Why You Can't Stop Thinking About Your Ex (2024)

Table of Contents
Thinking About Your Ex All The Time? Here’s Why, And How To Stop. Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Ex Obsessed With Your Ex? It’s Not Just You… Why You’re Still Thinking About Your Ex Time to Grow? Dating While You’re Still Thinking About Your Ex Emotional Zombie: When Your Feelings For Your Ex Die… But Then Come Back How to Stop Thinking About Your Ex, For Good Listen & Subscribe to the Podcast Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Ex The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby Free, Expert Advice — For You. Subscribe To The Love, Happiness, and Success Podcast Episode Highlights [03:14] Why Can’t You Get Over Your Ex? [06:30] Why You Still Think about Your Ex: The Biology of Attachment [19:06] How To Stop Thinking About Your Ex [25:12] The Phases Of Letting Go [31:07] How To Get Over Your Ex [39:41] How Attachments Are Formed [43:12] Doing The Work To Get Over Your Ex Let’s Talk: Start With a Free Consultation Divorce and Breakup Recovery Resources Divorce & Breakup Advice Discernment Counseling When to Call It Quits Amicable Divorce Breakup Therapy & Divorce Counseling The Stages of a Breakup How to Leave a Toxic Relationship, With Dignity Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Ex Are You Addicted to a Toxic Relationship? Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to an Ex Love Online Breakup and Divorce Support Group Heal Your Broken Heart: Breakup Recovery Program How Much Does Therapy Cost? Stop a Divorce Start Breakup Therapy or Divorce Counseling More Questions? Let’s Talk. Key Concepts: FAQs

Thinking About Your Ex All The Time? Here’s Why, And How To Stop.

Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Ex

WHY YOU CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOUR EX | Is your Ex always on your mind? Do you think about your Ex first thing in the morning, throughout the day, and last thing at night? Does every little thing trigger memories of your Ex?

If you are like many (most? all?) people struggling with the aftermath of a painful breakup — even a breakup that you know was the right thing for both of you — you may find yourself tormented with non-stop thoughts about your Ex.

Have you ever found yourself saying (or thinking) “How do I stop caring about my Ex?” or “Why am I still thinking about my Ex?” or “Why can’t I get my Ex out of my head?” Like so many of our breakup counseling clients or divorce recovery clients, you’re wanting to fully heal your heart so that you can let go of the past, and move forward into a new future.

Obsessed With Your Ex? It’s Not Just You…

As we all know — letting go of a relationship is easier said than done. It’s close to impossible to turn off your feelings for someone else and detach from someone you love, even when you know, logically, that the relationship should be over. It’s especially hard when you thought you were getting over your Ex, but then they move on with a new partner, and the feelings flare up all over again. Nothing like thinking about your Ex having sex with someone new to rip the slowly healing scab right off again. Ouch.

Sometimes, people can’t get past a breakup because they have unfinished emotional business with the past.

Many people come to us for therapy or coaching after a breakup or divorce for this exact reason: they need support in figuring out how to get their Ex out of their head, reclaim their power, and start feeling good again. The most maddening thing is often knowing the relationship is over…and yet they’re still thinking about their Ex. Still fantasizing about them even. They sometimes think about getting back together with their Ex, or whether they should try to rekindle the relationship. Sometimes they try… and quickly remember all the very good reasons why they broke up.

And yet, despite knowing that the relationship is wrong for them (or perhaps even toxic) they still think about their Ex. They still care about their Ex. They still feel jealous knowing that their Ex has moved on. They hurt… and they want it to stop.

But how? How can you break your attachment to someone? How do you turn off the feelings? How do you stop thinking about your Ex?

Why You’re Still Thinking About Your Ex

One of the first things we do with breakup and divorce recovery clients in therapy or coaching is helping them make sense of their feelings so that they can learn and grow from them. Also, we need to normalize what is happening: Having lingering feelings for an Ex is very common, and there are many complex reasons for it.

Sometimes, people can’t get past a breakup because they have unfinished emotional business with the past. They have lingering feelings of guilt, anger, regret, or pain that are holding them in the past. They may never have gotten closure around their relationship having ended. They need to do the work of growing and healing before they can move on.

Sometimes, people are still thinking about their Ex for months, or even years after the relationship ended because of lingering insecurities or comparisons they’re making — even subconsciously. This is often true when your Ex has moved on before you have. The path to healing here is to focus on growing your own self-confidence, and feeling like you’re moving towards your goals.

