How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making: Candle Wick Size Charts (2024)

How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making

How to choose candle wicks for candle making. Including a candle wick size chart for soy candles, wood wick candles, and the best wicks for beeswax candles.

I’ve been a candle maker for years and love discussing every step of creating candles. But, I’ve noticed, for whatever reason, that candle wicks are often the last choice or even an afterthought when it comes to candle making.

And I totally get it! I get caught up in finding the perfect candle container, choosing the candle wax type, combining scents, and determining my fragrance load.The type of candle wicks I’ll use somehow always gets decided at the last minute.

Unfortunately, this can prove to be a big mistake when you watch your beautifully made and perfectly scented candle burn too fast, funnel, or not stay lit at all!

If you’ve been there – then you know my pain. And that’s why I spent months putting together this guide to choosing candle wicks!

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How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making: Candle Wick Size Charts (1)

Why is Choosing the Right Candle Wicks So Important?

Choosing the right candle wicks is crucial if you want to avoid candle wick problems and create high-quality candles. I’ll even go so far as to say that the containers, type of wax, and scent you select won’t matter if you use the wrong candle wicks.

Like many things, I learned the importance of using the right candle wicks through trial and error. Every time I came across a candle making problem, I retraced my steps and analyzed every decision in the process.

I discovered when it comes to deciding how to choose candle wicks; there are a handful of important things to aim for:

  • consistent flame – no self-extinguishing
  • even melt pool across the diameter of the candle
  • safe, moderate temperature
  • smoke-free burn – no soot while burning
  • long burn time – a.k.a. life of the candle
  • small, safe flame
  • non-toxic, clean burn

As you can see, there is a lot weighing on the choice of your candle wicks. But, by keeping these factors in mind, you will ensure a candle burns optimally, with a great scent throw and without unnecessary toxins.

Use our guide below to help you choose the right candle wicks for all your homemade candles!

Related To: DIY Crackling Wood Wick Candles

How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making: Candle Wick Size Charts (2)

Candle Wicks: Where To Start

“How do I choose a candle wick?” you ask; there are a few things to determine before choosing your candle wick size from each candle wick size chart below. (If you are just getting your feet wet in candle making, read our beginner candle-making guide after this.)

Start here to begin choosing which type of candle wicks is right for the candles you are making:

1. The Diameter of the Candle

Let’s start with the most vital factor in choosing candle wicks – the diameter of the candle. Luckily, the first step is very easy to figure out. Either pull out a ruler and measure this or read the details for this information before ordering your candle containers.

2. Fragrance Load and Color

The second step is to consider the amount of fragrance or color you plan to add to the candle. The more color or fragrance you include, the thicker you’ll want your wick to be. Use our fragrance load calculator to helpwith this step!

3. Candle Wax Type

The next step involves your candle wax type. Each candle wax type has a different melting point and density. These variances influence the recommended candle wick type, as you’ll see below.

How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making: Candle Wick Size Charts (3)

If you haven’t chosen your candle wax type yet, use our swipe file in the Simple Living Library to help you pick one. And if you are unsure how much candle wax you’ll need, check out our easy candle wax calculator.

4. Candle Burn Time

Last but not least, consider the burn time of the wax. Soy wax, for example, has a longer, slower burn time than paraffin wax, so a thinner wick may be best. On the other hand, if you intend to burn the candle in short intervals, like 1 to 1.5 hours, versus the recommended 4 hours, a thicker wick would be advisable in order to form a melt pool quickly across the candle to avoid funneling.

If this has left you feeling overwhelmed, don’t fret – let me make it easier for you by clearly pointing out which candle wicks are best for which candle types.

Related To: Soy Candle Making: Ultimate Guide

What are the different types of candle wicks?

There is more to candle wicks than size! And in fact, there are many types of candle wicks. Here, I’ve created a list of commonly used candle wicks while pointing out which are best for different types of candles. You’ll find the best wicks for beeswax candles, soy candles, and more!

