Why Parsley Leaves Turn Yellow – And What You Can Do To Fix It (2024)

One of the more common parsley complaints I hear is that of parsley leaves turning yellow.

Generally, if a parsley plant starts yellowing the plant is under some form of stress. Usually the outer leaves start to yellow first.

Here’s a list of common reasons causing parsley leaves to turn yellow and what can be done about them.

Summer – Hot, Dry, Windy, Strong Sun Summer Weather

Yup, could be as simple as too many hot and dry summer days☀️

During hot spells, the parsley roots struggle to keep up with the needs of the plant’s leaves. The parsley plant is losing water faster than the roots can replenish.

Likewise, wind will pull moisture from the leaves quicker than the parsley’s root system can replenish.

The parsley plant reacts by shedding some of its outer leaves – hence they start to turn yellow and eventually die off.

Why Parsley Leaves Turn Yellow – And What You Can Do To Fix It (1)

Parsley plants in containers are more susceptible to yellowing from the heat of the summer as potted plants tend to dry out much faster than those planted in the ground, as the area the plant can draw water and nutrients from is limited to the container they’re growing in.

What To Do:

Give your parsley herb plants some shade:
⛅Move parsley containers where they are shaded during the hottest part of the day.
⛅Cover parsley with shade cloth during hot and dry spells.
⛅Use a temporary barrier to block sun or wind – sometimes it’s easier to move other objects to block wind and cast a shadow, than to move a heavy planter

Make sure your parsley herb plants get enough water. On really hot and/or windy days, parsley herbs grown in containers may need to be watered twice a day.

Once the hottest part of the summer passes, parsley plants tend to recover quite nicely 🙂

Too Much Or Too Little Water

Both overwatering and underwatering can cause parsley herb plants to yellow.

Overwatering: Some people will see a parsley plant’s leaves turning yellow and will automatically water the plant. And will do it again and again, even right after a rainfall!

And the parsley leaves keep turning yellow and eventually the plant roots rot and the plant dies.

I have seen my share of plants suffer this fate (not just parsley).I kid you not – I am married to one of these people😞 Chronic over-waterer syndrome I call it.

If the soil is wet, no water please!

Why Parsley Leaves Turn Yellow – And What You Can Do To Fix It (2)

Underwatering: Sometimes life gets busy and the herb plants get somewhat neglected and dry out – that’s me on many an occasion.

Also, there are the folks that water enough to moisten the top of the soil, but not enough to penetrate through the soil to the root system.

Either way, the parsley herb plant reacts by yellowing outer leaves to feed the newer central leaves.

What to do:

☔Check the level of moisture in the soil by poking your finger about 1 inch (2.5 com) into the soil. If the soil is dry, give your parsley plant a good watering such that the entire root system gets water – there should be some water draining out of the bottom of the container.

☔Don’t want to stick your finger in the soil? Poke a sturdy stick or trowel into the soil then move the soil over a bit so you can see if the soil is dry or moist (touch is a better indicator though).

☔Not sure? You can purchase a soil moisture meter to quickly and easily test soil moisture.

Transplant Shock

Parsley herb plants have a long tap root that should be disturbed as little as possible when transplanting. Any stress on parsley’s root from transplanting can cause yellowing leaves.

Even with careful transplanting, my parsley herbs get some yellowing leaves initially. With proper care of the parsley plant, this yellowing resolves itself after a couple of weeks or so, and the parsley plants go on to produce healthy vibrant green leaves all summer and into the winter.

Why Parsley Leaves Turn Yellow – And What You Can Do To Fix It (3)

What to do:

🌿When buying parsley herb plants in spring, choose healthy plants. If the parsley leaves are already yellowing at the garden center, move on.

🌿Also check the bottom of the pot. If the parsley roots are already coming out the bottom, the plant will have a much harder time adjusting to being transplanted. Leave that parsley at the garden center too.

🌿Have your transplant location ready so you can pop your parsley herb plants out of their container and directly into their new location quickly.

🌿Remove parsley herb plants carefully from their current location or container to disturb the root system as little as possible.

🌿Once the parsley plant has been transplanted, water deeply.

Some yellowing of leaves is common after transplanting parsley. If yellowing continues or worsens, check for other causes also.

Too Few / Too Many Nutrients In The Soil

Like water, if soil nutrients are the cause of parsley leaf yellowing, it could be a case of too much or too little.