Perhaps the most insidious kind of Ex-attachment is that related to your biology: When you don’t understand how you’re maintaining your attachment to your Ex on a neurological level, you can get stuck for years — even though you desperately want to move on. (For much more on this subject check out my book, “Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to An Ex Love”)

Yes, it’s hard to stop thinking about your Ex, but it’s also necessary. Not being able to move on emotionally after a breakup or divorce can impact your life in major ways. Here are just a few of the consequences you might be experiencing… Can you relate?

Time to Grow?

Connect with an expert who can help you move forward.

Dating While You’re Still Thinking About Your Ex

Continuing to have feelings for an Ex is not just frustrating, it can also limit your ability to move on and start a new, healthy relationship with someone else. When you’re dating while you still have feelings for your Ex, it can interfere with your ability to form a new attachment.

Comparing your new love interests to your Ex can also lead to you breaking things off with someone who could be great for you.

If you’re officially broken up but still sleeping with your Ex? No judgment (this is surprisingly common) but you’re going to be stuck for a long time unless you make some changes.

Emotional Zombie: When Your Feelings For Your Ex Die… But Then Come Back

Another thing we often hear about are situations where you think you’re over your Ex but then something happens: your Ex moves on into a new relationship or you have some new contact with them, and the feelings flare up all over again. Or perhaps you’re still connected with your Ex through social media or have shared friends. When you see or hear about your Ex starting a new chapter without you, it can bring all the pain, regret, anxieties, and even jealousy roaring back.

If these feelings are strong enough, they can get in the way of you enjoying your life in the present. It can be hard to focus or concentrate at work, you might worry about running into your Ex and their new partner, or you might even make life decisions based on your feelings about the breakup. None of this is good for you or fair to you.

The path to recovery often involves working through complex feelings related to grief, longing, guilt, regret, anger, and even self-forgiveness. While you can’t “turn off” feelings about an Ex, you absolutely can use them to do important personal growth work that will move you forward.

How to Stop Thinking About Your Ex, For Good

If you’re still thinking about your Ex, and wishing you could let go and move on, today’s episode of the Love, Happiness and Success Podcast is for you.

On today’s episode: Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Ex, we’ll be discussing:

  • Why you can’t stop thinking about your Ex
  • Why understanding your biology can set you free
  • What to do when you’re obsessing about your Ex’s new relationship
  • Why anger and guilt can keep you trapped in the past
  • How to build your self esteem back up after a breakup
  • How to let go of insecurities and jealousy about your Ex’s new relationship
  • How to get closure after a relationship has ended
  • How to let go of a toxic relationship
  • How to (authentically and honestly) work through the feelings in a healthy way
  • How to use this experience as a launchpad for growth
  • Why traditional talk therapy can keep you stuck in obsessions about your Ex, and why evidence-based breakup recovery coaching that uses cognitive strategies breaks you free

Your partner in growth,
Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

P.S: Some of the resources I mentioned on this podcast refer to other past episodes, other articles on the blog, and also some listener questions about breakups I answered on IGTV. I’ve sprinkled links to them through this article, but here’s one more: Our “How Healthy is Your Self Esteem” quiz. Do you have follow up questions for me? Get in touch through Instagram, or leave them for me in the comments below! LMB

P.P.S: Want more articles and podcasts like this one? Check out our “Healing From Heartbreak Collection” — It’s all for you. xo

Listen & Subscribe to the Podcast

Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Ex

The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast with Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby

Music Credits: Torrelli and the Fuse, “Forgive and Remember”

Episode Highlights

[03:14] Why Can’t You Get Over Your Ex?

  • It’s common for people to not be able to easily and effortlessly get over a relationship.
  • You are a healthy, normal, loving person that is capable of developing deep and powerful bonds with other humans.
  • It would be more concerning if you didn’t have lingering feelings and thoughts about your Ex.

[06:30] Why You Still Think about Your Ex: The Biology of Attachment

  • There are systems in your brain and in your body that exist for the purpose of maintaining bonds, attachments and connections to other human beings.
  • Some newer research into addiction actually postulates that the reason why people get addicted to drugs and alcohol is because they are artificially stimulating the parts of the brain that are there for the purpose of bonding to other people.

