You Should Be Proofing Sourdough In The Fridge - Here's Why - crave the good (2024)

Proofing sourdough in the fridge is a little-known secret that can make your sourdough baking easier and more successful. Learn what proofing is, why you should proof in the fridge, and how long to proof sourdough in the fridge.

You’ve probably heard that proofing your sourdough in the fridge is one of the best ways to make a loaf with an incredible flavor and texture.

But what does that mean, exactly? And how do you go about doing it?

I'm here to answer all of those questions and some you didn't even know you had!

Let’s get started!

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  • What Is Proofing?
  • Why Proof Sourdough In The Fridge
  • How To Proof Sourdough In The Fridge
  • How Long To Proof Sourdough In The Fridge
  • My Preferences For Proofing In The Fridge
  • FAQ
  • What Are You Waiting For?!

What Is Proofing?

In both regular (yeasted) bread making and sourdough baking, proofing refers to the rise after shaping. During yeasted baking it's often called the final rise.

During the proofing process, the shaped dough is allowed to rest and rise, usually until it doubles in size. This allows the yeast to do its job and create carbon dioxide gas, stretching the gluten in the dough, and trapping the gas in bubbles within the bread.

This step is critically important for all bread or leavened goods, to give them a light, airy texture, not to mention the flavor! Without proofing, our bread would be flat, dense, and taste bland.

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Why Proof Sourdough In The Fridge

In most of my sourdough recipes, I give the option to proof at room temperature for 1-3 hours or place in the fridge for a cold ferment. Whenever I have the option of choosing room temperature or proofing in the fridge, I always choose the fridge!

Proofing sourdough at cold temperatures is often called a cold retard, because it slows down the final rise process.

So why proof sourdough in the fridge?

1. Better Flavor:

Dough that has been proofed in the fridge has a more complex, sourer flavor than room temperature proofed dough. When the bread is proofing at room temperature, the dough develops faster than the flavor, by slowing it down and proofing in the fridge, we are allowing the flavor to develop in time with the dough.

This is a direct result of the temperature slowing down the yeast's fermentation activity, but the bacteria in the starter are less dependent on the temperature and they are able to continue breaking down starches into lactic and acetic acids, giving us that sour tang we can't get enough of!

2. Easier To Handle:

Cold dough is much much easier to handle. It's easier to flip out of your banneton, it's easier to score, it's just easier to work with.

Warm dough tends to flatten once turned out of its banneton, giving you less time to flip it, score it, and transfer it to a dutch oven. The lame also tends to stick to the warm dough.

Cold dough is less urgent, it resists spreading for longer, it's by far easier to score, and because it's more sturdy, it's easier to get into your dutch oven!

3. Adds Flexibility:

Sourdough is a process, a process I've come to truly enjoy, but it still takes a while.

Allowing your sourdough to cold retard in the fridge puts you back in the driver's seat when it comes to baking sourdough.

Proofing in the fridge extends your proofing window from 1-3 hours to days!

You can bake that bread on your schedule, not the dough's!

4. Better Crust + Crumb:

This one might be splitting hairs a little bit, but a cold fermented dough usually has a superior crust and crumb to a sourdough proofed at room temperature.

Baking cold sourdough tends to give that delicious, blistered crust that's somehow crispy but also delicate at the same time. It's 12/10 perfect.

The crumb is better because it takes time for gluten development in the dough especially with recipes that don't incorporate kneading to speed it up. But this process is not temperature dependant.

Allowing the sourdough to proof in the fridge slows the yeast down, allowing gluten development to catch up to the gasses released making for better-leavened bread and crumb.

How To Proof Sourdough In The Fridge

This is the easy part!

  1. Follow the recipe as written until you get to the final shaping stage.
  2. Shape the dough as desired, in a boule or batard. Place the shaped loaf into a banneton or banneton alternative.
  3. Cover the banneton with a plastic shower cap, or slide into a plastic bag.
  4. Place the covered banneton into the fridge for your desired length of time.
  5. When ready to bake, simply preheat oven and dutch oven. Once the oven is preheated, you can bake the sourdough straight from the fridge.

