Alum Improves Wastewater Treatment Process | Dublin San Ramon Services District (2024)

The problem: The wastewater treatment process needs wastewater to flow through the plant, but when struvite crystals build up into a concrete-like substance in the pipes and tanks, they clog the way and stop the process.

The solution: Add alum, a.k.a., aluminum sulfate, to the process.

Currently, at the Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility, alum is used in the pretreatment phase of the Jeffrey G. Hansen Water Recycling Plant. Every three to four days, tanker trucks deliver 48,000 pounds of alum ($4,255 worth) during the peak summer season. Operators add alum to the pretreatment process to increase the efficiency of the sand filters as they make irrigation water from wastewater.

Alum will also be used in the wastewater treatment process once this $2.15 million alum project is completed in spring 2022. Operators will add alum to the wastewater stream as it enters the treatment plant from the sludge lagoons. Sometimes water is moved from the lagoons back to the treatment plant (during rainy season), and sometimes water is added to the sludge lagoons (during hot summer months).

This alum will bind up phosphates, causing them to settle to the bottom and making it less likely they will release back into the water.

In the wastewater treatment process, when the liquid stream separates from the solids, it moves on to the aeration tanks where oxygen is pumped in to keep the microorganisms alive while they feed on wastes, breaking them down. If plant operators stop pumping oxygen into the aeration basin, the microorganisms that feed on the phosphates thrive, efficiently removing phosphates from the wastewater stream.

However, when these microorganisms move on to the digesters, the next step in the wastewater treatment process, they release those phosphates. If there are too many phosphates released back into the wastewater system, they combine with magnesium and ammonium and create struvite, a concrete-like substance that can clog pipes and equipment and is costly to repair.

Adding alum to the wastewater stream provides three benefits. It makes sludge settle easier in the secondary clarifiers so cleaner, less turbid water moves on to the recycled water treatment plant, making that process more efficient. Alum in the wastewater also helps prevent struvite from building up inside the digesters. And finally, because alum improves the efficiencies of the aeration tanks and clarifiers, it will not be necessary for the District to build a fifth secondary clarifier when the community reaches buildout. This will save ratepayers millions of dollars.

Most of the cost of the alum project is for construction of the tanks that hold and disperse the alum into the water from the sludge lagoons before it is returned to the plant for treatment. The alum project engineer is Associate Engineer Kevin Randeni.

Alum Improves Wastewater Treatment Process | Dublin San Ramon Services District (2024)


What is the role of alum in the treatment of river water for town supply? ›

Alum (aluminum sulfate) is a nontoxic liquid that is commonly used in water treatment plants to clarify drinking water. It's use in lakes began in the early 1970's and is used to reduce the amount of phosphorus in the water.

What does alum do in wastewater treatment? ›

It makes sludge settle easier in the secondary clarifiers so cleaner, less turbid water moves on to the recycled water treatment plant, making that process more efficient. Alum in the wastewater also helps prevent struvite from building up inside the digesters.

What is another important application of alum during water treatment? ›


Why alum is most popular coagulant for the treatment of water? ›

The alum promotes coagulation of fine particles which helps resolve problems of color as well a turbidity. If the process is given enough time to work and is applied properly, it not only corrects problems in the water but actually results in removing most of the aluminum used in the process.

How much alum is used for water treatment? ›

Make an alum solution by adding 7.5 grams of alum to one liter of tap water.

What happens when you add alum a water source? ›

Raw water often holds tiny suspended particles that are very difficult for a filter to catch. Alum causes them to clump together so that they can settle out of the water or be easily trapped by a filter.

How does alum clean water? ›

Alum helps in purifying water by aluminium which coagulates the mud particles. Because of the high charge on the aluminium ion (Al+3), it helps the small particles of suspended solids to group together until they are of such size that they sink and can be removd.

Is alum safe for water treatment? ›

It has been used to purify turbid liquids since antiquity. Alum is used to purify domestic wastewater. It is added to water to cause aggregation of particles and form flocs.

Can we use alum to clean water tank? ›

Alum or fitkari quickens the process of sedimentation and can be procured from any grocery store. If a small piece of alum is added to water and the water is left untouched for the next couple of hours the impurities get collected at bottom of the container.