ECO Candle Wicks:

ECO candle wicks are basically a coreless flat braid interwoven with 100% organic cotton and paper fibers that provide great strength. These are self-trimming and clean-burning with minimized mushrooming and a clean burn. Excellent for waxes with a lower melting point. Each comes with wick tabs and is pre-coated in soy wax for ease of use.

  • This pack of ECO wicks is best for soy pillars and tall container candles up to 7 inches in height, such as mason jar candles.
  • Whereas this pack of ECO wicks is best for wax blends and soy container candles with a 2 ¾” to 3 ¼” inch diameter, no longer than 5 inches tall.
How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making: Candle Wick Size Charts (4)

Flat LX Candle Wicks:

Although braided in natural cotton threads, LX wicks have a very flat finish. They help candles have a consistent flame due to their curling ability that reduce mushrooming, afterglow, soot, and smoke. Each is coated in natural soy wax, fully biodegradable, and environmentally responsible.

  • Best for wax blends and soy containers candles with a 2 to 3-inch diameter, no longer than 5 inches tall
How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making: Candle Wick Size Charts (5)

Hemp Candle Wicks:

As you can likely guess from the name, hemp candle wicks are made from 100% organic hemp, biodegradable, and non-toxic. Each is dipped in natural beeswax. You can buy them pre-tabbed or in a spool to make any desired candle height.The pre-tabbed are the best wicks for beeswax candles I’ve used.

  • These hemp wicks are best for beeswax pillars and container candles up to 7 inches tall.
  • Or opt for a spool of hemp wicks for any size candle

Do candle wicks need to be waxed?

Now, you may wonder, do you have to buy pre-waxed candle wicks? The short answer is no. However, a pre-waxed wick will improve the performance of the wick and is considered superior in the candle-making world, especially when it comes to a great scent throw!

And if you don’t buy cotton, paper, or hemp wick pre-waxed wicks – you’ll need to wax them yourself. I can tell you from experience working with pre-waxed candle wicks is so much easier!!

There is, nevertheless, one exception…

How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making: Candle Wick Size Charts (6)

Wood Wicks:

Wood wicks don’t need to be pre-waxed for a great burn. My favorite wood wicks are made in the U.S. from native, sappy fruit trees and sourced sustainably from the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). They create a cozy campfire atmosphere, crackling and all! See for yourself – watch our video of homemade wood wick candles.

  • Wood wicks are best for all types of candles: soy, palm, coconut, beeswax, and blends. You can choose from 4 different sizes of wood wicks to meet all your candle making needs at Makesy. (Use mylinkto get $10 off your first order at Makesy.)

Choosing the Right Candle Wicks:

Now that you’ve covered all the basics and determined your candle wick type, the last step is to confirm you are using the correct size. Outside of the length of the candle wick, it’s the thickness that counts. Simply put, the wider the diameter of your candle, the thicker the wick you’ll need.

How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making: Candle Wick Size Charts (7)

Candle Wick Size Chart for Soy Candles

Keep in mind that these are only our best estimates for choosing candle wicks. Finding the correct wick size can require some experimenting. For centering, use a centering device or wick holder for best results.

Wood Wick Size Chart

Layer two wood wicks together in a single wood wick clip for a great burn time and crackling sound.

Beeswax Wick Chart

It turns out candle wicks are one of the most important considerations while making beeswax candles. The particular beeswax you’re working with can affect the way the wick burns, so some experimenting may be needed in order to find the best wicks for beeswax candles.

How do you know if you are using the wrong candle wicks?

Using the wrong candlewick can cause a host of candle problems. Here are a few signs that you’re experiencing one and tips on how to fix it:


If a candle wick self-extinguishes and therefore fails to burn, you have one of two problems happening:

  1. The candle wick is too thin or short – use the wick size charts above to correct this.
  2. The candle has too much fragrance – use a fragrance load calculator to avoid adding too much next time.


