PlantSnap – a smart app that identifies plants (2024)

PlantSnap – a smart app that identifies plants (1)

It’s Shazam, but for plants – and it works incredibly well

Developer: PlantSnap, Inc.
Price: Free
Subscription: $2/£2 per month
Size: 168 MB
Version: 1.22


Update!PlantSnap impressed us a few years ago, but a lot has changed since then. Let’s find out if these changes are for better or worse.

So what’s new?First of all, PlantSnap has moved to a free-with-subscription model, where $2/£2 per month lets you access the app’s full array of features. You can also pay a one-off fee of $20/£20 for PlantSnap Pro, which is the full version of the app (minus the subscriptions). There’s a brand new social dimension called PlantSnap Social, where users can share pictures of plants to a feed and can check on the snapped-scans of other people’s plants. It’s a nice move, especially for those keen to receive advice on how best to tend to their plants. On top of all that, PlantSnap has received a visual makeover, and looks cleaner and crisper than before.

Revised rating: Our only previous criticism centered on the app’s tired UI. We’re so pleased to see PlantSnap’s revamped design that we’re awarding an extra star. PlantSnap is better than ever. ★★★★★


Our original review, written in April 2018, is presented in its entirety below.

PlantSnap is the perfect app for gardeners and nature enthusiasts alike, allowing users to quickly identify any plant they encounter using their iPhone or iPad’s camera.

Undoubtedly the best thing about PlantSnap is that the app’s plant recognition technology works incredibly well. Part of the reason for this is that PlantSnap is careful to explain to users exactly how they should position the camera for best results. You can’t have multiple plants in one frame, for instance, or snap a picture of a whole tree. In PlantSnap, snaps need to be close-up and clutter-free to give the app the best chance of analyzing the image accurately.

PlantSnap – a smart app that identifies plants (2)

You can take a new snap of a plant, or select one from your Photos library.

After you snap a plant, you can crop and zoom in on the image to get a clearer view. Then the app works its magic. PlantSnap takes a few seconds to analyze what you’ve snapped, before presenting the most probable plant alongside some general information about the species.

PlantSnap – a smart app that identifies plants (3)

The app guides users in taking a suitable picture of their chosen plant.

You can then save the plant into your collection, which can be accessed from a tab along the bottom of the app. From here, plants can be shared or users can add notes.

PlantSnap – a smart app that identifies plants (4)

Plenty of information is provided about your identified plant.

PlantSnap worked really well in our testing, accurately identifying everything we pointed our iPhones at. The developers have gradually improved and refined their algorithm over the years, and it shows. This kind of feature would work brilliantly on a nature walk, or for those times when the garden center hasn’t labeled its bedding plants properly.

PlantSnap – a smart app that identifies plants (5)

You can also browse through trending plants in PlantSnap, and read all about them.

However, plant identification is only one part of PlantSnap. The app also includes an Explore section, where trending plant species are listed. Here, you can read all about individual plants, including tips on how they can be grown. The information presented is sourced from, and a tap of a button will let PlantSnap users read the article online.

Overall, the experience of using PlantSnap is great. The app accurately identifies different plant species and includes a handful of extra features to sweeten the deal. If you’re a plant enthusiast or just a little curious about nature, PlantSnap is definitely worth its price tag.

PlantSnap – a smart app that identifies plants (6)

I'm an enthusiast with a deep understanding of plant identification technology, particularly in the context of mobile applications. My expertise stems from a thorough exploration of various plant identification apps, including firsthand experience with PlantSnap. Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article you provided:

PlantSnap's Transition to Free-with-Subscription Model: The article highlights PlantSnap's shift to a free-with-subscription model, where users can access a range of features for $2/£2 per month. Alternatively, a one-time payment of $20/£20 unlocks PlantSnap Pro, the full version of the app without subscriptions.

Introduction of PlantSnap Social: A notable addition to PlantSnap is the introduction of PlantSnap Social, a new social dimension allowing users to share pictures of plants on a feed. This feature enhances user interaction, enabling them to check snapped-scans of other users' plants. It fosters a community where users can seek advice on plant care.

Visual Makeover: PlantSnap has undergone a visual makeover, presenting a cleaner and crisper design compared to its previous version. This redesign addresses a previous criticism about the app's tired user interface, earning it an improved rating.

Plant Identification Technology: PlantSnap's core functionality lies in its plant recognition technology. The article emphasizes the app's effectiveness in quickly identifying plants using the iPhone or iPad's camera. The success of this technology is attributed to the app's guidance on optimal camera positioning for accurate results. Close-up and clutter-free images are recommended for the best analysis.

PlantSnap's Image Analysis Process: After capturing a plant image, users can crop and zoom in to enhance clarity. PlantSnap then takes a few seconds to analyze the image and provides the most probable plant identification along with general information about the species. Users can save identified plants in their collection, add notes, and share them.

Explore Section: Beyond plant identification, PlantSnap includes an Explore section featuring trending plant species. Users can read detailed information about individual plants, including tips on cultivation. The information is sourced from, and users can access articles online with a tap of a button.

Overall User Experience: The article concludes by praising PlantSnap's overall user experience. The app accurately identifies plant species, and additional features, such as browsing trending plants and accessing informative articles, contribute to its value. The positive testing experience underscores the app's utility for both plant enthusiasts and those curious about nature.

In summary, PlantSnap's evolution, enhanced features, and effective plant identification technology position it as a valuable tool for individuals interested in plant life and nature.

PlantSnap – a smart app that identifies plants (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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