Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (2024)

Whether they’re charming, compact millifloras in pastel shades, spreading varieties that cascade over a hill, or grandifloras with three-inch blooms in bold purple, all Petunia species belong to the nightshade family and are native to South America, in regions with hot and humid weather.

While you’ll find more selections of the modern hybrid varieties than ever before, all petunias still share this “warm weather preferred” trait.

They will not tolerate frost – at least not more than a touch of it. And they’re not cold hardy.

Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (1)

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These tender perennials are able to survive outdoors in winter only in warm-weather USDA Hardiness Zones 9 to 11, coming back year after year with proper care.

Gardeners in other areas must satisfy themselves with growing petunias outdoors as annuals.

There’s more to it than that, though.

Even if your flowers can’t endure once freezing weather sets in, you can prepare them to bloom well after chilly temps first arrive, and make preparations all summer to make sure they’ll stay alive as long as possible.

Here, I’ll give a few pointers for those growing perennial petunias in more temperate zones.

I’ll also share my tips for those in cooler areas who want to encourage petunias grown as annuals to flower for as long as possible into the fall.

Here’s what I’ll cover:

What You’ll Learn

  • Petunia Cold Tolerance
  • What Is the Growing Season for Petunias?
  • Winter Care in Zones 9-11
  • Tips to Extend Blooming in Cooler Zones
    1. Variety Selection
    2. Location Selection
    3. Deadheading
    4. Pruning
    5. Fertilizing
    6. Providing Ample Space in Containers
    7. Temporary Coverings

Petunia Cold Tolerance

Here’s the big picture on this flower’s cold hardiness:

Petunias thrive when nighttime temperatures are in the 55 to 65°F range, and daytime temps are between 61 and 80°F.

Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (2)

They will succumb to sub-freezing temperatures in a hurry, and anything below 40°F may kill them, though Wave® petunias can tolerate temperatures as low as 35°F.

Petunias may be able to survive a dusting of snow or a light frost, especially if they’ve been acclimating gradually as autumn temperatures set in.

What Is the Growing Season for Petunias?

These cottage garden and hanging basket favorites thrive in warm weather.

Whether you start them from seeds indoors eight to 10 weeks before your average last frost date, or purchase transplants from a nursery, outside of Zones 9 to 11, you must wait for reliably warm weather before planting petunias out.

Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (3)

Keep in mind that some of the tactics that will help you delay the ill effects of freezing at the end of the season don’t work early on, when the plants are immature and more likely to succumb to temperature shock.

Only petunias that thrived all summer and then gradually acclimated to increasingly chilly temperatures in the fall are able to benefit from late-season efforts to keep them alive in colder weather.

A full-sun location or fabric covers won’t work on newly-planted petunias facing early spring frosts, for example, even if they’re growing in containers.

After all risk of frost has passed, be sure to harden off your plants before transplanting into the garden or leaving the containers out full time.

To do this, set them outside in a sheltered location for one hour on the first day, then gradually increasing the amount of time they spend outdoors over the course of a week to 10 days.

If an unexpected cold snap is in the forecast, bring them back indoors and start the process again once temperatures start to rise again.

As for the rest of the growing season, grown as annuals, most cultivars will begin blooming in midsummer and continue all the way up until the first heavy frost hits.

Find more tips on growing petunias in our in-depth care guide.

Want to learn some ways to push that blooming period to the limit? Read on.

Winter Care in Zones 9-11

When you live in an area where petunias can be grown as perennials, enjoy! There’s no need to winterize them, since they won’t go dormant and should continue to bloom throughout the year.

But there are a couple of beneficial chores to complete so your petunias will thrive from November to March.

Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (4)

For example, you can prompt the plants to stay healthy and flowering by keeping up with their water needs even when the temperatures are more moderate in fall and winter.

Their shallow roots usually require supplemental water to keep the soil moist six to eight inches down, which is their ideal.

Garden-planted petunias may require extra water once or twice a week, but container and hanging basket petunias often need more frequent soaking, even daily when it hasn’t rained.

When you grow these tender perennials year ‘round, you should also remember to apply a new layer of mulch in the garden beds or large containers in October or November.

This will help to retain moisture and suppress weeds. And if you use organic material, it will decompose and help build soil that’s nutritious and well-draining.

Wood chips, shredded leaves, bark, or dry grass clippings all work well. Spread the mulch about two inches thick, placing it about two inches from the center stems. This will help the shallow roots retain moisture.

Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (5)

In the fall, it’s also a good idea to apply slow-release fertilizer granules to any containers filled with plants that haven’t been fed for six months or more.

Just don’t overdo it with nitrogen, or your plants will put all their energy into foliage, not blooms.

Also take a critical look at the plants at some point in late October or early November, and again every three months after that.

If there are faded flowers and leggy stems, take this opportunity to deadhead or cut the stems to half their height to promote new growth.

And don’t forget to cover any petunias you can’t move into shelter if an unexpected ice storm or frost is predicted. That may not save them, but it’s worth a shot.

Fabric – such as burlap – coverings work best, because they keep the frost out but still allow moisture to escape so it won’t freeze on the plants.

You can also use row covers, sheets, pillow cases, or light tablecloths for the job. Just make sure they touch the ground at the bottom. Anchor them with rocks or other weights.

I’ve also used upended cardboard boxes to protect annuals in a pinch. Plastic will work, too, but it’s a last resort. If it touches the leaves or blooms, it can hold moisture there to freeze and destroy the tissue.

When plastic is your only option, make sure to drape it over a tomato cage or other makeshift support so it doesn’t make contact with the foliage or flowers.

Also remember to remove the coverings when the sun comes up or the weather warms, so you don’t inadvertently cook the plants you’re trying to protect.

Tips to Extend Blooming in Cooler Zones

Outside of Zones 9 to 11, you can still maximize the length of time these annuals stay alive, and even how long they keep blooming. Use these strategies:

1. Variety Selection

Be diligent about selecting which type of petunia to grow if you want to enjoy them right up to the first frost, and maybe a little beyond.

For example, if you opt for spreading petunias, it’s far more difficult to cover them if there is a surprise early frost.

Multiflora varieties tend to be more compact and manageable.

If you’re willing to grow yours in containers, you can choose a variety that you can transport indoors for a day or two to withstand the first couple of frosts, or consider moving them indoors throughout the winter, either dormant or while continuing to put on new growth.

You can learn more about how to overwinter petunias indoors in our guide.

Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (6)

‘Supertunia Mini Vista Pink Star’

For these portable pots, select a smaller, more lightweight type, like ‘Supertunia Mini Vista Pink Star.’ It’s available in four-packs fromHome Depot.

Or plant just one trailing petunia per hanging basket, so each will be light enough to move as needed when temps get cooler.

This also means you can easily move the plants into the shade or AC when sweltering midsummer weather makes them flag.

Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (7)

Shock Wave® ‘Coconut’

Shock Wave® ‘Coconut’ is one variety that will fill up a basket with a single plant. It has bright white flowers with yellow centers. It’s available in six-packs of plants from Burpee.

2. Location Selection

This part of the plan involves some tradeoffs. Ideally, you’ll transplant or sow in a space where the plants receive at least six hours of full sun per day.

But you can grow these flowers without quite that much sun. Even though it causes reduced flowering, planting in part shade will make the plants live longer in areas with scorching hot summers.

Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (8)

Here’s the thing, though. As autumn closes in, it’s colder in shady areas, so the plants’ roots and stems might freeze and die more quickly than those planted in sunnier spots.

The best compromise? Plant in full sun to stave off daytime exposure to those premature chilly temps, but use shade netting to reduce the ill effects of strong sun in the warm months, if that’s an issue for you.

Avoid planting in low-lying areas of the garden as cold air tends to accumulate in valleys and frost is more likely.

Also grow annual petunias in a spot where your flowers will be protected from wind, which can break the plants and dry the soil.

3. Deadheading

Many newer Wave® series or spreading petunias have been bred to continuously bloom without deadheading.

But if you’re growing older varieties like the grandifloras, you can extend the blooming season well into the fall by diligently removing spent blooms from the plants.

Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (9)

The idea is to remove them before they rob the plant of energy. After flowers fade, the plants will turn energy to producing seeds that could go to producing more blooms instead.

Use sanitized scissors to avoid spreading disease pathogens, and snip the faded flowers where they meet the stem.

4. Pruning

It may not seem kind when you do it, but cutting the plants back to half their height in midsummer will help them grow back stronger, and bloom longer.

Perform this chore when you notice the stems getting leggy and losing their leaves.

Not only will the severe cut promote new growth and another round of blooms, it will make the plants sturdier, and better able to withstand chilly weather in subsequent weeks.