When a wick is mushrooming, it splits as it burns. You can avoid this by doing two things:

  1. Trim wicks after use, removing excess buildup.
  2. Choose a thinner wick.

Excessive Flickering:

A flickering wick, other than a wood wick, can cause smoke or soot. This candle wick problem is often caused by one thing:

  • If the candle wick is too thick for the candle size, it will cause the flame to flicker.


If the candle does not melt across from edge to edge, a tunnel will likely occur, and your scent throw will be weak. Tunnels form in candles for two reasons:

  1. If the candle is only lit for a short time before the melting pool can reach the diameter of the candle, a tunnel will form. Burn candles in 4-hour intervals for best results.
  2. The wick was too thin and did not have enough strength to create a full melting pool.

Deep Melt Pool:

A melt pool that is too deep can significantly reduce the amount of burn time, meaning the life of the candle. Look out for this:

  • Using a wick that is too thick for the diameter of the candle can cause a melt pool deeper than half an inch.
How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making: Candle Wick Size Charts (8)

Choosing the right candle wick size can make or break your candle! It takes some experimenting and patience. If you’re new to candle making, don’t miss our beginners’ guide and my Creative Candles Made Simple book!

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Pin these tips on how to choose candle wicks, and don’t forget to share your candle making by tagging #lifenreflection on Instagram.


As an experienced candle maker with years of hands-on expertise, I understand the critical role that candle wicks play in the art of candle making. My passion for this craft has led me to carefully study and experiment with various aspects of candle production, and through trial and error, I've gained valuable insights into the nuances of choosing the right candle wicks.

In the provided article on "How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making," the author rightly emphasizes the significance of selecting the appropriate wicks for creating high-quality candles. I resonate with the sentiment that, despite the excitement of choosing candle containers, wax types, and scents, neglecting the selection of the right wicks can result in candles that burn unevenly, too fast, or not at all.

The author rightly identifies key factors that influence the choice of candle wicks, including achieving a consistent flame, even melt pool, safe burning temperatures, smoke-free burn, long burn time, small flame, and a non-toxic, clean burn. These factors underscore the importance of meticulous consideration when deciding on the type and size of wicks to use.

The article provides a structured guide for beginners and experienced candle makers alike. Here's a breakdown of the concepts covered:

  1. Factors to Consider When Choosing Candle Wicks:

    • Consistent flame
    • Even melt pool
    • Safe burning temperatures
    • Smoke-free burn
    • Long burn time
    • Small, safe flame
    • Non-toxic, clean burn
  2. Steps to Choose Candle Wicks:

    • Determine the diameter of the candle.
    • Consider fragrance load and color.
    • Take into account the candle wax type.
    • Factor in the candle burn time.
  3. Types of Candle Wicks:

    • ECO Candle Wicks (for soy pillars and tall container candles)
    • Flat LX Candle Wicks (for wax blends and soy container candles)
    • Hemp Candle Wicks (best for beeswax pillars and container candles)
    • Wood Wicks (suitable for various candle types)
  4. Waxing of Candle Wicks:

    • While pre-waxed wicks are not mandatory, they enhance performance and scent throw.
    • Wood wicks do not need to be pre-waxed.
  5. Candle Wick Size Chart:

    • Provides guidance on selecting the right wick size for soy candles.
  6. Wood Wick Size Chart:

    • Recommends layering two wood wicks together for a great burn time and crackling sound.
  7. Beeswax Wick Chart:

    • Acknowledges the need for experimentation to find the best wicks for beeswax candles.
  8. Identifying and Fixing Candle Wick Problems:

    • Self-extinguishing
    • Mushrooming
    • Excessive flickering
    • Tunneling
    • Deep melt pool

In conclusion, the article serves as a comprehensive resource for candle makers, offering valuable information on choosing the right candle wicks to ensure optimal burning, scent distribution, and overall quality in homemade candles. The provided tips, charts, and troubleshooting advice make it a valuable guide for both beginners and experienced enthusiasts in the art of candle making.

How to Choose Candle Wicks for Candle Making: Candle Wick Size Charts (2024)
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