Dandelion / RHS Gardening (2024)


Where dandelions areout of control in a garden or are simply growing in the wrong place, control may be necessary.First, consider whether this can be done using non-chemical means such as digging out and where thesemethods arenot feasible, chemical controls may need to be used.

The RHS believes that avoiding pests, diseases and weeds by good practice in cultivation methods, cultivar selection, garden hygiene and encouraging or introducing natural enemies, should be the first line of control. If chemical controls are used, they should be used only in a minimal and highly targeted manner.


Dandelions are difficult to control by cultural methods once established.

Try digging out isolated specimens, removing as much of the tap root as possible early in the spring. Dandelions can regenerate from fragments of root so it may require several attempts to completely remove a deep or awkwardly positioned plant. There are many specially designed tools to help with removal. Dig plants out as soon as they appear and don’t allow to flower and set seed.


Grassed areas

Selective weedkillers in lawns:
Dandelions can be controlled with one or two applications of weedkillers containing 2,4-D, dicamba, clopyralid or fluroxypyr (eg. Doff Lawn Weedkiller, Vitax LawnClear 2, Westland Resolva Lawn Weedkiller Extra orWeedol Lawn Weedkiller). Lawn weedkillers based on mecoprop-P may check the growth of dandelions but not completely kill them.

Apply lawn weedkillers in summer after cutting off the flowering heads to prevent seeding, then re-spray leaves that re-grow 14 days after cutting back. Treat again in autumn if basal rosettes are present.

Treated clippings
Do not add the first lawn clippings after application to the compost heap. The first clippings from products containing clopyralid (which is especially persistent including Vitax LawnClear2, Vitax LawnClear2 Feed & Weed andWeedol Lawn Weediller) should not be composted and the next three mowings should be used as a mulch only after composting for at least 9 months. To avoid possible contamination of compost, do not collect the clippings at all but mow frequently and allow the short clippings to remain on the surface of the lawn. These will quickly disperse to leave an acceptable finish.

New lawns
New lawns can be easily damaged by lawn herbicides so avoid using them within six months of seeding or turfing. However, products containing fluroxypyr (eg. Weedol Lawn Weedkiller) isclaimed to be safe if applied two months after sowing or laying turf. The new lawn must be growing well.

Selective weedkillers in rough grassland:
Use a selective weedkiller which contains triclopyr (eg. SBK Brushwood Killer) as this would leave the grass unharmed. However, other broad-leaved plants will be damaged (e.g. wildflowers) and so should only be used in grass where such action is acceptable

Non-selective weedkillers for spot treating in grass:
Glyphosate is a more effective treatment for established dandelions but is not selective and any spray coming into contact with grass around the dandelions would be killed or severely checked. Use a ready-to-use sprayto spot treat individual weeds.Apply when growing strongly from midsummer onwards.


  • Apply glyphosate as a spot treatment to individual plants or spray areas that have been cleared of cultivated plants
  • Glyphosate is a non-selective weedkiller applied to the foliage, where it is translocated throughout the weed. Tougher formulations are worth trying (e.g. Roundup Ultra or Rootblast Super Strength TotalWeedkiller)
  • Being non-selective, it is essential to avoid spray drift onto neighbouring plants. It is important to have good leaf coverage so that as much chemical is absorbed as possible
  • Sprays are most effective if applied from early June to mid-August
  • As this weed is so persistent several applications may be necessary

Hard surfaces

To control dandelions growing in cracks between paving or on other hard surfaces, use a proprietary path, patio or drive weedkiller. See our page on controlling weeds on hard surfaces.

Inclusion of a weedkiller product does not indicate a recommendation or endorsem*nt by the RHS. It is a list of products currently available to the home gardener.


Weedkillers for gardeners (Adobe Acrobat pdf document outlining weedkillers available to gardeners; see sections 1a, 1b, 1c and 4)


Chemicals: using spot and broad-scale weedkillers
Chemicals: using a sprayer
Chemicals: using safely and effectively
Weeds: non-chemical control

Dandelion / RHS Gardening (2024)


Who should avoid taking dandelion? ›

In some people, dandelion can cause increased stomach acid and heartburn. It may also irritate the skin. People with kidney problems, gallbladder problems, or gallstones should consult their doctors before eating dandelion.

What time of year do you plant dandelions? ›

Should you actually want to grow dandelion intentionally, sow the seeds on the soil surface or slightly covered from early spring (4-6 weeks before last frost) through late summer. They should germinate in ten days at 55ºF. Space the plants six to nine inches apart in rows twelve inches apart.

Are dandelions good or bad for the yard? ›

Dandelions are good for your lawn. Their wide-spreading roots loosen hard-packed soil, aerate the earth and help reduce erosion. The deep taproot pulls nutrients such as calcium from deep in the soil and makes them available to other plants.