[19:06] How To Stop Thinking About Your Ex

  • One of the first things we work on is beginning to detach that feeling part that’s having this monkey-mind experience from the rational part of your brain.
  • We need to start moving into this other piece of the brain, which is very different from the emotional part of the brain.

[25:12] The Phases Of Letting Go

  • Denial, bargaining, and imagining these possible outcomes, is, among other things, a very effective way to protect ourselves from the feelings of grief.
  • A lot of times, when people move into this grieving phase, it’s deeper grief, and it feels like a more profound loss.
  • Another place people get stuck is when they are still angry with their ex and they haven’t been able to fully process this anger.
  • Another thing that can get people stuck on an ex is wanting their approval and love.

[31:07] How To Get Over Your Ex

  • A secure and supportive attachment to a therapist or coach who’s able to, first of all, make it feel safe enough to go there but also actually help you stay there instead of pulling back out of it super quickly.
  • We need to go in and drain those emotional abscesses.
  • Even if you hate your ex and don’t want to have anything to do with them, you can still be accidentally maintaining your attachment to your ex simply by thinking about them.

[39:41] How Attachments Are Formed

  • Our connections to other people are formed through repeated contact over and over and over again.
  • The emotional part of your brain cannot tell the difference between things that you’re thinking about and things that are actually happening in front of you.
  • But the limbic system, the part of your brain that experiences emotion, will have the same feeling from a mental movie that you’re playing in your head, the same feeling between that and something that you experience in real life.

[43:12] Doing The Work To Get Over Your Ex

  • Unfortunately, what actually happens is that you have to do all these other layers of work first, because there is valuable information.
  • You will eventually, sooner or later, have to do this work.
  • It does become time to learn thought-stopping skills, distract and replace skills to very consciously and deliberately shift your attention elsewhere.
  • What I have experienced time and time and time again, as I’ve walked with people through this process, is that there comes a time when people have done all this work, that they don’t think about their ex at all.

Why You Can't Stop Thinking About Your Ex (1)

Lisa Marie Bobby, PhD, LMFT, BCC( PhD, LP, LMFT, BCC )

Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby is the founder and clinical director of Growing Self. She is a licensed psychologist, a licensed marriage and family therapist, and a board-certified coach, as well as the author of “Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to Your Ex Love,” and the host of The Love, Happiness & Success Podcast.

Learn more about Dr. Lisa

Why You Can't Stop Thinking About Your Ex (2)

Let’s Talk: Start With a Free Consultation

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Divorce and Breakup Recovery Resources

Divorce & Breakup Advice

Get more free breakup and divorce recovery advice in our extensive library of articles and podcasts on the subject. Visit the Healing After Heartbreak Collection on our blog to access them all.

Discernment Counseling

If you or your partner are considering separation, discernment counseling can help you both gain clarity around whether or not there is hope for your relationship. Learn about discernment counseling.

When to Call It Quits

Is there still hope for your relationship, or is it best to part ways? Learn the signs that growth and healing are possible, vs. signs it’stime to call it quits in a relationship.

Amicable Divorce

Amicable divorce prioritizes the mental and emotional wellness of everyone involved and creates the foundation for a healthy co-parenting partnership. Learn how to achieve anamicable divorce.

Breakup Therapy & Divorce Counseling

Time alone does not heal. Effective, informed, evidence-basedbreakup therapy and divorce counselinghelp you heal, grow, and move forward into emotional freedom.

The Stages of a Breakup

Withdrawal, grieving, growing, rebuilding: Understandingthe stages of recovery are vital to your healing process after a divorce. Learn about the stages of breakup recovery…

How to Leave a Toxic Relationship, With Dignity

Learn why it’s so hard toleave a toxic relationship, and the things you can do to empower and support yourself in your journey to emotional empowerment.

Why You Can’t Stop Thinking About Your Ex

Can you ever stop loving someone? Want to know how to get over an ex? Learnhow to stop thinking about someoneso you can move on.

Are You Addicted to a Toxic Relationship?

Profoundly unhealthy relationships can be the hardest to get over. Find out if you’readdicted to a toxic relationship.

Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to an Ex Love

Why is it so hard to let go, even when you know you should? In her award-winning“Exaholics” book,Dr. Lisa explains why, and illuminates the path forward towards emotional liberation, growth, and recovery.

Online Breakup and Divorce Support Group

You’re not alone. Heal your heart in our positive, affirmingonline breakup and divorce support group,led by an experienced divorce and breakup recovery counselor.

