Argue that plants need air/water to grow - 5th Grade Science (2024)

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5th Grade Science Help » Life Science » Growth Needs of Plants » Argue that plants need air/water to grow

Example Question #1 : Growth Needs Of Plants

Plants and trees can grow in a wide variety of environments. Whether they grow in the desert or the rainforest, they all have one thing in common, air and water are necessary for life and growth. Depending on the plant's adaptations, the amount of water needed to survive varies. Some plants, like those in the desert, need very little water togrow. Plants primarily get the materials for growth from the air and water. Sunlight provides the energy that is required to create food through photosynthesis. We often see plants in soil, but it isn't necessary for growth.

Hydroponics is a system of growing plants without soil. Nutrients are added to water and delivered directly through a plant's roots. Plants do not gain anything from the earth itself; they absorb nutrients from within the soil. If those nutrients are added to the water, and the plant is in the open air, then the soil is not needed. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into glucose through the process of photosynthesis, which is powered by sunlight. Hydroponics come in numerous forms: the plants can be hung vertically, and the roots are sprayed, or roots may be submerged in water through a series of tubs, containers, or even coconut husks!

Why is air so important for a plant's growth?

Possible Answers:

Plants breathe oxygen that they absorb from the air.

Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air to use during photosynthesis.

Air is not essential for a plant's growth; they can live without it.

Air isabsorbed into the roots of the plants to provide the necessary oxygen.

Correct answer:

Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air to use during photosynthesis.


Air is vital to a plant's growth and survival.Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into glucose through the process of photosynthesis, which is powered by sunlight. Without air, plants would not be able to create glucose and would die. They must have access to carbon dioxide to survive.

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Example Question #2 : Growth Needs Of Plants

Plants and trees can grow in a wide variety of environments. Whether they grow in the desert or the rainforest, they all have one thing in common, air and water are necessary for life and growth. Depending on the plant’s adaptations, the amount of water needed to survive varies. Some plants, like those in the desert, need very little water to grow. Plants primarily get the materials for growth from the air and water. Sunlight provides the energy that is required to create food through photosynthesis. We often see plants in soil, but it isn’t necessary for growth.

Hydroponics is a system of growing plants without soil. Nutrients are added to water and delivered directly through a plant’s roots. Plants do not gain anything from the earth itself; they absorb nutrients from within the soil. If those nutrients are added to the water, and the plant is in the open air, then the soil is not needed. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into glucose through the process of photosynthesis, which is powered by sunlight. Hydroponics come in numerous forms: the plants can be hung vertically, and the roots are sprayed, or roots may be submerged in water through a series of tubs, containers, or even coconut husks!

Why is water important to a plant's survival?

Possible Answers:

Water transports nutrients to plants and keeps them cool during transpiration.

Water soaks into the plant and provides it with the carbon dioxide needed.

Water is not crucial to a plant's survival or growth.

Water is necessary to clean the plants and keep predators off of them.

Correct answer:

Water transports nutrients to plants and keeps them cool during transpiration.


Water is one of just a few things plants need to survive. Water supports the transportation of nutrients, from the soil up into the structures of the plant, is used in the process of photosynthesis, helps keep plants standing stiff and upright and not wilted or droopy, and water helps keep plants cool as it evaporates from the leaves. If plants do not have access to water, they will not absorb the nutrients needed to grow.

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Example Question #3 : Growth Needs Of Plants

A few students in a science lab are arguing about a plant's needs for survival.

Logan: "Plants only need air to grow and survive."

Sophia: "Plants need both water and air to grow and survive."

Bryce: "Plants only need water to grow and survive."

Topanga: "Plants do not need water or air to grow and survive."

Which student is correct and why?

Possible Answers:

Sophia is correct because plants need air to get carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and water for hydration and nutrients.

Logan is correct because plants need air in order to get carbon dioxide for photosynthesis.

Bryce is correct because plants need water for hydration and nutrients.

Topanga is correct because plants do not need air or water to survive; they need soil and sunlight.

Correct answer:

Sophia is correct because plants need air to get carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and water for hydration and nutrients.


Sophia is correct in the argument about a plant's needs for survival.Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into glucose through the process of photosynthesis, which is powered by sunlight.Water supports the transportation of nutrients, from the soil up into the structures of the plant, is used in the process of photosynthesis, helps keep plants standing stiff and upright and not wilted or droopy, and water helps keep plants cool as it evaporates from the leaves. Water and air are vital to a plant's growth and survival.