Why Parsley Leaves Turn Yellow – And What You Can Do To Fix It (4)It’s really easy to apply too much fertilizer to parsley herb plants, or to most plants for that matter.

Fertilizers, organic fertilizers included, are a source of concentrated nutrients and need to be applied carefully according to directions.

Because parsley has a long taproot, it can generally find all the nutrients it needs in the garden.

Parsley grown in containers will occasionally require supplemental feeding. Especially if the containers are prone to over-watering, which tends to leach nutrients from the soil.

What to do:

🏡Apply compost to the garden bed before planting parsley – that should be enough.

🏡I also mix in a couple of handfuls of compost to commercial potting mix when planting parsley in containers. Especially since I tend to re-use potting mix from one season to the next.

🏡During the season, plants grown in containers benefit from occasional supplemental fertilizing. I use Maxicrop Seaweed Powder that I get from Richters Herbs.
Maxicrop Seaweed products are also sold on Amazon.

🏡Apply fertilizer according to the package directions – or less. Or as advised by the results of a soil test. Never more!

🏡If you have recently fertilized your parsley herb plants and the leaves are turning yellow now, water your plants heavily to distribute and leach out some of the excess fertilizer.

Potting Mix or Soil is Too Dense

If you garden in clay soil, or the soil in your container is really dense, the parsley’s taproot may have difficulty growing into the soil and pulling up nutrients needed for the leaves.

This may cause the parsley plant to shed leaves that can’t be supported by the restricted root growth.

Why Parsley Leaves Turn Yellow – And What You Can Do To Fix It (5)

What to do:

🍁Heavy clay soil is many a gardener’s ongoing challenge. Add sand, shredded dried leaves, or fluffy well-aged compost to the garden soil. Then mix everything together to a depth of at least 8 inches (20 cm) before planting your parsley herb plants.

🍁It’s not often that I’ve seen containers with dense soil as potting mixes tend to be light and airy. However, if the planter contains soil straight from the garden or bagged garden soil rather than potting mix, then mix in some sand with the container soil.

On the bright side, growing plants with long taproots like parsley and carrots helps break up dense and compacted soil for future crops 🙂

Not Enough Light

I find this more to be a problem when growing parsley indoors. Parsley plants growing in shadier areas outdoors will grow slower than those planted in spaces with more sun, but probably will not experience yellowing leaves.

However, once you bring a parsley herb plant indoors – especially for the winter as the days get shorter and our houses get darker too – a parsley herb plant will shed some of its leaves.

What to do:

☀️Move your parsley herb plant to a sunnier location.

☀️Use grow lights to grow healthier greener parsley plants indoors.

Planter Too Small

This is a common problem with parsley in containers. It is so easy to forget that this mound of green leaves has a long taproot that grows deep into the ground (can be about 2 to 3 feet down in a garden bed)

Why Parsley Leaves Turn Yellow – And What You Can Do To Fix It (6)

What to do:

🍃Plant your parsley in a tall container from the get-go. At least 10 inches (25 cm) tall, but taller is better.

🍃If you only have shallow planters available, or if you have one of those mixed herb containers that look so pretty in the spring, accept that you will get yellowing of the outer leaves at some point as the root system becomes constricted. And do your best to keep the plants healthy.

🍃Make sure the parsley plants get enough water as smaller planters will be more likely to dry out.

🍃As you see parsley leaves starting to yellow, snip them off so the roots don’t waste any more energy on those leaves.

In My Garden

I find that my parsley plants’ leaves will tend to yellow a bit for brief periods of time off and on throughout the growing season.

And the parsley plants I grow in pots are more prone to leaf yellowing than the parsley plants I grow directly in my garden.

And the parsley plants grown from seeds I sow directly into the garden have this problem least of all and some years not at all — albeit I have to wait much longer for the plants to be large enough to harvest from.

Why Parsley Leaves Turn Yellow – And What You Can Do To Fix It (7)

As you keep an eye out for when your parsley herb plants tend to get yellow leaves, you may discover a pattern that will help you minimize or eliminate this common complaint.

Happy Gardening 🙂

Why Parsley Leaves Turn Yellow – And What You Can Do To Fix It (8)


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Why Parsley Leaves Turn Yellow – And What You Can Do To Fix It (9)

Why Parsley Leaves Turn Yellow – And What You Can Do To Fix It (2024)


What do you do when parsley leaves turn yellow? ›

The first thing to do if your parsley is yellow is to scale back the watering. Parsley requires evenly moist soil but the roots do not like to be sat in stagnant water. However, the underlying cause of yellow leaves is more likely slow draining soils or pots without good drainage rather then just simply over watering.