5. Fertilizing

When growing these annuals in the garden, start with a balanced granular fertilizer worked into the soil ahead of planting, about eight ounces per 25 square feet.

In midsummer, start using liquid fertilizer once every three weeks to give petunias an energy boost.

Opting for the liquid is the best option when the plants have already spread over the soil surface, which makes it difficult to scratch in the granules.

Dilute the liquid and either pour it onto the soil or spray it on the leaves, according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

To encourage hanging basket and container plants to flower as long as possible, add some granular, slow-acting fertilizer to the growing medium when you plant, and consider adding more midway through the growing season.

The granules release nutrients gradually, which keeps the fertilizer in the pot longer. Liquid fertilizer is far more susceptible to getting washed out with the frequent watering that’s necessary for container-grown annuals.

Some hanging basket aficionados do both, giving their petunias an occasional boost from liquid fertilizer sprayed on the foliage along with granules added to the soil.

If you’re watering once a day or more often, this might be a good idea for your petunias, too.

6. Providing Ample Space in Containers

Container-grown varieties will flower longer and be less susceptible to chilly temperatures when they have ample space to grow in pots.

Assure this space at transplant time, though the negatives of too-cramped quarters won’t be obvious until the plants get a bit larger and start competing for resources.

Limiting the number you plant per container will make it easier for thirsty petunias to receive their water requirement, and will keep the soil from getting hard, too.

Dry, compact soil will weaken the plants when they can’t readily draw up nutrients or water.

While it’s a temptation to pack a pot or basket with transplants for “instant color,” the reality is just a few plants will fill out quite quickly. Two or three plants per 10- to 12-inch pot will create a full effect without overcrowding.

In window boxes, plant compact varieties about 12 inches apart, and grow larger types 16 inches away from each other.

7. Temporary Coverings

You can’t fight Mother Nature indefinitely. At some point, your petunias will succumb to the cold if you live in an area where they must be grown as annuals, and you want to keep them outdoors.

But if you’ve used some of these tactics to keep them healthy and flowering right up until the first frost, you can employ row covers to get them through the first few bouts before harsher weather sets in.

Prop it up with a cage or frame so it sits a few inches above the top of the leaves and blossoms, and make sure to weight down the edges with a brick or log.

Be sure to take it off before the next rain, since only a limited amount of water can make its way through the weave.

Remember to remove the cover when the weather heats up again, too, both so you can enjoy the colorful blooms and so the cover won’t get the air so warm it cooks the plants.

Row covers and wire cages aren’t attractive options, so save them to use as a short-term season extender.

Can Petunias Chill Out?

There’s another advantage of taking extra steps to care for your petunias as winter weather approaches, whether you live in an area where they may be grown as perennials or as annuals.

The evaluation and extra maintenance required will get you that much closer to year-round color – and well beyond your garden beds or borders!

Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (10)

Extending the bloom period for your outdoor plants can become another component in your overall growing and design plan, and that may include potted plants, window boxes, and containers that transition between home and patio.

You may also be able to extend the life of your favorite petunia plants by taking cuttings and rooting them to overwinter indoors. The next spring, you can transplant them into the garden or containers to grow outdoors.

If these annuals are part of your garden plan already, it would be helpful for your fellow petunia fans if you’d share any tips you have for helping them cope with cool weather. Feel free to reach out with suggestions or questions you may have in the comments section below.

And if these end-of-season tips have inspired you to learn more about growing annuals, read these popular flower guides next:

  • 15 of the Best Annuals for Late Summer Color
  • Fall Annuals for the South
  • How to Sow Seeds in Winter for Sweet Spring Blooms
Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path (2024)


Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care | Gardener’s Path? ›

Are Petunias Cold Hardy? Tips for Outdoor Winter Care. Petunias are not cold hardy, and they grow as perennials only in Zones 9-11.

What is the lowest temperature petunias can tolerate? ›

Petunias thrive when nighttime temperatures are in the 55 to 65°F range, and daytime temps are between 61 and 80°F. They will succumb to sub-freezing temperatures in a hurry, and anything below 40°F may kill them, though Wave® petunias can tolerate temperatures as low as 35°F.

How long do petunias last in pots in winter? ›

Typically, petunias only last one gardening season. However, if you live in a frost-free zone (10-11), you may be able to keep your petunias growing for 2 or 3 years.

