How to Grow Dense Buds Indoors? - Marijuana Investor Summit WCP2018 (2024)

As a grower, there must have been times you grew plants indoors and you never got those dense sticky buds. Discovering that your expectations of big and healthy buds have been dashed can be quite frustrating and demoralizing. However, there are very effective ways to grow dense buds and put the disappointments behind you.

Lighting, feeding, pruning, training are the most common factors that can determine how your plants can grow the dense buds you desire. Plants require excellent and equal lighting to develop well while also getting fed with the right nutrients. They also need to be pruned at the necessary stages to grow well and be trained to grow at the same pace. These factors are key to growing healthy buds.

Meanwhile, in this article, we are going to extensively discuss how to grow dense buds indoors without any hiccups. Let’s go!

Effective Ways to Grow Dense Buds Indoors

There are many effective solutions available to help you grow dense buds indoors. Below, we will discuss the most important ones and how they can be effectively utilized to get the best out of your plants

1.Correct Lighting

Plants are suckers for light, especially when they are in the flowering stage. Plants that get low light are not favored to produce much buds. The more the light, the bigger and denser the buds. However, too much light can be counterproductive and make buds develop badly and produce airy buds. Hence, it is very important that you can control your grow lights well and ensure they help your plants, not hurt them.

There are two most popular efficient grow lights for indoor growing and they include LED and HPS grow lights.

LED grow lights are very effective in achieving very dense buds. Depending on the model, you should be wary of keeping them too close to plants to prevent leaf and bud burn. On the other hand, HPS grow lights have the ideal color spectrum for quality flowering and consequently, impressive budding. They are both perfect for growing dense buds when used correctly.

Meanwhile, when thinking about lights, also take the walls into consideration. Acquire excellent reflective sheets that can spread light evenly to plants.

2.Proper Temperature

The temperature around your growing room is very important. Plants don’t fare well in the presence of excessive heat. As human beings abhor high temperature, so do plants. The temperature around plants must be moderate to make them more productive. Lights are also big contributory factors so you should ensure you acquire grow lights that are perfect for your grow room or grow tent size.

Hot temperature in the flowering stage can cause your plants to produce loose buds which you definitely don’t want. Temperature is much easier to control indoor and you should ensure the room is conditioned to keep heat under control. A digital thermometer can also come in handy and help you determine the temperature of the grow room. Hence, your plants are kept safe and productive.


Buds mostly form at the plant’s nodes where a branch or leaf grows off the stalk. As a plant grows larger, more nodes appear, giving more locations for buds to grow. However, more nodes don’t translate into more and denser buds. This is because most buds are on the lower parts of the plant and don’t receive enough light.

If you desire to improve the productivity of your plant, then your best bet is to prune away any bud or foliage that is not receiving enough light. Therefore, trim away any plant life that is under the canopy. This way, all bud sites are on the canopy and receive equal amount of light. Hence, all buds can grow to an admirable density and size.


Training your plants is another way to make their buds denser. Generally, plants grow one large stalk while other little stalks grow up around it. While this large stalk grows a large cluster of buds, its height will determine where the grow lights are placed. Hence, lower branches will be receiving lesser light when the canopy is not even.

However, by using high-stress training (super cropping) or low-stress training (LST) method like tying down top branches, the rest of the branches can be motivated to develop. Therefore, there’s a more even canopy. When you embark on training your plants, the growth hormones focused on the main stalk will be redistributed to all surrounding branches. Hence, the growth of the entire plant is encouraged and larger, denser buds are developed.

5.Proper Feeding

Just like everything with life, plants require feeding to survive and be productive. Growing dense buds require you to feed your plants with the right nutrients that can encourage the process.

The N-P-K formula will come into play here. In the flowering stage, use low Nitrogen (N), plenty of Phosphorus (P) and also Potassium (K). Excessive Nitrogen will result into smaller and looser buds so ensure you give them the right ratios and prevent nutrient burn. Also, your plants will get the needed building blocks to develop buds.

Deficiencies can bring about unattractive development and you should ensure that’s never the case to protect your plant’s buds. In addition, incorrect pH at the roots can prevent your plants from absorbing enough nutrients. Endeavor to manage the pH properly so your plants can have easy access to enough nutrients.

6.Improving Airflow

Inadequate airflow around buds will prevent them from developing dense buds. Buds require adequate air and the right space between them and others to develop denser. Without direct exposure to fresh air, they will not fatten up and this is bad for your efforts to grow dense buds. Hence, ensure there’s a few inches of space between each buds so air can flow freely.

7.Water Correctly

While watering is great for plants, too much of it can hurt roots. Excessive water takes away oxygen from roots (another essential for them), thus preventing plants from getting enough water or nutrients from the roots. Therefore, these unhappy roots may cause droopy or curling leaves. Air-pot is a great solution for this. It improves oxygenation, nutrient uptake and it is also fast-draining.

8.Time Harvest Properly

While you are eager to harvest your plants, you should also ensure you are harvesting at the right time. When you wait patiently, you will give your buds more time to develop. You may get lower yields by harvesting early because the buds have not developed to their fullest. You surely won’t be cool with airy or less developed buds. Hence, endeavor to be patient and harvest at the right time.


In this article, we have explained how to grow dense buds indoors in a simple and detailed manner. Growing dense buds indoors require a lot of efforts and readiness to do the right things. No doubt, lighting is a big part of indoor growing since there’s no luxury of sunlight. Proper lighting with the ideal color spectrum can help you in growing high quality buds.

Not forgetting the place of temperature, plants abhor excessive heat and it should not be allowed around them. Consequently, plants must be fed with the right nutrients and they must not be overwatered to ensure their roots are in the right condition.

How to Grow Dense Buds Indoors? - Marijuana Investor Summit WCP2018 (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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