A Hot Process Soap Tutorial: How to Hot Process Soap in a Crockpot (2024)

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When I first started making hot processsoap, I searched high and low fora definitive set of steps, like a recipe, that would ensure my hot processsoap came out perfectly every time. However, once I understood saponification (the chemical reaction that happens when making soap) and was able to identify the stages of saponification, I became a lot more relaxed about hot process soapmaking.

The main concept of hot process soap is that you are actively cooking the soap (instead of letting it saponify on its own which you do with cold process).Today, we're going to take a tour of hot process soapmaking using a crockpot, focusing on the stages of saponification.I intentionally named this post "ahot process tutorial" instead of "the hot process tutorial" because using a crockpot to make hot process soap is one of many ways to cook soap.

A Hot Process Soap Tutorial: How to Hot Process Soap in a Crockpot (1)How to Make Hot Process Soap in a Crock Pot

Making hot process soap is a lot like cooking a chicken. You can cook the chicken really fast over high heat, or you could cook it low and slow like BBQ. Both methods will yield a cooked chicken, and both can result in a tasty meal. However, as a cook, you will likely develop a preference for how you like to cook chicken and probably stick with one method after you have tried a few. Cooking hot process soap is a lot like that!

You can cook soap in a crockpot like we are going to do here, or in a pot on the stove, or in the oven, or even without any additional heat sources. And they will all result in great soap if you are able to identify when the soap is done, and if you manage the heat and water levels properly. In other words, there is no bestmethod for hot process: what matters is that you choose a method you like and you learn how to identify the stages.

MyOnly Rule for Hot Process Soapmaking

I only have one rulewhen it comes to hot process soapmaking: never leave your hot processsoap while it is cooking. (I have broken this rule a few times and greatly regretted it!) Don't go in the other room to change the laundry or go outside to get the mail. Unattended hot processsoap can grow in size (creating a soap volcano), making a huge mess and resulting in a failed batch of soap. If you follow this one rule, you will always be there when your soap starts to volcano, and you can save it, but if you are in the other room on the phone, it can be a messy disaster!

Making Hot Process Soap in a Crockpot

Let's get started on making soap in a crockpot! I like to make my hot processsoap in the crockpot on the "low" setting. When you cook hot process soap at a lower heat, there is a lower risk of a volcano.

Like cold process soapmaking, I make my lye solution and allow it to cool for a while (about 15 to 20 minutes). Again, I do this to keepmy temperatureslow and minimize any chances for soapyvolcano.

For this batch of hot processsoap, I heated my oils to 150° F (65° C) and added my lye solutionafter the solution cooledfor a good half hour. I like to makemy lye solutionin a stainless steel pitcher (you can see it in thephoto below).

A Hot Process Soap Tutorial: How to Hot Process Soap in a Crockpot (2)Getting ready to hot process soap in a crockpot: melting & heating the oils

If you don't want to wait or your lye solution to cool or you want to heat your oils to a higher temperature, don't worry!As long as you don'tleave your soap unattended, you will be able to stir the soap volcano down with a large whisk.

You do not want your oils hotter than180° F (82° C). Warning: If you add hot lye solutionto really hot oils in a heated crockpot you will have a huge, super hot mess on your hands. If you are makinghot process soap in a crockpotfor the first time, I definitely recommend keep your oils and lye solutionon the cooler side (below150° F/65° C).

To checkyour temperatures without ending up with a messy thermometer coated with caustic material,get yourselfan infrared thermometer.An infrared thermometeris probably the only soaping gadget I cannot live without! You have to know your temperatureswhen you hot process, not just to avoid soapy volcanoes but also tocheckwhen the soap is cooked and you want to add your post-cook goodies.

After adding my cooled lye solutionto the warmed oils in the crock pot, I stick blend to emulsion. (Not sure what emulsion is? This post about controlling trace in cold process soapmaking will help!) You definitely want the mixture to thicken, but once it is blended, you are done with yourstick blender!

After mixing your oils and lye solution together, cover the crock pot to retain moisture and avoid dry spots. I like to cover mine crock pot with plasticwrap (much thanks to Sharon Johnson for teaching me this super cool trick!).

A Hot Process Soap Tutorial: How to Hot Process Soap in a Crockpot (3)Getting ready to hot process soap in a crockpot: combining the lye solution and oils, starting the cook!

I always use Stretch-Titeplastic wrap, because it is thicker, holds up to heat, and does not cling to itself. I have tried many brands, and none compare to this one. You can get it at many grocery stores (Publix carries it) as well as Costco. Costco sells huge rolls if you have room to store one that big!

A Hot Process Soap Tutorial: How to Hot Process Soap in a Crockpot (4)Stretch-Tite plastic food wrap is my favorite brand of plastic wrap to use when hot processing soap in a crockpot.

