Estate (2024)

Estate (1)

The Estate is a building on Orchid Island that provides flowers and generates one coin every 10 minutes with a maximum capacity of 60 coins. It is the home of June Parker and Virginia van Buren.

When starting the game the Estate holds the Photo Album, but the Album is moved to the bottom of the screen after upgrading the Estate to level 5,

Construction and Upgrades[]

The Estate is already constructed and on level 1 when starting the game, so it doesn't need to be bought in the shop like the other buildings.

Upgrade to LevelFlowers obtained (per upgrade)BricksHammersWoodPaintsCopperTimeInstant Completion (diamonds)Total flowers


The Estate's style can be changed freely. The golden facade bundle including all styles will be unlocked for free in a tutorial by Mrs Talbot.

Estate (2)

Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.

Estate (2024)


What is called an estate? ›

An estate is the economic valuation of all the investments, assets, and interests of an individual. The estate includes a person's belongings, physical and intangible assets, land and real estate, investments, collectibles, and furnishings.

What is an estate in UK? ›

Everything owned by a person who has died is known as their estate. The estate may be made up of: money, both cash and money in a bank or building society account. This could include money paid out on a life insurance policy. money owed to the person who has died.

What does the estate of a person mean? ›

The property that a person leaves behind when they die is called the “decedent's estate.” The “decedent” is the person who died. Their “estate” is the property they owned when they died. To transfer or inherit property after someone dies, you must usually go to court.

Why is it called estate? ›

The word “estate” is an English translation of the Old French word “estat,” meaning status. Now, estate is the word we use to describe owned property consisting of houses or land. It is a comprehensive version of one's property that consists of real estate.

What is an example of an estate? ›

An estate might include a home and other real estate owned by an individual, as well as valuables such as jewelry and artwork, and financial assets such as stocks and bonds. An estate may also include debt.

What is an estate after death? ›

A deceased estate comes into existence when a person dies and leaves property or a will. Such an estate must then be administered and distributed in terms of the deceased's will or, if there is no valid will, in terms of the Intestate Succession Act (Act 81 of 1987) [PDF].

Who inherits an estate in UK? ›

If there is no surviving partner, the children of a person who has died without leaving a will inherit the whole estate. This applies however much the estate is worth. If there are two or more children, the estate will be divided equally between them.

What is estate vs inheritance? ›

Estate and inheritance taxes are taxes levied on the transfer of property at death. An estate tax is levied on the estate of the deceased while an inheritance tax is levied on the heirs of the deceased.

How large is an estate? ›

Today, large houses on lots of at least several acres in size are often referred to as "estates", in a contemporary updating of the word's usage.

Who usually inherits an estate? ›

Generally, only a decedent's spouse and relatives are entitled to an inheritance. A living spouse is usually entitled to the largest share of the estate, or the entirety if a decedent had no children.

Is an estate the same as a beneficiary? ›

An estate beneficiary is someone who stands to inherit a decedent's assets; they are generally designated through a will. A trust beneficiary is someone who stands to inherit trust assets; they are designated through a trust.

What does it mean when money goes to the estate? ›

Estate administration is a legal process to settle the affairs of a person who passed away. Through this process, their debts are settled, and their assets are distributed. There may be other matters to resolve as well, such as who gets custody of their minor children.

Is there another word for estate? ›

Estate Synonyms - WordHippo Thesaurus.
What is another word for estate?
quintapiece of land
parcel of landlarge farm
rural seatholding
146 more rows

What type of word is estate? ›

estate. / (ɪˈsteɪt) / noun. a large piece of landed property, esp in the country.

How do you use the word estate? ›

Used with verbs:

"The family owns an estate in the Hamptons." "The government bought the estate in 1951." "The oldest son manages the family's estate." "He left most of his estate to charity."

What is the most common type of estate? ›

Fee Simple Estates are the most common and grant a complete interest in land (its yours to be used without conditions or limitations).

What are the two types of estates? ›

Estates in land are divided into two main classifications: freehold estates and nonfreehold estates. Freehold estates are those involving ownership, while nonfreehold estates are those involving tenants.

What are the two kinds of estate? ›

They are fee estates and life estates. The main difference between the two types of freehold estates is that one has no time limit (fee estate) and another does (life estate).

What happens to bank account when someone dies? ›

If the deceased has named a beneficiary for the account, the person named will get access to it, but only after the probate process has concluded. If the deceased did not name a beneficiary or write a will, the probate court would name an executor to manage the distribution of the money after any debts are paid.

