Why Is My Potted Parsley Turning Yellow? (And How To Fix It) (2024)

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Parley is one of the fun herbs to grow as a potted plant in yourherb garden. But it can be finicky sometimes and you will see some yellowing leaves.

Your potted parsley is turning yellow because you are overwatering the plant. The excess water is drowning the roots and they are unable to provide nutrients and oxygen to the leaves. The solution is to cut the damaged roots and reduce watering to allow the parsley to recover.

Several other reasons can cause your potted parsley to turn yellow as well. I’ve listed them down and the steps you can take to solve the issue.


The parsley plant is turning yellow because you areoverwateringit. The soil should be moist but not wet and if the pot feels heavy, that means there’s too much water in your container or tray.

The excess water will cause the roots to drown leading to fungal problems like root rot. This will kill the roots and they will turn brown or black in color. They will even start smelling due to the fungal rot.

If you find that the leaves are turning yellow even though the soil is moist, it’s probably caused due to overwatering.

You need to dig the parsley plant out of the potting soil and check the roots. If all of the roots have turned black or brown, the plant cannot be saved. If some of the roots are white and healthy, you can still save the plant.

Trim the affected roots using abypass pruner. Make sure to sterilize it using rubbing alcohol. Throw away the potting soil and clean the pot. You can soak it in a mixture of 1 part bleach and 9 parts water to sterilize it.

After an hour, you can take the pot and rinse it with clean water. Let it dry and now you can add a fresh batch of potting soil to it. Make a hole in the potting soil, place the parsley plant roots in it and cover them up with more soil.

Trim any unwanted leaves and branches from the plant using a sterilized bypass pruner. Now give the potting soil good watering till the water runs out from the drainage holes at the bottom.

Whenever you will water the parsley plant, make sure the potting soil is dry. Stick your finger 1-2 inches in the soil to check for moisture. If the tip of your finger feels dry, it’s time to give good watering to the plant.


If you don’t give sufficient water to the parsley plant the leaves will start turning yellow. The leaves will appear different than with overwatering as they will be dry rather than feeling moist.

This problem usually happens because you don’t know when to water orhow much to water the plant. Or you may be forgetting to water the plant.

I suggest you check on your parsley plant every morning to see if it needs watering. Stick your finger 1-2 inches in the potting soil and check for moisture.

If the tip of your finger feels dry you will need to water the plant. Give it good watering till the water drains out from the drainage holes at the bottom.

If you are unable to water your plants every day consider using aself-watering container. If you have several potted plants, you can also set up a drip irrigation system with a timer. It will water the parsley plant at the right time with the required amount of moisture.

Lack of sunlight

Why Is My Potted Parsley Turning Yellow? (And How To Fix It) (1)

The parsley plant requires full sun which means at least 6-8 hours of sunlight every day. If the potted parsley does not get the required sunlight, the leaves will start turning yellowish in color.

This is because parsley plants require high levels of light for photosynthesis and they will produce the chlorophyll required based on the received amount of light.

The solution is to place the potted parsley in a location that will get the required sunlight. If this is outdoors, make sure there is no shade caused by an obstruction such as a wall, fence, or tall plant.

If the potted parsley is grown indoors, make sure to grow it near a window that gets plenty of sunlight. Or you will need to provide some artificial lighting that the plant can use.

Lack of nutrients

The parsley plant has long tap roots that help it extract nutrients deep from the soil. But if you’re growing parsley in a pot, they don’t have that option. You need to provide the required nutrients to the plant.

If the potted parsley does not get the required nutrients, it will start turning yellow as a result. It’s best to add some compost to the potting soil when preparing it.

You can also add some slow-release fertilizer that is rich in nitrogen and will encourage foliage growth on the potted parsley.

Once the parsley has started growing, you can add a little compost or slow-release fertilizer once every month to give it a boost of nutrients. You can also useliquid fertilizerinstead but you will need to spray it every couple of weeks because it is absorbed faster by the plant.

Too much fertilizer

If you add too much fertilizer, the nitrogen can burn the roots of the parsley plant. This will cause stress and lack of nutrients in the plant causing yellowing leaves.

