12 Valuable Tips to Grow Healthy Microgreens (2024)

Do you want an abundant harvest of healthy microgreens? Whether you’re growing these nutrient-packed vegetables and herbs for your own health or to sell, these tips can help you succeed quickly.

12 Valuable Tips to Grow Healthy Microgreens (1)

I’ve been growing microgreens for over 9 years and raised thousands of these tiny veggies and herbs in that time. Not only for our own use and good health, but also to share at public workshops and garden events to help inspire others.

I love these babies and have learned SO much about their needs. So, here are a few of my secrets to help you get a continuous abundance of healthy microgreens.

How to Grow Healthy Microgreens

Tip 1. Get your Timing Right

Whether you live in a hot, temperate or cold climate, it’s likely you can grow at least some microgreens for part of the year. Indoors or out. However, one of the key factors for growing a successful crop of healthy microgreens, is timing.

“If you sow your seeds at the wrong time of the year or month, you’re throwing money, time and effort away.” – Anne Gibson, The Micro Gardener

Microgreens are meant to be grown fast in 7-21 days and eaten raw for maximum health and flavour.

  • Sow in the Right SEASON. Some seeds need warmth for germination and others need cold temperatures. Do your research and choose the right time of the year to sow seeds for your climate.
  • Sow at the Optimum time of the MONTH. Many gardeners are forgetting to use the simple but age-old wisdom of planting in harmony with the moon phases each month.
  • Did you know that the gravitational pull of the moon affects not only the tides, but also soil moisture and plant sap flow?
  • So, by sowing your microgreens seeds when they will swell and absorb moisture quickly during certain moon phases, you optimise your germination rates and faster growth.

This makes a BIG difference if you want healthy ‘fast food’ on the table or to sell. Otherwise, you’re just using a ‘hit and miss’ approach to seed sowing.

“If you’ve tried raising seeds and failed, it could simply be due to poor timing.” – Anne Gibson

One of the easiest ways to get your timing right is to use a Moon Calendar. This is the one I’ve been using for 10+ years. It’s simple, easy to follow, sustainable and works anywhere in the world regardless of climate zones.

12 Valuable Tips to Grow Healthy Microgreens (2)

I use this handy guide to find out the optimal days each month to plant, propagate, prune & fertilise. It’s laminated, easy to use, works all over the world + the bonus mini companion planting chart makes it a practical gift. I love it!

12 Valuable Tips to Grow Healthy Microgreens (3)

Learn more about the Benefits of Moon Gardening.

Tip2. Protect your Microgreens

Like you, these tender little darlings need shelter! Not just for protection against the weather.

If you’re growing microgreens outdoors, it’s likely you’re not the only one interested in them as a food source! Ants, rodents and birds all love seeds as a nutrient-rich food as much as you do. So, try protecting your microgreens seeds until they have germinated.

A few options are to cover with an upcycled bottle, plastic bag, clear lid or keep in a mini greenhouse. This also creates an ideal humid environment to encourage seed germination.

Tip 3. Avoid Mould Forming

Do you live in a warm climate? If you decide to grow your microgreens in humid weather like here in the subtropics, you may need to prevent mould forming. These are my tips:

  • Check soil moisture daily with a soilmoisturemeter to avoid overwatering.
  • Increase air circulation by putting in a breezy area or using a fan.
  • Sow fewer seeds – about half what you would normally use/tray.

Tip4. Be Gentle

Microgreens are just plant ‘toddlers’! Little ‘kids’ with delicate stems and leaves that bruise easily! So, when handling them, treat them gently. Mist water with a spray bottle or water them from the bottom up, rather than a watering can.

12 Valuable Tips to Grow Healthy Microgreens (4)

Wheatgrass and rocket microgreens ready for harvest

Each variety grows a little differently. Some are short and straight like basil or rocket. Whereas, other microgreens varieties are tall or curly like pea shoots and buckwheat. So, you may need to handle some more than others because of their growth habit.

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Tip 5. Observe Daily

Check on your microgreens at least once or twice daily. You will need to:

  • Water to keep up the moisture.
  • Ensure your plant babies have adequate light and air circulation.
  • Check for signs of mould forming.
  • Act quickly if they start leaning forward or looking weak.