Can I withdraw money from a deceased person's bank account? ›

In these cases, simply visit the bank with a valid ID and a certified copy of the death certificate. You will then have access to the account, allowing you to withdraw the funds as needed.

Who gets the property after death? ›

If the property's deceased owner doesn't leave behind a will, then, as per the Hindu Succession Act, 1956, the legal heirs will inherit the assets in the given order. Class-I legal heirs are given the first preference. These include close relatives such as a spouse, parents, children, and their successors.

Can I give my house to my son to avoid inheritance tax? ›

Gifting property to your children

The most common way to transfer property to your children is through gifting it. This is usually done to ensure they will not have to pay inheritance tax when you die. Inheritance tax starts at 40%.

What assets are not considered part of an estate? ›

Which Assets are Not Considered Probate Assets?
  • Life insurance or 401(k) accounts where a beneficiary was named.
  • Assets under a Living Trust.
  • Funds, securities, or US savings bonds that are registered on transfer on death (TOD) or payable on death (POD) forms.
  • Funds held in a pension plan.

Who inherits when there is no will in UK? ›

In England and Wales

The spouse inherits up to £270,000 worth of assets, all the deceased's personal possessions, half of the remainder of the estate. The other half is divided equally between the children. If any child is under the age of 18 when the person died, his or her share is held in statutory trust.

Can a beneficiary be your estate? ›

If you are the holder of a life insurance policy, you may designate an individual or your estate as the beneficiary of the policy's proceeds on your death.

Who will pay the estate tax? ›

Estate Tax is a tax on the right of the deceased person to transmit his/her estate to his/her lawful heirs and beneficiaries at the time of death and on certain transfers, which are made by law as equivalent to testamentary disposition. It is not a tax on property.

How much money can you inherit without being taxed? ›

The federal estate tax exemption shields $12.06 million from tax as of 2022 ($12.92 million in 2023). 2 There's no income tax on inheritances.

What is bigger an estate or a mansion? ›

The actual difference between a mansion and an estate trickles down to the size of the land the property sits on. While both can accommodate huge stunning homes, an estate typically has more extensive lands.

Do beneficiaries pay taxes on bank accounts? ›

Beneficiaries generally don't have to pay income tax on money or other property they inherit, with the common exception of money withdrawn from an inherited retirement account (IRA or 401(k) plan).

Who owns the biggest estate? ›

Who is the owner of the biggest house in the world. Istana Nurul Iman Palace, the official residence of the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, is the largest house in the world, spread over 2.15 million square feet.

Who is first in line for inheritance? ›

The deceased person's children would be first in line to be his or her heirs at law. If the decedent has no living children, but they have grandchildren, then their grandchildren would be next in line as heirs at law.

Who keeps the original copy of a will? ›

Most estate planning attorneys take on the responsibility of holding their clients' original wills and other documents. They do this for two reasons. First, they are often better equipped to keep the originals safe where they can be found when needed.

What happens to the property of a deceased person without a will? ›

In case a male dies intestate, i.e. without making a will, his assets shall be distributed according to the Hindu Succession Act and the property is transferred to the legal heirs of the deceased. The legal heirs are further classified into two classes- class I and class II.

How do you avoid probate? ›

The Top Three Ways to Avoid Probate
  1. Write a Living Trust. The most straightforward way to avoid probate is simply to create a living trust. ...
  2. Name Beneficiaries on Your Retirement and Bank Accounts. ...
  3. Hold Property Jointly.
2 May 2022

How is a deceased estate distributed? ›

The person who administers a deceased estate is called an 'Executor'. Once the Executor has finalised all the administration in the deceased estate, the remaining assets (after paying all the debts) will be distributed to the beneficiaries. A beneficiary can consist of either heirs and/or legatees.

What are the 3 types of beneficiaries? ›

Your beneficiary can be a person, a charity, a trust, or your estate.

What are the benefits of having an estate? ›

Estate planning minimizes the chances of family strife and ugly legal battles.
  • An Estate Plan Protects Beneficiaries. ...
  • An Estate Plan Protects Young Children. ...
  • An Estate Plan Spares Heirs a Big Tax Bite. ...
  • An Estate Plan Eliminates Family Messes.

How long does it take to payout from estate? ›

Once an executor is appointed the average time frames applicable with the estate's administration are as usually anywhere from 6 to 13 months, depending on the estate's specifics.