How Long To Proof Sourdough In The Fridge

While there is a wide range of times that your sourdough can be proofed in the fridge and there is no right or wrong answer, keep your cold retard time frame within reason.

While a short 2-hour cold ferment will do nothing for the flavor, it can help if you have to pick up the kids from school while you should be baking!

A super long 84-hour cold retard is probably too long and will result in over-proofed bread that lacks energy for decent oven spring.

I find the sweet spot for me and my starter is 24-48 hours.

This might take some trial and error to nail it down to your liking, but I'd start with 18-24 hours!

My Preferences For Proofing In The Fridge

For this post, I made 2 identical batches of sourdough using my small loaf sourdough recipe at the same time, everything was done exactly the same, except the proofing time.

My findings may surprise you, but my favourite fridge proofing time, for my starter, is 48 hours. The loaf with the large air pockets was proofed for 24 hours in the fridge and the loaf with the smaller pockets was proofed 48 hours - its crumb was a lot more open than the photos show, it was likely just cut in the worst spot!

In the photo below, the crumb is actually slightly underdeveloped in the loaf with the large air pockets. This was apparent in the texture as well. The longer fermented bread was lighter and airier, in addition to having a more pleasing mildly sour taste, while the 24-hour cold fermented loaf lacked depth and complexity in the flavor.

The 48-hour bread also had a better oven spring and bloomed more at the score, this is apparent in the overhead photos below.


I don't have a banneton, can I still proof my sourdough in the fridge?

Heck yes! Sourdough is a super adaptable recipe, and I made it for over a year without a banneton. Here's a list of banneton alternatives.

Do I need to proof my sourdough in the fridge? Or can I do it at room temperature?

You're totally able to proof at room temperature, it just occurs quickly, between 1 and 3 hours, usually, so be prepared to bake shortly after the final shaping.

What is cold retard or cold ferment? Are they the same?

A cold retard is simply the act of proofing your sourdough bread at cold temperatures (around 34f). Because the low temperature slows the yeast activity in the dough, it is called retarding. Cold fermenting and cold retarding are two different names for the same process.

The slowed fermentation rate is why I recommend storing your sourdough starter in the fridge if you're an infrequent baker!

Should I cover my dough during a cold ferment?

Absolutely! Please cover your dough. Use a dedicated shower cap or even a recycled bread bag! The fridge can be a very drying place, due to the forced air inside to keep the temperature constant, this will dry out your bread and affect its oven spring and potentially ruin that irresistible crust!

When should I be putting my dough into the fridge for the cold retard?

As soon as you've finished shaping the dough and placing it into its banneton or rising bowl, cover it up, and chuck it in the fridge! The longer the dough is left at room temperature, the longer the yeast has to consume the flour and the more likely that the dough will over-proof.

So pop it into the fridge as soon as the final shape is done!

Will my sourdough double in size if it's cold fermented?

It will not!

But don't be fooled, that doesn't mean that it won't puff up during baking. The cold temperature of the fridge slows down the yeast so the bacteria in the bread have time to work and create sour flavors while the gluten develops. Your bread will still rise beautifully and have a great oven spring because the yeast hasn't consumed all the available food, they'll reactivate during the baking process.

What Are You Waiting For?!

If you haven't been proofing your sourdough in the fridge, I hope this has empowered you to try it!

And if you have, I'd love to hear your timing sweet spot in the comments below!

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You Should Be Proofing Sourdough In The Fridge - Here's Why - crave the good (2024)


Is it better to proof sourdough in the fridge? ›

Proofing sourdough in the fridge is effective because it allows the dough to rest in its shaping container while developing superior sourdough flavor. Unlike bulk fermentation (which must be done at room temperature), proofing can be done in cold fridge temperatures.

