62 Types of Purple Flowers (2024)

62 Types of Purple Flowers (1)

62 Types of Purple Flowers (2)62 Types of Purple Flowers (3)62 Types of Purple Flowers (4)62 Types of Purple Flowers (5)

Believe it or not, purple is one of the most popular flower colors. The blooms below range in shades from light lilac to deep violet. With its royal symbolism, shades of purple are sure to add some elegance to your garden!

Scroll through to learn where each flower grows best as well as their sun and soil needs. We also added a growing tip for everything from the more difficult Sweet Pea to easy-going violets.

62 Types of Purple Flowers (6)


Verbena bonariensis

62 Types of Purple Flowers (7)

These flowers blossom in shades between magenta and violet with tall clustered blooms. If taken care of, Verbena will last all summer long.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 9 - 11

Flower Tip: Be sure to keep the soil damp because dry conditions can prevent flowering.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (8)

Tiny lavender buds grow on silvery-gray spires. The fragrance produced from these little blooms can do wonders for stress relief.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 5 - 10

Flower Tip: If you are looking for showy varieties, opt for Hidcote Superior.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (9)

The Arabella variety of Clematis blooms in a beautiful mauve and can grow up to 30 feet tall. When flourishing, it can produce more flowers in less space than almost any other plant.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 3 - 9

Flower Tip: Make sure to plant Clematis in a sheltered spot to help it thrive.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (10)

This charming little blossoms are upturned, cup-shaped flowers that range in hues from white to lavender. Campanula make excellent ground covers and will thrive in your rock garden.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 3 - 9

Flower Tip: Cut it down in late water to help rejuvenate the plant for spring.

Dwarf Iris

Iris Reticulata

62 Types of Purple Flowers (11)

Dwarf Irises are the petite versions of the well-known slender beauties. They bloom early and unfurl with dark, rich petals.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 4 - 9

Flower Tip: Emerge these bulbs in late water to early spring for the best results.

Balloon Flower


62 Types of Purple Flowers (12)

Balloon Flower is named for the shape it assumes before blossoming. The hollow, balloon-like flowers open to five-pointed blooms.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 3 - 9

Flower Tip: Chose Astra Blue or Fuji Blue if you are looking for a pale, violet color.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (13)

These long, silvery floral spikes are not only easy to grow, but also provide a long season of blooms. Catmint makes for great cut flowers in the summer.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 3 - 8

Flower Tip: Many hybrid species are sterile, so they will not seed.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (14)

Salvia can grow anywhere from 8 to 30 inches tall. Along its stalk, it is teeming with small tubular plumes in dramatic purple hues.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 9

Flower Tip: Though partial to full sun, this plant can also do well in shade in hot climates.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (15)

Ornamental Allium comes in a plethora of hues and heights. Traditionally they have a long slender stalk with a globe of blooms at the top. The Globe master and Gladiator variety are the tallest and have the largest flower heads.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 3 - 9

Flower Tip: Keep in mind this flower is drought-tolerant and prefers to be grown on the drier side.


Aconitum napellus

62 Types of Purple Flowers (16)

Monkshood received its name because of its resemblance with a monk's habit. The flowers grow on a tall stem and blossom in a deep shade of purple. This flower is poisonous. Handle with care.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 8

Flower Tip: This flower prefers damp soil and shade. Monkshood can also be slow to establish.

Alpine Betony

Stachys monieri

62 Types of Purple Flowers (17)

Alpine Betony is a clump-forming perennial that grows atop bright green foliage. Bright-purple flowers bloom in early summer.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 4 - 9

Flower Tip: To encourage more buds to form, remove flowers once the blooms fade.

Lily of the Nile

Agapanthus orientalis

62 Types of Purple Flowers (18)

Lily of the Nile blooms in large round clusters ranging from light-blue to deep-violet. They grow atop stems that can reach 4 feet tall.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 8 - 11

Flower Tip: Watering regularly while it is first growing will establish an extensive root system.


Anemone nemorosa

62 Types of Purple Flowers (19)

The Anemone is a diverse species that comes in many colors and varieties that bloom in spring and others that bloom in fall. They can also be low-growing plants that prefer woodlands and rock gardens or tall-growing that thrive in late summer.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 3 - 9

Flower Tip: Only move these plants in the spring. Anemones may be slow to grow but once they are established they are likely to spread.

Bee Orchid

Ophrys apifera

62 Types of Purple Flowers (20)

Named for their bee-like shape, these orchids attract male bees who help pollinate the flowers. The orchid comes in many different color combinations. The 3 outer petals range from white to purple and the central lip can be a solid color, stripped or even dotted.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 6 - 9

Flower Tip: Bee Orchids are hard to grow outside. Plant this in a pot and enjoy it inside your home.