What is the best dandelion killer without killing grass? ›

MSM Turf Herbicide is a broad spectrum, selective post-emergent herbicide. This weed killer is a selective herbicide, so it is labeled to use on many different turf types to target broadleaf weeds, like dandelions, and some grassy weeds without harming the grass around them.

Why is dandelion bad for kidneys? ›

Dandelion could increase the risk of complications for someone who has kidney disease, in particular. Because the potassium in dandelion may impact blood flow and clotting, it's best to avoid dandelion tea if you're taking blood-thinner medication..

What can you not mix with dandelions? ›

Avoid using dandelion together with other herbal/health supplements that can also affect blood-clotting. This includes angelica (dong quai), capsicum, clove, danshen, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, horse chestnut, panax ginseng, poplar, red clover, saw palmetto, turmeric, and willow.

Do dandelions like full sun or shade? ›

Dandelion is a perennial that grows best in moist areas in full sun; how- ever, it can survive some shade and dry conditions once established (Fig. 1). Dandelion grows year round in California except in the coldest inter- mountain areas where it is dormant during the winter.

Does mowing yellow dandelions spread them? ›

Does Mowing Dandelions Spread them? Mowing dandelions does not contribute to the spread of them, but it also does not stop the spread. To stop the spread of dandelions, you must reduce seed spreading by collecting the dandelion seed heads into a bag and taken out of your yard.

Do dandelions grow back every year? ›

Dandelions are perennial weeds (they come back each year) with fleshy taproots. Typically, the taproot is 6 to 18 inches long, but on older plants, it can extend even deeper into soil.

Should I just let dandelions grow? ›

Here are a few ways to deal with dandelions in your yard: Let them grow and die off naturally. This is very beneficial to your soil. To keep them tidy and more garden-like, cut their leaves back on a monthly basis and lay the trimmed leaves on top of the soil to decompose.

Why are dandelions undesirable? ›

It is widely recognized as a weed, a word that generally means that it is an undesirable plant (more details in Chapter 29), undesirable because it grows in places where people are trying to grow something else (e.g. in lawns or in crop fields), and, at least to some people, undesirable because of its looks — perhaps ...

Do dandelions indicate poor soil? ›

Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) generally indicate poor soil that is low in calcium, as well as compacted. The dandelions' taproots, however, are doing the job of breaking up the soil! Look into aerating your soil so it's not compacted.

How do I get rid of dandelions once and for all? ›

Two things can kill dandelions permanently—digging them up by the roots or spraying them with an herbicide. Digging up dandelions does not harm nearby plants, but it only works if you remove the entire taproot. Otherwise, the plant will eventually spring up and blossom again.

Can you spray dandelions with vinegar? ›

Household vinegar is not strong enough to kill dandelions. Household vinegar is only 5% acetic acid. Horticultural vinegar which is used to kill weeds is 20% acetic acid. That's a very strong acid and can cause significant injury to you.

Should I remove dandelions from my lawn? ›

Even the best cared for lawns will have an occasional dandelion. They are difficult to completely eliminate, and the entire plant (root and all) of the dandelion needs to be removed or they can grow right back.

Does dandelion raise blood pressure? ›

Dandelion leaves are also believed to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system due to their high potassium content (397 mg potassium/100 g) [19,23]; indeed, increased potassium intake with food (about 3500 mg/day for an adult) has been found to lower blood pressure [23].

Is dandelion hard on liver? ›

Moreover, a 2017 study found that a carbohydrate present in dandelions called polysaccharides may indeed help protect the liver against disease and support overall liver function.

Are dandelions poisonous to dogs? ›

Dandelions are edible and nontoxic for dogs; however, some parts of the plant are more nutritious than others. Here are three of the most nutrient-dense parts of dandelions: Blooms: Dogs can consume the yellow flowers or seed puffs of dandelions. Dandelion blooms contain high levels of antioxidants and polyphenols.

What are dandelions natural enemies? ›

Chipping, field, house, song and white-throated sparrows, American goldfinches, and indigo buntings are but a few of the many songbirds that devour dandelion seeds. Dandelions also show up in the diets of bobwhite quail, wild turkeys, ruffed grouse, rabbits, white-tailed deer and eastern chipmunks.

What will choke out dandelions? ›

Tall grass will both choke out weeds and keep the sun off of dandelion seeds, which will also keep the soil cool.

Why you shouldn't spray dandelions? ›

Bumble bees, beetles, birds, butterflies and a host of other beneficial insects all look to the dandelion as a source of nourishment in early spring. And when those dandelions are sprayed with chemicals, it can have serious and fatal consequences to their health and well-being.

What is the lifespan of a dandelion? ›

Individual plants may survive for 10 to 13 years in undisturbed sites. Dandelion seeds can form a relatively persistent seedbank. Seed in soil has a half-life of 3 months. If buried, a few seeds may still remain viable at the end of 5 years.

