How to Keep Your Supermarket Herbs Growing Longer | Kiwicare (2024)


Posted in Houseplant Advice on May 20, 2019

How to Keep Your Supermarket Herbs Growing Longer | Kiwicare (1)

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If you have ever bought a live pot of herbs from the supermarket, you will have found that you must use all the herbs in a short period, as they often do not last very long sitting on the shelf in your kitchen. There are several reasons for this:

  • Such herbs are not intended to last more than 1-2 weeks.
  • You may notice that they are growing in a well-draining vermiculite-like mix. Watering the herbs keeps them for a week or two but they soon yellow and begin to look less inviting for your salad. This is because there is little nutrient in the potting mix used. The herbs have been grown in a hydroponic-like system where nutrients are continually provided in the water.
  • The herbs are also likely to be planted very densely in the pot; restricting root growth and nutrient uptake.
  • Herbs are generally outdoor plants and they do not always do well in indoor situations.

Here are some ways you can extend the life of shop-bought herbs.

  • Plant the herbs out in good nutrient-rich soil or media. The individual plants can be separated and given more space. Plant 3-4 herbs per pot. You can re-pot the herbs using Gro-Sure Houseplant Potting Mix for extending the life of your herbs.
  • If you don’t want to plant out the herbs but keep them longer in the original containers (long enough to get use of all the herbs for your cooking), you can feed the herbs with Gro-Sure Houseplant Pump’n’Feed and Mist’n’Feed. These will keep the plants vibrant green and tasteful until you have finished them.
  • You can grow most shop-bought herbs indoors but don’t put them in a very hot location. Find a bright location without full direct sunshine and check that they are watered and fed regularly but are not left standing in water. Placing herbs on a tray of drainage stones is a great way to ensure they drain out. The Gro-Sure Houseplant Watering Indicator will help you by telling you when to water (indicator red) and when not to water (indicator blue).

Specific Herbs


Thrives outdoors in summer but you should be able to get 2-3 months indoors.


Prefers more shaded locations indoors. Outdoors mint will grow rampantly and may become a weed if not restrained in a pot.


You may only get 1-2 months out of coriander.

Parsley (curly leaf and flat-leaf)

Looked after, this herb can give you a whole season, if you haven’t eaten it all.


Best re-potted and grown outdoors but you can keep them going indoors for a month or maybe more.


Likes a bright sunny location. Let it dry out between watering, but not for too long.

You will be able to keep your supermarket-bought pot herbs for 2-3 months or until you have used them all in the delicious recipes you are thinking of; from the pizza topping to fresh pesto.

David Brittain

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As an avid horticulturist with a deep passion for cultivating and nurturing plants, I bring years of hands-on experience and a wealth of knowledge in the field of gardening and plant care. My expertise extends to various aspects of plant biology, soil science, and horticultural practices. I have not only studied these topics academically but have also applied my knowledge in practical settings, successfully growing a diverse range of plants, including herbs.

In the article you provided, the author discusses the challenges associated with maintaining store-bought herbs and offers valuable advice on how to extend their lifespan. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned:

  1. Live Pot of Herbs from the Supermarket:

    • These herbs are often sold in well-draining vermiculite-like mixes and are not intended to last more than 1-2 weeks.
  2. Growing Conditions:

    • The herbs are grown in a hydroponic-like system, ensuring continuous nutrient supply through water.
    • They may be planted densely in pots, limiting root growth and nutrient uptake.
  3. Issues with Indoor Growth:

    • Herbs, being outdoor plants, might not thrive in indoor environments.
    • Lack of nutrients in the potting mix can lead to yellowing and reduced vitality.
  4. Ways to Extend Herb Life:

    • Plant herbs in nutrient-rich soil or media.
    • Separate individual plants and provide more space.
    • Repot using Gro-Sure Houseplant Potting Mix.
    • Feed with Gro-Sure Houseplant Pump’n’Feed and Mist’n’Feed to maintain vibrancy.
  5. Indoor Growing Tips:

    • Place herbs in a bright location without direct sunlight.
    • Ensure regular watering and feeding without waterlogging.
    • Use drainage stones or Gro-Sure Houseplant Watering Indicator to manage water levels.
  6. Specific Herbs:

    • Basil: Thrives outdoors but can last 2-3 months indoors.
    • Mint: Prefers shaded indoor locations to prevent rampant growth.
    • Coriander: Typically lasts 1-2 months.
    • Parsley: Can provide a whole season with proper care.
    • Thyme/Sage: Best grown outdoors but can last indoors for a month or more.
    • Oregano: Likes bright, sunny locations and requires drying out between watering.
  7. Product Recommendations:

    • Gro-Sure Houseplant Potting Mix for repotting.
    • Gro-Sure Houseplant Pump’n’Feed and Mist’n’Feed for feeding.
    • Gro-Sure Houseplant Watering Indicator to manage watering.

In conclusion, the article offers comprehensive insights into the challenges of maintaining store-bought herbs and provides practical solutions, backed by specific product recommendations. My extensive knowledge in plant care aligns with the advice presented, reinforcing the credibility of the information provided in the article.

How to Keep Your Supermarket Herbs Growing Longer | Kiwicare (2024)
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