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Example Question #1 : Argue That Plants Need Air/Water To Grow

Plants get the materials they need for growth chiefly from air and water.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



The statement provided is true. Plants need sunlight for the process of photosynthesis but the materials they need for growth primarily come from water and air.Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into glucose through the process of photosynthesis, which is powered by sunlight.Water supports the transportation of nutrients, from the soil up into the structures of the plant, is used in the process of photosynthesis, helps keep plants standing stiff and upright and not wilted or droopy, and water helps keep plants cool as it evaporates from the leaves.

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Example Question #5 : Growth Needs Of Plants

Plants and trees can grow in a wide variety of environments. Whether they grow in the desert or the rainforest, they all have one thing in common, air and water are necessary for life and growth. Depending on the plant’s adaptations, the amount of water needed to survive varies. Some plants, like those in the desert, need very little water to grow. Plants primarily get the materials for growth from the air and water. Sunlight provides the energy that is required to create food through photosynthesis. We often see plants in soil, but it isn’t necessary for growth.

Hydroponics is a system of growing plants without soil. Nutrients are added to water and delivered directly through a plant’s roots. Plants do not gain anything from the earth itself; they absorb nutrients from within the soil. If those nutrients are added to the water, and the plant is in the open air, then the soil is not needed. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into glucose through the process of photosynthesis, which is powered by sunlight. Hydroponics come in numerous forms: the plants can be hung vertically, and the roots are sprayed, or roots may be submerged in water through a series of tubs, containers, or even coconut husks!

What three things help a plant to grow?

Possible Answers:

Water, soil, and photosynthesis

Sunlight,soil, and water

Soil, air, and water

Air, water, and sunlight

Correct answer:

Air, water, and sunlight


Water, air, and sunlight are the most important things that a plant needs for growth. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into glucose through the process of photosynthesis, which is powered by sunlight.Water supports the transportation of nutrients, from the soil up into the structures of the plant, is used in the process of photosynthesis, helps keep plants standing stiff and upright and not wilted or droopy, and water helps keep plants cool as it evaporates from the leaves. Soil is not necessary if the water is nutrient-rich.

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Example Question #6 : Growth Needs Of Plants

True or False: For a seed to germinate, it must receive an adequate amount of water.

Possible Answers:



Correct answer:



The statement "For a seed to germinate, it must receive an adequate amount of water." is true. The seed is a small part of a plant and contains the embryo, a tiny new plant. If this seed has the right conditions, including an adequate amount of water, it will germinate, and a new plant will sprout. Without water, the seed will not grow, and no new plants will form.

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Example Question #7 : Growth Needs Of Plants

Plants must have water to grow. Whatstructure of the plant absorbs water?

Possible Answers:





Correct answer:



Humans and animals take in water by drinking it with their mouths. Plants need water but do not have the same structures or parts as humans and animals. The roots of a plant absorb moisture from the soil to hydrate the plant. If the roots are damaged and cannot absorb water, the plant will not survive.

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Example Question #8 : Growth Needs Of Plants

What purpose(s) does air serve for plants?

Possible Answers:

Plants need air to fill their lungs and create carbon dioxide.

Plants do not need air to survive because they cannot breathe.

Plants need air for the process of deposition and interrogation.

Plants need air for the processes of photosynthesis and respiration.

Correct answer:

Plants need air for the processes of photosynthesis and respiration.


In photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and combine it with water absorbed through their roots. They use energy from sunlight to turn these ingredients into carbohydrates (sugars) and oxygen, and they release extra oxygen to the air. Plants need oxygen to survive, and plant cells are continually using oxygen.Respiration in plants isthe process ofcells releasing energy for their use by breaking down sugars and using up oxygen. Plants need oxygen for the two functions to run efficiently.

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Example Question #9 : Growth Needs Of Plants

A group of students had two identical trays of soil, each with tentomatoseedlings planted in them. Tray A was placed in the dark. Tray B was placed in direct sunlight. Both trays were given the same amount of water.Afterfour weeks, the students observed both trays. Which tray of seedlings will have the most growth?

Possible Answers:

Both of the trays will have the same growth because they bothreceivedequal amounts of water.

Neither tray will have any growth because they did not add fertilizer, which plants need.

Tray A will have had more growth becauseplants grow best in dark environments.

Tray B will have had more growth becauseplants need sunlight to grow.

Correct answer:

Tray B will have had more growth becauseplants need sunlight to grow.