What are 3 common uses for alum? ›

Uses of Alum
  • It is used in the pickling and baking process.
  • It is used in the tanning process of leather.
  • It is used in the Coagulation and Flocculation process of Water treatment.
  • It is used as an acidulating agent in cooking.
  • It is used as a drying agent in a textile company.
  • It is used as an antiseptic agent.

In which process alum is used? ›

Alum is added to water in order to destabilize the mud particles suspended in it. This process is known as coagulation. Alum helps in purifying water by aluminium which helps to coagulate the mud particles.

What is the best use of alum? ›

Generally, an alum block is used after shaving to soothe the skin, prevent the spread of bacteria, and reduce bleeding associated with minor nicks and cuts. It can also be used to prevent some of the more annoying side effects of shaving, such as razor burn and ingrown hairs.

Which is the most important coagulant used in waste water treatment? ›

Inorganic coagulants:

Aluminium sulphate is the most commonly used chemical to treat waste water globally, though other examples include aluminium chloride, polyaluminium chloride, aluminium chlorohydrate, ferric and ferrous sulphate, and ferric chloride.

What is the purpose of adding alum in the process of loading? ›

Alum is used as a chemical in this process to fast the process of loading. When alum is dropped in solution then the heavy particles of that solution become heavier as the alum reacts with them and make the particles heavier than before which results in the settling of the particles at bottom.

How long does alum clean water? ›

Took about five liters of water in a plastic bucket and added half a teaspoon of powdered Alum (that is about 50 mg which works out to 10 mg per liter of water) and stirred well. This bucket of water needs to be kept still for about 6 to 7 hours so that the sediments get coagulated and settles down at the bottom.

Why is alum used to clean dirty water? ›

Alum is used to coagulate suspended particles, algae, protozoa, viruses, bacteria, and some metal ions (such as iron and manganese) into larger particles. The resulting "sludge" is then removed. Ozone may be bubbled through the water to kill remaining bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.

How long does alum treatment last? ›

An alum treatment can last 10–15 years or even longer, depending on the level of external phosphorus loading to the lake. The less phosphorus that enters the lake from external sources, the more effective the treatment. (Alum is effective only at controlling internally released phosphorus.)

What does alum do to the pH of water? ›

Alum (aluminum sulfate; Al2(SO4)3. 14H2O) is acidic in water and can reduce total alkalinity and pH by neutralizing carbonate and bicarbonate compounds with a greater decline in pH when applied to water with low initial total alkalinity (Boyd 1979a; 1990; Wilkinson 2002).

How much alum per gallon of water? ›

The suggested dosage for alum is 1/5 teaspoon per gallon. Mix vigorously and allow to sit for five minutes, stirring twice. Once the silt has settled, either pour the cleared water into another container or draw directly from the top.

What is the chemical name for alum? ›

Its chemical name is sodium aluminium sulphate and has a molar mass of 458.28 g/mol. It exists in a white crystal form and has a smell that of metallic water. The chemical formula for sodium alum is NaAl(SO₄)₂·12H₂O. 3.

Where does alum come from? ›

Alums occur naturally in various minerals. Potassium alum, for example, is found in the minerals kalinite, alunite, and leucite, which can be treated with sulfuric acid to obtain crystals of the alum. Most alums have an astringent and acid taste. They are colourless, odourless, and exist as a white crystalline powder.

How do I add alum to my water tank? ›

Add 1.4 ounces of alum powder to the contaminated water in the reaction vessel and carefully stir the mixture with the stirring stick for at least five minutes. Sediment will form as the phosphorous in the water binds with the alum powder.

How many types of alum are there? ›

Alum refers to a collection of chemical compounds that are hydrated sulfate salts of aluminum and usually one other metal. Common forms of alum include hydrated potassium aluminum sulfate, ammonium aluminum sulfate, and sodium aluminum sulfate. The different compounds have different functions.

What is alum used for short answer? ›

It can be used as a fire-retardant. To remove body hair, alum can be used. In the case of non-serious minor cuts, alum can be used in styptic pencil to stop bleeding. For industrial purposes, it can be used in manufacturing deodorants.

What type of salt is alum? ›

Reason : An alum is a type of chemical compound, usually a hydrated double sulfate salt of aluminium with the general formula XAl(SO4)2. 12H2O, where X is a monovalent cation such as potassium or ammonium.