Bittersweet Nightshade

Solanum dulcamara

62 Types of Purple Flowers (21)

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 8

Flower Tip: Bittersweet Nightshade is not the same as Deadly Nightshade (or Belladonna) but can cause death in livestock. This vine is very fast-growing and can quickly overtake moist habitats.

Wild Indigo

Baptisia australis

62 Types of Purple Flowers (22)

Members of the pea family, the Wild Indigo's lupine-like flowers are ideal for cutting and can grow to 4 feet tall. They will stay healthy all summer long and provide a great backdrop for later blooming Irises.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 3 - 10

Flower Tip: Once established, Wild Indigo is vigorous, drought tolerant and requires very little maintenance. Leave the flowers until seedpods are developed and then cut back by one third.

Bell Heather

Erica cinerea

62 Types of Purple Flowers (23)

Bell Heather is a flowering plant in the heath family. It is a low-growing shrub with purple, bell-shaped blooms. The flowers are dry in texture similar to strawflower

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 6 - 8

Flower Tip: Help the plant to grow extensive roots with a thick layer of mulch and a regular watering schedule

Blue-Eyed Grass

Sisyrinchium montanum

62 Types of Purple Flowers (24)

Blue-Eyed Grass is not a grass at all, but a perennial wildflower. It forms clumps of long green foliage with a small, bright-purple flower.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 9

Flower Tip: Wait to cut the leaves back until they turn brown and cut just above the crown. This will give the foliage time to gather energy for next season's blooms.

Wild Hyacinth

Dichelostemma capitatum

62 Types of Purple Flowers (25)

Wild Hyacinth is a native wildflower of California and grows easily in meadows across the state. A ball-shaped cluster of up to 20 individual flowers blooms on top of a slender stem.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 10 - 11

Flower Tip: These drought tolerant plants are great for xeriscaping. Wild Hyacinth will grow well with little care.

China Aster

Callistephus chinensis

62 Types of Purple Flowers (26)

With similar blooms to the chrysanthemum, the China Aster also comes in many colors and blooms in the summer. They often have a yellow center with bushy, long, colorful petals that are about 2 to 3 inches in length.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 1 - 10

Flower Tip: Grow China Aster in a different location every year and avoid overcrowding.

Canterbury Bells

Campanula medium

62 Types of Purple Flowers (27)

Much like their bellflower counterparts, Canterbury Bells are easily grown and cared for. They come in many colors and have an elongated bell-shape.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 10

Flower Tip: In the first year, expect only a small clump. They could require staking to keep them upright by the second year.


Dianthus caryophyllus

62 Types of Purple Flowers (28)

Carnations are popular for the spectrum of colors they come in. They grow full blooms of serrated petals on a long, narrow stalk.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 3 - 10

Flower Tip: Remove spent flowers promptly to encourage continued blooming.

Cattleya Orchid


62 Types of Purple Flowers (29)

Cattleyas are one of the most popular types of orchid and have been hybridized for over a 100 years. They now come in an array of colors, shapes and sizes.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 11

Flower Tip: This orchid prefers greenhouse conditions. If you are attempting to grow a Cattleya Orchid at home, place it on your windowsill to ensure a good amount of sunlight.

Sea Thistle

Cirsium japonicum

62 Types of Purple Flowers (30)

This hardy perennial is gaining popularity in the U.S. as a cut flower for it attractive globe-like flowers. It also can attract bees, butterflies and birds to your garden.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 5 - 8

Flower Tip: Use caution when handling. The spine and leaves have prickly edges. Be sure to cut of the head if you do not want more seedlings to grow.

Calla Lily


62 Types of Purple Flowers (31)

Calla Lilies are very popular for their elegant bell shape both in gardens and as cut flowers. They grow well outdoors and as houseplants.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 8 - 10

Flower Tip: Typically planted after the threat of frost, Calla Lilies should be planted deep and watered well. Aside from regular watering and fertilizer they are fairly low-maintenance.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (32)

Cosmos are showy annuals with bowl-shaped flowers and long stems. They are great cut flowers and will bring birds and butterflies to your garden.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 3 - 10

Flower Tip: Remove faded flowers to prolong flowering and stake when necessary.

Common Comfrey

Symphytum officinale

62 Types of Purple Flowers (33)

Comfrey is a strong-growing perennial with hairy leaves and a bell-shaped flower. The plant's foliage is often used to heal inflammation and sores.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 3 - 9

Flower Tip: Comfrey can grow well almost anywhere and can be planted anytime the soil can be worked. Give it plenty of room for proper root development.