You should follow the manufacturer’s instructions on the amount of fertilizer to use and how often

I recommend using organic fertilizer for your potted parsley plant. Because they are absorbed slowly and have less of a chance of burning the roots even if you added a little excess.

Why Is My Potted Parsley Turning Yellow? (And How To Fix It) (2)

Too much heat

The parsley is a cool-season plant that grows best in early spring or late fall when the temperature is between 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

The best time to start growing potted parsley is after the last frost date has passed. You can start growing the potted parsley earlier if you start seeds indoors.

If the temperature goes higher than 80 degrees, the parsley will be stressed and bolt. The leaves will start turning yellow as a result because the plant will start focusing on growing seeds.

It’s best to grow parsley in the right season to avoid this problem with high temperatures. If the temperature rises for a few days, you could bring the potted parsley to a shaded location away from direct sunlight.

You could also move it indoors where the environment is much cooler so the plant does not get stressed. You could cover the potted parsley plant with a row cover that would shade it from intense sunlight.

Pests and diseases

Your potted parsley plant leaves may turn yellow when attacked by pests such asaphidsand spider mites. These bugs will suck the plant sap and cause it to lose nutrients.

Why Is My Potted Parsley Turning Yellow? (And How To Fix It) (3)

You should check on your parsley plant every morning to insect signs of such pests. It’s easy to get rid of them by a spray of water to dislodge them to the soil.

You may also have a problem with diseases which can be caused by too much water or not enough sunlight. The humid conditions will cause fungal diseases to attack the parsley plant.One such disease is Botrytis that will cause the leaves to turn yellow.

It’s best to prevent this problem by avoiding humid conditions near your potted parsley plant. Avoid splashing water on the foliage when you are watering the plant. Only water the base of the potting soil.

Make sure there is good airflow through the foliage of the potted parsley. If the foliage is too dense, it can cause a humid condition. So cut off some leaves and branches. Avoid growing too many parsley plants in a single pot too close to each other.

Poor potting soil

Your parsley plant will start turning yellow because the potting soil is not good. You may have used garden soil that may contain a lot of clay, weeds, and chemicals.

Such garden soil is heavy causing compaction and prevent moisture and air from reaching the plant’s roots.

I suggestusing sterile potting soilthat is prepared especially for growing potted plants. This will contain the right texture to allow retaining moisture but draining out the excess.

This potting soil will not compact and provide sufficient airflow for the potted parsley plant’s roots.

Here are some of my favorite container gardening tools

Thank you for reading this post. I hope it helps you with your gardening needs. I’ve listed some tools below that can help you with container gardening. These are affiliate links so I’ll earn a commission if you use them.

Gardening Gloves – I find the Pine Tree Tools Bamboo Gardening Gloves really good for both men and women. It’s made from bamboo so helps absorb perspiration. They are also comfortable and fit very well.

Containers – You know picking the right container is crucial for your container gardening. I’ve written a detailed post on the best containers you can choose from. If you’re happy with a plastic container, you can check out the Bloem Saturn Planter.

Watering Can – This is a must-have tool when you’re growing plants in pots or grow bags. It helps to water the potting soil without splashing on the foliage. The Kensington Watering Can is stylish, strong, and can provide precision when watering potted plants.

TrowelGarden Guru Trowel is my favorite because it’s durable and comfortable to use. My gardening friends really love having a trowel because they use it for digging soil, mixing fertilizer, moving seeds, leveling out the soil, mixing compost or mulch, and also dividing tubers

Bypass Pruner – I really like the Corona Bypass Pruner because it’s durable and gives a clean cut that helps plants recover faster. If you’re looking for something cheap, get the Fiskars Bypass Pruner that is really good as well.

To see an extensive list of the best container gardening tools gardeners recommend, check out this resource that I made for you.

Why Is My Potted Parsley Turning Yellow? (And How To Fix It) (2024)


How do you revive yellow parsley? ›

The first thing to do if your parsley is yellow is to scale back the watering. Parsley requires evenly moist soil but the roots do not like to be sat in stagnant water. However, the underlying cause of yellow leaves is more likely slow draining soils or pots without good drainage rather then just simply over watering.