Heal Your Broken Heart: Breakup Recovery Program

In this self-pacedonline breakup recovery programDr. Lisa helps you work through the stages of healing from heartbreak, through empowering personal growth activities.

How Much Does Therapy Cost?

Good therapy is a priceless investment in your growth and healing, but not all therapy is valuable. Learn about the cost of therapy that moves you forward.

Stop a Divorce

The threat of divorce can actually be a turning point for a marriage if you understand how to use it as an opportunity to foster healing. In this podcast, learn how to stop a divorce.

Start Breakup Therapy or Divorce Counseling

If you’d like to work with a Growing Self divorce / breakup recovery expert, the first step is to have a free consultation meeting.

More Questions? Let’s Talk.

If you have questions about our services or would like support in connecting with one of our experts, we’re here for you by phone, email or chat. Get in touch, anytime.

I am Dr. Lisa Marie Bobby, a licensed psychologist, licensed marriage and family therapist, and board-certified coach with a deep understanding of relationship dynamics and breakup recovery. My expertise is grounded in extensive clinical experience and a commitment to evidence-based practices. I have authored the book "Exaholics: Breaking Your Addiction to An Ex Love" and host the Love, Happiness & Success Podcast.

Now, let's delve into the concepts presented in the article "Thinking About Your Ex All The Time? Here’s Why, And How To Stop."

Key Concepts:

  1. Unfinished Emotional Business:

    • Description: Lingering feelings of guilt, anger, regret, or pain after a breakup can prevent individuals from moving on.
    • Advice: Work on growing and healing to address unresolved emotional issues for closure and personal growth.
  2. Insecurities and Comparisons:

    • Description: Lingering thoughts may persist due to insecurities or subconscious comparisons, especially when one's ex has moved on.
    • Advice: Focus on building self-confidence and progressing towards personal goals.
  3. Biological Attachment:

    • Description: Attachment to an ex on a neurological level can lead to persistent thoughts and emotions.
    • Advice: Understanding the biology of attachment is crucial for breaking free. Seeking professional guidance, such as breakup recovery coaching, can be beneficial.
  4. Impact on Life:

    • Description: Inability to move on emotionally after a breakup can have significant consequences on various aspects of life.
    • Advice: Seek support to prevent negative impacts on work, relationships, and decision-making.
  5. Dating While Thinking About Your Ex:

    • Description: Holding onto feelings for an ex can hinder the ability to form new, healthy relationships.
    • Advice: Avoid comparing new relationships to the past and consider making changes if still involved intimately with an ex.
  6. Emotional Resurgence:

    • Description: Even after believing to be over an ex, events like their new relationship can trigger a resurgence of emotions.
    • Advice: Acknowledge and work through complex feelings related to grief, longing, guilt, regret, and anger for recovery.
  7. Phases of Letting Go:

    • Description: Denial, bargaining, and imagining possible outcomes are natural phases, but some people get stuck, especially in deeper grief or anger.
    • Advice: Seek secure and supportive attachment with a therapist or coach to navigate these phases and process emotions.
  8. Attachment Formation:

    • Description: Connections to people are formed through repeated contact, and the emotional brain may not distinguish between thoughts and real experiences.
    • Advice: Recognize the need to consciously shift attention away from ex-related thoughts and use thought-stopping skills.
  9. Doing the Work to Get Over Your Ex:

    • Description: Emotional abscesses need draining, and thought-stopping skills, distraction, and replacement strategies are essential.
    • Advice: Commit to doing the necessary work for personal growth, self-forgiveness, and ultimately moving on.
  10. Time and Thought-Stopping Skills:

    • Description: With time and consistent effort, people can reach a point where they no longer think about their ex.
    • Advice: Thought-stopping skills, distraction, and replacing negative thoughts are crucial elements in the recovery process.

As an expert in this field, I emphasize the importance of seeking professional support, such as breakup recovery coaching, to guide individuals through the complexities of emotional healing and personal growth.

Why You Can't Stop Thinking About Your Ex (2024)


Why can I not stop thinking about my ex? ›

There are many reasons why we reminisce about a past relationship. It may be loneliness, it may have been a messy break up with unanswered questions, or – if you're in a new relationship – there may be an element of being underwhelmed, and fantasising about an ex as an outlet.

How do you get your ex off your mind? ›

Staying busy really will help you move on faster. If you find yourself thinking obsessively about your ex when you are at home alone, come up with something to do, whether it's having dinner with a friend, visiting a museum by yourself, or going for a walk.