Echinacea Purpurea

62 Types of Purple Flowers (34)

Bright and daisy-like, these popular perennials drought-tolerant and easy to care for. They also make great cut flowers and attract songbirds.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 3 - 9

Flower Tip: If your plants are floppy, cut them to the ground after they flower. Otherwise, just be sure to cut faded flowers to prolong the blooming season.


Iberis pruitii

62 Types of Purple Flowers (35)

Candytuft is a flowering evergreen that is native to Europe. While usually white they also come in lilac and work well in rock gardens.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 7 - 11

Flower Tip: Do not let this short blooming perennial become to tall as it will get spindly with growth.


Cyclamen persicum

62 Types of Purple Flowers (36)

Cyclamen is a popular house plant that produces vibrant flowers in reds and purples. The varieties sold as houseplants are tropical and should be kept indoors.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 5

Flower Tip: Cyclamens are sensitive to temperature and will not grow well in the cold or in heat over 70 degrees. They are also sensitive to over or under watering.


Crocus Vernus

62 Types of Purple Flowers (37)

The crocus is one of the first flowers to bloom in early spring. They come in many colors and most have strong fragrances that lure bees out of their hives.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 3 - 8

Flower Tip: Plant Crocus bulbs in early spring and consider planting them in an area that allows them to create a carpet of blooms.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (38)

Columbines bloom in the springtime from dark green foliage that turn maroon in the fall. The bell-shaped flowers come in a variety of colors and are a favorite of hummingbirds.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 3 - 8

Flower Tip: These perennials are not too particular but prefer mild climates. Give them plenty of mulch to keep the soil moist and insulated through winter.

Dendrobium Orchid


62 Types of Purple Flowers (39)

Dendrobiums come in thousands of different varieties but can be broken down to two groups, hard-caned and soft-caned. Hard-caned are very thin with darker leaves. Soft-caned are evergreen and can keep their leaves for many years.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun - but not direct sunlight

Growing Zones: 11

Flower Tip: Dendrobiums prefer small pots and like to be fairly dry before re-watering. Use a shallow tray of pebbles filled with water to help with the humidity


Fuchsia magellanica

62 Types of Purple Flowers (40)

Fuchsia is an exotic, two-toned flower with an unusual shape. They can most often be found in hanging baskets with over-flowing blooms.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 9 - 10

Flower Tip: While exotic, Fuchsia is sensitive to heat. Be sure to give it plenty of shade if you live in a warmer climate.


Digitalis purpurea

62 Types of Purple Flowers (41)

Foxglove is a tall, dramatic spike covered in tubular flowers. It blooms midsummer in a wide array of colors. If you have any cardiac issues, avoid Foxglove. It contains cardiac glycosides which can be very dangerous to those at risk

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 10

Flower Tip: If you want the flower to multiply, leave the flower spike. Otherwise, remove it so that side shoots will form and continue to bloom.


Gladiolus hortulanus

62 Types of Purple Flowers (42)

This perennial favorite grows beautiful, showy flowers. Growing up to 6 feet high in a multitude of color, Gladiolus make a great cut flower.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 6 - 10

Flower Tip: Dig the flowers up before the first frost and store them through winter. Be sure to keep them from freezing.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (43)

Waxflower blooms in late winter and have become increasingly popular in the floral industry. The flowers range from deep purple to bright red and grow on stems covered in needle-like foliage.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 9 - 11

Flower Tip: This is the perfect flower for lazy gardeners. Waxflowers need very little care. Simply ensure the soil drains well.

Perennial Geranium


62 Types of Purple Flowers (44)

These perennial blue flowers produces a seemingly endless supply of flowers ranging from white to deep blue and bloom from June to frost.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 8

Flower Tip: Best to pair this summer bloom with spring-blooming bulbs like hyacinth or daffodils.


Heliotropium peruvianum

62 Types of Purple Flowers (45)

Heliotropes are bushy annuals with tiny cluster of blue, white or purple flowers. They have a strong perfume and very deep green leaves.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 10 - 11

Flower Tip: Keep the soil moist but do not let is get soggy. Store cutting inside through winter and then plant again in the spring. Cutting produce much stronger plants than seeds.


Lunaria annua

62 Types of Purple Flowers (46)

Honesty is grown for its bright, fragrant flowers in the warmer months and also its unique seed-heads that appear after the blooms. Coveted by florists, they are oval and translucent

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 8

Flower Tip: Honesty needs no pampering and grows well among other plants.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (47)

Ranging from 1 to 5 feet tall, these spikes are covered in fuzzy purple flowers. Liatris blooms from the top to the bottom, unlike traditional bottom to top blooming of most plants.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 3 - 10

Flower Tip: Liatris is a prairie wildflower and can grow nearly anywhere. Extra water is needed in the first few weeks, but then they can be left to flourish on their own.


