Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (2024)

We have all seen those scenes where the star of the show is presented with flowers as the curtain falls and seen dressing rooms flooded with flowers. But do you need to buy flowers or a gift for a dancer for their dance recital?

Everyone appreciates receiving gifts or flowers and they would make any dancer feel extra special. However, it is not essential to buy a dancer flowers or a gift for their dance recital or concert. Your support and presence at the performance and positive feedback afterward are generally enough.

Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (1)

So although no one expects flowers or a gift, the fact that you are here reading this article means that you feel you should do something special for a dancer after their recital.

So read on as we explain the tradition of giving flowers and gifts to performers, who traditionally you should not be buying flowers for, the best flowers to buy and alternative gift ideas!

It you are needing some advice on what to wear to a dance or ballet recital you should also check out our article What Do I Wear to a Ballet or Dance Recital?

Whats in this post…

  • A Quick FASCINATING History behind why we give Flowers to Dancers
  • What kind of Flowers Should I Give To A Dancer After A Recital or Performance?
  • Is is it appropriate to give young dancers a gift or flowers?
  • What Can You Give A Boy Instead Of Flowers?
  • What To Give A Boy After A Dance Recital?
  • What Should I Get My Daughter or a Little Girl For Her First Dance Recital?
  • Other articles that will interest you!

Why Do Ballerinas, Dancers & Performers Receive Flowers After A Performance?

The tradition of giving ballerinas, dancers, and performers flowers after a performance is a form of audience appreciation. Admirers and fans send and give flowers to ballerinas to symbolize how much they are loved, adored and idolized.

A Quick FASCINATING History behind why we give Flowers to Dancers

There is no clear event or date telling us this is when the tradition started but the giving of flowers to show respect, appreciation, and admiration has been around almost since the beginning of human time.

Many archeology sites have discovered evidence of pollen and therefore flowers placed in and on graves from as early back as the Neanderthal period between 35 to 45,000 years ago.

The Pharaohs and even peasants during ancient Egyptian times would adorn themselves with flowers and give them as gifts of love and worship.

Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (2)

The Romans bestowed floral wreaths on their winning athletes and Chinese history tells us it was custom for those followers of religion to place cut flowers on their altars of worship from as far back as 618 CE.

During the Victorian era (FYI – The Victorian era is the label given to the time and the people who lived in England during Queen Victoria’s reign during 1837-1901), the giving of flowers was art and language all in itself.

Every flower and color was given a meaning, even the way the flowers were handed to the recipient meant something. As it was a time when showing emotion openly was not socially accepted and the giving of flowers or a bouquet helped to convey love, gratitude or friendship in a way that words at the time could not.

Flower giving became ingrained in the tradition of many British ballet companies as the fans who supported them would supplement the dancer’s low wages with meals, chocolates, and flowers to show their admiration.

Back then it was the scent that was coveted by many as regular bathing was not accessible to all and the scent of the flowers helped mask many smells.

Gifts have also been lavished upon the most admired ballerinas and dancers by their fans for centuries. In her book Apollo’s Angels: A History of Ballet, Jennifer Homans recounts how in the 1700’s audiences were so enthralled with budding ballerina Marie Salles performance, they would throw gold coins wrapped in banknotes and ribbons to look like bonbons onto the stage.

But Salle was well renowned for her professionalism during a time when being a female actor or dancer often meant playing the role of a courtesan for financial reasons.

Even during the 19th century, there are many documents that note, the giving of gifts to ballerinas after a performance was not only a sign of admiration but a transaction for more than just a mere thank you by the dancer in return for accepting furs and diamonds.

But for some, it meant the possibility of becoming a mistress and being taken care of financially.

Many ballet companies today also have strict rituals as to when and who can receive flowers on stage ensuring that the stars and principals receive theirs first and only on opening or closing nights, or other special occasions, otherwise flowers from fans are sent to dressing rooms for dancers to receive.

Male dancers are not given flowers (unless playing a female role), as this is seen as faux pas and are usually given a bottle of champagne or wine instead (which I personally feel is really unfair, give me the champagne any day LOL!)