If growing in an enclosed container with a lid, once the seeds germinate, you need to remove the lid. Then move your microgreens where they have access to sufficient strong light, so they can photosynthesize. Otherwise, you will end up with spindly, leggy seedlings.

12 Valuable Tips to Grow Healthy Microgreens (5)

Tray of healthy microgreens seeds germinating

Tip 6. Feeding your Microgreens

To help your microgreens grow fast, thick and healthy, pay attention to your seed raising mix nutrients. After the seed germinates and grows its first two true leaves, continued healthy new leaf growth depends on nutrient levels in the growing medium, light and moisture.

Microgreens don’t need as much nutrition as seedlings that will establish into full-grown plants. However, some seed raising mixes contain no nutrients at all or high levels of sodium. Other types of growing media hold too much moisture and not enough air pockets. These mixes can cause problems like root rot and damping off.

I make my own DIY seed raising mixes rather than buying bagged seed mix or garden soil. Why? Because I want optimum nutrients available during growth for my own health and a pathogen-free mix. I want to know and control the exact ingredients in my seed raising mix. So I know that no nutrients are missing. Then I can confidently sow seeds knowing they have all the food they need for healthy growth without problems.

For sure, microgreens can grow in a wide variety of growing media. However, they won’t all have the same nutrient value or results! You can control how healthy, flavoursome, vibrant in colour and nutrient-rich they are, by making your own mix that includes minerals and trace elements.

You can also usea liquid seaweed solution every day or two. This can help boost root and shoot growth.

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Tip 7. Seed Raising Mix Depth

How deep does your seed raising mix need to be? Most vegetable and herb varieties grow well in as little as 2-3cm (1 in) of seed raising mix.

However, if sowing radish, beetroot or root crop seeds, you can use a deeper mix. e.g. 5cm (2.5-3 in). Harvest some of your crop as microgreens. But, also consider transplanting a few as seedlings, to then grow on as mature plants. The extra depth will help their roots establish, so you can transplant them easily.

Tip 8. Transplanting Microgreens

What if you don’t eat all your microgreens? Don’t waste them! You can raise as seedlings to grow in pots or outdoors. Starting your plants as microgreens and then transplanting them once they are young seedlings is simple.

First, gently lever the seedlings out of the seed raiser with a skewer or fork. Next, hold the leaves only NOT the stems or roots. Finally, settle the baby seedlings into a pot with potting mix and liquid seaweed to prevent transplant shock.

Acclimatize the seedlings gradually to the sun over a few days, as they venture into the big wide world. Then let them grow into mature salad herbs and vegetables. This is an easy way to raise seedlings from seed.

Tip 9. Store Microgreens Correctly

Are you growing a small quantity of microgreens for your own needs? In hot humid weather, if they are almost ready for harvest, you may want to prevent them suffering from heat stress. A fan may cool them down or harvest and store in your fridge.

12 Valuable Tips to Grow Healthy Microgreens (6)

Once harvested microgreens can be refrigerated for a few days

Using scissors, snip the microgreens in your seed raiser. Wash and rinse, then put them in a sealed container in the fridge. Be careful not to bruise them.

Keeping them cool and moist prevents microgreens from drying out or wilting before use.This will keep them fresh and crisp for a day or two.

Tip 10. Reusing Your Seed Raising Mix

Can you re-use your seed raising mix? Yes, and no!

When your microgreens have all been harvested, there will usually be some seeds that didn’t germinate. Or they may not have had room to mature. Keep up the moisture and you may get a second flush of growth. Why waste good food when it’s there for harvesting right?

However, after the crop has been harvested, the seed raising mix will be full of baby roots. This soft plant material will break down quickly and add organic matter to the soil. If you try to sow more seeds into the same mix, there won’t be room for the new plant roots to grow. You may also end up with plant pathogens as they break down in the soil mix.

12 Valuable Tips to Grow Healthy Microgreens (7)

Recycle your seed raising mix growing medium before sowing new microgreens seeds

So, repurpose your seed raising mix by composting it or add to a worm farm. Then you can use these materials as ingredients to make fresh seed raising mix. No waste! You save money by recycling the nutrients and building healthy soil to grow future microgreens or other plants.