Why did my parsley turn yellow? ›

Lack of sun exposure

This is the number one cause why parsley leaves turn yellow. The plant is largely grown indoors, and if you do not give it enough sunlight, it will suffer from its lack. To discover more about this problem, place your parsley outdoors under a bright summer sun for a day or two.

Does potted parsley grow back? ›

Perennials are plants that grow back each year, and annuals are plants that die after one season. Parsley is actually a biennial. This less common classification means that the plant only comes back after two gardening seasons — just enough time to produce leaves, go to seed, and develop a substantial taproot.

What does Overwatered parsley look like? ›

In general, if your plants are wilting and the soil is wet, you are probably overwatering. Keep an eye on your herb garden and pay attention to the plants to look for any of these signs: Leaves become yellow and fall. Leaves become dark or black in color.

Can you make a yellow leaf green again? ›

Generally when a houseplant leaf turns yellow, that leaf is dying. Chlorophyll gives a leaf its green color. When the leaf loses its chlorophyll, the plant abandons it and begins to absorb leftover nutrients from the leaf. That's why once the leaf turns yellow, you generally can't make it turn back green again.

How do you care for a potted parsley plant? ›

Place containers in a full to partial sun location, with light afternoon shade in hot regions. Keep the soil moist but not wet and water deeply when the top inch of soil is dry to the touch. Feed container plants monthly with a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10 NPK.

Can you fix a yellow leaf? ›

Key indicators: Yellow leaves, parched soil, and lack of growth. Leaves might also feel dry and brittle to the touch and look droopy. Remedy: Good old H2O will fix the problem. Prevent it in the future with consistent watering; add a layer of mulch around outdoor plants in dry areas.

What fertilizer is good for parsley? ›

Parsley grows best in well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Fertilize plants in garden beds once or twice during the growing season, using a 5-10-5 commercial fertilizer at a rate of three ounces per 10 feet of row.

How often do parsley need to be watered? ›

Parsley that is grown outdoors requires a thorough watering once or twice each week. The soil should be damp to a depth of around two inches. Allow the soil to mostly dry before you water in abundance again. Keep the water around the base of the plants and try to keep the leaves as dry as possible.

Why is my potted parsley dying? ›

Dying parsley could be caused by inadequate sunlight and water, lack of fertilization, or using the wrong type of container.

How do I save my parsley plant? ›

If your potted parsley is consistently wilting despite frequent watering then transplant the parsley to a larger pot with lots of compost to help retain moisture. With frequent watering and some protection from the intense heat of midday sun the parsley should perk up again after a few days.

How long will potted parsley last? ›

If you have ever bought a live pot of herbs from the supermarket, you will have found that you must use all the herbs in a short period, as they often do not last very long sitting on the shelf in your kitchen. There are several reasons for this: Such herbs are not intended to last more than 1-2 weeks.

Can an overwatered plant fix itself? ›

There is never a guarantee that your plant can bounce back from overwatering. If your plant is going to survive, you will see results within a week or so. At this point, you can move your plant back to its original location and resume watering it as normal.

Can plants recover from being overwatered? ›

How Long for Plants to Recover from Overwatering? Depending on the circ*mstances and severity of over-watering your roots may need more time for recovery than others! The good news is that most plants will bounce back between 7-14 days if they're given proper care (which includes rehydration).

What deficiency causes yellowing of leaves? ›

When we say “chlorosis,” we're generally talking about iron deficiency, a nutrient deficiency that causes leaves to yellow in a particular way. Iron chlorosis is “interveinal,” meaning the yellowing occurs in leaf tissue between the leaf's veins.

Should I cut yellow leaves off? ›

Pulling Away Yellow or Brown Leaves

Trimming or plucking away yellowing or dead leaves is an easy way to help prevent any unwelcome plant pests from settling onto your plant, which are attracted to decaying or dead leaves more than healthy ones, and they are more likely to appear on a struggling plant.