How long should I proof sourdough in the fridge? ›

Seal with the Tupperware with the lid or cling wrap the bowl and leave in the refrigerator for a minimum of 10 hours, and up to 24 hours. You don't need to bring your bread back to room temperature when you bake.

What happens if you don't put sourdough in fridge? ›

The result will be a heavy and dense loaf that doesn't rise in the oven. It has no energy left. If that happens, there is a tip for still baking it below – all may not be lost! This is one reason we recommend and use the Refrigerator Method.

Can you put a sourdough straight from the fridge into the oven? ›

Yes, you can bake with sourdough starter straight from the fridge.

What does putting sourdough in the fridge do? ›

Letting your sourdough prove in the fridge is a way of slowing down the rise, so that you can bake it when you are ready. Sourdough bread can be time consuming to make, and it can be difficult to fit it all in in just one day.

Can you leave sourdough to rise in the fridge? ›

If you desire an extra-sour sourdough loaf, cover it and refrigerate immediately. The dough will rise slowly overnight or up to 24 hours. Allowing the dough to remain longer in the refrigerator isn't beneficial, as an extended time in the refrigerator will lead to off flavors and diminished dough strength.

What happens if you leave sourdough to rise too long? ›

You most definitely can bulk ferment sourdough too long. If you leave the dough to ferment for too long, it will become "over fermented". Over fermented dough will lose its structure and become a soupy, sloppy mess that you will not be able to shape.

Can you proof sourdough overnight at room temperature? ›

To proof them, let them sit, covered, at room temperature for up to 3–4 hours, or let them proof for a little while at room temperature and then place in the refrigerator for 12–15 hours. Or you can speed the process by using a proof box, warm cooler, or slightly warm oven to speed things up.

Can I skip cold ferment sourdough? ›

Yes, you can skip the cold ferment. You cannot skip the bulk ferment. If you bulk ferment your dough and then shape it - you do not have to put it in the fridge. You could let it rest while you preheat the oven, score it and then bake it.

How long can sourdough starter live in the fridge without feeding? ›

Storing your sourdough starter in the fridge will require feeding around once a week. It can, however, be stored up to two months in the fridge without being fed. Reviving a sourdough starter that has been stored in the fridge for a longer period of time is a good idea.

How long can sourdough dough ferment in fridge? ›

The longer you leave your dough in the refrigerator, the more sour and complex flavors it will develop. You can easily leave a loaf in the refrigerator for 3 days before baking. I've gone as long as 5 days, but you will see some deterioration of the loaf after Day 3.

Can you bake sourdough without proofing? ›

Not proofing your sourdough for long enough is more forgiving than over fermenting it. It won't have developed all its flavor, and all its gluten strands, so the bread may have a bit of an uneven crumb after it's baked. (Usually very large holes at the top of the loaf, and much smaller ones at the bottom).

Do you Stir sourdough starter before using? ›

Do you stir sourdough starter before using? It really doesn't matter whether you stir your sourdough starter before you use it. Because ingredients are measured in grams, your sourdough starter will weigh the same whether it's been stirred or not.

How long should sourdough rest after cooking? ›

Your house smells amazing and you're so proud of what your homemade sourdough starter has given you! However, don't cut into it too fast! The loaf needs to cool outside of the Dutch oven for at least 30 minutes, and ideally more like two hours. When you pull the bread out of the oven, it is still baking inside.

Can I feed my sourdough starter and then put it in the fridge? ›

If you aren't intending to use your sourdough starter every day, it is best kept in the fridge. To do this, feed it as instructed above, seal the jar and then stand at room temperature for 2-3 hours (to help reinvigorate the yeast) before placing in the fridge to store.

Can you stretch and fold sourdough too much? ›

You can over fold sourdough. Whatever folding technique you choose should gently build up the gluten network. What is this? Once the gluten network has formed, over handling the dough can cause this network to break down.

How many times should you stretch and fold sourdough? ›

In every sourdough bread recipe, you'll find at least one set of stretch and foldsduring bulk fermentation. They are called sets because you typically perform four stretches and four folds during this process, one in each direction of the dough – so, North, South, East, and West.