How do I save my petunias for next year? ›

You have two options when it comes to winterizing a petunia plant. The first is that you can put the plant into a state of dormancy somewhere that it's protected from frost, such as in a garage. The second is to treat the petunia as a houseplant, and keep it alive in a sunny spot indoors.

Is it worth overwintering petunias? ›

Overwintering Petunias: Growing Petunia Indoors Over Winter. Gardeners with a bed full of inexpensive bedding petunias may not find it worthwhile to overwinter petunias, but if you are growing one of the fancy hybrids, they can cost more than $4 for a small pot.

When should I bring petunias inside? ›

Steps To Care For Petunias in Winter

In zones 9 through 11, Petunias can spend the winter outdoors but be ready to cover the plant if the forecast calls for temperatures below 40-degrees. The plant will need to be brought inside in the winter in colder regions.

Will a covered porch protect plants from frost? ›

A covered porch usually provides protection from light frost, but the garage or sun room is better for freezing temperatures. A couple days in darkness won't hurt the plant. Or move them out during the day and back in at night, if cold temperatures persist.

Will petunias come back after a freeze? ›

Will it flower from the existing stems or does it only flower from “new wood”? A: Mexican petunia is considered an herbaceous perennial, which means it freezes to the ground if it gets too cold and grows back from the base. It is summer flowering so the flowers develop on new growth.

How do I protect my petunias from the cold? ›

Extending Petunia Cold Hardiness

You may be able to extend the life of petunias for a short time when temperatures begin to drop in autumn by protecting the plants. For example, cover petunias loosely with an old sheet in the evening, then remove the sheet as soon as the temperature moderates in the morning.

Can I take cuttings from petunias for the next year? ›

Hanging petunia varieties are particularly suitable for propagation via cuttings, as they produce very long, strong shoots with the right care. If you proceed as follows, it will not take long for your cuttings to grow their first roots.

Do petunias come back on their own every year? ›

In cold climates, petunias are annuals and only last one growing season. Within their warmer growing zones, petunias will come back every year but still don't last very long—about three years. However, they will self-seed for continued growth. Petunia spp.

Do petunias do better in pots or in the ground? ›

Grandiflora petunias have very large flowers and are best grown in containers or hanging baskets (because they are more susceptible to rain damage). These large petunias often do not fare as well in the south because they're prone to rot during humid, hot summers.

Do petunias grow better in pots or the ground? ›

Petunias are adaptable plants that can thrive in the ground or planters. Their relatively easy care requirements and abundant flowers make Petunias a very popular choice for containers and hanging baskets.

Should you deadhead petunias? ›

It's a good idea to deadhead the wilted or dead petunia flowers once a week. Mark it on your calendar so you don't forget! Many people only pull off the wilted or dead flower from the plant. By doing this, the seed source is still intact on the plant.

Do hummingbirds like petunias? ›

Flowers that Attract Hummingbirds

These include perennials such as bee balms, columbines, daylilies, and lupines; biennials such as foxgloves and hollyhocks; and many annuals, including cleomes, impatiens, and petunias.

What month do petunias stop blooming? ›

Petunias are bright and lively, bloom from spring until frost, and scent the air with lovely fragrance. Best of all, petunias are amazingly easy to grow, both in the garden and in containers.

Can I use garbage bags to cover plants? ›

Covering your plants with garbage bags is okay as long as the cover goes to the root and doesn't suffocate the plants. Tents or capsules made from garbage bags will mimic the environment of a greenhouse nicely. They will hold the moisture and warmth from the trees and constantly recycle them.

What is the cheapest way to cover plants from frost? ›

Cover Plants – Protect plants from all but the hardest freeze (28°F for five hours) by covering them with sheets, towels, blankets, cardboard or a tarp. You can also invert baskets, coolers or any container with a solid bottom over plants. Cover plants before dark to trap warmer air.

Can I cover my plants with plastic bags to protect from frost? ›

Plastic can be used to protect plants from frost, but it's not the best or most effective material. In fact, the horticultural experts here at Green Impressions actually recommend against it. Plastic materials such as vinyl and traditional camping tarps aren't breathable, causing moisture to get trapped inside.

How long do petunias last outside? ›

How Long Do Petunias Last? Petunias will last and bloom all summer long and into fall, until the first frost However, they are technically tender perennials, you can bring them indoors and keep them through the winter as houseplants in a sunny window where they'll get at least 6 hours of sunlight.