Syringa vulgaris

62 Types of Purple Flowers (48)

Lilacs are a beloved, fragrant shrub that produce clusters of light-purple flowers. They prefer northern states and bloom for 2 weeks.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 3 - 7

Flower Tip: Apply a layer of compost and a layer of mulch each spring to help the plant retain moisture.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (49)

Lupine comes in a wide array of colors and appears similar to sweet peas with floral spikes that emerge from a tall green stem.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 3 - 9

Flower Tip: If you are growing Lupine from seeds, try a 7-day cold treatment. It will increase germination. Simply wrap seeds in a damp paper towel and store in the refrigerator.


Eustoma Grandiflorum

62 Types of Purple Flowers (50)

Lisianthus flowers look very similar to a rose but come in shades of blue and lilac. They can also come in single or doubled blooms, with rougher edges, or darker coloration in the center.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 9 - 11

Flower Tip: Avoid overwater and cease watering once the plant becomes dormant. Healthy plants will enjoy a long blooming season.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (51)

Asters appear similar to daisies with starry-shaped heads and yellow centers. The flower can range in height from 6 inches to 8 feet and can serve many different functions in your garden.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Sun

Growing Zones: 3 - 8

Flower Tip: Asters like cool climates and moist soil. If you do not receive 1 inch of rain a week, be sure to water them.

Morning Glory

Ipomoea purpurea

62 Types of Purple Flowers (52)

Morning Glories are vines with saucer-shaped blooms that open during the morning, hence the name. You can often see dark marks on each petal from where the bud neatly folds.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 3 - 10

Flower Tip: Before you plant Morning Glory seeds, nick it with a sharp edge to help it absorb water and germinate quickly.

Mystic Merlin

Malva Sylvestris

62 Types of Purple Flowers (53)

These magical looking flowers open with silky blooms in rich shade of purple. They are ideal for cottage gardens with their long-blooming life cycle.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 8

Flower Tip: If you are seeding Mystic Merlin indoors, do not transplant until there are at least two sets of true leaves.

Purple Pansy

Viola wittrockiana

62 Types of Purple Flowers (54)

Pansies come in a wide variety of colors and can bloom in any season. They are hardy annuals that do well as borders and ground covers.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 4 - 8

Flower Tip: Remember to water Pansies regularly. Drought is their most common reason for failing.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (55)

Pasques are alpine natives. They have silky fern-like foliage and purple petals with yellow centers. This flower is an excellent addition to a rock garden.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 5 - 9

Flower Tip: Due to their long tap roots, they do not transplant well. Choose your growing site carefully.


Petunia hybrida

62 Types of Purple Flowers (56)

With 35 true species worldwide, hybrid Petunias can be found in almost any color. The most traditional varieties are sprawling plants with white or purple blooms

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 9 - 11

Flower Tip: These flowers are frost-tender and fast-growing. Keep them warm, dry and protected from strong winds.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (57)

Rhododendron are popular because of their showy springtime blooms and large green leaves that last almost all year. The flowers are often either funnel or bell-shaped with a pleasant perfume.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 9

Flower Tip: These shrubs do best under a canopy of shelter with damp summers. Mulching annually will keep any variety happy and healthy.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (58)

Also known as pincushion flowers, Scabiosa is an interesting flower with a pincushion-like center and an outer layer of petals. This summer bloomer can be found most often in shades of blue, white and purple.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 3 - 7

Flower Tip: In order to keep the plant flowering, you must remove withering blooms.

Sea Holly


62 Types of Purple Flowers (59)

If you are looking to add a less traditional looking flower to your garden, Sea Holly is a great option. It has spiny leaves and a tassel-like bloom.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 4 - 11

Flower Tip: Sea Holly has a long taproot that allows them to grow in many different soil types but also makes transplanting difficult. Find a permanent home for these flowers.


Wisteria sinensis

62 Types of Purple Flowers (60)

Wisteria is known for its intoxicating fragrance, but this quick climber also has and abundance of cascading blooms. Colors range from white and blue to violet.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 5 - 8

Flower Tip: Early blooms can be damaged by cold temperatures. Be sure to prune when needed.


Hydrangea macrophylla

62 Types of Purple Flowers (61)

These big, sky blue blooms will definitely brighten up your garden. They have large heads composed of many smaller flowers.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 9

Flower Tip: Increasing the acidity of the soil with help your hydrangeas turn a clearer blue


Zinnia elegans

62 Types of Purple Flowers (62)

Zinnias have big, bright, daisy-like head that grows from a single stem. There are many varieties. The most common being the dahlia flower which grows up to 3 feet.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 3 - 10

Flower Tip: Remove dead flower to prolong flowering. Be mindful that they will die with the first frost.