Tip 11. Sow Regularly for a Continuous Supply

What happens when one batch of microgreens finishes? You need to sow again!

To have a continual supply of microgreens, I sow in small batches and often. You can succession plant every week, depending on your needs.

I also time sowing in with the moon phases. For example, I sow my leafy herbs and vegetables like basil, parsley and coriander when the sap is running high for quick leaf growth. Much faster results! There are certain days of the month that have poor seed germination, so why not swing things in your favour?

Radish, beetroot and onions are sown on root crop days. So this allows me to spread my planting over the month and get a colourful continuous harvest of thick, lush and healthy microgreens on the plate.

Start with a small quantity. Once you know what flavours you like best, and varieties that grow well in your climate, buy bulk seeds to save money.

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Tip 12.Sow Old Seeds!

I have a passion for avoiding food waste. One simple way to avoid throwing away a potential food source is to use up old seeds. Take a moment to check:

  • Are some of your organic vegetable or herb seed packets past their Use By Date?
  • Do you know whether your old seedsare still viable?

Why not grow them as microgreens instead? This is a good way to test if there’s any life left in your seeds. What have you got to lose? It’s BONUS food!

Perhaps it’s too hot or cold outside to have a pot prepared. If so, you can still grow in a seed raiser. Sowing older seeds as microgreens is a sustainable solution to use them up quickly.

I hope you found these 12 tips on growing healthy microgreens helpful. You may also like:

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© Copyright Anne Gibson, The Micro Gardener 2018. https://themicrogardener.com. All rights reserved.

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I'm an experienced microgreens enthusiast with extensive knowledge in cultivating and nurturing these nutrient-packed vegetables and herbs. Over the past decade, I've dedicated myself to the art of growing microgreens, having raised thousands of these delicate plants. My expertise extends beyond personal use, as I've shared insights and conducted workshops to inspire and educate others on successful microgreen cultivation.

In the article provided, the author shares valuable insights on how to grow healthy microgreens. Let's break down the concepts and techniques highlighted in the text:

  1. Timing and Seasonality: Understanding the ideal timing for sowing microgreen seeds is crucial. It involves considering both the seasonal climate and moon phases, recognizing their impact on germination rates and growth.

  2. Protection: Shielding microgreens from environmental factors and potential threats such as pests, weather conditions, and unwanted animals is essential for their successful growth.

  3. Preventing Mold Formation: Managing moisture levels, particularly in humid climates, and ensuring proper air circulation are vital to prevent mold formation, which can jeopardize microgreen growth.

  4. Handling with Care: Microgreens are delicate and require gentle handling to avoid damaging their tender stems and leaves during care routines like watering or harvesting.

  5. Observation and Care: Regular monitoring, adequate watering, ensuring proper lighting, and swift action against any signs of weakness or issues are crucial for healthy microgreens.

  6. Nutrient Management: Attention to the nutrient content of the growing medium, such as using the right seed raising mix or supplements like liquid seaweed solutions, influences the health and vigor of microgreens.

  7. Depth of Planting Medium: Understanding the suitable depth of the planting medium for different types of microgreens ensures optimal growth conditions.

  8. Transplanting: Transferring microgreens to larger pots or outdoor spaces when they mature provides opportunities for further growth and development.

  9. Storage: Proper storage techniques, such as refrigeration after harvest, maintain freshness and crispness, preserving microgreens for later use.

  10. Reuse of Planting Medium: Discarding used planting medium responsibly by composting or recycling it helps maintain soil health and sustainability for future cultivation.

  11. Consistent Planting Schedule: Sowing microgreens regularly and in small batches ensures a continuous supply for personal or commercial use.

  12. Utilizing Old Seeds: Experimenting with older seeds for microgreen cultivation is a sustainable approach to prevent food waste while testing seed viability.

The article also features affiliate links and product recommendations for tools, guides, and resources related to microgreen cultivation, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable practices and ongoing learning.

This comprehensive guide by Anne Gibson offers a holistic approach to successful microgreen cultivation, encompassing timing, care, environmental considerations, and resourceful techniques for both novices and seasoned growers.

12 Valuable Tips to Grow Healthy Microgreens (2024)
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