Why can't I let go of my ex? ›

You may have trouble getting over your ex if you still see them often (either in person or via social media). Loneliness can also affect your ability to move on. You may struggle with idealizing your ex or only remembering the best of the old relationship while forgetting the issues that led to the breakup.

How do I stop obsessing over my ex? ›

If you want to get someone out of your mind, here are a few ways to do so.
  1. Find a distraction. Watch a good movie, read a book, go outside, or do something else to occupy your time.
  2. Practice meditation. ...
  3. Mindfulness helps too. ...
  4. If you find yourself thinking about them, see if there are any triggers. ...
  5. Talk to a therapist.

Why is my ex always on my mind? ›

Sometimes, people are still thinking about their Ex for months, or even years after the relationship ended because of lingering insecurities or comparisons they're making — even subconsciously. This is often true when your Ex has moved on before you have.

How do you know if your ex is thinking about you? ›

If your ex is contacting you frequently or engaging with your social media often, this can be a good indicator that they are still thinking of you.

Why can't I get over him? ›

Why is it hard to get over someone? It is difficult to move on because if the ending of a relationship hurts you, it can have a profound impact on your emotional well-being. The grieving process can make it hard to imagine your next relationship, prolonging your attachment to the past.

How long does it take to get an ex off your mind? ›

Some people might stop thinking about their ex after a few weeks, while for others it might take months. All of this is common, but if you feel like you are continuing to think about an ex too long after a breakup, therapy could help you find healthy ways to move on.

Should I cut off my ex completely? ›

The No-Contact Rule: The Most Effective Way To Move On From An Ex. The no-contact rule refers to cutting off all contact with an ex following a breakup, and it's the best method for moving on from an ex.

Do exes come back when you let go? ›

Can exes come back? Exes may return in some cases. Since couples break up for various reasons, the circ*mstances of a breakup may impact the potential for reconnection. A recent study showed that 44% of Americans have gotten back together with one of their exes after breaking up with them.

How do you know if your ex is not over you? ›

Is your ex persistently reaching out, asking for help, or just generally trying to maintain contact? According to Page, this is a good indicator that they're not over you. "They may be over you in terms of the romantic relationship," he adds, "but still need and want all the things you can give them."

How do you truly move on from an ex? ›

How to Get Over an Ex
  1. Look for distractions from your feelings.
  2. Remove any reminders that trigger feelings for your ex.
  3. Consider taking a social media break.
  4. Take care of yourself.
  5. Give yourself time.
  6. Talk to a professional.
Dec 6, 2023

Why am I obsessively thinking about my ex? ›

Ongoing obsessive thoughts and rumination over an ex and past relationship can be a very distressing experience. It can be associated with jealousy, controlling, and erratic or self-defeating behaviors.

Why am I so fixated on my ex? ›

People with obsessive ex syndrome may find themselves replaying past interactions with their ex-partner in their mind. They may obsess over things they said or did and analyze how they could have acted differently. This constant replaying of past events can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, or regret.

When your ex is obsessed with you? ›

Stay away from your ex.

Avoiding physical contact can be an effective way of dealing with an obsessive ex. If he or she does not have the chance to see you, the obsession will hopefully come to an end. This may mean that you have to change your behavior patterns or the places you frequent.

Why can't I get my ex out of my head? ›

In this case, the reason you can't forget an ex may be tied to your typical “over-analysis” style of coping, says Dr. Hauser. “Ruminating on a breakup can be a subconscious way to protect yourself from future hurt by attempting to figure out why and how it happened in the first place.”

Why can't I let go of my ex after 2 years? ›

Put simply, one of the main reasons you're not letting go of a past relationship is because you're lonely right now, said Erika Ettin, a relationship coach and founder of A Little Nudge. "Rather than pining over someone who wasn't right for you, focus on yourself," she said.

Why am I so obsessed with my ex? ›

People with obsessive ex syndrome may find themselves replaying past interactions with their ex-partner in their mind. They may obsess over things they said or did and analyze how they could have acted differently. This constant replaying of past events can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, or regret.

Why do I still love my ex after 10 years? ›

Reasons you might still feel like you love your ex include: You have fond memories of your time together. You tend to remember the good times (and forget about the bad) You're focused on your ex's good qualities, but you ignore their negative traits.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.