Do dandelions need a lot of water? ›

Dandelions like moist soil, so you should water them regularly to keep them hydrated. Make sure that the top two inches of the soil are dry before each round of watering.

Do bees benefit from dandelions? ›

The flowers are an important food source for pollinators — especially bees,” he noted. Dandelions provide both pollen and nectar. By late May, more flowering plants are available as food sources for bees and other insects, so dandelions become less important for their diet.

Why you should wait to cut dandelions? ›

Once the lawn is cut two or three weeks later, the dandelions will return with more nectar and pollen.

Does picking dandelions make more grow? ›

It does seem that way sometimes, but the short answer is no. Picking flowers reduces the amount of seeds that are produced, which means fewer new dandelion plants will sprout.

Should I deadhead dandelions? ›

Pulling off flower heads, known to gardeners as deadheading, can encourage more shoots and buds, as it directs the plant's resources from the developing flower and back to the infrastructure.

What happens if you leave dandelions alone? ›

If you choose to leave dandelions alone, they will naturally aerate it with their taproot, breaking up hard clay and redistributing nutrients. Aerated soil is attractive to worms and other insects, which can benefit the overall health of your lawn by further distributing nutrients.

Why do dandelions go away at night? ›

And one fascinating idea holds that nyctinasty is a highly evolved defense mechanism against a plant's nocturnal predators. By closing up tight, the flowers in your garden create a clearer view of the ground for nighttime hunters, like owls, who kill off flower-munching herbivores out looking for a midnight snack.

Does digging up dandelions work? ›

Dig 'em Out

Removing the dandelion's entire tap root is essential! If you remove just the dandelion flower and plant from the surface of the soil a new plant will grow. Even removing a couple inches of root won't kill it. Dandelions can easily reproduce from the remaining root.

What do dandelions mean about soil? ›

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) indicates that the soil is low in calcium but high in potassium.

Do dandelions attract mosquitoes? ›

While the presence of dandelions in a garden or landscape may help to deter some types of pests, it is unlikely to have any effect on mosquitoes.

Can you eat dandelion flowers raw? ›

Every part of the dandelion is edible: the flower, roots, stems, and leaves. Dandelion greens slightly resemble arugula, though longer, and have a similar spicy and bitter taste. You can harvest the blooms and leaves to make salads and sautéed dishes and use the roots to make tea.

Are dandelions invasive? ›

Technically, dandelions are an invasive species. However, they have been in America so long that it might not be considered invasive anymore. Dandelions were brought over from Europe to be used as medicine in the American colonies. In addition, dandelions do not really pose a threat to any native plant or animal.

Do dandelions choke other plants? ›

Common dandelions will push out grass and other plants, as well as sapping water and nutrients away from surrounding plants.

Do dandelions add nitrogen to soil? ›

A "first food" for bees, the dandelion is also nitrogen-fixing, "which means it adds nitrogen back into the soil," great for the lawn. These small, sunny flowers, scorned by many keepers of the East End's rambling stretches of unbroken green lawn, are looked down upon as weeds — but at what cost?

Are dandelions weeds or wishes? ›

Most gardener's consider them weeds, but dandelions provide pollen for insects when other flowers are not in bloom and both their leaves and flowers have culinary uses. URBANA, Ill. — To a child, a dandelion is a magical thing. It's one of the first plants we learn to recognize.

How do I get rid of a large amount of dandelions? ›

Use chemicals only as needed to kill dandelions. These chemicals typically contain three herbicides called 2,4-D, mecoprop, and dicamba. They're powerful enough to kill shrubs and nearby trees. They're most effective in the fall to permanently eradicate dandelions in your lawn.

How do you get rid of dandelions without killing other plants? ›

Selective weedkillers in lawns:

Lawn weedkillers based on mecoprop-P may check the growth of dandelions but not completely kill them. Apply lawn weedkillers in summer after cutting off the flowering heads to prevent seeding, then re-spray leaves that re-grow 14 days after cutting back.

What is the cheapest way to get rid of dandelions? ›

A weak solution of vinegar and water is an effective weed killer. The acid in the vinegar acts as a contact herbicide that kills the plants but does not persist in the soil or cause water or other pollution. You may need to do this repeatedly, or heat the vinegar for added effectiveness.

Is vinegar as good as Roundup? ›

The acetic acid in even household vinegar was MORE toxic than Roundup! Going one step further, in this case a comparison of rate of application is a moot point. A 1% solution of glyphosate will kill most any annual weed listed on the label, and also the majority of perennial weeds.

What is the fastest way to get rid of dandelions? ›

The quickest and least labor-intensive method of getting rid of dandelions is to spray them with a broadleaf herbicide that will kill the entire plant, not just the leaves, without harming the surrounding grass.