What process is alum used to remove impurities? ›

Crystallization is used to separate alum from impurities. Alum is used in loading process to attract all the impurities to its surface. In crystallization, the alum is heated. During heating, the pure alum gets separated from its solution of impurities in form of a crystal.

What is the process of adding alum to water called? ›

When alum is added to water, it dissolves in water and makes the suspended impurities heavier making them settle down quickly. Therefore, the addition of alum is known as loading.

Is alum used for cleaning? ›

A pinch of alum added to water removes the solid impurities. Once the sediment is thrown away, the water is boiled to kill bacteria.

Does alum destroy bacteria? ›

Strong antibacterial activity of white alum compared with control was shown against tested bacterium. In conclusion, white alum can be used as an inhibitor of bacterial growth, especially for Escherichia coli O157:H7.

Does alum actually work? ›

Yes, alum stones are a safe and effective natural deodorant. It is important to note that they are made of potassium alum which is a different chemical compound than the aluminum found in conventional deodorants, and they do not possess the same health risks.

Is alum good for Plants? ›

The compound is safe to use in small quantities of less than 28.5 g or one ounce. The household alum has plenty of uses and is available in powder and liquid form. Aluminium sulphate isn't a fertilizer, but still, many people use it in gardening. Alum is useful in gardening since it improves the pH of soil.

Is alum positive or negative? ›

If the pH of the water is between 4 and 5, alum is generally present in the form of positive ions (i.e., Al(OH)2+, Al8(OH)4+, and Al3+). However, optimum coagulation occurs when negatively charged forms of alum predominate, which occurs when the pH is between 6 and 8.

Can alum remove iron from water? ›

At an initial dose of 5 mg/L, the removal efficiency for arsenic and iron was 63% and 58% respectively using alum, and 47% and 41% respectively using Moringa oleifera. The removal of both contaminants increased with the increase in coagulant dose and decrease in pH.

Which are the 3 most widely used disinfectants in wastewater treatment? ›

There are basically three methods of disinfection for onsite wastewater treatment systems: chlorination, ultraviolet radiation, and ozone. In general, UV radiation and tablet chlorinators seem to be the most effective methods for disinfecting small wastewater flows.

What are the treatment of water for town supply? ›

Public drinking water systems use different water treatment methods to provide safe drinking water for their communities. Public water systems often use a series of water treatment steps that include coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, and disinfection.

What is the importance of alum? ›

Generally, an alum block is used after shaving to soothe the skin, prevent the spread of bacteria, and reduce bleeding associated with minor nicks and cuts. It can also be used to prevent some of the more annoying side effects of shaving, such as razor burn and ingrown hairs.

What is the best treatment for water? ›

Reverse osmosis is the best option, whereas filtering is good for basic water tasks such as sediment and chlorine removal. Reverse osmosis covers a larger spectrum of contaminant removal.

How effective is alum? ›

Alum helps in quick healing of the wound, decreases swelling and brings back the normal texture of the skin. This is due to its Kashaya (astringent) and Ropan (healing) properties. Alum also works on the wound by controlling bleeding because of its Raktastambhak (hemostatic) properties.

Can we put alum in water tank? ›

Alum is generally used in water tanks to settle down solid impurities.

What is another name for alum? ›

noun Chemistry. Also called potash alum, potassium alum. a crystalline solid, aluminum potassium sulfate, K2SO4⋅Al2(SO4)3⋅24H2O, used in medicine as an astringent and styptic, in dyeing and tanning, and in many technical processes.

Which one is example of alum? ›

The most important alums are potassium aluminum sulfate, ammonium aluminum sulfate, and sodium aluminum sulfate. Potassium aluminum sulfate, also known as potassium alum or potash alum, has a molecular formula of K2(SO4)·Al2(SO4)3·24H2O or KAl(SO4)2·12H2O.

What is alum give example? ›

Alum is basically a hydrated double sulphate salt of aluminium. The general chemical formula for alum is XAl(SO4)2·12H2O. Alums can occur as minerals. For example, alunite, leucite.

In which process is alum added to remove impurities? ›

The coagulated substance can be removed by filtration or decantation. Hence, alum is added to water containing suspended impurities to coagulate the suspended particles.

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