His female partner will often pluck a flower from their bouquet and give it to him as a sign of thanks and gratitude instead.

What kind of Flowers Should I Give To A Dancer After A Recital or Performance?

The type of flowers you give can depend on many factors and I believe in this day and age when giving flowers for their scent and in particular to use to mask body odor and other smells is not a purpose for giving them, that flowers with the least allergenic triggers should be considered alongside those that are more traditional to give dancers.

Long Stem VS. Short Stem Bouquets?

Generally, if a principal female dancer is presented with flowers on stage they are given a bouquet of long-stemmed flowers.

This gives the appearance of the star receiving a larger arrangement than the other dancers who might receive shorter stem bouquets that can be held in the hands rather than having to be cradled by the arms.

A shorter-stem bouquet is usually also appropriate for a young dancer who has not yet worked out the mechanics of holding a longer stemmed arrangement.

Type and Color?

Most flowers are bestowed with a meaning when in the context of giving them to another person even down to the particular color you should give to convey how you feel about them.

The following is a guide of the most common flowers given to dancers, their meanings and a color guide so you can choose the best combination and send the right message to your dancer about how you feel about them and their performance.


Roses are usually your safest choice in flower, just make sure they have no thorns as it is also tradition for a dancer to pull out a single rose to give to their teacher or someone else who supported them to be their best on the day. It is the different color of the rose that defines their meaning.

Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (3)
Red Symbolizes love and should probably only be given by parents or partners.
PinkPink roses are going to be your best bet if the dancer is a relative or close friend because they are less of a romantic gesture and are more about relaying your admiration and joy for your dancer.
PeachPeach flowers are a great way to express your gratitude and appreciation.
PurpleViolet or Lavendar roses will send the message that you are enchanted with the dancer.
BlueBlue roses are created by florists coloring the water the flowers drink. Blue roses represent mystery or the impossible and are a creative option to give to a dancer.
YellowAlthough by Victorian standards yellow roses portrayed the message that the giver was jealous, today the color portrays the meaning of friendship and are a great option for friends of dancers as they symbolize also joy, and happiness.
OrangeBright or hot pink and orange flowers are fun and exciting. They symbolize enthusiasm and energy and are a great choice for your tap, jazz or hip hop dancer instead of something more traditional!
WhiteWhite roses can represent both remembrances as well as new beginnings and therefore may be given in the absence of a lost relative or to signify a new start or innocence that may be occurring in your dancer’s life.
CreamCream roses are usually given as a gesture of thanks and apart from not only looking lovely with any other flower can offer a double message in saying thank you for inviting me to your recital.
Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (4)

Carnations represent pride and beauty. But don’t get the color wrong as you could be sending the wrong message completely! According to the Victorians apparently yellow carnations symbolize disappointment rather than friendship like roses do and a striped carnation sends the message of refusal.

Safe colors to buy carnations in are:

RED for love, pride or admiration
PINK for love of a woman such as a close relation like a mother
WHITE for innocence or pure love

Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (5)

Lillies are known to have various meanings regarding royalty and purity and the Stargazer Lily which is striped pink and symbolizes ambition and encouragement is usually the most recommended Lily to give to dancers.

But as it is an Oriental Lily it has an intense fragrance and is not great for those with allergies. Therefore choose an Asiatic Lily as these have a less overwhelming fragrance and in a color such as red, orange or yellow which represent creativity, passion, and energy.

Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (6)

I personally love the Hydrangea and it is recommended by as a popular choice to give to allergy sufferers.

The Victorians, however, bestowed this particular flower with some negative meanings such as heartlessness I would imagine because it comes in blue the color of sadness.

But Hydrangeas come from Japan where the flowers are bestowed among other meanings a sincere heartfelt emotion, which is what I would go with.

To make this message clear try to go with pink or white hydrangeas rather than purple or blue, which are unfortunately my favorite!

Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (7)

Tulips are recommended by WebMD as being low allergenic and represent elegance, grace as well as fame when given as a bouquet.

The color of the tulip you choose will also give an added meaning to your gift.

Pink or Purple are your safest options as pink is affection for friends and family and purple is tied to abundance and prosperity.

