt her Story Quest.

4. Featured Weapons: A 5-star Sword named Key of Khaj-Nisut is expected to debut in the Epitome Invocation, running alongside Nilou and Albedo's banners. Other featured weapons include the 4-star Catalyst "Wandering Evenstar" and the 4-star Sword "Xiphos' Moonlight."

5. Additional Events to Anticipate: Apart from the Path of Gleaming Jade event, players can look forward to three other events in the coming days: Hyakunin Ikki, Star-Seeker's Sojourn, and Wind Chaser. These events promise more exciting content for Genshin Impact enthusiasts.

In conclusion, Genshin Impact 3.1 is packed with content, including a generous login event, new characters, banners, and enticing rewards. Stay tuned for an immersive gaming experience in the world of Teyvat!

Genshin Impact 3.1 login event: 10 free Wishes and other rewards' release date (2024)
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