Why has my parsley turned yellow? ›

Crown or root rot– Yet another possibility for your parsley plant going yellow may be crown rot and root rot. Crown and root rot affect the entire plant, eventually resulting in its demise and is caused by bacteria and fungi in the soil media.

How do I save my dying parsley? ›

Fill a large bowl with ice and cold water. Remove any bruised or blackened leaves, and then submerge the wilted herbs, stems and all, into the ice bath. The cold water will shock the herbs back to life. Depending on the herb and just how wilted it is, this could take as little as 15 minutes to as long as an hour.

Can leaves recover from turning yellow? ›

When the leaf loses its chlorophyll, the plant abandons it and begins to absorb leftover nutrients from the leaf. That's why once the leaf turns yellow, you generally can't make it turn back green again. (Although in cases of nutrient deficiencies, sometimes yellow leaf color can green back up again with treatment.)

Should parsley be in direct sunlight? ›

As with most herbs, parsley does best in a sunny area that receives direct light for six to eight hours a day. It can tolerate some light shade. Sow seeds directly in the ground where you will grow the plants, after danger of spring frosts has passed.

Does parsley need lots of water? ›

Once a plant reaches full size, parsley needs 1 to 2 inches of rain or supplemental water per week to continue growing well. Water is the crucial element for keeping parsley happy. If you let the soil go too dry, the plant withers and dies. But don't go overboard with the water or the roots will rot.

How do you maintain a parsley plant? ›

These leafy herbs enjoy consistent moisture, so check soil regularly and water when the top inch becomes dry. Promote prolific leaf production by regularly feeding with a water-soluble plant food. Harvest parsley stems by cutting them at the base once they're large enough to use.

How often should you water a parsley plant? ›

Parsley. Parsley that is grown outdoors requires a thorough watering once or twice each week. The soil should be damp to a depth of around two inches. Allow the soil to mostly dry before you water in abundance again.

Will parsley come back after cutting? ›

Yes, parsley will regrow after cutting. In fact, the more you cut the stems, the fuller the plant will get, and the larger your harvest will be.

How do you stop yellowing leaves? ›

Houseplant Help: How to Save a Plant Whose Leaves are Turning...
  1. Step 1: Check for “Moisture Stress” ...
  2. Step 2: Look for Unwelcome Critters. ...
  3. Step 3: Let Them Soak Up the Sun. ...
  4. Step 4: Protect Them from Cold Drafts. ...
  5. Step 5: Make Sure They're Well-Fed.
1 Nov 2019

How do you make yellow leaves better? ›

Too Little Moisture

Generally, however, plants are better at handling a lack of water than an abundance of it. Key indicators: Yellow leaves, parched soil, and lack of growth. Leaves might also feel dry and brittle to the touch and look droopy. Remedy: Good old H2O will fix the problem.

What is lacking when leaves turn yellow? ›

The most common nutrient problem associated with chlorosis is lack of iron, but yellowing may also be caused by manganese, zinc, or nitrogen deficiencies.

What should I feed my parsley plant? ›

Soil: enrich the soil with compost and aged manure. Position: full sun to part shade. Feeding: apply seaweed solution or an organic liquid fertiliser regularly. Watering: regular watering required, especially during hot, dry weather.

How do you make parsley grow bigger? ›

Just as with other herbs, parsley likes to be snipped, which encourages additional growth. Bunch the stems and leaves together and snip them off at ground level with kitchen shears. You can also just take a sprig or two starting with the outside stalks first. Be sure to cut at ground level though.

Can you use natural fertilizer for parsley? ›

It requires medium levels of nitrogen and potassium, with just a little phosphorus. Note: Do not fertilise parsley with fresh manure which contains high levels of nitrogen and phosphorus and is too harsh for the sensitive herb.

How can you tell if parsley is overwatered? ›

  1. Leaves become yellow and fall.
  2. Leaves become dark or black in color.
  3. A fuzzy mildew substance is seen on the herb.
  4. Signs of edema* appear on the leaves.
  5. The herb is not growing.
  6. The herb does not appear to perk up when watered.
  7. The stems and roots soften or break easily.
22 Apr 2022

Is parsley water good for kidneys? ›

The anti-inflammatory properties of parsley, along with its ability to regulate urinary pH and reduce blood pressure, may help keep your kidneys healthy and lower your risk of kidney stones ( 25 ).