Yellow tulips can mean cheerful thoughts but can also mean you are not sure how the person feels about you depending on how the recipients interpret your gift.

Happiness and warmth are represented by orange tulips.

Unless you are passionately in love with your dancer, it is probably best to stay away from Red or almost black colored tulips as these represent true love or the lover’s heart.

Is is it appropriate to give young dancers a gift or flowers?

From my research above and the history of why and how gift-giving to dancers essentially began (which was more of an exchange for some sort of liaison with the dancer, rather than a gift given in prosperity) this question is absolutely relevant.

It is also relevant in the conversation of whether we reward our children too much for things they should be intrinsically motivated to do to be able to succeed, therefore should we really be giving a gift to a child after their recital to encourage them?

In fact, does giving a gift to a young dancer begin to glamorize and give false expectations as to what being a dancer is all about?

All of the above are valid questions and arguments to decide to not give a young dancer a gift or flowers, but at the end of the day gift-giving is just as much about the giver and them wanting to show their gratitude, love, and joy as much as it is about the receiver feeling appreciated.

Therefore if the intention behind giving is genuine it is appropriate to give a young dancer a gift or flowers as you see in the following photos of me with my girls after their recital.

Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (8)

What Can You Give A Boy Instead Of Flowers?

So as we wrote earlier, it is kind of a faux pa or nontraditional to give boys flowers to show your appreciation and admiration for their performance so many people wonder what else they can get instead.

Honestly though as a parent I feel it is a stereotype and quite sexist to say that only girls can receive flowers and not at all what I want my son to learn. Therefore if you want to give a boy flowers at a dance recital then go ahead and give them!

That being said if you are a traditionalist and would like some other ideas we have got you covered.

What To Give A Boy After A Dance Recital?

As a mother and an educator, I think the best gift for any dancer is a book. You can see my top pick for a young, pre teen, teen and adult male dancer on our resource page – The Best Gifts To Give A Boy Dancer here.

Otherwise, the following are a few DIY ideas I have sourced from Pinterest that you could put together. I particularly like the ‘You Knocked our Socks off’ gift with a pair of socks and a sweet treat!

Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (10)
Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (11)
Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (12)
Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (13)

What Should I Get My Daughter or a Little Girl For Her First Dance Recital?

A first dance recital can be as stressful as it is exciting and many parents like to buy their child a gift as a way of showing how proud they are of their child. But what should you buy?

I am going to be repetitive here and say that a good book about dance will always be your best bet! I love that you can inscribe your name and the date and reason for giving the book on the inside cover. You can see my top pick for a young, pre-teen, teen and adult female dancer here on our resource page The Best Gifts to Give A Female Dancer here.

In the meantime, the following are a few DIY gifts you could make that I have sourced from Pinterest. I personally really like the Hair accessories bouquet.

Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (14)
Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (15)
Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (16)
Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (17)

What should I wear to a Dance Recital?

What do you wear to a dance recital? Do you need to dress up or go neat casual? What if I am helping backstage – what should I wear? Don’t worry we have you covered and have answered all your questions in our article make sure you check it out!

How Long Does A Dance Recital Last

A dance recital generally lasts 1.5 to 2hrs.

The length of the recital will depend on how many items or routines the dance teacher has decided will be performed on the day or if the recital is based on an actual ballet. If the recital is based on performing a ballet such as The Nutcracker or Giselle the studio teacher will be able to give you a good estimate of the length of the recital based on the length of the music being used.

At other dance schools, generally, every class will get to perform in at least one routine if not more. If your teacher has told you there are 20 items being performed a good rule of thumb would be to multiply this by six minutes. So 20 routines x 6mins is 120 minutes or two hours. You might need to add more time if there is an interval.

Why six minutes? Most group routines are about 3 minutes long. Then you need to add on any time for closing and opening curtains, getting kids on and off stage and setting up any props.

When I was in full-time training, we had minimal props, no curtains between items and as we were all competent teenagers there was not a lot of messing around between getting everyone on and off the stage so six minutes would have been an overestimate of the time needed for each item.

But at a children’s dance recital, however, there can be a lot more organization that has to happen backstage to get kids on and off and therefore six minutes is probably a good estimate for all the movement that needs to happen in-between items.