Should I let petunias dry out? ›

Petunias can handle getting wet, but a deluge of water may flatten or damage the flowers, so try to water the ground around the plant. Step 4 - Make sure the soil does not completely dry out. Check on the plant every few days to ensure it does not become too dry.

Do I need to cover petunias from frost? ›

Many newer cultivars are able to withstand hotter temperatures, but no petunias thrive in chilly temperatures. When spring temperatures dip below 40 degrees F, either cover your outdoor petunias with frost cloth or bring them indoors. Temperatures below freezing will kill them in a jiffy.

Are Supertunias cold hardy? ›

Growing Tips for SUPERTUNIA®

are more sensitive to cold. Keep above 50º F. Day-length neutral varieties need less PGRs. Cold temperatures also control growth.

Are petunias good winter flowers? ›

Petunias are the perfect way to brighten up your winter garden. With their vivid flowers in a kaleidoscopic range of colours, these annuals are a sure fire way of banishing those cold winter blues. You may wonder at this, as most gardeners consider them to be summer annuals.

How do you cover plants for winter? ›

Mulch is great for covering the base of the plant. Bed sheets or comforters work best for covering large plants and shrubs. Newspaper can be used on low-growing foliage, but it can often be difficult to get it to stay in place. You can also use old pillowcases, sheets, towels and even cardboard boxes.

What destroys petunias? ›

Whether from internal or external sources, ethylene kills petunia flowers and damages flowers and foliage of many other bedding plants, flowering potted plants and potted foliage plants. With petunia flower meltdown, the damage comes from ethylene produced within the flower.

How do I keep my plants warm outside in the winter? ›

Use a frost blanket, cloche or row cover material – not plastic — to insulate the ground around your outdoor plants and keep them warm. Prop the cover with sticks or stakes to keep it from coming into direct contact with the new growth. And, make sure to remove the cover the next morning after the temperature warms up.

Should I remove seed pods from petunias? ›

Petunias will bloom most prolifically if the spent flowers are deadheaded. But you also need to remove the seed pod if you want to stop leggy petunias. The seed pod looks like a little green or tan bud nestled at the base of a star-shaped group of tiny leaves.

Why are my petunias tall and spindly? ›

Petunias naturally look leggy or have sparse stems. New flowers emerge at the ends of stems, so as old blooms die back, the stems will look bare. Cutting a Petunia back in the middle of the season will allow the plant to push out new growth and appear more full. Dead or damaged growth can be removed at any time.

Do petunias reseed themselves? ›

Petunia plants are self-seeding. You can save the seed if you're interested, but the flowers won't always come true to type. They usually revert to a mix of small white, lavender and rose flowers.

What happens if you don't deadhead petunias? ›

Without deadheading, the plant may only produce a single bloom. The petunia spends the rest of the season with straggly stems and no flowers. Deadheading isn't required, but removing the old blooms promotes new growth.

What do overwatered petunias look like? ›

Signs of Overwatered Petunias. The sign that you are overwatering your petunias would be seen by the yellowing of the leaves, and the brown and wet patches on the leaves. You will see root rots, wilting of flowers, and even fungi or mold around in the plant's substrate.

Do regular petunias spread? ›

Regular petunias, on the other hand, are more compact (making them great for pots, planters, or even as an addition to a garden). While regular petunias may spread a little, it's more known for their small, upright, and bushy growth.

What not to plant with petunias? ›

Avoid planting sunflowers next to petunias, as they have different requirements for growing conditions.

What is the best homemade fertilizer for petunias? ›

If you want a homemade option for powering your petunias to bigger blooms, it's hard to beat compost tea. Compost tea has all of the natural nutrients your petunias will need to bloom big – and in just the right amount!

What is the difference between a wave petunia and a petunia? ›

Wave petunias have a unique trailing growth habit and are highly prolific in their blooming. They drape over the sides of containers and raised beds and are great summer performers. A regular petunia has an upright or bush growth habit. It may spread slightly, but will not drape down as dramatically as a Wave petunia.

Can you leave petunias in the ground over winter? ›

These tender perennials are able to survive outdoors in winter only in warm-weather USDA Hardiness Zones 9 to 11, coming back year after year with proper care. Gardeners in other areas must satisfy themselves with growing petunias outdoors as annuals.