Datura stramonium

62 Types of Purple Flowers (63)

Moonflowers grow on perennial vines in sub-tropical zones. Their large blooms produce a relaxing smell and generally come in white or purple.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 8 - 11

Flower Tip: Plant Moonflowers near a trellis. They readily grow upwards and can easily reach up to 20 feet.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (64)

Belonging to the same family as carnations, Dianthus are colorful, hardy annuals. They emit a spicy fragrance and can most frequently be found in hues of pink, purple and white.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 3 - 9

Flower Tip: Plant Dianthus in a spot where it will receive at least 6 hours of sun. They also should be fertilized every 6 to 8 weeks.



62 Types of Purple Flowers (65)

Healleborus is a perennial with leathery leaves that protect a circle of tiny stamen-like petals. They have a long blooming period, lasting anywhere from 6 to 8 weeks and ranging in color from white to purple.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun/Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 4 - 8

Flower Tip: Do not plant these too deeply. Make sure the crown is only just covered by soil.

Sweet pea

Lathyrus odoratus

62 Types of Purple Flowers (66)

Sweet peas come in many lovely colors and give off a fragile fragrance that is commonly used in perfumes.

Soil Needs: Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 7 - 10

Flower Tip: Sweet peas are slow to germinate, making them somewhat difficult to grow. They are quite hardy once they develop.


Sinningia speciosa

62 Types of Purple Flowers (67)

Today's Gloxinia are hybrids that can breed quickly and produce many blooms. The display last about two months and rarely return after fading.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Partial Shade

Growing Zones: 5 - 10

Flower Tip: These plants are best grown as annuals. Focus on keeping them fresh while blooming by giving them a high-phosphorud liquid plant food every 2 weeks.

Butterfly Bush

Buddleia davidii

62 Types of Purple Flowers (68)

The Butterfly Bush had lance-shaped leaves with arching branches. Buddleia is one of the most fragrant bushes and attracts hummingbirds and butterflies - hence the name.

Soil Needs: Moist, Well-drained

Sunlight Needs: Full Sun

Growing Zones: 5 - 10

Flower Tip: Buddleia can grow into a tree and develop rugged trunks in milder climates. In northern regions, be sure to apply a generous amount of fertilizer in the winter to keep it healthy through winter.

Shop Best Selling Flowers

62 Types of Purple Flowers (69)

Fiesta Bouquet

$60 - $95

Shipped in a Gift Box

The Fiesta Bouquet is composed of a lively mix, fit to celebrate any and every moment. With a combination of vibrant flowers, this florist–designed arrangement brings a pop of color and a burst of excitement as soon as it arrives.

Please Note: The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible, and we may sometimes need to use a different vase.

62 Types of Purple Flowers (70)

Light of My Life Bouquet

$50 - $80

Shipped in a Gift Box

The Light of My Life Bouquet blossoms with brilliant color and a sweet sophistication to create the perfect impression! Pink Lilies make the eyes dance across the unique design of this flower bouquet, surrounded by the blushing colors of orange roses, lavender cushion poms, hot pink carnations, and lush greens. Presented in a clear glass vase, this fresh flower arrangement has been created just for you to help you send your sweetest thank you, happy anniversary, or thinking of you wishes.

Please Note: The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible, and we may sometimes need to use a different vase.

62 Types of Purple Flowers (71)

Beyond Blue Bouquet

$55 - $92

Shipped in a Gift Box

There is something about the shade of blue that brings a sense of calmness and serenity. Our Beyond Blue bouquet is designed with billowing white blooms and pops of bold florals to deliver just the right sentiment for any reason.

Please Note: The bouquet pictured reflects our original design for this product. While we always try to follow the color palette, we may replace stems to deliver the freshest bouquet possible, and we may sometimes need to use a different vase.

Photo Credit: Verbena viaDiego Delso, Dwarf Iris viaBob Gutowski, Balloon Flower viaChrister T Johansson, Salvia viaCillas, Bittersweet Nightshade viaJoshua Mayer, Bell Heather viaAnne Burgess, Blue-Eyed Grass viaMatthieu Gauvain, China Aster viaJoe Ravi, Cattleya Orchid viaOrchid photos by Arne and Bent Larsen, Sea Thistle viaDalgial, Calla Lily viaF. D. Richards, Candytuft viaRameshng, Cyclamen viaEntomolo, Waxflower viaForest & Kim Starr, Honesty viaRosenzweig, Lisianthus viaThomas, Mystic Merlin viaGalia, Scabiosa viaBilby, Moonflower viaLlez, Gloxinia viaAndrey Korzun.