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Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (27)

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Do you need to give a dancer flowers or a gift after a dance recital? (2024)


Do you give flowers after a dance recital? ›

Nothing makes dancers smile more after a performance than showering them with bouquets of flowers! Whether it is their first or last dance recital, gifting them with flowers after a flawless performance is a traditional gesture to express how proud you are of their dancing achievements.

Do you bring gifts to a dance recital? ›

Everyone appreciates receiving gifts or flowers and they would make any dancer feel extra special. However, it is not essential to buy a dancer flowers or a gift for their dance recital or concert. Your support and presence at the performance and positive feedback afterward are generally enough.

What flowers are appropriate for a dance recital? ›

Roses. Roses are the traditional flower given after dance recitals, reports Flag City Dance. Choose to present a single rose or a bouquet of six or twelve roses. Try to find roses that have been stripped of thorns, or keep thorny roses well-wrapped so no one gets pricked.

Why do we give flowers to dancers? ›

The tradition of giving flowers

Back in the 1930s, dancers were not paid so giving flowers was a way for fans to show their appreciation. It was common for the flowers to be given to the lead female dancer and she would select a single flower, kiss it and hand it to her male dance partner.

When should you give a performer flowers? ›

It is generally acceptable to send flowers backstage before the performance or deliver them onstage afterwards, according to Dr. Dave and Dr. Dee.

What do you give a performer after a show? ›

If you know the actor personally the traditional gift is flowers and a card delivered to the stage door on opening night. Booze and/or chocolate are common alternatives. If you don't know the actor personally then it is not customary to present them with a gift after a performance.

What is recital etiquette? ›

Once the recital begins, please listen and be quiet. • Respect the other performers. Unnecessary noise from whispering, talking, candy wrappers, etc. during a program is not acceptable.

What do you wear to a dance recital audience? ›

What you wear to a dance or ballet recital or concert will depend on the venue. If it's at the local hall neat casual clothes are fine, but if the recital is being held at the state theatre then you should really try and dress up a little for the occasion.

What is a flower for a dance called? ›

The word corsage is of French origin, and means 'the bodice of a dress'. Early on, the flowers pinned to the dress were called 'bouquet de corsage', but the term was eventually shortened.

Is there a dancing flower? ›

The dancing plant is a lovely perennial that matures two to four feet tall and produces purple flowers. Its branches contain large terminal leaves and above them are smaller lateral leaflets. The space below the leaflets are responsible for the rapid movement!

What is dancing flower? ›

The Dancing Flowers is an unused object related to an unused environmental setting in Super Mario 64. The animated graphic of the flower goes unused in Super Mario 64 since the environmental setting is never used itself. In Super Mario 64, some areas have environmental effects that create particle effects in the stage.

What's the flower thing boys give girls at a dance? ›

A corsage /kɔːrˈsɑːʒ/ is a small bouquet of flowers worn on a woman's dress or around her wrist for a formal occasion. They are typically given to her by her date. Today, corsages are most commonly seen at homecomings, proms, and similar formal events.

Why do people throw roses after a performance? ›

The time honored technique and social tradition of audience members tossing flowers on stage to express their love, gratitude and appreciation to performing artists is unique in the arts. It is perhaps the most public and visible way of saying thanks to an artist for a superb performance.

What do you tell dancers for good luck? ›

The Origins of “Merde”

Saying “merde” became a way to tell your fellow dancers to have a good show for the packed audience. According to Rhodes-Stevens, “When dancers say 'merde' to one another, they are wishing each other a full and approving audience.” The practice eventually spread worldwide.

Should you give someone flowers before or after the performance? ›

Never put the actors and directors under scrutiny by giving them flowers before a performance, as this could bring bad luck. The procedure for handing out flowers is simple: while the players bow, the flowers are distributed. The players receive the bouquet and raises it.