How many times should you raise sourdough? ›

A 24-hour rise time will produce much more sour bread than a 4-hour rise time. If using a shorter rise period, 4-12 hours, a second rise is optional. If desired, punch dough down, reshape, and proof a second time.

Can you overwork sourdough? ›

Overkneaded dough will be tough and make tough, chewy bread. If you've kneaded by hand, you don't need to be too worried about overworked dough—you'll start to notice it getting difficult to manage. It takes a lot of elbow grease to knead bread dough; you'll likely tire yourself out before you can over-knead.

Is my house too cold for sourdough starter? ›

The colder the environment, the more slowly your starter will grow. If the normal temperature in your home is below 68°F, find a smaller, warmer spot to develop your starter. For instance, try setting the starter on top of your water heater, refrigerator, or another appliance that might generate ambient heat.

What is the oldest sourdough starter? ›

The answer appears to be Egyptian sourdough. Scientists have revived yeast microbes from 4,500 years ago to make a loaf of bread unlike anything on the grocery store shelves today, as part of an experiment to better understand the gut bacteria of ancient humans.

Should I keep my sourdough starter in an airtight container? ›

It will need a lid or cover, but not something airtight: Sourdough starter emits gas, and a sealed canister can explode. If you have intermittent baking plans, you may want something that can be lidded more tightly and stashed in the refrigerator.

What happens if I dont feed my sourdough starter every day? ›

If you don't feed it often enough, the sourdough starter starts to smell like alcohol. You may also find that the starter loses its vibrancy and doesn't get too bubbly and active after a feeding. Don't worry, you can always get the starter to recover.

How can you tell if sourdough is proofed? ›

Poke the dough lightly with your finger and take note of how the surface of the dough bounces back. If the indent comes back quickly and disappears, the loaf is not proofed enough and needs an additional half-hour (or more) proofing time. If the indent doesn't bounce back, your loaf is over-proofed.

Should you use parchment paper when baking sourdough bread? ›

Good quality parchment paper is incredibly effective when it comes to baking sourdough bread. It allows you to transfer your proofed dough from the bench and into a hot Dutch Oven. Typically you would tip your sourdough out of your banneton and onto the parchment paper and then use that to transfer the dough.

Can I proof sourdough in a bowl? ›

Can I proof sourdough in a plastic container? Yes you can. I would advise lining it with a thin cotton cloth. You could use a plastic container much like you would a plastic bowl.

Can I proof sourdough at room temperature? ›

To proof them, let them sit, covered, at room temperature for up to 3–4 hours, or let them proof for a little while at room temperature and then place in the refrigerator for 12–15 hours. Or you can speed the process by using a proof box, warm cooler, or slightly warm oven to speed things up.

Does sourdough ferment in the fridge? ›

Can you bulk ferment sourdough in the fridge? No - bulk fermentation should ideally be undertaken at room temperature. The yeast and bacteria in your sourdough starter perform best in warmer temperatures so placing them in the fridge will put them into a sleepy state.

How long is too long to proof sourdough? ›

As a very basic time frame, the very minimum that sourdough should ferment/proof for is 4 hours.
Basic Time Guidelines for Proofing Sourdough.
% Starter/ Leaven UsedTemperature RangeTime Guideline
25%68 -75F (20 – 24C)4 – 12 hours
10%68 – 75F (20 – 24C)8 – 14 hours

What happens if you proof sourdough too long? ›

Overproofed doughs collapse due to a weakened gluten structure and excessive gas production, while underproofed doughs do not yet have quite enough carbon dioxide production to expand the dough significantly.

Can I put my sourdough in the fridge to rise? ›

If you desire an extra-sour sourdough loaf, cover it and refrigerate immediately. The dough will rise slowly overnight or up to 24 hours. Allowing the dough to remain longer in the refrigerator isn't beneficial, as an extended time in the refrigerator will lead to off flavors and diminished dough strength.

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