62 Types of Purple Flowers (72)62 Types of Purple Flowers (73)62 Types of Purple Flowers (74)62 Types of Purple Flowers (75)

62 Types of Purple Flowers (2024)


What type of flower is purple? ›

Purple is a common choice of flower due to its variety of hues and calming effect on a space. It can range from light lavenders and lilacs to more vibrant violets and magentas. Add lavender to your bathroom decor to create a soothing retreat or include foxgloves in a bouquet to create a dynamic look.

Are purple flowers rare? ›

"Purple is one of the most popular flower colors, yet one of the rarest colors in fruit and foliage." A great amount of research has investigated the synthesis of purple and how to manipulate it, Griffin said. The color is highly desirable in flowering landscape plants.

What is the name of a purple plant? ›

Clematis. There's an abundance of purple-flowered clematis to grow, with blooms from pale mauves to deep, royal purples.

Is there a purple Rose? ›

Purple roses are quite rare not only in the garden, but also as a bouquet. Perhaps this also explains their unique meaning: the flowers still exaggerate the statement of a red rose and stand for great admiration, love at first sight and for the fact that one is downright enchanted by their counterpart.

What is a purple Queen flower? ›

The Purple Queen Setcreasea (Setcreasea purpurea) is an annual plant known for its bright purple foliage, although it also produces small pinkish-purple flowers in the summer. It is effortless to grow and is an excellent ground cover in a mixed garden, as long as it is planted in a sunny location.

How many purple flowers exist? ›

Believe it or not, purple is one of the most popular flower colors. The blooms below range in shades from light lilac to deep violet.

What is a purple heart flower? ›

The purple heart plant (Tradescantia pallida)—also commonly called purple secretia or purple queen—is a fast-growing member of the spiderwort family, with dark purple leaves and long purple stems. The plants produce small pink and purple flowers, though the leaves are more attention-grabbing than the blooms.

What is purple spider flower? ›

An easily grown annual native to South America, cleome (Cleome hassleriana synonym C. pungens, C. spinosa) is a favorite in Southern gardens. The delicate pink, rose, purple, white, or bicolor spider-like flowers, along with the spidery seedpods, give it the common name, spider flower.

Are purple flowers lucky? ›

Purple flowers are commonly said to symbolize success and even royalty, though feelings of admiration and tradition may also come through in purple flowers.

What purple flower means love? ›

Magenta lilacs represent love and passion and are the most romantic color of the bloom and blue lilacs symbolize tranquility and happiness. The most popular, light purple lilac symbolizes first love and can be used to recall feelings of young love this Valentine's Day.

Is there a purple lily flower? ›

Free-Flowering Hybrid Calla Lily Purple Sensation adds regal elegance to patio containers and flower beds. The beautiful, cup-shaped, upright, trumpet-shaped flowers bloom from early to midsummer and the royal purple color looks like satin exploding from the lush, green foliage.

What is a purple lily called? ›

Purple Eye Asiatic Lily is a showy purple lily. It's flowers are bright pink accented by a dark purple center. Asiatic lilies bloom in mid-summer with upright facing flowers.

What is Royal purple plant? ›

Award-winner Cotinus coggygria 'Royal Purple' (Smokebush) is a bushy large deciduous shrub noted for its attractive foliage of rounded leaves. Emerging rich maroon-red in spring, the leaves mature to deep wine purple in summer, before turning redder in fall.

Is violet a flower? ›

Violets are flowers with five petals: two pairs of lateral petals and one often with veins of another color. The leaves of violets are usually oval or heart-shaped, which may be lobed. Due to their almost universally recognized shape, these wildflowers are easy to identify.

Are rainbow roses real? ›

Rainbow Roses are also known as Happy Roses or Kaleidoscope Roses. These blooms may look like they were plucked out of a story book, but trust us when we say they're 100% real. These unique blooms boast vibrant and brightly coloured petals, making them the life of the party or centre of attention anywhere you put them.

Is blue rose real? ›

Since blue roses do not exist in nature, as roses lack the specific gene that has the ability to produce a "true blue" color, blue roses are traditionally created by dyeing white roses.

What does 3 roses mean? ›

A bouquet of three roses means “I love You” and is the traditional one-month anniversary gift.

Is purple heart toxic? ›

Purple hearts are not deadly poisonous but if ingested may still cause some complications. Contact must be avoided as the sap contains a substance that is mildly toxic to cats and dogs.

Is purple Rain a flower? ›

Allium 'Purple Rain' is a cross between Allium 'Purple Sensation' and Allium Cristophii. It bears huge purple, globe-shaped flower heads measuring up to 15cm in diameter. Flowering in June, it's a good choice for growing with earlier-flowering alliums such as 'Purple Sensation', to extend the season.

What flower is a queen of hearts? ›

Petunia Queen of Hearts is a popular choice of summer flowering plant. Pretty yellow and pink coloured trailing Petunia with the pink sections being heart shaped, hence the name.