The purpose of the plastic wrap is to seal the crockpot to prevent moisture from escaping. If you want to have a fluid soap that you can swirl when hot processing, retaining water is important vital. Some soapmakers usea damp towel and place it under the lid, whichhelps retain water. However, you need to open the lid to check on your hot process soap during the cook, and doing so with a damp towelwill allowthe water/steam to escape. That is why the plastic wrap is great: you can watch the soap cook, and even check the temperature with an infrared thermometer without letting any water escape!

For these photos, I opened the plastic wrap to get clearer shots, but normally I would leave it alone until it is done cooking! Some soapers like to stir their hot process soap as it cooks, but I don't because of the evaporation issue. Thisbatch of hot processsoap was remarkably less fluid than my normal batches due to taking the plastic wrap off, confirming that one should keep that lid on tight!!

A Hot Process Soap Tutorial: How to Hot Process Soap in a Crockpot (5)Making hot process soap in a crock pot: The edges gelling!

Now, the fun part: waiting!

After your blend your oils and lye solutionto an emulsion, the raw soap mixturewill be opaque (meaningyou cannot see through it). It is usually a cream color (like butter!), but the color can vary depending on the oils used.

As the soap cooks in the crock pot, it will start to gel along the sides of the crock pot, becausethat is where the soap is hottest. You can tell the soap is gelling because itbecomes translucent (which means you can kind of see through it and it looks like jelly). Once the soap is fully gelled, it is done cooking!

Using the chicken example before: you know you want to cook chickento an internal temp of 170° F (76° C) so you can remove it from the heat slightly before and the residual heat will continue cooking the chicken. With hot process soap, you can also remove the soap from the heat before it is fully cooked, knowing that the residual heat from the crockpot will finish cooking the soap!

See Also

Once the majority of the soap is gelled, I take the crockpot out of the base, remove the plasticwrap and give it a stir. After mixing the hot process soap, I will check the temperature with my infrared thermometer. In mostcases, the soap will temp between 200° F (93° C) and 220° F (104° C).

If you wanted to put the soap in the mold at this point, you can. Even if the soap isnot fully gelled, it will finish saponifying in the moldwhichis why I don't stress about confirming if the soap is fully cooked via a zap test or pheno. It does not matter: it will finish itself offin the mold!

A Hot Process Soap Tutorial: How to Hot Process Soap in a Crockpot (6)Making hot process soap in a crock pot: gelled soap!

Wait, what is a zap test? A zap test is an old-fashioned way to check a soap mixture for the presence of lye by touching it to your tongue. If it feels zappy or sharp, like touching a battery to your tongue, it's not done yet. While I have done a zap test, Idon't recommend it at all! Not only does soap taste bad, but it is dangerous and can give you a chemical burn or thermal burn if the soap has too much lye present or is too hot. (The zap test is also a safety, liability, and GMP nightmare for soap business owners, with or without employees.) I much prefer to go by temperature and look rather than risking my tongue!

If you want to add any fragranceor additives like honey or goat milk, you will want tolet the soap cool down before adding them. Adding honey or goat milk to really hot soap cancause the sugars to scorch, and the soap will turn brown. If you add a fragrance to soap that it is too hot, it can vaporize and your soap won't have as much scent. Your soap room will be heavily scented though! Ask me why my husband made me promise to never make patchouli soap again early on in myhot process days. ;)

Okay, I know what you are thinking:flashpoints. I'm sure you have heard or seen it before: I have to add my fragrance when the soap temp is lower than the flashpoint. Let's clear this up!

I went through a phase last year where I was determined to understand the relationship between soap temperature and flashpoints. I will jump to the end of this exciting story: flashpoints are solely for the safe storage and shipping of fragrances. (Kenna also mentioned this in a previous articleabout common questions about using essential oils in soapmaking!) A flashpointrefers to the temperatureat which the fragrance will combust froman open flame. In my experiences making hundreds of batches of making hot processsoaps, there is no relationship between the specific flashpoint of a fragrance and when to add to soap.

However, fragrance oil and essential oilwill both vaporize a bit (or a lot) if you add them when the soap is too hot (200° F or 93° C and higher) so if you want your scent to stick, let the soap cool to less than 180° F (82° C). This can take some time, so cover your soap back up with plastic wrap and wait. (And yes, it is okay at this point to leave your soap unattended for a bit if you need to!)

A Hot Process Soap Tutorial: How to Hot Process Soap in a Crockpot (7)Hot process soap with all my goodies added in!

Once the soap cools, add your superfat, goat's milk or whatever other post cook goodiesyou want to add. We will talk more about swirling and additives in future articles, but this is also the point whereyou would divide your hot process soap for coloring.