What do you give a performer on opening night? ›

6 Theater Opening Night Gift Ideas
  • Show Poster Magnets.
  • Themed Christmas Ornament.
  • Personalized, Handwritten Cards.
  • Theater Buttons.
  • Homemade Treats.
  • Bouquets (of Flowers or Food)
29 Sept 2021

Do you dress up for a recital? ›

For classical music recitals, conservative formal attire (floor-length or mid-calf-length dresses, or nice suits or tuxedos) is strongly suggested. Specifics to be discussed with teacher. o For recitals in the choir room you may be slightly less formal (knee-length dresses, no tie, etc.)

What should a guest wear to a recital? ›

In terms of what to wear for a piano recital dress code, formal slacks are acceptable for both genders although, for women, short skirts above the knee are generally not appropriate. One should avoid stilettos, open toe heels, flip flops, and platform shoes.

How do you appreciate someone after their performance? ›

Compliments on a job well done
  1. “Nice job on your presentation.”
  2. “You made some great points in the meeting today.”
  3. “I know public speaking is something you're not comfortable with, but you did it! ...
  4. “I could see how much effort you put into creating that strategy.

What is dancing appreciation? ›

Dance Appreciation – introduces the fundamental aspects of dance. Students will study the beginnings of dance from tribal, ritual, and religious to classical and modern dance. Works from artists representing dance through the ages will be surveyed.

What is dance appreciation? ›

Dance Appreciation is an exciting exploration of how to understand and think about dance in all of its various contexts. This book unfolds a brief history of dance with engaging insight into the social, cultural, aesthetic, and kinetic aspects of various forms of dance.

Do you bring flowers to dance competition? ›

It can be an exciting time, but can also be nerve-wracking getting on stage in front of an audience. Dancers deserve recognition and souvenirs to remember their special day, including dance recital flowers or an after performance gift.

What do you get a performer instead of flowers? ›

There are some gifts that would make an actor want to break a leg or two.
5. A practical and thoughtful gift
  • mini water bottles.
  • twine.
  • Throat Coat tea.
  • Simply Balanced Wild Berry Fruit Strips.
  • pens (for signing autographs)
  • clear gift wrap.
  • Cottonelle fresh wipes.
  • Altoid breath mints.
4 Feb 2019

Do you say good luck to a performer? ›

In the theater, you should never wish an actor “good luck.” That is considered to be unlucky. (I told you. They have strange customs.) Instead, you should say to them, “Break a leg!”

What two things must a dancer be good at? ›

As well as strength and mobility, a good dancer must also possess great coordination (the ability to work different parts of the body together), a highly developed kinesthetic awareness (in order to know and control the position and state of the body), control over weight and balance in motion, a developed awareness of ...

What do you say after a recital? ›

It was great fun. I'm glad you enjoyed it.” Always. Always, always affirm the person that is giving you this compliment and then talk about how much fun you had performing it.

How do you bow after a recital? ›

Before playing and after finishing, students must take a bow. Taking a bow is a way for students to tell their audience “Thank You.” To take a proper bow, a student stands in front of the piano, keeps both hands at his/her side and bows at the waist—making sure to keep the head down.

Are recitals legally binding? ›

Summary. Recitals are enforceable in the same way as if part of the formal 'order', and where the terms of the recital are in line with what the court has power to order in any event.

How long is a typical dance recital? ›

A dance recital can go from about 50 minutes to up to three hours, but most will average around 2-2.5hrs including an interval.

What should you do the night before a recital? ›

Get plenty of rest the night before your recital.

Without focus, your mind can wander, your nerves will agitate, and your body will not function as effortlessly as it normally does. We all perform better after a good night sleep, so relax and have restful sleep before your big day.

Are corsages still a thing for prom 2022? ›

Prom Season 2022 is shaping up to be quite a busy one! Though the traditional corsages and boutonnieres are still extremely popular, we're seeing the addition of more bouquets and softer colors.

Are corsages outdated? ›

Additionally, “Boutonnieres and corsages are no longer necessary—they are a little outdated—corsages more so than boutonnieres.

Do you get hearts for dancing with someone at the flower dance? ›

You can talk to the other villagers and they will have event-related dialogue. Dancing with an NPC will increase friendship with your partner by 1 heart (250 points).

Can you give gifts at the Flower Dance? ›

You can give 2 gifts a week and there are 4 weeks before the flower dance so 8 gifts total. A loved gift gives 80 points, 80*8 is 640. You also get 20 points a day for talking to them.