How many petunia plants per hanging basket? ›

The general thought for how many trailing petunias to put in a hanging basket is that for a 12-14 inch basket, you should use 3-5 plants. In a 16-18 inch basket, you can use 5-7 trailing petunias.

How long do potted petunias last? ›

How long do petunias last? Typically, petunias only last one gardening season. However, if you live in a frost-free zone (10-11), you may be able to keep your petunias growing for 2 or 3 years.

Do petunias come back after winter? ›

ANSWER: Petunias are technically tender perennials. What this means is in the ideal conditions, these flowers will come back year after year. However, they can't handle frost. Therefore, they're tender because their climate determines whether they will be an annual or perennial.

Is 40 degrees too cold for flowers? ›

For most flower types, optimal storage temperatures range between 33°F - 37°F while cold-sensitive blossoms and tropical flowers should be maintained at temperatures above 50°F.

How late can I plant petunias? ›

If you want to grow petunias from seed, start the seeds indoors 8 to 10 weeks before your last spring frost date. (See your local frost dates.) Plant young petunias outdoors after your last spring frost date, but keep a close eye on the weather forecast and protect young plants from late frosts.

Is 47 degrees too cold for annuals? ›

Temperatures below 32 degrees can freeze the leaf tissue of cold-wimpy plants and turn them to mush after just a few hours. Some of the most tender annuals and veggies might not die but suffer cold-induced setbacks even when overnight lows dip below 40.

Should I cover my plants at 40 degrees? ›

Our recommendation would be to remove the cold protection covering once temperatures are above 32 degrees. If you leave the covering on when it gets warm and the sun is shining brightly, it may get too hot inside the cover and stress out the plants.

At what temperature should you cover your plants at night? ›

Once temperatures drop below 40°F, you may want to start covering your plants with a frost blanket depending on what you're growing, which we'll get into in just a bit. Freeze – A freeze is when the air temperature is 32°F or below.

How cold is too cold for potted plants outside? ›

Most potted or hanging plants, like petunias, are fine as long temperatures don't dip below 39 degrees, and especially if the temperature doesn't dip to the freezing mark.

How cold is too cold for flower arrangements? ›

CONCLUSIONS Vase life and quality is highly impacted when improper temperatures are used during transport and storage. For most cut flowers, the ideal range is from 33°F to 35°F. Tropical flowers, however, require 50 to 55°F.

Can you plant petunias in October? ›

Flowering plant of the month (October): petunia

Planting months: October to February. Cold tolerance: Hardy. Light requirements: Full sun to partial shade. Soil requirements: Well-drained.

Can I plant petunias in September? ›

As with almost all bedding plants these days, you can find a wide assortment of petunias at local garden centers. For best results, plant petunias in September through early November or late January through mid-March.

Do petunias need to be covered for frost? ›

Many newer cultivars are able to withstand hotter temperatures, but no petunias thrive in chilly temperatures. When spring temperatures dip below 40 degrees F, either cover your outdoor petunias with frost cloth or bring them indoors. Temperatures below freezing will kill them in a jiffy.

Is 50 degrees at night too cold for plants? ›

If you're wondering at what temperature threshold you should be bringing your plants, there's a short answer: when nighttime temperatures reach 45 degrees (F), it's time to bring your plants indoors.

How do I know if my plants are too cold? ›

Signs Your Plants May Be Too Cold

A sign of a chilly plant is when its leaves begin to curl under. The leaves brown and fall off. If your plant is too cold, it may begin to die, and its leaves will brown and fall off. The leaves turn yellow.

Can I cover plants with garbage bags? ›

Covering your plants with garbage bags is okay as long as the cover goes to the root and doesn't suffocate the plants. Tents or capsules made from garbage bags will mimic the environment of a greenhouse nicely. They will hold the moisture and warmth from the trees and constantly recycle them.

Will cardboard boxes protect plants from frost? ›

From that experience, I've found the best frost protection for your outdoor plants is either free or cheap. Cardboard boxes and brown grocery sacks make perfect frost cover and at the end of the season can be recycled. I keep various boxes on the patio and when frost is forecast simply put one over the plant.

What is best to cover plants in winter? ›

Mulch is great for covering the base of the plant. Bed sheets or comforters work best for covering large plants and shrubs. Newspaper can be used on low-growing foliage, but it can often be difficult to get it to stay in place. You can also use old pillowcases, sheets, towels and even cardboard boxes.

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