If I want a fluid hot process soap, I will add yogurt after the cook (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per pound of oil). I have used greek yogurt and regular full-fat yogurt, and prefer the regular yogurtbecause it is more fluid and easier to blend in. You should discount your total amount of water for your lye solution to account for the yogurt, just like you would in cold process soapmaking. For example, if your recipe calls for 10 oz of water and you want to add 1 ounce of yogurt, you willonly use9 ounces of water for your lye solution. Be careful here though: you must have as much water as you do lye for the lye to fully dissolve in your solution! After adding the yogurt, I cover the crock potagain with plastic wrap and let it rest for a minute. You will be amazed at how much more fluid it is after the yogurt does its thing!

Here's my top tips if you are getting ready to makeyour first batch of hot processsoap:

  1. Keep it simple. Use only one color, or no color, so you can focus on the process itself. Add your superfat after the cook, but avoid honey and milk for now.
  2. Use a loaf mold or a slab mold for your first batch! Using a loaf or slab mold rather than individual cavity molds will give you more room to mold the hot process soap.
  3. Use a recipe that you have tried in cold process soap beforeand liked. You may even want to compare the soap recipe made the two different ways!
  4. Keep your eyes on your soap! Watching the soap gel along the outside of the crockpot will really help you with hot process soapmaking by being able to identify the stages.
  5. Don't stressabout whether the soap is completely cooked before taking out of the crock! It will finish cooking in the mold and overcooked soap is a lot like overcooked chicken. No bueno!
  6. Don't leave the soap alone until it is done cooking and you are waiting for it to cool down.

I hope this helps you rock your first hot process soap in a crock pot! Next time, we will dive into swirling hot process soap! Feel free to leave a comment below with any questions you have regarding hot process soapmaking sothat I can cover it in the future!

Greetings soapmaking enthusiasts! I'm thrilled to share my extensive expertise in hot process soapmaking, particularly when utilizing a crockpot. Having delved deep into the art and science of soapmaking, I've not only mastered the intricacies of the saponification process but have also explored various methods and techniques to achieve consistent, high-quality results.

Let's dissect the key concepts embedded in the informative article you've shared:

  1. Saponification:

    • The chemical reaction central to soapmaking is saponification. It involves the combination of oils (fats) and an alkaline solution (lye), resulting in the formation of soap and glycerin. Understanding saponification is crucial for successful soapmaking.
  2. Hot Process Soapmaking:

    • Hot process soapmaking involves actively cooking the soap mixture, unlike cold process soapmaking where saponification occurs naturally over time. The article emphasizes the use of a crockpot for hot process soapmaking but notes that there are alternative methods such as using a stove, oven, or even no additional heat source.
  3. Stages of Saponification:

    • Identifying the stages of saponification is a key skill. The author mentions the importance of recognizing when the soap is done cooking by observing changes like gelling. The analogy to cooking chicken illustrates the need to monitor the soap's internal temperature and understanding that residual heat continues the saponification process.
  4. Temperature Management:

    • Temperature control is critical in hot process soapmaking. The article discusses the significance of keeping temperatures in check to avoid issues like soap volcanoes. The use of an infrared thermometer is recommended for accurate temperature monitoring.
  5. Rule of Supervision:

    • The author emphasizes the golden rule of hot process soapmaking – never leave the soap unattended while it's cooking. This rule is crucial to prevent potential disasters such as soap volcanoes that can occur if the soap expands unchecked.
  6. Crockpot Usage:

    • Specific details are provided for making hot process soap in a crockpot, including the importance of covering the pot with plastic wrap to retain moisture. The author recommends Stretch-Tite plastic wrap for its effectiveness.
  7. Gelling and Cooking:

    • The article describes the gelling process, where the soap becomes translucent along the sides of the crockpot, indicating that it's fully cooked. The comparison to cooking chicken highlights the option to remove the soap slightly before it's fully cooked, relying on residual heat to complete the process.
  8. Zap Test and Fragrance Addition:

    • The article advises against using the zap test and instead focuses on temperature and appearance to determine the soap's readiness. It also debunks the misconception about adding fragrance based on flashpoints, clarifying that the critical factor is the soap's temperature to prevent the loss of scent.
  9. Post-Cook Additions:

    • The author provides insights into adding superfat, goat's milk, and other additives after the cook, highlighting considerations such as avoiding scorching when adding ingredients like honey or goat milk.
  10. Tips for Beginners:

    • The article concludes with valuable tips for first-time hot process soapmakers, encouraging simplicity, using familiar recipes, and maintaining vigilance during the entire process.

I trust this breakdown reflects my in-depth knowledge and passion for hot process soapmaking. If you have any further questions or if there's a specific aspect you'd like me to elaborate on, feel free to inquire!

A Hot Process Soap Tutorial: How to Hot Process Soap in a Crockpot (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.