What kills dandelions naturally but not grass? ›

Vinegar can effectively kill dandelions if done correctly, but if the plants are very well established they might survive from their roots. Spray vinegar directly onto the weed for about three seconds, so that is thoroughly covered.

What kills weeds and dandelions but not grass? ›

Broadleaf herbicides are only effective against broadleaf weeds, such as dandelions. They are good for getting rid of dandelions in lawns because they only kill the weeds and not the grass. There is also the option of using a non-selective herbicide, which is also effective against dandelion.

What kills dandelions the best? ›

Dandelion, as well as clover, thistle and ground ivy, are broadleaf (non-grassy) weeds. The most effective broadleaf-killing herbicides for lawns are Trimec formulations. These products consist of a combination of three herbicides (2,4-D, mecoprop and dicamba).

Is dandelion tea safe for everyone? ›

Dandelion is considered safe for most people. However, some people may have an allergic reaction from touching or ingesting dandelion. Dandelion has also been found to interact with certain medications, including diuretics, lithium, and Cipro.

Does dandelion root interact with any medications? ›

If you are currently being treated with any of the following medications, you should not use dandelion preparations without first talking to your health care provider: Lithium -- Animal studies suggest that dandelion may worsen the side effects associated with lithium, a medication used to treat bipolar disorder.

Can dandelion cause high blood pressure? ›

Dandelion leaves are also believed to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system due to their high potassium content (397 mg potassium/100 g) [19,23]; indeed, increased potassium intake with food (about 3500 mg/day for an adult) has been found to lower blood pressure [23].

What effects does dandelion have on the heart? ›

May reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels

Some compounds in dandelion may decrease triglyceride and cholesterol levels, both of which are key risk factors for heart disease. In one test-tube study, dandelion leaf and root extract decreased triglyceride accumulation in fat cells ( 10 ).

Does dandelion tea clean your liver? ›

Dandelion tea has been used to promote liver function in holistic medicine for centuries, Kim says. Preliminary studies show this may be due to dandelion's ability to increase the flow of bile, which helps detox the liver and relieve symptoms of liver disease, Kim says.

What happens to your body when you drink dandelion tea? ›

Dandelion tea is high in vitamin A and vitamin C, both of which boost the immune system and encourages healthy cell growth. It also helps our eyesight and reduces the signs of premature aging. Dandelions are also brightened with vitamin K which helps bone health and is essential to blood clotting.

Does dandelion tea flush kidneys? ›

“Dandelion tea contains an enzyme—a chemical compound that can eliminate certain bacteria such as E.coli, which is the most common cause of urinary tract infections,” she says. “It also acts as a diuretic, which helps liver and kidney flush out the body.”

Does dandelion tea affect blood pressure? ›

Dandelion has a diuretic effect, due to which unwanted fluid is eliminated from the body. This helps to reduce blood volume, which reduces the load on the heart. Due to this property, dandelion lowers blood pressure, therefore, decoctions and infusions based on it are recommended for use in hypertension.

Is dandelion anti-inflammatory? ›

Dandelions extracts elicit their effects via various mechanisms, due to the presence of different classes of constituents with known anti-inflammatory effects.

Does dandelion block estrogen? ›

Dandelion Root

Not only does it metabolize this important hormone, but it also helps eliminate it, whether the estrogen is from natural sources or from artificial sources such as hormone-replacement therapy, plastics, or plants.

Does dandelion cause blood clots? ›

Dandelion root might slow blood clotting. Taking dandelion root along with medications that also slow blood clotting might increase the risk of bruising and bleeding.

Do dandelions clean your blood? ›

In traditional herbal medicine, dandelion root is considered a 'blood cleanser' that works primarily through the liver and gall bladder. It stimulates bile production in the liver, and encourages the gall bladder to contract and release stored bile.

Does dandelion detox blood? ›

Dandelion has strong diuretic and detoxifying actions, making it a great herb for cleansing toxins out of the body. It helps to detox the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and blood, and also regulate bowel motions.

Is dandelion good for cholesterol? ›

Dandelions contain bioactive compounds that may help lower a person's cholesterol. Research conducted in vivo and in vitro has shown that dandelion may be able to help reduce blood lipids. This can include lipids, including cholesterol and triglycerides.

Does dandelion root help with belly fat? ›

Interestingly, a Korean study found that dandelion may have similar effects on the body as weight loss drug Orlistat. Some data shows that this anti-obesity drug can help reduce the amount of belly fat, the most dangerous fat linked to Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, some forms of cancer, etc.

Can dandelions strengthen your heart? ›

Lower cholesterol

Lowering cholesterol is a key step to reducing the risk of heart disease. Studies in animals have found that extracts from dandelion roots and leaves can naturally lower cholesterol levels.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.