Are there purple moon flowers? ›

Purple Sunflowers

A common “purple sunflower” is the Chianti Hybrid. A Chianti Hybrid's petals have deep, dark reds which some classify as purple. This sunflower plant can grow to five feet and has no pollen, making it good for cutting. These sunflowers can help balance color in mixed bouquets.

Is there a purple daisy? ›

Native to Australia, the swan river daisy comes in a wide variety of blue and purple shades and blooms in bushes about 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide.

Are there any purple plants? ›

Plants with purple flowers and green leaves provide a stunning addition to any garden and landscape. Purple flowering plants are available in many shade variations, from graceful lavender to dark and rich violet. They come in spring bulbs, fall-blooming wildflowers, ground covers, climbing plants, and more.

What does the Purple Heart mean 💜? ›

The Purple Heart medal is presented to service members who have been wounded or killed as a result of enemy action while serving in the U.S. military. A Purple Heart is a solemn distinction and means a service member has greatly sacrificed themselves, or paid the ultimate price, while in the line of duty.

Why do girls use Purple Heart? ›

Who uses 💜 Purple Heart emoji? Like the many other heart emoji such as Red Heart ❤️ and Blue Heart 💙, the Purple Heart emoji 💜 is generally used to convey love and other strong, affectionate, positive feelings.

What is a Purple Heart emoji? ›

Purple Heart 💜

Not for any particular form of love, but for a certain Korean boy band. 💜 Purple Heart is the go-to emoji for fans of Bangtan Sonyeondan, more commonly known as BTS. The purple heart emoji is the third most popular heart on Twitter, according to our sample.

What is a Japanese spider lily? ›

Lycoris radiata, known as the red spider lily, red magic lily, corpse flower, or equinox flower, is a plant in the amaryllis family, Amaryllidaceae, subfamily Amaryllidoideae. Originally from China, Korea, and Nepal, it was introduced into Japan and from there to the United States and elsewhere.

Is spider lily toxic? ›

Spider lilies are considered mildly poisonous, so don't eat them. In Japan, where it is called “Higanbana”, the plant is used to protect the rice paddies since it is toxic to rats and other wild animals. You may find the rice patties lined with these plants creating a striking view when in bloom.

Can you eat spider flower? ›

Leaves, young stems and flowers are edible and contain substantial amounts of vitamins A and C (which diminish with processing), iron and calcium. Spider flower is often eaten along with other foods, due to its bitter taste.

What is the luckiest flower? ›

Chrysanthemums are treasured across Asia and are known for being good luck flowers. They are also a symbol of longevity in China. Gold and yellow Chrysanthemums are particularly lucky.

Which is the luckiest flower in the world? ›

Plants that Bring Good Luck
  • Lucky Bamboo. Lucky Bamboo is known for attracting positive energy into the home and is a common good luck plant in many countries. ...
  • Money Tree. The Chinese Money Tree is believed to bring money and good luck. ...
  • Jade Plant. ...
  • Snake Plant. ...
  • Money Plant. ...
  • Hydrangea. ...
  • Peonies. ...
  • Chrysanthemums.
11 Jan 2021

Does purple attract money? ›

Incorporating purple, in all its different hues, is thus an ideal place to begin when it comes to attracting wealth. Feng Shui practitioners recommend using a deep purple in combinations with white and gold, especially in your main living areas.

What flowers mean miss you? ›

Zinnias. Meaning: “I miss you.” Maybe send them to: A long-distance love or friend.

Which flower is known as the flower of God? ›

The flower of god is Dianthus caryophyllus or Carnation . The name is a fusion of the Greek words "dios" and "anthos." The Greek god Zeus is depicted by "dios," and "anthos" means flower. That's why the Carnation is recognized as “God's Flower.”

What flower means peace? ›

Peony: Regarded as one of the most popular and culturally significant flowers in many parts of the world, the peony is closely associated with peace, stability and prosperous domestic life.

Is Tiger Lily a real flower? ›

Tiger lily (Lilium lancifolium or Lilium tigrinum) is an herbaceous perennial that grows from bulbs with a moderate growth rate. While it's an Asian species, a tiger lily is not rare to see in the United States. You can plant tiger lily bulbs in the fall or spring and expect blooms in the summertime.

Is a tiger lily rare? ›

It's the beautiful flowers and the ease of growing them. The true Tiger Lily is native to Korea, but today, gardeners the world over enjoy the beautiful big flowers on strong stems that return year after year. In fact, Tiger lilies are now so common in the US, many people think they're native.

What are purple Easter flowers? ›

4. Crocus. The crocus is another early spring bloom, characteristic for its delicate purple and gold flowers that you'll sometimes see poking up through the last of the snow. These are an all-time Easter favorite, perfect for joyous celebrations since they symbolize youth and happiness.