What to do if leaves are yellowing? ›

If you have a plant that has yellow leaves, check the soil in the pot to see if the soil is dry. If you believe that the problem is due to under watering, water the plant more often and consider letting the pot sit on a dish to recollect any water that has overflowed, so that the roots can absorb the extra water.

Should parsley be in sun or shade? ›

Space parsley plants 6 to 8 inches apart in an area with full sun and nutrient-rich, well-drained soil with a pH of 5.5 to 6.7. Offer partial shade if growing in warm climates.

Do parsley plants like full sun? ›

Position depends on the variety of parsley you choose to grow – flat leaved 'Italian' parsley loves a hot spot in full sun, whereas the 'Curly' parsley will do best in a part sun position, where it receives about four hours of sun a day.

Should I cut back my parsley plant? ›

Trimming parsley increases the yield of the plant. If it is not occasionally thinned, it loses vigor. Cutting it back will also prevent it from taking over and choking out other plants or herbs. Also, parsley flowers should be routinely cut back or pinched.

How do I get my plants green again? ›

Dilute one teaspoon of Epsom Salts in a litre of water and you can spray that over foliage once a month during summer." "If you put those two treatments together, you're plants will be greener than green and they'll be super efficient at capturing that sunlight and converting it into growth!" Jerry ends.

Do yellow leaves mean too much water? ›

Most of the time, if your plant's leaves turn yellow, it's a sign that you're either underwatering or overwatering it. Plants need water to survive, and if they're not getting enough of it, they'll drop leaves in order to conserve their supply.

Do yellow leaves mean overwatering? ›


Watering issues are generally the most common cause of yellowing leaves. When your plants are overwatered, the performance and vigor decrease. Oxygen is being pushed out of the soil, and the roots are simply “under aired” and suffocating.

Are coffee grounds good for parsley plants? ›

ANSWER: To put it bluntly, no—coffee grounds are not good for herbs, and they should be used with care around the plants that do benefit from them.

Is Miracle Grow good for parsley? ›

Miracle-Gro Gardening All-Purpose Soil is the BEST ground soil for its price. Not only will it feed your plants for up to 3 months, but it's the perfect way to replenish soil to help improve parsley, annual plants, and even perennials.

Do parsley need lots of water? ›

How to care for parsley. Parsley needs plenty of water, particularly during dry weather, and benefits from the occasional feed of general seaweed fertiliser to boost leafy growth. Cut back any yellowing foliage. A biennial plant, flowers will be produced in the second year, if plants are not regularly cut back.

How do you water potted parsley? ›

Water parsley deeply whenever the top of the soil feels dry, then let the excess water run through the drainage hole. Never allow the container to stand in water, as doing so may cause the plant to rot. Allow the soil to dry slightly before you water again, but don't let the soil become bone dry.

How do you revive wilted potted herbs? ›

To revive dying herbs, cut back and diseased roots back to healthy growth with a sterile pair of pruners. Wipe the blades with disinfectant after every cut to prevent spreading fungal pathogens and replant the herb in a new pot with new soil and locate the plant in partial sun whilst it recovers.

Can you grow parsley indoors all year round? ›

No matter the variety you choose, parsley grows the same way. You can grow all three types in containers indoors, any time of the year. But, you'll have to control and maintain the temperature because these herbs don't like extreme cold or hot environments.

Does parsley need fertilizer? ›

Parsley is a heavy feeder. Apply one application of dry organic fertilizer in the spring and monthly foliar feedings to ensure healthy growth.

How do you maintain potted herbs? ›

Most herbs need a warmth in order to grow. Keep them in rooms that are at least 65-75°F during the day, and no less than 55-60°F at night. Even though many herbs can survive at lower temperatures, they are unlikely to produce much growth under those conditions.

What are signs of root rot? ›

Signs of root rot are slow growth, mushy stems, and wilting, yellow, distorted leaves (especially when the plant has been well watered, as wilting leaves can also be a sign of a dry plant). Usually the soil will smell rotten and the roots will appear to be reddish brown.

What do Overwatered leaves look like? ›

If a plant is overwatered, it will likely develop yellow or brown limp, droopy leaves as opposed to dry, crispy leaves (which are a sign of too little water). Wilting leaves combined with wet soil usually mean that root rot has set in and the roots can no longer absorb water.