In this scenario, the plants with the most growth would be the plants in tray B. The plants in tray B received not only water (which plants must have to survive) but also sunlight. Plants need sunlight for the process of photosynthesis. If plants do not have access to air and sunlight, they cannot make their food and survive. The plants in tray A were deprived of sunlight, so they will not have as much growth as tray B.

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Example Question #1 : Argue That Plants Need Air/Water To Grow

Patrick removes the roots from his plant. Which plant activity will be affected the most?

Possible Answers:

Getting water


Making food

Finding nutrients

Correct answer:

Getting water


Plants' roots are vital to the absorption of water. The roots of the plant not only hold it in place to keep it steady, but they also absorb moisture from the soil. If the roots are removed, there will be nothing to absorb and hold water leaving the plant dehydrated and unable to survive.

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Argue that plants need air/water to grow - 5th Grade Science (1)

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Argue that plants need air/water to grow - 5th Grade Science (2024)


Argue that plants need air/water to grow - 5th Grade Science? ›

Correct answer:

What do plants need to grow in 5th grade science? ›

Although most plants grow in soil, the soil itself is not necessary to plant growth. Plants actually need the nutrients and water within the soil. In addition, plants need sunlight and carbon dioxide (CO2). Plants get carbon dioxide mainly from the air (or from the water if they are aquatic plants).

Why do plants need air and water to grow? ›

Water is necessary for photosynthesis, which is how plants use energy from the sun to create their own food. During this process, plants use carbon dioxide from the air and hydrogen from the water absorbed through their roots and release oxygen as a byproduct. This exchange occurs through pore-like stoma on the leaves.

Why do plants need air to grow for kids? ›

The two primary reasons plants need is air to photosynthesize (make food) and to breathe. Plants need to breathe for the same reason people and animals must breathe – they need oxygen to convert food into energy. The relationship between air and indoor plants is crucial to keeping your plants looking their best.

What would happen if no water and air are available to plants? ›

Answer: plants cannot prepare food and growing capacity will be very slow after that plants will ultimately die.

How do plants use air to grow? ›

Air is vital to a plant's growth and survival. Plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and convert it into glucose through the process of photosynthesis, which is powered by sunlight. Without air, plants would not be able to create glucose and would die. They must have access to carbon dioxide to survive.

What needs air and water to grow? ›

Correct answer:

Explanation: Plants need water, air, sunlight, and carbon dioxide to survive.

Why do plants need water? ›

Plants need water to grow! Plants are about 80-95% water and need water for multiple reasons as they grow including for photosynthesis, for cooling, and to transport minerals and nutrients from the soil and into the plant. "We can grow food without fossil fuels, but we cannot grow food without water."

Why do air plants need water? ›

Do you need to water an air plant? Yes! Contrary to their name, air plants cannot survive on just air, and they do need to be watered regularly. In fact, proper watering is one of the most important parts of caring for an air plant indoors.

Do plants need fresh air to grow? ›

Plants need fresh air to grow and dispose of their waste. The quality of the air plays a crucial role in photosynthesis. That makes fresh air important for taking your grow to a higher level. In nature fresh air is obviously readily available.

How long can a plant survive without air? ›

Only a few days. Without oxygen plants cannot obtain energy through aerobic respiration and must resort to fermentation, which is a form of anaerobic respiration . However, this process is much less efficient and only suitable for a limited time. The roots of some plants also use this process.

Why do plants need oxygen to grow? ›

Just as we need to breathe to stay alive, plants must also exchange gases with the atmosphere to function. They need two key gases: oxygen is used in aerobic respiration, where food molecules are broken down to release energy for growth. This process releases carbon dioxide as a waste product.

Why do we need air? ›

Air is the most important component for the survival of life on Earth. We breathe in air. The oxygen present in air is required for respiration of living beings. The carbon dioxide present in air is essential for the green plants to manufacture their own food by the process of photosynthesis.

What are the 5 things plants need to grow? ›

Plants have specific needs - light, air, water, nutrients, and space - to survive and reproduce.

What do plants need to grow in an experiment? ›

All you need is some soil, some flower pots or growing trays, plant seeds, and water. You can demonstrate to students how the conditions affect the growth of a plant by placing flower pots in different places around the classroom and measuring how this affects the plants' growth over the next few weeks.

How do plants grow and reproduce Grade 5? ›

Plants reproduce through two modes of reproduction: Asexual mode of reproduction – New plants arise from vegetative parts. Sexual mode of reproduction – New parts arise from reproductive parts of the plant.

What are the 7 requirements for plant growth? ›

All plants need these seven things to grow: room to grow, the right temperature, light, water, air, nutrients, and time.

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