What is a cabaret flower? ›

Cabaret carries the best-performing lineup of solid colors and exciting bicolors with early flowering! Most varieties flower with a 10.5-hour day length, and stay open and in flower under low light conditions – a big plus at retail.

Can you get 4 hearts before Flower Dance? ›

It is technically possible, though not easy, to get 4 hearts of friendship with all twelve marriage candidates in the first year. After the player is married, they can choose to dance with other partners. Their spouse may dance with someone else as well.

What do you give after a dance recital? ›

Dance Recital Gift Ideas: 9 Great Ways to Reward Your Dancer!
  • Bouquet of Flowers. ...
  • Sweet Treats. ...
  • Dance-Themed Jewelry. ...
  • Charm Bracelet Tradition. ...
  • Studio Swag. ...
  • The Gift of Comfort. ...
  • Summer Dance Prep. ...
  • Picture Frame.
25 May 2017

What is a rose in dancing? ›

In Scottish Country Dancing, the Rose progression is an elegant 8-bar Figure used to interchange adjacent Couples in a Longwise set in Strathspeys; the Strathspey travelling step is used throughout.

How many hearts do you ask to the Flower Dance? ›

The Flower Dance is, unsurprisingly, all about dancing. If you have four or more hearts with any bachelor or bachelorette, then you'll be able to take part in the dance with them. You'll need to talk to your chosen dance partner twice to unlock the option to ask them for a dance.

What do you buy your daughter after a dance recital? ›

Here are our favorite dance recital gift ideas to get you started.
  • Monogrammed dance bag. ...
  • Ballerina jewelry box. ...
  • Personalized children's dance book. ...
  • Ballerina snow globe. ...
  • Dance themed jewelry. ...
  • Studio swag and apparel. ...
  • Ornaments. ...
  • Custom dance art.
19 Nov 2019

What do you do after a dance performance? ›

10 Simple Ways to Rest & Recover After a Dance Lesson
  1. Cool yourself down. After hours of bending, jumping, twisting, and turning, you want to make sure you give your muscles a proper cool-down. ...
  2. Hydrate. ...
  3. Snack smartly. ...
  4. Take a mental break. ...
  5. Take a warm bath. ...
  6. Use an ice pack. ...
  7. Elevate your legs. ...
  8. Deep-belly breathing.
16 Oct 2020

What do you give a dance teacher after recital? ›

Gift Cards or Cash

Let's be honest - most teachers, including dance teachers, don't make a lot of money. Gift cards are a great way to let your teacher spoil themselves a little. (Fun fact - during Recital and Christmastime, I rack up so much Starbucks credit I can eat there 3-meals a day for a week.

How do you praise after a dance performance? ›

Your dancing is so beautiful, even if you don't always feel like it is. I love how your personality shines through in your movement! You are so focused during class—it's really inspiring. You are a great teammate, and I love dancing with you because I know I can trust you.

What to do after beating the dancer? ›

After defeating the Dancer of the Boreal Valley, use the Basin of Vows. Then climb up the ladder that unfurls. At the intersection at the top of the ladder, go forward, up the steps into the castle. Make a left if you wish to go on the path to go to the Consumed King's Garden and, in turn, the Untended Graves.

Do you give dance teacher gift at recital? ›

Whether it's a recital, competition, convention, birthday, or holiday, giving a beloved dance teacher the perfect gift can make any occasion more special. Show them how much you appreciate all of their hard work and dedication with a heartfelt, thoughtful gift!

What do dance teachers like for gifts? ›

All dance and ballet teachers need access to good ongoing teacher training and associations that help them improve their teaching and business. Good gifts are memberships to such programs or items like bluetooth speakers, lip balm, massage balls or even a gift card for a good spa service!

Is sending flowers a nice gesture? ›

In speaking about love, flowers are said to be one of the most romantic of gestures. This is long-established in their staying power as gifts throughout the course of history. Top Reasons Sending Flowers is Classical: Receiving flowers bring out the best moods in all of us, even on the worst days in existence.

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.