How do you trim a parsley plant without killing it? ›

How do you harvest parsley without killing the plant? Simple—just take what you need each time you harvest. Don't cut the plant all the way back, and don't pull the plant—just snip off a stem or two or three, and your plant will keep producing parsley all season long.

How long will a parsley plant live? ›

Parsley plants are biennial which means that they live for two years and at the end of the second growing season will flower and produce seeds. When growing parsley for seed production, remove every imperfect or weak plant so that only the healthiest plants can fertilize each other.

Does parsley need a lot of room to grow? ›

Parsley doesn't need much room to grow, however it will get much bushier if you give it plenty of space. So space your seeds or seedlings about 6-8 inches apart when you plant them into the garden.

What season is best for parsley? ›

  • Sow outdoors from early spring to early summer into well-drained soil in sun or partial shade. ...
  • Keep plants well watered, especially during hot, dry spells in summer. ...
  • If you don't have the time or space to grow your own plants from seed, you can buy potted plants in garden centres and supermarkets.

Does parsley need mulch or fertilizer? ›

In gardens every second day should suffice. Mulch to keep soil moist. A leafy green, parsley enjoys regular applications of a seaweed solution and organic liquid fertiliser. Apply a complete granular fertiliser in spring and autumn.

How do I make my parsley more bushy? ›

Harvesting your parsley plant frequently will encourage fresh growth, resulting in bushier plants. Use clean herb scissors to snip the stems. Always be sure to trim from the outsides of the plant, so new shoots can grow up the middle.

How long does it take for parsley to grow back? ›

Parsley is actually a biennial. This less common classification means that the plant only comes back after two gardening seasons — just enough time to produce leaves, go to seed, and develop a substantial taproot.

How do you cut and regrow parsley? ›

You can also take cuttings from a friend or neighbour's parsley. Cut a 7cm (2.7 inch) snippet with a few leaves on top and place immediately in a vase of water. Place on a windowsill and in a few weeks the cutting will form a white network of roots. Transfer into soil as soon as you can and grow on.

How often do parsley need to be watered? ›

Parsley that is grown outdoors requires a thorough watering once or twice each week. The soil should be damp to a depth of around two inches. Allow the soil to mostly dry before you water in abundance again. Keep the water around the base of the plants and try to keep the leaves as dry as possible.

Should I remove yellowed leaves? ›

You should cut yellow leaves off the plant only when the entire leaf has turned yellow. This could be because of aging, pests, diseases, insufficient water, poor sunlight, or nutrient deficiency. Cutting off these leaves signals to the plant to send its nutrients to the green and healthy leaves.

Can you over water parsley? ›

Parsley really love water and do not like to dry up! It might even be hard to overwater it, but still, even a water-loving plant can get overwatered. Always feel the soil before watering - it should feel damp but not wet.

Does parsley need a lot of water to grow? ›

Once a plant reaches full size, parsley needs 1 to 2 inches of rain or supplemental water per week to continue growing well. Water is the crucial element for keeping parsley happy. If you let the soil go too dry, the plant withers and dies. But don't go overboard with the water or the roots will rot.

Can an overwatered leaf recover? ›

Overwatered plants can sometimes recover on their own, but it depends on the plant and the extent of the overwatering. If the roots have rotted, the plant will likely not recover. However, if the overwatering has only caused the leaves to wilt, the plant may be able to bounce back.

Can I save my overwatered plant? ›

The first step in saving your overwatered plants is to determine how badly they have been affected. If your plants are showing some yellowing but have not yet started to wilt, you can save them by beginning to water them properly. If wilting has started to occur, you will need to work harder in order to save them.

How do you fix yellow leaves from overwatering? ›

Yellow Leaves + Fading to Green + or Bright Yellow =

These symptoms together mean that your plant is overwatered. Usually lower leaves drop first, although the whole plant may be affected. The solution = repot (to remove soaked soil) and water less, or let soil dry out and water less.

What nutrient deficiency causes yellow leaves? ›

Sulphur. Sulphur is a component in the formation of chlorophyll. Deficiencies result in yellow leaves and stunted growth.

How do you dry parsley and keep it green? ›

Air-drying: Loosely tie parsley into small bundles using twine or rubber bands. Make sure that the parsley isn't too tightly packed, so that the leafier portions can fan out while drying. Place the bundles in brown paper bags and poke a few holes in the bags to allow air to circulate. Store in a cool, dry place.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.