How long does it take a plant to recover? ›

Underwatered plants will need time to recover. In most cases, this is between three and four weeks. After this time, you should start to see the growth of new leaves and stems where the old ones withered and died.

How do you tell if you are over watering or under watering? ›

When plants have too little water, leaves turn brown and wilt. This also occurs when plants have too much water. The biggest difference between the two is that too little water will result in your plant's leaves feeling dry and crispy to the touch while too much water results in soft and limp leaves.

Should you repot an overwatered plant? ›

You may need to repot your plant in order to solve your waterlogged plant soil issue. First, remove as much of the waterlogged soil as possible from the roots of your plant. Then remove or cut off any roots that are brown or mushy. Be sure to use sterilized pruners or scissors in order to avoid the spread of disease.

Can you fix root rot? ›

Once root rot is identified, you must determine if the plant can be saved. If the entire root system has already become mushy, it is too late to save the plant. However, if some healthy, white, firm roots exist, try to bring the plant back to good health by replanting in fresh soil with good drainage.

How do you dry soil quickly? ›

To dry out soil quickly, you can apply hydrated lime to the soil, add compost and then turn the soil thoroughly to aerate it. Adding hydrated lime and compost will help absorb the water in your soil, and turning it all will help distribute the water in the waterlogged soil throughout your garden.

Will root rot go away by itself? ›

Root rot cannot be reversed. Treating root rot involves removing any roots/foliage that are rotting and repotting the plant in fresh soil in an effort to give the remaining healthy roots a new start.

Can you use yellow parsley leaves? ›

More rarely and rather late in the summer, old leaves can turn completely pale yellow due to a lack of nitrogen. The yellow leaves of parsley are of course still edible. If, on the other hand, the parsley turns red, this is a sign of stress, such as waterlogging, nematodes or carrot fly infestation.

How do you dry parsley without turning it yellow? ›

Place the bundles in brown paper bags and poke a few holes in the bags to allow air to circulate. Store in a cool, dry place. Alternatively, hang the parsley bundles upside-down in the kitchen, without the paper bags.

What is the best fertilizer for parsley? ›

Parsley grows best in well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Fertilize plants in garden beds once or twice during the growing season, using a 5-10-5 commercial fertilizer at a rate of three ounces per 10 feet of row.

Should parsley be watered daily? ›

Parsley. Parsley that is grown outdoors requires a thorough watering once or twice each week. The soil should be damp to a depth of around two inches. Allow the soil to mostly dry before you water in abundance again.

Why are my potted herbs turning yellow? ›

Yellowing leaves can be a sign of both underwatering and overwatering. Most indoor herbs only require watering once a week, with the roots staying moist but not soggy. To test how your soil is retaining water, wait a few days after watering and press your finger an inch below the surface of the soil.

What is a plant lacking if it turns yellow? ›

Nitrogen deficiency shows up as a general yellowing. Older, inner leaves turn yellow first. As it progresses, yellowing moves outward, eventually reaching young leaves, too. Potassium deficiency shows itself when leaf edges turn bright yellow, but the inner leaf stays green.

Should I cut off the yellow leaves? ›

Pulling Away Yellow or Brown Leaves

Trimming or plucking away yellowing or dead leaves is an easy way to help prevent any unwelcome plant pests from settling onto your plant, which are attracted to decaying or dead leaves more than healthy ones, and they are more likely to appear on a struggling plant.

How do you save parsley? ›

3 Ways to Store Parsley
  1. Refrigerate: Trim the parsley stems, place them in a glass jar or container of water, and store in the refrigerator. Rinse and dry the parsley before use.
  2. Dry: Pick the leaves off the herbs and arrange them on a paper towel-covered plate. ...
  3. Freeze: Cut up the herbs and place them in ice cube trays.
8 Dec 2021

Can you over water parsley? ›

Parsley really love water and do not like to dry up! It might even be hard to overwater it, but still, even a water-loving plant can get overwatered. Always feel the soil before watering - it should feel damp but not wet.

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.