Do you pay taxes on money you inherit? ›

Inheritances are not considered income for federal tax purposes, whether you inherit cash, investments or property. However, any subsequent earnings on the inherited assets are taxable, unless it comes from a tax-free source.

What is a gift from an estate called? ›

Understanding Bequests

Charitable gifts after death, also known as legacy gifts, also have the power to reduce estate taxes. Not surprisingly, such bequests can be important sources of fundraising for nonprofit organizations. When the bequest is intended for a specific purpose, it is called an endowment.

What is a large estate called? ›

A large homestead in a ranch or estate usually in places where Colonial Spanish culture has had architectural influence. hacienda. manor. mansion. estate.

What is the noun of estate? ›

noun. noun. /ɪˈsteɪt/ 1(law) [countable, uncountable] all the money and property that a person owns, especially everything that is left when they die Her estate was left to her daughter.

What does estate mean in property law? ›

All the assets and liabilities of a person on death.

Why is a house called an estate? ›

In legal and financial terms, estate refers to everything of value that belongs to a person. This includes real estate (land and the buildings affixed to it), personal property (any possessions that are not attached to real estate), bank accounts, insurance policies, investments, rights, etc.

What is an estate area? ›

an area containing a large number of houses or apartments built close together at the same time: They live on/in a housing estate. Towns & regions: areas in towns & cities. anti-development. arrondissem*nt.

What does first estate mean? ›

The First Estate was the clergy, who were people, including priests, who ran both the Catholic church and some aspects of the country. In addition to keeping registers of births, deaths and marriages, the clergy also had the power to levy a 10% tax known as the tithe.

What are estates Class 9? ›

The Estates-General was an assembly comprising the clergy of the French nobles and the middle class. It was in 1614 that the Estates-General was last called. Before the French Revolution, which took place in 1789, the general assembly was recognized as the Estates-General.

What is called First estate? ›

The First Estate was the clergy, who were people, including priests, who ran both the Catholic church and some aspects of the country. In addition to keeping registers of births, deaths and marriages, the clergy also had the power to levy a 10% tax known as the tithe.

What is an estate in the French Revolution? ›

The three estates were the different classes in France at the time of the revolution, each representing a particular segment of society. The first estate was the clergy; the second estate, the nobility, and the third estate the commoners. The year was 1789, the French King Louis XVI had been on the throne for 15 years.

What assets are considered part of an estate? ›

Assets Subject to the California Probate Court

Probate assets include any personal property or real estate that the decedent owned in their name before passing. Nearly any type of asset can be a probate asset, including a home, car, vacation residence, boat, art, furniture, or household goods.

What is the 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th estate? ›

The first estate was the clergy, the second estate was the nobility, the third estate was the commoners and bourgeois, and the fourth estate was the press. The first three estates were established in the French Revolution, while the fourth estate was a term first coined in the early to mid-1800s.

What are the two types of Estates? ›

Estates in land are divided into two main classifications: freehold estates and nonfreehold estates. Freehold estates are those involving ownership, while nonfreehold estates are those involving tenants.

What are the 3 estate classes? ›

France under the Ancien Régime (before the French Revolution) divided society into three estates: the First Estate (clergy); the Second Estate (nobility); and the Third Estate (commoners).

What are 3 estates in the land? ›

The First Estate consisted of members of the Catholic Church (the clergy). The Second Estate consisted of members of the aristocracy (the nobility). The Third Estate comprised all other members of french society (the commoners).

What does estate mean in history? ›

: a social or political class. specifically : one of the great classes (such as the nobility, the clergy, and the commons) formerly vested with distinct political powers. 4. : the degree, quality, nature, and extent of one's interest in land or other property. b(1)

What were estates in history? ›

The Estates, also known as the States (French: États, German: Landstände, Dutch: Staten), was the assembly of the representatives of the estates of the realm, the divisions of society in feudal times, called together for purposes of deliberation, legislation or taxation.

How did the estates system work? ›

The Three Estates

French society comprised three Estates, the aristocracy, the clergy and the bourgeoisie and working classes, over which the King had absolute sovereignty. The First and Second Estates were exempted from most taxes.

What is not included in estate? ›

Do not include: Cars, boats or mobile homes. Real property outside of California. Property held in trust, including a living trust.

What assets are excluded from an estate? ›

Assets that won't attract estate duty
  • Retirement funds. ...
  • Living annuities. ...
  • Buy and sell assurance. ...
  • Key person assurance. ...
  • Domestic policy where your spouse is the named beneficiary.
4 Nov 2021

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