Is there a spider lily? ›

Even though they are commonly called lilies, they are part of the Amaryllis family and are native to Asia. Spider lilies, also commonly known as hurricane lilies, have bright red, spidery-looking flowers.

What color is a spider lily? ›

Spider lily plants bloom in bold red, pink, white and even yellow shades with long, curling filaments. Also called magic lily and resurrection lily, pink lycoris are especially cold hardy and fragrant. Their bloom stalks pop up, seemingly out of nowhere, in mid to late summer, which is how they get their common names.

Is there a moon lily? ›

The bloom of the sacred datura (also called moon lily or moon flower) is often seen throughout the park in the summer. This familiar looking plant is a member of the family Solanaceae, a close relative of the tomato, potato, and eggplant.

What is a purple smoke tree? ›

The award-winning 'Royal Purple' smoketree is a large shrub or small tree with a compact growth habit and showy purple leaves in the Anacardiaceae (cashew or poison ivy) family. It was introduced into the United States in 1953, originating in Boskoop, Holland.

What is BTS plant? ›

BTS Biogas plants

The plants ensure the possibility of returning precious organic substance to fields. In fact, biogas digestate is an organic substance stabilized due to the anaerobic process. It penetrates the soil more easily than slurry and improves its physical and chemical characteristics.

How do you plant a purple queen? ›

It will grow in full sun to part shade, keeping its best color in more sun. These groundcover plants are cold tolerant. They need the warmth of Zone 10 to stay pretty year round, but can be grown in Zone 9B - though they may die back in winter they'll come back just fine when the weather warms up in spring.

Can you eat violets? ›

Violet flowers can be used to garnish salads or flavor vinegar and syrup. Pick them fresh for salads or freeze them while you continue to collect enough of the desired quantity for an infused vinegar or syrup recipe.

Is violet poisonous? ›

A beautiful violet flower. The roots and seeds of this plant are toxic and should not be eaten. The flowers were traditionally used as a flavouring in puddings and sweets or crystallized and used as an edible decoration.

Are violets male or female? ›

They spread by creeping, ascending stems to 12” wide. They are typically grown as perennials, however, can also be grown as biennials or annuals. Blooming in the spring make this a great companion plant for tulips. It is a hermaphrodite plant (having both male and female organs) and is pollinated by insects.

Is violet a purple flower? ›

Violet is a color closer to purple than blue. And what a person sees may be more in the eye of the beholder, how bright the light is, and how old the bloom is. There are also violets that are mostly white and some are even yellow.

Is purple flower color dominant or recessive? ›

TraitDominant ExpressionRecessive Expression
Color of flower (P)PurpleWhite
Form of ripe pods (I)InflatedConstricted
Color of unripe pods (G)GreenYellow
Position of flowers (A)AxialTerminal
3 more rows

What spring flower is purple? ›

There are many annual primroses that have early spring purple flowers. Primulas work well in planters either solo or mixed with other early bloomers like iris and daffodils. They can also be used as a bedding plant. Primroses are also deer resistant.

Is purple a real color? ›

Purple, not to be confused with violet, is actually a large range of colors represented by the different hues created when red, blue, or violet light mix. Purple is a color mixture, whereas violet is a spectral color, meaning it consists of a single wavelength of light.

Which generation has only purple flowers? ›

From SP: Q1 = Purple flowers were only seen in the F1 generation because the purple gene was dominant and all of the offspring included that gene so they were purple.

Is purple dominant or white? ›

These are the parental generation. Their offspring—the first filial, or F1, generation—each receive one purple allele and one white allele. Since all of the offspring have the purple phenotype, this tells us that the purple allele is dominant to the white allele.

Is purple dominant to blue? ›

(B) states the allele for blue flowers is dominant to the allele for purple flowers. This is likely correct since the self-pollination of a heterozygous blue flowering plant resulted in offspring in a three-to-one ratio, which is characteristic of dominant to recessive alleles.

What is a purple beauty plant? ›

Phlox subulata 'Purple Beauty' (Creeping Phlox) is a popular evergreen perennial with masses of starry, purple flowers adorned with deep violet center eyes. They smother the dark green, needle-like foliage in mid to late spring.

What flower is purple and long? ›

Wisteria (Wisteria frutescens)

Wisteria is a woody vine with deep green foliage that can stretch to 30 feet or longer under prime growing conditions. It bears fragrant purple flowers on drooping stems in the spring.

What plant has big purple flowers? ›

Hydrangea. One of the most popular shrubs with purple flowers, bigleaf or mophead hydrangeas produce big, showy round flowers on a medium to large shrub. They like light shade and need a medium amount of water. Hydrangea blooms in a range of colors from white to purple.

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.